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First Army Area Commander to enforce Section 44 in place of martial law


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The ONLY person in Thailand with 'absolute' authority is the King.

Is Prayuth placing himself above the King?

If so is he breaking any laws I wonder?

you understand very little about royal power.

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Half the country wave flags in support of a clearly dodgy spiv, and the other half wave flags to do themselves out of the right to vote. As the man said, people get the governments they deserve. In this case, you can't help but think that it's true. It would be amusing if it weren't so sad.

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The general "assured that he would enforce Section 44 for the purpose of national security and progress, while obeying the rule of law and individual rights."

I'm not sure that's even possible. Under section 44, AFAIUI, there are no individual rights, just rights of the state to do as it wishes. As for obeying the rule of law, 44 pretty much obliterates/supercedes any and all other laws.

So how exactly would that all work, exactly???

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I think anything is worth a try rather than allowing a gang of criminals to continue to plunder the country. EVERY Thai has lost B10,000 (each) thanks to the rice scam. What price the farce called Thai democracy, another B30,0000 per person, or more?

Why should my children be saddled with this debt, to satisfy your desire for a perverted form of a western principle?

what sensationalist bullshit mate.

Every Thai hasn't lost 10,000 baht, the overall loss from the scheme is the EQUIVALENT of every Thai losing 10K. not the same thing, not even close, that's Hyperbole at its finest!!.

Please provide a link that is factual, that states all Thai Nationals WILL HAVE TO PAY 10,000 baht to recover these loses please.

Your children, unless they're near working, or voting age will NOT be saddled with anyone's debt again such hyperbole again, please provide a link that states ALL Children in Thailand will have to be saddled with this debt?

You do realise that unless you're children are drivers, and pay fuel duty, you're talking complete and utter crap, you think that debt cannot be settled within 2 years simply by adding a couple of Baht onto things like fuel, VAT, and electricity, and other domestic products?

You cannot predict what your children will be saddled with once they reach an age where they actually start to pay taxes.. especially if they're under 12 years old!!

Does it excuse what that debt has caused, no it doesn't, but you are chomping at the bit to play the blame game, and at times rightly so, but how much of a financial loss to Thailand has the current Junta caused in staging the coup? Economists have put the figure at a far bigger number than the piss poor rice scheme, but I don't hear you whine about your kids having to be saddled with those loses too.

Spare me your false claims and moronic semantics please. The wealth of the country belongs to the citizens equally, and no-one. especially not me, claimed that the rice scam debt has to be paid personally. But the debt has to be paid, and it is the citizens who will pay it. How do you come to the conclusion that increased taxes and charges aren't personal payments, because they are incremental and not lump sum? Doesn't it come from the same pocket?

My children are NOT 12 yo, they are of voting age, but even 12yo children will miss out on the hospitals, schools and other infrastructure that COULD have been bought with B700 billion, and will be paying taxes long before the bill is settled.

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I think anything is worth a try rather than allowing a gang of criminals to continue to plunder the country. EVERY Thai has lost B10,000 (each) thanks to the rice scam. What price the farce called Thai democracy, another B30,0000 per person, or more?

Why should my children be saddled with this debt, to satisfy your desire for a perverted form of a western principle?

what sensationalist bullshit mate.

Every Thai hasn't lost 10,000 baht, the overall loss from the scheme is the EQUIVALENT of every Thai losing 10K. not the same thing, not even close, that's Hyperbole at its finest!!.

Please provide a link that is factual, that states all Thai Nationals WILL HAVE TO PAY 10,000 baht to recover these loses please.

Your children, unless they're near working, or voting age will NOT be saddled with anyone's debt again such hyperbole again, please provide a link that states ALL Children in Thailand will have to be saddled with this debt?

You do realise that unless you're children are drivers, and pay fuel duty, you're talking complete and utter crap, you think that debt cannot be settled within 2 years simply by adding a couple of Baht onto things like fuel, VAT, and electricity, and other domestic products?

You cannot predict what your children will be saddled with once they reach an age where they actually start to pay taxes.. especially if they're under 12 years old!!

Does it excuse what that debt has caused, no it doesn't, but you are chomping at the bit to play the blame game, and at times rightly so, but how much of a financial loss to Thailand has the current Junta caused in staging the coup? Economists have put the figure at a far bigger number than the piss poor rice scheme, but I don't hear you whine about your kids having to be saddled with those loses too.

