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Alleged Pakistani passport forger among spate of foreigner arrests


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Behind every foreign criminal and law breaker in Thailand, there is a Thai. Because without the co-operation of Thais, foreigners would not be able to conduct criminal activities here.

This stems right from the bottom to the very top, from using Thai upfront names to run illegal businesses and land purchase, to fraudsters, scammers and those detailed in the OP. The Thais who assist these criminals should also be up there on display with their foreign accomplices.

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The police should pull their heads up so we can see their faces. This business of covering the face in photos has to stop!

FACES should not he shown as long as they are a suspect. They have not been convicted yet.

That would make crime re enactment pretty hard to do. Is there anyone in Thailand that doesn't know not only what the 2 Burmese guys accused of the Koh Tao murders look like, but also their names ?

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Quote : BANGKOK: -- Immigration police have arrested 11 foreign fugitives in six different cases including an alleged Pakistani passport forger, an alleged French online trade fraudster and a Finn wanted for fraud and tax evasion.

Note that only the Finn is for real. The Pakistani and the French are only alleged.

I wonder who does the titles.


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The tragedy in all of this, as usual, is that the BIB need to pose for the cameras themselves and display the suspects like a hunter poses with a trophy deer; in order to convince the public of what a good job they are doing. It's unprofessional, unnecessary, and suggests a rather pathetic need for recognition.

What deserves recognition and good reporting is Thailand's contribution to assisting other nations in apprehending suspects who are in hiding here; but all that is necessary is a short statement of facts by a single high ranking officer.

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The police should pull their heads up so we can see their faces. This business of covering the face in photos has to stop!

They have a right to hide their face until they are found guilty in a court of law. Did you not know that.!!!!! Happens in Europe, UK and every western country.

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The police should pull their heads up so we can see their faces. This business of covering the face in photos has to stop!

FACES should not he shown as long as they are a suspect. They have not been convicted yet.

Fine sentiment, but logically, this would mean the police cannot put photos on "wanted" posters, or mug-shots on TV to encourage people to turn them in ? Afterall, they are all innocent until proven guilty. The fact that they have been apprehended or not, neither proves nor disproves their innocence.

Maybe this sentiment is right . . . . . . . sometimes ?

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Behind every foreign criminal and law breaker in Thailand, there is a Thai. Because without the co-operation of Thais, foreigners would not be able to conduct criminal activities here.

This stems right from the bottom to the very top, from using Thai upfront names to run illegal businesses and land purchase, to fraudsters, scammers and those detailed in the OP. The Thais who assist these criminals should also be up there on display with their foreign accomplices.

True in some cases, but I would imagine that there are many exceptions..

The foreign criminal networks in Thailand probably have support systems that keep Thai involvement to a minimum or none at all.

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