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So you are a bleeding heart in your homeland, you've moved to Thailand & now you want to change it


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May I congratulate neverdie for his sober, neutral, well worded, broad minded, non argumentative, non baiting non aggressive opening post?

Always sober.



I don't drink you tool, so whistle your heart out. Geeze you have a short memory.

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May I congratulate neverdie for his sober, neutral, well worded, broad minded, non argumentative, non baiting non aggressive opening post?

I see nothing wrong in a non sober, non neutral, well worded, non broad minded, argumentative, baiting aggressive opening post?

U carry on NDthumbsup.gif

People here always assume im a drinker because I'm a bit erratic at times but im erratic because im unstable......I never drink....I hate alcohol.

The smell of the shitt makes me feel ill. I hate talking to drunks.....if your drunk and your talkin to me I'm going to smack you down.

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I want to change neverdie's avatar- it's so annoying- worse than the mosquitoes, motorbike taxis driving the wrong way up the street, it's on a par with a tuk tuk driver at 5.00 am parked outside your house constantly revving his engine to clear some blockage.

Why are people so unkind

Jealousy is a terrible thing ND they want to live eternally like your good selflaugh.png

I'm one of a kind.

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Sometimes it needs a little kick to change direction.

Guess Thailand's on the verge towards a welfare state, and they can learn from the mistakes others made before.

Changes don't come out so linear sometimes, development in different speeds is actually quite normal.

Thailand is lucky insofar as it is considered to be a paradise for many expats, and why shouldn't they help the people that treated them as guests?

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driver aware, fully licenced

It is 5 am.

Some of us are up early, and drinking coffee.

Some of us are up late, and drinking.

Always up early.....best time of the day. Sit outside, over the water...the billy is on....the birds are stirring and my fingers tap tap tapping away on the telephone......meanwhile the moderators sleep....except Roo who must have shatt the bed this morning ?

I doubt many know what you mean when you say "the billy is on" but, for me, I like a nice cuppa overlooking a beach that is not full off plastic bags, sun beds and ambrellas. It is pretty good looking out over the great Southern Ocean early in the morning with a cuppa in your hand, no food stalls, and an open road full of motor-bike aware, fully licenced and insured road users sharing the road with you.

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Sometimes it needs a little kick to change direction.

Guess Thailand's on the verge towards a welfare state, and they can learn from the mistakes others made before.

Changes don't come out so linear sometimes, development in different speeds is actually quite normal.

Thailand is lucky insofar as it is considered to be a paradise for many expats, and why shouldn't they help the people that treated them as guests?

They are definitely not helping when they try to push Thailand into becoming a socialist nanny welfare state.

Most people are still blind to the mistakes made before in the West...

Edited by manarak
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driver aware, fully licenced

It is 5 am.

Some of us are up early, and drinking coffee.

Some of us are up late, and drinking.

Always up early.....best time of the day. Sit outside, over the water...the billy is on....the birds are stirring and my fingers tap tap tapping away on the telephone......meanwhile the moderators sleep....except Roo who must have shatt the bed this morning ?

I doubt many know what you mean when you say "the billy is on" but, for me, I like a nice cuppa overlooking a beach that is not full off plastic bags, sun beds and ambrellas. It is pretty good looking out over the great Southern Ocean early in the morning with a cuppa in your hand, no food stalls, and an open road full of motor-bike aware, fully licenced and insured road users sharing the road with you.

You are not wrong......actually sitting in the early morning camped over the great Australia bite looking if the sheer cliff face down below gentle breeze blowing, sun rising on your left, sets on your right.....the distant rumble of a road train thundering along the Nullarbor plain....... A couple of Roos bounce past and in the distance a lone freighter chugs towards Perth........ Distracted momenterily the crust on the toast catches alight and burns a bit.......yummo a bit of marmalade and then it's off to take a dump behind a tree.....it's a bushies life .

Beats sitting on the bkk ring road in

Peak hour lol

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I came to Thailand in 1993 and visited each year until 2013 when I retired here full-time.

I am not in charge of anyone.

I don't push my personal views on anyone.

I don't care what people do, say, wear or what they look like.

I give everyone their space and often defer to them on the sidewalk or doorways.

I walk most places and try not to wear a frown.

Things will change in good time and not by anything I do.

I go to bed when I want and get up the same way.

My day is often spent helping new arrivals get settled in or helping older expats that need assistance.

Life is for living and a bar stool isn't in my inventory.

I am blessed with good health, financial stability and mental awareness.

I share what I have, when I can.


Live and Let Live.

Sorry, to be frank you sound like a bit of a doormat, and i say that with no offence.

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I moved to SE Asia to get away from my homeland,,,,,, unfortunately more and more of my homelanders are moving here ! Maybe time for another destination, one that's not on the map.........

