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So you are a bleeding heart in your homeland, you've moved to Thailand & now you want to change it


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This entry invites another in a long string of miserable, grumpy, nasty, unpleasant comments from typists on this venue who are disgusted with all Thai and all Thailand and at the same time are complaining it is so hard to keep living here.

Thaivisa seems to be kept busy with these kinds of messages. A big percentage of the topics and comments, at least since other comments are banned (for good reason), are of the type that invites or encourages slagging on Thailand.

I suspect that the owners of thaivisa could not keep this venue open if all these despicable comments were taken off prior to running on the site. If that is true, thaivisa is little more that a big bitch session, with a few half-baked information/opinions on important topics thrown in. The opening of a thaivisa bar, then, makes lots of sense because that provides another way for the miserable to get together and agree how miserable life is.

I would be ashamed to run these grumpy comments. I sure wish thaivisa were also.

You obviously didn't read this thread properly because it just the opposite to what you describe. What are you reading.

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All I can say is good luck w/ changing the Oriental mindset.

I was just reading a non-fiction history book about a guy's travels in Southern China & Indochina. Only halfway thru it, but here's a quote that reminds me SOOOO MUCH of the RTP....

"The mandarins of lower rank often buy their posts and depend upon what they can make in "squeeze" from the natives of their district for reimbursement and a profit on their investment.

In almost every case which is brought to them for adjustment the decision is withheld until the magistrate has learned which of the parties is prepared to offer the highest price for a settlement in his favor.

The Chinese peasant, accepting this as the established custom, pays the bribe without a murmur if it is not too exorbitant and, in fact, would be exceedingly surprised if "justice" were dispensed in any other way."

Source -






Surely you can easily find similar stories in books about 19th century Europe? BUT EUROPE CHANGED NEVERTHELESS!

There's an interesting National Geographic series about why & how Europeans took over the world at

Edited by jaywalker
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Some people cannot accept conditions as they are right now. I for one as an individual, believe there is always

a better way of doing things. For example Making Chili, Traditional way (cook book) Brown the meat off, brown the onions garlic, add the tomatoes, kidney beans, tomato paste, water, chili powder, simmer. ...... My way, throw all the ingredients in a pot, raw meat, onions chopped, garlic tomatoes,kidney beans chili powder, water, heat it up stir frequently, .........comes out the same, looks the same. Takes less time. In fact, being a cook, Chef, I go out of my way to make a variety of meals using the cook book just as a guide, then I modify it incorporating different ingredients to make it different in looks and taste. But when it comes to Thai cooking,......My wife objects to anything added that isn't with the original recipe. For example banana, coconut milk, sweet rice half cooked wrapped in a banana leaf and stemmed for one hour. I said, hey lets try the same recipe using a ripe mango, with cashews...........She flipped, NO WAY!..........Or a Curry, coconut with white breast of chicken with carrots and Peas.........NO WAY!......... My wife cooks traditional Thai food, No variation of any sorts. Nothing creative in the thinking mind. And I think Thais as a whole are like that. Their thinking is, "Its been like this for a hundred years, why do you want to change it now?" Could it be Thais have become so uses to things done the traditional way, any other way has got to be an error! Like some kind of disrespect to past generations. So, in answering to this forum, I don't really want to change Thailand, but rather modify it, enhance it, use creativity to improve the quality, sort of like that TV show, "East meets West. A combine culture coming out through Thai and American cookery. Look at the young generation of Thais, They are getting taller, heavier, I think western foods such as McDonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken, and restaurants such as "Dukes" are changing the appearance of the Thais. Its happened in Japan, South Korea, and now here. A simple bowl of rice with a dried up piece of fish, just isn't as appealing as it was 40 years ago.

D I,

Please repost with some punctuation and parragraphs ???

I vote Neverdie as having the most irritating avatar anywhere on the Internet.

งั้นไปไกลๆ ไม่ต้องมาอ่านในนี้เลย

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It is what it is..... Just watch and have a laugh ....

