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is there as ghost in my house


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thank god my wife coming home tomorrow last night a figure was standing near bed

i was thinking after why are the ghosts always white

only common sense if they were black you would not be able to see them of a night

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Probably a pure coincident, but next to the OP there was an ad: "Best Rehab Deals"....................coffee1.gif

Strange mine shows an Agoda ad "Where is you next destination?..."

Many ads are now randomly selected depending on your browsing habits, so if you browse "unsavoury sites" be prepared for your wife / GF / BF to see "unsavoury" ads OMG!!!.....cheesy.gif

Edited by PeCeDe
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My gf said that she thought there was a ghost hanging around my condo. I said impossible as my condo is a ghost free zone. Now if I hear a noise she will quickly tell me not to worry and it can't be a ghost because of the ghost free zone.... I think she really believes :) hahaha.... Don't you just love Thailand

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as wife coming home tomorrow and she gets frighten like all thais about ghosts i accept they are about

maybe have to go around house tonight saying boo boooo boooo

trouble could be thats english and they no understand

i dont want to be rude and say f,,k off as could make more problems in house

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The concept of telepathy, espcially human to human, never really crossed my mind until I interacted with a few autistic individuals. Example: I had a couple of people with science backgrounds around me who also observed the same things that I did...like one guy being "summoned" (by me...conceptually in my mind) from where he was sitting about 100 meters away, not looking at us so as to pick up any cues. A couple of minutes later he was standing in the room with us...and he had never been in that room before let alone leave the general area where he spent most of his time. I only realized it when everyone started laughing, like "what the hell?!?". I turned to him and asked, "What are you doing here?" He just started at the floor, scratched his head and said "I have NO idea!"

How did I do it or how does it work? Precisely, I have no idea. All I know is that what happened was undeniable. So....if you really wanna know if there are ghosts in the house, find an autistic person who is at least relatively functional and invite them over to your house...obviously telling them nothing as to the real reason they are there. It shouldn't take long for you to find out whether or not it's either time to move or to get your wife onto a low-sugar gluten free diet.

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