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'Martial law caused tourist numbers to surge'

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They honestly believe this crap???cheesy.gif

Numbers don't lie!!!

Let me ask you this. Putting all your bigotry aside, can you appreciate that people (locals and tourists both) will choose an area to go to that is trouble free more readily than going there knowing that there is the possibility that it might be the last time they go anywhere!!

People feeling unsafe and vulnerable tends to put them off doing such things and travelling to areas where there is an uneasy tension present.

The 16% rise in tourist numbers since the coup stopped the killings is pretty impressive - no wonder a large majority of people want it to stay. All of this 'it is disrupting my life' b******* that is spattered about is complete cobblers and Prayuth is very much justified in maintaining his stance for not lifting it as people simply appreciate it for what it has done in keeping the peace and order!!

You say numbers don't lie, but numbers can, and often are, twisted and used by those who want things to look rosy. What they DIDN'T compare were the figures year on year, but ONLY since the coup, so those numbers really amount to crap. That's like saying: "I had 100 million dollars. Then the market crashed and I only had 5 million left. But now I have 5,800,000 so that's a 16% increase." Sounds good, but you're still 94,200,000 short of what you originally had.

As for the General, I'll adhere to forum rules and not say what I really think of him and his coup buddies.

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They honestly believe this crap???cheesy.gif

Numbers don't lie!!!

Let me ask you this. Putting all your bigotry aside, can you appreciate that people (locals and tourists both) will choose an area to go to that is trouble free more readily than going there knowing that there is the possibility that it might be the last time they go anywhere!!

People feeling unsafe and vulnerable tends to put them off doing such things and travelling to areas where there is an uneasy tension present.

The 16% rise in tourist numbers since the coup stopped the killings is pretty impressive - no wonder a large majority of people want it to stay. All of this 'it is disrupting my life' b******* that is spattered about is complete cobblers and Prayuth is very much justified in maintaining his stance for not lifting it as people simply appreciate it for what it has done in keeping the peace and order!!

Good lord. Keeping the peace and order?

It was his gang that shutdown Bangkok, disrupted the polls...then he came to the rescue. .....

Yingluck shut Bangkok down when the people decided that they had blown the democracy element out of the water when they started to abuse their power and they decided to put a stop to it despite the violent retaliation and intimidation from the red shirts (which they mercifully achieved) - thanks Suthep for your starring roll in this momentous occasion that spurred Prayut into action to enter the fray.

Interesting that you use the word 'rescued' - I am in full agreement with you there!!!

Thank god also that Prayut had bigger guns and intellect than Thaksin's gang the Keystone Kops!! No contest thumbsup.gif .

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There is truth in these words.

Numbers from the West fell due to lack of travel insurance cover, Asian travellers do not feel the need for such covers, probably because they are self-insured from higher savings.

The truth is not that there was an increase. The first six months were down due to Suthep following his marching orders to disrupt the streets with highly visible confrontations and protests that led to travel warnings from sane governments.

So the numbers were down because of the protests, and not the nightly attacks on the protesters? Stories of protesters being attacked, and collateral damage murder of young children (reported world-wide) may have had a small effect.

yes, bangkok shut down meant to blockade the town from any activity.

That's why 16 major road interchanges were blocked, as well as ministries, government offices, with a danger of escalation into the airports as in 2010 (remember thai airways offices closing down during protests or tractors being brought from ayuthaya to close down airport?).

tourists, businessmen don't gather nigh time around the violent mob


They honestly believe this crap???cheesy.gif

Numbers don't lie!!!

Let me ask you this. Putting all your bigotry aside, can you appreciate that people (locals and tourists both) will choose an area to go to that is trouble free more readily than going there knowing that there is the possibility that it might be the last time they go anywhere!!

People feeling unsafe and vulnerable tends to put them off doing such things and travelling to areas where there is an uneasy tension present.