Take up sailing. Buy a sailboat and go cruising, if something pisses you off, up anchor and move on and have the luxury of picking your own friends. As Admiral George Anson (RN) famously quoted " my most satisfying moment is heaving anchor and begone of all those crooks and c###nts you only find on the shore"

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I moved to SE Asia to get away from my homeland,,,,,, unfortunately more and more of my homelanders are moving here ! Maybe time for another destination, one that's not on the map.........

Take up sailing. Buy a sailboat and go cruising, if something pisses you off, up anchor and move on and have the luxury of picking your own friends. As Admiral George Anson (RN) famously quoted " my most satisfying moment is heaving anchor and begone of all those crooks and c###nts you only find on the shore"

Can you have a jelly pool on a yacht ?

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Some people cannot accept conditions as they are right now. I for one as an individual, believe there is always

a better way of doing things. For example Making Chili, Traditional way (cook book) Brown the meat off, brown the onions garlic, add the tomatoes, kidney beans, tomato paste, water, chili powder, simmer. ...... My way, throw all the ingredients in a pot, raw meat, onions chopped, garlic tomatoes,kidney beans chili powder, water, heat it up stir frequently, .........comes out the same, looks the same. Takes less time. In fact, being a cook, Chef, I go out of my way to make a variety of meals using the cook book just as a guide, then I modify it incorporating different ingredients to make it different in looks and taste. But when it comes to Thai cooking,......My wife objects to anything added that isn't with the original recipe. For example banana, coconut milk, sweet rice half cooked wrapped in a banana leaf and stemmed for one hour. I said, hey lets try the same recipe using a ripe mango, with cashews...........She flipped, NO WAY!..........Or a Curry, coconut with white breast of chicken with carrots and Peas.........NO WAY!......... My wife cooks traditional Thai food, No variation of any sorts. Nothing creative in the thinking mind. And I think Thais as a whole are like that. Their thinking is, "Its been like this for a hundred years, why do you want to change it now?" Could it be Thais have become so uses to things done the traditional way, any other way has got to be an error! Like some kind of disrespect to past generations. So, in answering to this forum, I don't really want to change Thailand, but rather modify it, enhance it, use creativity to improve the quality, sort of like that TV show, "East meets West. A combine culture coming out through Thai and American cookery. Look at the young generation of Thais, They are getting taller, heavier, I think western foods such as McDonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken, and restaurants such as "Dukes" are changing the appearance of the Thais. Its happened in Japan, South Korea, and now here. A simple bowl of rice with a dried up piece of fish, just isn't as appealing as it was 40 years ago.

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All I can say is good luck w/ changing the Oriental mindset.

I was just reading a non-fiction history book about a guy's travels in Southern China & Indochina. Only halfway thru it, but here's a quote that reminds me SOOOO MUCH of the RTP....

"The mandarins of lower rank often buy their posts and depend upon what they can make in "squeeze" from the natives of their district for reimbursement and a profit on their investment.

In almost every case which is brought to them for adjustment the decision is withheld until the magistrate has learned which of the parties is prepared to offer the highest price for a settlement in his favor.

The Chinese peasant, accepting this as the established custom, pays the bribe without a murmur if it is not too exorbitant and, in fact, would be exceedingly surprised if "justice" were dispensed in any other way."

Source -

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All I can say is good luck w/ changing the Oriental mindset.

I was just reading a non-fiction history book about a guy's travels in Southern China & Indochina. Only halfway thru it, but here's a quote that reminds me SOOOO MUCH of the RTP....

"The mandarins of lower rank often buy their posts and depend upon what they can make in "squeeze" from the natives of their district for reimbursement and a profit on their investment.

In almost every case which is brought to them for adjustment the decision is withheld until the magistrate has learned which of the parties is prepared to offer the highest price for a settlement in his favor.

The Chinese peasant, accepting this as the established custom, pays the bribe without a murmur if it is not too exorbitant and, in fact, would be exceedingly surprised if "justice" were dispensed in any other way."

Source -






Surely you can easily find similar stories in books about 19th century Europe? BUT EUROPE CHANGED NEVERTHELESS!

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Why not help make the world a better place, starting wherever you are?

Because in Thailand, it goes in one ear & out the other.

Not being facetious either. Been there, done that.

I was hired by a Thai defense contractor to rebuild some Army & Air Force trucks. I was provided with totally inexperienced staff (4 of them).

I went gray-headed & half bald trying to get them to keep their tools organized.

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If you really cant be happy without trying to enforce your will upon others, why not start with that guy in the mirror. When you have him all sorted out, maybe then you can start working on the other seven billion people begging for you knowledge and guidance. Then again I dont feel qualified to tell others how they should be living their lives. The only person I seem to have any control over, is me.

