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No nuke agreement yet: Iran talks push past deadline


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Its called running out the clock. And the Iranians are expert at it. As stated before this is the path used by North Korea to get nuclear weapons and ICBM's to deliver them. the p5 +1 are fooling themselves and trying to hoodwink we the taxpayers. Trump mentioned today that this whole exercise wouldn't take more than one hour.

Quoting Donald Trump? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Trump would nail down the agreement in an hour?

....."And if they don't like it, I'll just nuke their sorry asses." "Then I'll build one big giant golf course over the entire country.."

"You shouldda seen what I did to Merv Griffen on that Casino deal. Eating outta the palm of my hand...That's why I'm so fabulously wealthy! I get things done.. That's why everybody love me......blah blah blah

Just wait and see when I get done with that old white house. Gold plated toilets for starters"....

But I'm gonna have to fumigate the main residence before I move in. You know the smells and condition an illegal alien can leave a place when they move out.... "

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Its called running out the clock. And the Iranians are expert at it. As stated before this is the path used by North Korea to get nuclear weapons and ICBM's to deliver them. the p5 +1 are fooling themselves and trying to hoodwink we the taxpayers. Trump mentioned today that this whole exercise wouldn't take more than one hour.

But the Emperor of the free world must have his Halo, never mind if shortly after he flies the coop it turns into radioactive dust. A thought did occur that it is normal in democracies to push the can down the road to give rival incumbents problems o deal with, but here we are looking at premeditated treason and sabotage of the security of The U.S and her supposed allies.

Trump mentioned today that this whole exercise wouldn't take more than one hour.

here we are looking at premeditated treason and sabotage of the security of The U.S and her supposed allies.

No mainstream voter or citizen could take either statement this post quotes as being serious from serious people, not in any context, not in any time, not in any place or circumstance, to include the annual All Fool's Day....which is anyway a perennial observance in itself

All the same, one shouldn't react too strongly either way to this obvious soapbox drivel which can come from only extremist and frivolous quarters as any mainstream person knows. The statements invite passerby mockery and ridicule...they practically beg being honked at with an air horn and being doused with cotton candy.

The fact is that Prez Obama with the European Union, China, Russia, have crafted a unique and unprecedented United Nations international approach and a rare historical moment in time, in which the world is united against Iran obtaining nuclear weapons in the short term.

The task has never been easy or anything less than an uphill one, because the opposition to this unprecedented bonding of governments across continents is indeed fierce, fanatical, ferocious. We see deployed against it the range of idiocy and extremist hysteria as indicated by the quotes above, each of which is irresponsible and indicates the rightwing crackpot presence in the contemporary global order. Tom Clancy couldn't write this stuff.

Indeed, had Adolf Hitler faced this kind of globally unified approach, no one would remember Neville Chamberlain's name. The extremist right in the United States, in Tehran and in Israel travel a torturous road instead, to try to make the P5+1 and the US Government in particular the heirs of Chamberlain.

However, it is much more the case that these rare and unprecedented negotiations would be supported in unison by Ronald Reagan and John F. Kennedy alike, among other global leaders who negotiated from wisdom and foresight. The P5+1 are indeed supported by Mikhail Gorbachev and by former SecState James Baker, among many others who have the reputation of being statesmen.

The opposition to nuclear weapons agreements and limitations is indeed unprecedented in itself. It indicates that an historically dangerous malaise and a calculated menace is afoot.

Edited by Publicus
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Some posters on this board are completely unhinged. But I get it. You're trying to see how far you can push the mods. good luck.

Every poster can speak for himself only and not presume to lead, or to speak for, others who have their own responsibilities and who make the kind of judgments that are beyond the authority or competence of an individual poster. It is anyway the case that a reference such as is made in the post is specifically addressed in and by the Forum Rules. I just don't see how the reference in the post contributes to the discourse because it goes beyond the normal discourse of posting to the topics per se.

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So, a poster is allowed to call other posters "dumbdickistans" then has the temerity to cite the posting rules?

As long as Kerry, or any other Obama appointee is at the table, the Iranians know they can get away with stalling as long as they want. And, how much will it take these leftists before they realize Obama has no weight in on the world political stage? Another 9/11?

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