Just one hour ago in Bkk sitting at McDs having a burger. Farangs doing same me finish and take their trays and dump in garbage can and put tray on top. Very simple and takes no effort. 100% of Thais, yes 100%, left their mess on the table with the exception of one who brings her tray over to the trash but only sets it on top of the other trays and does not dump.... why ???? Now farangs go to dump their tray but have to look around for a place to put the tray after dumping. Hahaha.... made me laugh but also wonder why we farang will take the time to do things correctly and kind while Thais will just ignore and leave someone else to clean up after them. Sometimes I see a cleaning lady picking up trays at some fastfood places but at McDs the cans are setup for the customers to do. Do you think perhaps Thais share a sense of entitlement ? Totally different mindset ...

Farangs have been trained to do it, and I don't mean training in the positive way of acquiring a skill, I mean trained like an animal would be trained to automatically perform what its master wants.

Personally, I do like some aspects of Asian culture, in particular the sense of who a customer is.

You simply don't ask a customer to clean up trash.

trained ....really? I walked out and dumped my tray and took a look at all the people walking around looking for a clean table to sit at. Someone was at my table in a second because I took a second and dumped my tray. I am sure that person was happy to get and not have to stand around waiting for someone, who was not seen, to clean a table.

McDs is about cheap fast food, hardly a sitdown restrurant where people take your order. It's about serving yourself and cutting costs.

Also, what's so difficult about dumping a tray, it takes a second.

I have stopped cleaning up after myself both in the USA and Thailand. I leave it at the table, let the business hire another person to cleat the tables. I look at myself as part of the solution, if noone cleared their own table the business would hire more people. Now, you've just created jobs.

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I AM telling people to use their own free will...

My irony detector just exploded.

Your irony detector is right.

My excuse is that I am not a native English speaker.

Please be so kind as to delete "telling", and to replace it by "advising".

No wait.

Rechange "advising" by " mentioning the possibility of".

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It is what it is..... Just watch and have a laugh ....

Just one hour ago in Bkk sitting at McDs having a burger. Farangs doing same me finish and take their trays and dump in garbage can and put tray on top. Very simple and takes no effort. 100% of Thais, yes 100%, left their mess on the table with the exception of one who brings her tray over to the trash but only sets it on top of the other trays and does not dump.... why ???? Now farangs go to dump their tray but have to look around for a place to put the tray after dumping. Hahaha.... made me laugh but also wonder why we farang will take the time to do things correctly and kind while Thais will just ignore and leave someone else to clean up after them. Sometimes I see a cleaning lady picking up trays at some fastfood places but at McDs the cans are setup for the customers to do. Do you think perhaps Thais share a sense of entitlement ? Totally different mindset ...

Farangs have been trained to do it, and I don't mean training in the positive way of acquiring a skill, I mean trained like an animal would be trained to automatically perform what its master wants.

Personally, I do like some aspects of Asian culture, in particular the sense of who a customer is.

You simply don't ask a customer to clean up trash.

trained ....really? I walked out and dumped my tray and took a look at all the people walking around looking for a clean table to sit at. Someone was at my table in a second because I took a second and dumped my tray. I am sure that person was happy to get and not have to stand around waiting for someone, who was not seen, to clean a table.

McDs is about cheap fast food, hardly a sitdown restrurant where people take your order. It's about serving yourself and cutting costs.

Also, what's so difficult about dumping a tray, it takes a second.

I have stopped cleaning up after myself both in the USA and Thailand. I leave it at the table, let the business hire another person to cleat the tables. I look at myself as part of the solution, if noone cleared their own table the business would hire more people. Now, you've just created jobs.

And pay 30%more for your food...great business acumen...

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I AM telling people to use their own free will...

My irony detector just exploded.
Your irony detector is right.

My excuse is that I am not a native English speaker.

Please be so kind as to delete "telling", and to replace it by "advising".

No wait.