A voice of reason. THANKYOU for sharing your wisdom with us. I suspect it will be lost on some. ;)

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Some people cannot accept conditions as they are right now. I for one as an individual, believe there is always

a better way of doing things. For example Making Chili, Traditional way (cook book) Brown the meat off, brown the onions garlic, add the tomatoes, kidney beans, tomato paste, water, chili powder, simmer. ...... My way, throw all the ingredients in a pot, raw meat, onions chopped, garlic tomatoes,kidney beans chili powder, water, heat it up stir frequently, .........comes out the same, looks the same. Takes less time. In fact, being a cook, Chef, I go out of my way to make a variety of meals using the cook book just as a guide, then I modify it incorporating different ingredients to make it different in looks and taste. But when it comes to Thai cooking,......My wife objects to anything added that isn't with the original recipe. For example banana, coconut milk, sweet rice half cooked wrapped in a banana leaf and stemmed for one hour. I said, hey lets try the same recipe using a ripe mango, with cashews...........She flipped, NO WAY!..........Or a Curry, coconut with white breast of chicken with carrots and Peas.........NO WAY!......... My wife cooks traditional Thai food, No variation of any sorts. Nothing creative in the thinking mind. And I think Thais as a whole are like that. Their thinking is, "Its been like this for a hundred years, why do you want to change it now?" Could it be Thais have become so uses to things done the traditional way, any other way has got to be an error! Like some kind of disrespect to past generations. So, in answering to this forum, I don't really want to change Thailand, but rather modify it, enhance it, use creativity to improve the quality, sort of like that TV show, "East meets West. A combine culture coming out through Thai and American cookery. Look at the young generation of Thais, They are getting taller, heavier, I think western foods such as McDonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken, and restaurants such as "Dukes" are changing the appearance of the Thais. Its happened in Japan, South Korea, and now here. A simple bowl of rice with a dried up piece of fish, just isn't as appealing as it was 40 years ago.

D I,

Please repost with some punctuation and parragraphs ???

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This entry invites another in a long string of miserable, grumpy, nasty, unpleasant comments from typists on this venue who are disgusted with all Thai and all Thailand and at the same time are complaining it is so hard to keep living here.

Thaivisa seems to be kept busy with these kinds of messages. A big percentage of the topics and comments, at least since other comments are banned (for good reason), are of the type that invites or encourages slagging on Thailand.

I suspect that the owners of thaivisa could not keep this venue open if all these despicable comments were taken off prior to running on the site. If that is true, thaivisa is little more that a big bitch session, with a few half-baked information/opinions on important topics thrown in. The opening of a thaivisa bar, then, makes lots of sense because that provides another way for the miserable to get together and agree how miserable life is.

I would be ashamed to run these grumpy comments. I sure wish thaivisa were also.

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If you really cant be happy without trying to enforce your will upon others, why not start with that guy in the mirror. When you have him all sorted out, maybe then you can start working on the other seven billion people begging for you knowledge and guidance. Then again I dont feel qualified to tell others how they should be living their lives. The only person I seem to have any control over, is me.

If you are talking to me.....

I am NOT trying to enforce my will upon others.

I AM telling people to use their own free will, and not to follow those in power.

Perhaps that is a too subtle difference for some posters.

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Some people cannot accept conditions as they are right now. I for one as an individual, believe there is always

a better way of doing things. For example Making Chili, Traditional way (cook book) Brown the meat off, brown the onions garlic, add the tomatoes, kidney beans, tomato paste, water, chili powder, simmer. ...... My way, throw all the ingredients in a pot, raw meat, onions chopped, garlic tomatoes,kidney beans chili powder, water, heat it up stir frequently, .........comes out the same, looks the same. Takes less time. In fact, being a cook, Chef, I go out of my way to make a variety of meals using the cook book just as a guide, then I modify it incorporating different ingredients to make it different in looks and taste. But when it comes to Thai cooking,......My wife objects to anything added that isn't with the original recipe. For example banana, coconut milk, sweet rice half cooked wrapped in a banana leaf and stemmed for one hour. I said, hey lets try the same recipe using a ripe mango, with cashews...........She flipped, NO WAY!..........Or a Curry, coconut with white breast of chicken with carrots and Peas.........NO WAY!......... My wife cooks traditional Thai food, No variation of any sorts. Nothing creative in the thinking mind. And I think Thais as a whole are like that. Their thinking is, "Its been like this for a hundred years, why do you want to change it now?" Could it be Thais have become so uses to things done the traditional way, any other way has got to be an error! Like some kind of disrespect to past generations. So, in answering to this forum, I don't really want to change Thailand, but rather modify it, enhance it, use creativity to improve the quality, sort of like that TV show, "East meets West. A combine culture coming out through Thai and American cookery. Look at the young generation of Thais, They are getting taller, heavier, I think western foods such as McDonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken, and restaurants such as "Dukes" are changing the appearance of the Thais. Its happened in Japan, South Korea, and now here. A simple bowl of rice with a dried up piece of fish, just isn't as appealing as it was 40 years ago.

D I,

Please repost with some punctuation and parragraphs ???

I vote Neverdie as having the most irritating avatar anywhere on the Internet.

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