The 16% rise in tourist numbers since the coup stopped the killings is pretty impressive - no wonder a large majority of people want it to stay. All of this 'it is disrupting my life' b******* that is spattered about is complete cobblers and Prayuth is very much justified in maintaining his stance for not lifting it as people simply appreciate it for what it has done in keeping the peace and order!!

Good lord. Keeping the peace and order?

It was his gang that shutdown Bangkok, disrupted the polls...then he came to the rescue. .....

Or of course shutting down the polls could all have been a Shin false flag op - rolleyes.giffacepalm.gif

Do you have any proof the army were involved in disrupting the polls at an election the EC had advised should be postponed?

Did the police do anything to prevent the disruption, arrest those doing the disrupting - No.

Yet the Shins wanted the election so much they defied the EC. The Shins controlled the police, had CAPO in place controlled by two of their biggest lackeys an did nothing to prevent the disruption. Well, apart from a murder and few attacks on the disruptoters by their more extreme faction, allegedly. Confusing. They could have simply sent the police to actually do their duty for once.


There is truth in these words.

Numbers from the West fell due to lack of travel insurance cover, Asian travellers do not feel the need for such covers, probably because they are self-insured from higher savings.

The truth is not that there was an increase. The first six months were down due to Suthep following his marching orders to disrupt the streets with highly visible confrontations and protests that led to travel warnings from sane governments.

So the numbers were down because of the protests, and not the nightly attacks on the protesters? Stories of protesters being attacked, and collateral damage murder of young children (reported world-wide) may have had a small effect.

yes, bangkok shut down meant to blockade the town from any activity.

That's why 16 major road interchanges were blocked, as well as ministries, government offices, with a danger of escalation into the airports as in 2010 (remember thai airways offices closing down during protests or tractors being brought from ayuthaya to close down airport?).

tourists, businessmen don't gather nigh time around the violent mob

The protesters were no violent at night time or day time initially. Those who threw grenades at them and fired shots at them, all of which the police failed to stop or make one single arrest, even when some fell into their hands, were the violent ones who initiated and escalated the violence. Amazing how the CAPO doyen was able to even predict the attacks so accurately.


suthep mob was backed by the military, that's why police could do only that much.

remember 200 bunkers erected by military in the city centre at the beginning of protests?

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WHAT .... Is this guy on something? How the heck can the idiot suggest this rubbish. Even if tourism was up (I don't think so) it would be up even further without martial law. The shortfall in tourism is bolstered by the volume of Chinese visitors recently. Does anyone seriously think that the average spend of a bus load of Chinese, matches the spend of one holiday making westerner.

What a dick. How can a <deleted> like that justify his position?


They honestly believe this crap???cheesy.gif

ell i tried to get a hotel over xmas at any price and none were available from end november to mid feb except backpackers dumps. Im going down to Hui HIn for SIngkran and al lot of places are filling up fast. A hell of a lot of Chinese and indians around and people i know who have restaurants in tourist spots say they have never been so busy but that western tourists are way down and now when over 60-70% were western now over 50% are Chinese, korean, indians and rest

You believe what you want but go for a walk around Chiang Mai and its packed which is where I've come now for a break but pollution is terible so soon getting away to somewhere quieter and with less tourists especially the Chinese


I read a report relatively recently about worldwide hotel price drops. I've been looking for a link, but unfortunately I can't remember where I actually saw it. The gist was 'the 10 cities around the world with the largest hotels room price discounts', or something like that. What struck me was that Thai 'cities' (they included places like Samui and Phuket) made up about six of the ten.

You have to wonder, if the visitor business is booming, why Thai hotels should have featured so prominently. The hotels in the article were all pretty swanky, so assuming that the visitor numbers are correct, it would be logical to further assume that the kind of people who spend $100+ a night on a room staying away, but are being replaced by the kind of people who eclipse the sand on a beach like the picture of Phi Phi in another thread.

Whether that's a good thing or not depends on ones perspective, I suppose.