Rechange "advising" by " mentioning the possibility of".

Just delete it all together. ?

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Some people cannot accept conditions as they are right now. I for one as an individual, believe there is always

a better way of doing things. For example Making Chili, Traditional way (cook book) Brown the meat off, brown the onions garlic, add the tomatoes, kidney beans, tomato paste, water, chili powder, simmer. ...... My way, throw all the ingredients in a pot, raw meat, onions chopped, garlic tomatoes,kidney beans chili powder, water, heat it up stir frequently, .........comes out the same, looks the same. Takes less time. In fact, being a cook, Chef, I go out of my way to make a variety of meals using the cook book just as a guide, then I modify it incorporating different ingredients to make it different in looks and taste. But when it comes to Thai cooking,......My wife objects to anything added that isn't with the original recipe. For example banana, coconut milk, sweet rice half cooked wrapped in a banana leaf and stemmed for one hour. I said, hey lets try the same recipe using a ripe mango, with cashews...........She flipped, NO WAY!..........Or a Curry, coconut with white breast of chicken with carrots and Peas.........NO WAY!......... My wife cooks traditional Thai food, No variation of any sorts. Nothing creative in the thinking mind. And I think Thais as a whole are like that. Their thinking is, "Its been like this for a hundred years, why do you want to change it now?" Could it be Thais have become so uses to things done the traditional way, any other way has got to be an error! Like some kind of disrespect to past generations. So, in answering to this forum, I don't really want to change Thailand, but rather modify it, enhance it, use creativity to improve the quality, sort of like that TV show, "East meets West. A combine culture coming out through Thai and American cookery. Look at the young generation of Thais, They are getting taller, heavier, I think western foods such as McDonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken, and restaurants such as "Dukes" are changing the appearance of the Thais. Its happened in Japan, South Korea, and now here. A simple bowl of rice with a dried up piece of fish, just isn't as appealing as it was 40 years ago.

Are you a cook or a chef?big difference...

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Some people cannot accept conditions as they are right now. I for one as an individual, believe there is always

a better way of doing things. For example Making Chili, Traditional way (cook book) Brown the meat off, brown the onions garlic, add the tomatoes, kidney beans, tomato paste, water, chili powder, simmer. ...... My way, throw all the ingredients in a pot, raw meat, onions chopped, garlic tomatoes,kidney beans chili powder, water, heat it up stir frequently, .........comes out the same, looks the same. Takes less time. In fact, being a cook, Chef, I go out of my way to make a variety of meals using the cook book just as a guide, then I modify it incorporating different ingredients to make it different in looks and taste. But when it comes to Thai cooking,......My wife objects to anything added that isn't with the original recipe. For example banana, coconut milk, sweet rice half cooked wrapped in a banana leaf and stemmed for one hour. I said, hey lets try the same recipe using a ripe mango, with cashews...........She flipped, NO WAY!..........Or a Curry, coconut with white breast of chicken with carrots and Peas.........NO WAY!......... My wife cooks traditional Thai food, No variation of any sorts. Nothing creative in the thinking mind. And I think Thais as a whole are like that. Their thinking is, "Its been like this for a hundred years, why do you want to change it now?" Could it be Thais have become so uses to things done the traditional way, any other way has got to be an error! Like some kind of disrespect to past generations. So, in answering to this forum, I don't really want to change Thailand, but rather modify it, enhance it, use creativity to improve the quality, sort of like that TV show, "East meets West. A combine culture coming out through Thai and American cookery. Look at the young generation of Thais, They are getting taller, heavier, I think western foods such as McDonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken, and restaurants such as "Dukes" are changing the appearance of the Thais. Its happened in Japan, South Korea, and now here. A simple bowl of rice with a dried up piece of fish, just isn't as appealing as it was 40 years ago.

Are you a cook or a chef?big difference...