Spare me your false claims and moronic semantics please. The wealth of the country belongs to the citizens equally, and no-one. especially not me, claimed that the rice scam debt has to be paid personally. But the debt has to be paid, and it is the citizens who will pay it. How do you come to the conclusion that increased taxes and charges aren't personal payments, because they are incremental and not lump sum? Doesn't it come from the same pocket?

My children are NOT 12 yo, they are of voting age, but even 12yo children will miss out on the hospitals, schools and other infrastructure that COULD have been bought with B700 billion, and will be paying taxes long before the bill is settled.

The false claims have come from you, I asked you for a link that has stated that all Thai nationals will have to pay 10,000 baht to recover the loses.

So your "children" are actually adults, you gave of the impression they were just young nippers... again, please provide a link that stated they would have to be saddled with this debt.

If your children are of voting age they're also working no doubt and paying taxes.

Again hyperbole by saying they're missing out on hospitals and school, what? there's no school or hospital where you live? Could have been bought?

The money spent on an aircraft carrier COULD have done the same, the money they spent on golf ball detectors COULD have done the same, the money they want to spend on a submarine COULD have done the same !!

False statements indeed!!

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Spare me your false claims and moronic semantics please. The wealth of the country belongs to the citizens equally, and no-one. especially not me, claimed that the rice scam debt has to be paid personally. But the debt has to be paid, and it is the citizens who will pay it. How do you come to the conclusion that increased taxes and charges aren't personal payments, because they are incremental and not lump sum? Doesn't it come from the same pocket?

My children are NOT 12 yo, they are of voting age, but even 12yo children will miss out on the hospitals, schools and other infrastructure that COULD have been bought with B700 billion, and will be paying taxes long before the bill is settled.

The false claims have come from you, I asked you for a link that has stated that all Thai nationals will have to pay 10,000 baht to recover the loses.

So your "children" are actually adults, you gave of the impression they were just young nippers... again, please provide a link that stated they would have to be saddled with this debt.

If your children are of voting age they're also working no doubt and paying taxes.

Again hyperbole by saying they're missing out on hospitals and school, what? there's no school or hospital where you live? Could have been bought?

The money spent on an aircraft carrier COULD have done the same, the money they spent on golf ball detectors COULD have done the same, the money they want to spend on a submarine COULD have done the same !!

False statements indeed!!

More false assumptions and BS semantics? My children are being educated, something you could try. And yes, we have A school and A hospital, and we could use more, or expansion, or improvement, or many other infrastructure improvements, at least something to show for B700 billion.

Why are you nitpicking about age and/or employment status? They are Thai citizens, and the money wasted belonged, in part, to them. They have the right to expect it is used wisely for the benefit of all Thais, and not stolen or squandered on electoral bribes.

Do you think I approve of military waste? Does that excuse corruption and waste in the government.? But mummy, Little Johnny did it too!

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And still you have not posted anything factual about your claims that your children will be saddled with that burden.

Please post a link where the current Junta have stated they will be taking 10000 baht per head from the country to recoup the loses from the rice fiasco, otherwise your post in not factual and hyperbolic.

Oh please spare me the but little Johnny dos it too as you are more than happy to make constant referels to but Thaksin did this and Thaksin did that and Yingluck does this and that when the subject matter isn't about them ,but about the current administration.

You posted a misleading statemtent when referring to your children paying for the policies of the PTP ie the rice scam, when your children are in fact classed as adults as they're over the voting age... And you have the cheek to use the words semantics!!

You're trying to deflect your I'll informed and misinformed claims about all Thais having to pay 10000 baht, either post a link that states this indeed is what will hapoen or stop posting false claims.

How do you class the latest news about some of the debt accrued by farmers will be written off? That looks very much like a populist and vote buying policy to me but no doubt you will see it differently as your flavour of kool aid is different from mine ?

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Lt. Gen. Kampanat also revealed that his forces have been monitoring the activities of underground resistance groups and will primarily employ peaceful negotiations to resolve unrest.

Really sounds like W Bush and his weapons of mass destruction...

Sounds Legit :)

Or is he saying that they already have the IP addresses and locations of all the members of TVF and waiting for 44 to be signed before the strike? w00t.gif

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