Only silly childish people automatically believe things told to them that facts don't support .

Polls ...that claim 85% of people love being gagged and bound by military constraints.

Promises , prosecution of opponents, fear and silencing ......

Now they use us to justify their existence.

We are flooding in on approval ?

Perhaps the Chinese whom plan a take over might be swelling some numbers?

Otherwise numbers from western countries are in fact down.

As for safety , I have complained to Police about gangs of thugs bashing people in Chiang Mai to no Avail.

And the brutal murders of Brits and subsequent comments from the Thai Pm do little to create a climate of confidence.

All these articles do is point out the level of honesty you can expect from officials here.

It's really laughable ....reminds me of the monty python routine when a knight has limbs missing but demands the opponent come back as he can ""still bite""

Everyone outside of Thailand knows this is a smelly fish we are dealing with ....and doomed by nature to fail.

It's as TS knows .....a matter of time......

These releases are feeble attempts to disguise the truth.....but similar States to Thailand military rule do likewise.....isolated information of facts are paramount to control of masses .

It will be interesting to see how "" dear leader"" handles media in the US


Sometimes I have to pinch myself when I read the nonsense posted here because it's simply too idiotic to believe.

Shame on Thai Visa or anyone else for re-posting such crap. 100% click bait to get people talking and posting, like I am now. Doh! Curse you Thai Visa, you got me again!!!!


Oh please....

Yea right like a traveller pops into his agent and say I would like to book a ticket to the Maldives. May I suggest Thailand sir as they have Martial Law at the moment and that brings curfews, void insurance, no group sex or hand jobs and the Junta has ordered tourist prices be increased 10 fold. Sounds great give me two tickets.

Very witty.

Except - the Maldives are not a noted venue for sex tourists which you apparently think Thailand is all about, Where are the curfews now? Most traveler's coming to Thailand seem to get their travel insurance o k.

All the Chinese I know regard Thailand as safe again now - no more criminal thugs shooting and throwing grenades at night.

Some conferences that were moved to Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore have all been moved back to Thailand again now. Visits from various Western government representatives and business leaders, despite the "isolation" many claim falsely is being enforced.

No idea what the true figures are - for before, immediately after the coup and now. But, the conference organizers I know are happy to come to Thailand again now there are no longer nightly terrorist attacks.

Are you a journo by any chance? As you are a sensationalist sir. Nightly terrorist attacks? Please can yiu tell all the forum members here exacty how man nightly terrorists attacks were happening in Pattaya, Phuket, Chiang Mai, Koh Samui, Hua Hin and just about all the other tourist destinations APART from a very small and isolated area in bangkok please ??

You will notice i have made NO reference to rhe weekly attacks down in the South of the country that have been happening for the past 10 years without it effecting tourist numbers over the rest of the country!!!!!

Sensationalist bullshit from you and your Kool aid drinkers indeed !!

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The election was called as per the constitution it was rhe EC who should be held accountable for not doing their jobs and ensuring the votes would be disrupted but being part of the judicial system they too used an abuse of power by not being ready as per the constitution to hold elections.

But they won't be, the green broom is sweeping the countey but eventually that broom ends up covered in the same dirt and needs to be replaced with a new one ?

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Certainly it would have been easier to have the Army protect the voting polls from the Suthep/Democrat/Yellow Shirts mob than planning a coup?

The invisible hand has 5 options.

-Have a fair election and lose. (but the Democrats denied the international election observers access so they could cry 'vote buying' again and again)

-March in the Army and take over. (but that doesn't look so good after 19 times)

-Have the stacked court throw out the elected PM. (done that too many times lately)

-Create a riot and manufacture a false crisis, get some of your people killed...then have the Army march in and 'save the day.'

-Rewrite the constitution under martial law to keep power. (Stack the Senate with cronies that appoint crooked judges.)