My money is on 'Neither' ;)

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If you really cant be happy without trying to enforce your will upon others, why not start with that guy in the mirror. When you have him all sorted out, maybe then you can start working on the other seven billion people begging for you knowledge and guidance. Then again I dont feel qualified to tell others how they should be living their lives. The only person I seem to have any control over, is me.

You remember which picture/character I assigned to you???you know why...

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From a country that controls Everything i do. Fines me with a months salary for not wearing belt or speeding 10km över speedlimit. Where my house that i bought is still not mine. Where i cant go on vacation because i know how much bills awaits me when i come back. Where if i look at a girl of 25 im called pedophile but its ok for rich people to marry with 30 years diffetencr. Look at clooney etc( google famous famous people married with age diffetence)


I sold my car. Apartment. And moved here. Best choice.

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Some people cannot accept conditions as they are right now. I for one as an individual, believe there is always

a better way of doing things. For example Making Chili, Traditional way (cook book) Brown the meat off, brown the onions garlic, add the tomatoes, kidney beans, tomato paste, water, chili powder, simmer. ...... My way, throw all the ingredients in a pot, raw meat, onions chopped, garlic tomatoes,kidney beans chili powder, water, heat it up stir frequently, .........comes out the same, looks the same. Takes less time. In fact, being a cook, Chef, I go out of my way to make a variety of meals using the cook book just as a guide, then I modify it incorporating different ingredients to make it different in looks and taste. But when it comes to Thai cooking,......My wife objects to anything added that isn't with the original recipe. For example banana, coconut milk, sweet rice half cooked wrapped in a banana leaf and stemmed for one hour. I said, hey lets try the same recipe using a ripe mango, with cashews...........She flipped, NO WAY!..........Or a Curry, coconut with white breast of chicken with carrots and Peas.........NO WAY!......... My wife cooks traditional Thai food, No variation of any sorts. Nothing creative in the thinking mind. And I think Thais as a whole are like that. Their thinking is, "Its been like this for a hundred years, why do you want to change it now?" Could it be Thais have become so uses to things done the traditional way, any other way has got to be an error! Like some kind of disrespect to past generations. So, in answering to this forum, I don't really want to change Thailand, but rather modify it, enhance it, use creativity to improve the quality, sort of like that TV show, "East meets West. A combine culture coming out through Thai and American cookery. Look at the young generation of Thais, They are getting taller, heavier, I think western foods such as McDonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken, and restaurants such as "Dukes" are changing the appearance of the Thais. Its happened in Japan, South Korea, and now here. A simple bowl of rice with a dried up piece of fish, just isn't as appealing as it was 40 years ago.

Are you a cook or a chef?big difference...
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Some people cannot accept conditions as they are right now. I for one as an individual, believe there is always

a better way of doing things. For example Making Chili, Traditional way (cook book) Brown the meat off, brown the onions garlic, add the tomatoes, kidney beans, tomato paste, water, chili powder, simmer. ...... My way, throw all the ingredients in a pot, raw meat, onions chopped, garlic tomatoes,kidney beans chili powder, water, heat it up stir frequently, .........comes out the same, looks the same. Takes less time. In fact, being a cook, Chef, I go out of my way to make a variety of meals using the cook book just as a guide, then I modify it incorporating different ingredients to make it different in looks and taste. But when it comes to Thai cooking,......My wife objects to anything added that isn't with the original recipe. For example banana, coconut milk, sweet rice half cooked wrapped in a banana leaf and stemmed for one hour. I said, hey lets try the same recipe using a ripe mango, with cashews...........She flipped, NO WAY!..........Or a Curry, coconut with white breast of chicken with carrots and Peas.........NO WAY!......... My wife cooks traditional Thai food, No variation of any sorts. Nothing creative in the thinking mind. And I think Thais as a whole are like that. Their thinking is, "Its been like this for a hundred years, why do you want to change it now?" Could it be Thais have become so uses to things done the traditional way, any other way has got to be an error! Like some kind of disrespect to past generations. So, in answering to this forum, I don't really want to change Thailand, but rather modify it, enhance it, use creativity to improve the quality, sort of like that TV show, "East meets West. A combine culture coming out through Thai and American cookery. Look at the young generation of Thais, They are getting taller, heavier, I think western foods such as McDonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken, and restaurants such as "Dukes" are changing the appearance of the Thais. Its happened in Japan, South Korea, and now here. A simple bowl of rice with a dried up piece of fish, just isn't as appealing as it was 40 years ago.