Those statistics are totally believeable, but mean nothing. There are always more arrivals from October through December than during the first six months of the year. Who wants to visit Thailand during the hot season? One trick used with statistics is to compare apples to oranges.


Those statistics are totally believeable, but mean nothing. There are always more arrivals from October through December than during the first six months of the year. Who wants to visit Thailand during the hot season? One trick used with statistics is to compare apples to oranges.

"Never believe a statistic unless you fabricate it yourself."


One flame post has been removed from this thread.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


I have been reading the article about tourist numbers being up and I just keep wondering about a few things.

Please keep in mind I have nothing against Chinese tourists (I think they are no trouble most of the time - just like any other nationality) and these are just my observations.

Thailand can not rely on Chinese tourism to save the economy. When you look around, you mostly see Westerners buying up properties, eating at Western establishments and more or less supporting the local economy. When you look at the price of condos, for example, most of the time they cost more than a house. My theory that this is simply because of the foreign ownership laws. Yes, I think Farangs have been pushing the price of real estate up, just like Chinese do it in USA/Canada/UK/Australia.

Now Chinese are not stupid. They will own a place in a country that will give them full ownership rights. Thailand does not give them that, so they will never invest a penny in Thailand, unless it benefits the Chinese greatly. Even the supposed 100% condo ownership is just a joke really. The building is still 100% Thai owned and so is the management. Why would a normal Chinese invest in anything like that? I have never seen a single Chinese buy a property in Thailand. I have never seen a single Chinese send their kid to school in Thailand. Wealthy Chinese do not come to Thailand.


I have been reading the article about tourist numbers being up and I just keep wondering about a few things.

Please keep in mind I have nothing against Chinese tourists (I think they are no trouble most of the time - just like any other nationality) and these are just my observations.

Thailand can not rely on Chinese tourism to save the economy. When you look around, you mostly see Westerners buying up properties, eating at Western establishments and more or less supporting the local economy. When you look at the price of condos, for example, most of the time they cost more than a house. My theory that this is simply because of the foreign ownership laws. Yes, I think Farangs have been pushing the price of real estate up, just like Chinese do it in USA/Canada/UK/Australia.

Now Chinese are not stupid. They will own a place in a country that will give them full ownership rights. Thailand does not give them that, so they will never invest a penny in Thailand, unless it benefits the Chinese greatly. Even the supposed 100% condo ownership is just a joke really. The building is still 100% Thai owned and so is the management. Why would a normal Chinese invest in anything like that? I have never seen a single Chinese buy a property in Thailand. I have never seen a single Chinese send their kid to school in Thailand. Wealthy Chinese do not come to Thailand.

"The building is still 100% Thai owned..so is the management"

No, foreigners can own 49% and the management can be owned by a foreigner too.


I have been reading the article about tourist numbers being up and I just keep wondering about a few things.

Please keep in mind I have nothing against Chinese tourists (I think they are no trouble most of the time - just like any other nationality) and these are just my observations.

Thailand can not rely on Chinese tourism to save the economy. When you look around, you mostly see Westerners buying up properties, eating at Western establishments and more or less supporting the local economy. When you look at the price of condos, for example, most of the time they cost more than a house. My theory that this is simply because of the foreign ownership laws. Yes, I think Farangs have been pushing the price of real estate up, just like Chinese do it in USA/Canada/UK/Australia.

Now Chinese are not stupid. They will own a place in a country that will give them full ownership rights. Thailand does not give them that, so they will never invest a penny in Thailand, unless it benefits the Chinese greatly. Even the supposed 100% condo ownership is just a joke really. The building is still 100% Thai owned and so is the management. Why would a normal Chinese invest in anything like that? I have never seen a single Chinese buy a property in Thailand. I have never seen a single Chinese send their kid to school in Thailand. Wealthy Chinese do not come to Thailand.

"The building is still 100% Thai owned..so is the management"

No, foreigners can own 49% and the management can be owned by a foreigner too.

Ok, still a bad deal to a Chinese person.

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