D I,

Please repost with some punctuation and parragraphs ???

I vote Neverdie as having the most irritating avatar anywhere on the Internet.

Says the man with a bride half his age in his arms...hope she is your daughter and you're just happy for her...

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I AM telling people to use their own free will...

My irony detector just exploded.
Your irony detector is right.

My excuse is that I am not a native English speaker.

Please be so kind as to delete "telling", and to replace it by "advising".

No wait.

Rechange "advising" by " mentioning the possibility of".

Just delete it all together. ?

Not into free speech, are we?

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I AM telling people to use their own free will...

My irony detector just exploded.
Your irony detector is right.

My excuse is that I am not a native English speaker.

Please be so kind as to delete "telling", and to replace it by "advising".

No wait.

Rechange "advising" by " mentioning the possibility of".

Just delete it all together. ?

Not into free speech, are we?

You're the one that wants to change it. This and that.

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From a country that controls Everything i do. Fines me with a months salary for not wearing belt or speeding 10km över speedlimit. Where my house that i bought is still not mine. Where i cant go on vacation because i know how much bills awaits me when i come back. Where if i look at a girl of 25 im called pedophile but its ok for rich people to marry with 30 years diffetencr. Look at clooney etc( google famous famous people married with age diffetence)


I sold my car. Apartment. And moved here. Best choice.

All the best to you ?

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Some people cannot accept conditions as they are right now. I for one as an individual, believe there is always

a better way of doing things. For example Making Chili, Traditional way (cook book) Brown the meat off, brown the onions garlic, add the tomatoes, kidney beans, tomato paste, water, chili powder, simmer. ...... My way, throw all the ingredients in a pot, raw meat, onions chopped, garlic tomatoes,kidney beans chili powder, water, heat it up stir frequently, .........comes out the same, looks the same. Takes less time. In fact, being a cook, Chef, I go out of my way to make a variety of meals using the cook book just as a guide, then I modify it incorporating different ingredients to make it different in looks and taste. But when it comes to Thai cooking,......My wife objects to anything added that isn't with the original recipe. For example banana, coconut milk, sweet rice half cooked wrapped in a banana leaf and stemmed for one hour. I said, hey lets try the same recipe using a ripe mango, with cashews...........She flipped, NO WAY!..........Or a Curry, coconut with white breast of chicken with carrots and Peas.........NO WAY!......... My wife cooks traditional Thai food, No variation of any sorts. Nothing creative in the thinking mind. And I think Thais as a whole are like that. Their thinking is, "Its been like this for a hundred years, why do you want to change it now?" Could it be Thais have become so uses to things done the traditional way, any other way has got to be an error! Like some kind of disrespect to past generations. So, in answering to this forum, I don't really want to change Thailand, but rather modify it, enhance it, use creativity to improve the quality, sort of like that TV show, "East meets West. A combine culture coming out through Thai and American cookery. Look at the young generation of Thais, They are getting taller, heavier, I think western foods such as McDonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken, and restaurants such as "Dukes" are changing the appearance of the Thais. Its happened in Japan, South Korea, and now here. A simple bowl of rice with a dried up piece of fish, just isn't as appealing as it was 40 years ago.

D I,

Please repost with some punctuation and parragraphs ???

I vote Neverdie as having the most irritating avatar anywhere on the Internet.
Says the man with a bride half his age in his arms...hope she is your daughter and you're just happy for her...

Maybe he's from Tasmania and it's his daughter and his bride ???

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