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All what old man wants

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Costas 2008 Do you post ur thoughts on ever topic posted or am I dreaming give me a break really

i agree it is monotonous and boring to hear this 'old junta lovin' man' give his Greek 'wisdom' about EVERY subject under the sun

give it a break 'old man'

I spend a lot of time reading Thai Visa. I'm a cripple who spends a lot of his time on the net. However no way can I compete with Costas and his posts. You can go to almost any subject in this forum and be absolutely assured that Costas will have replied probably within a few minutes of the OP having posted. I honestly don't know how he does it, being logged into ThaiVisa must certainly take up a considerable portion of his waking hours.

Please dont consider this post as 'flaming' another member. it's not,I just wonder how Costas does it. Maybe he is determined to win 'poster of the year' this year which he missed out on last year.

Lack of human/personal contact in one's life?

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You learn as you go. The manual on relationships was not passed down to me from my Dad.

What I learned is not to trust women, and they don't really want what's best for their children (namely a mum and a dad).

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I believe in what costas has said you must keep in touch with your kith and kin I was out of touch with mine because I simply could not afford to pay the maintenance now I can afford it I send them money when they need it.

This is just wild theory.

Recommendation. Read all the post before and use your brain in the time, but this is almost multi tasking.

Not everybody having these abilities.

Simple solution: Read it twice or 3 times, this is no a shame, anyway much better as to blame yourself. whistling.gif

Absolutely no reason for you to post such an unfriendly and insulting reply!!

jackanapes just posted his opinion, which is his right as a member of a public forum. And he should be able to do that without getting attacked by posters full with their own self inflated opinion about their superiority .

It may be just the German speaking.

...or possibly the Viking.

Probably I over reacted in my post, but to bring a kind racist/national touch in this topic, this just disqualifies you.

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This is just wild theory.

Recommendation. Read all the post before and use your brain in the time, but this is almost multi tasking.

Not everybody having these abilities.

Simple solution: Read it twice or 3 times, this is no a shame, anyway much better as to blame yourself. whistling.gif

Absolutely no reason for you to post such an unfriendly and insulting reply!!

jackanapes just posted his opinion, which is his right as a member of a public forum. And he should be able to do that without getting attacked by posters full with their own self inflated opinion about their superiority .

It may be just the German speaking.

...or possibly the Viking.

Being a Viking myself, it is definitely the German speaking.

We vikings only killed,raped and and burned countries, but never used foul language.................coffee1.gif

Probably some vikings ate to many røde fluesopp and blowed to much of their brain away, hopefully is nothing left over the generations.

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No, old man, you went wrong in your life.

There is no excuse, “I don’t want them to worry about me”.

I'm nearly your age, but I never lost contact with my children and grandchildren.

You give them love and you will take it back tenfold from them.

You ignore them and you will be ignored.

I'm 60, and have no intention of ever contacting the 4 children I had in the UK.

Who were also awarded to their mother, and prevented me seeing them, and will spend the rest of her life indoctrinating them against me..

My excuse, I no longer care about them, I cut my losses. Now, alive or dead, I don't care.

Some people do it your way, some people do it my way.

How many had perfect relationships?

My first one ended in disaster. She was more interested in the social security payments she got then the two boys. She also knew the steps to take in a separation. She was 8 years older than me and had been around the block. I was naive. She also knew the ins and outs of domestic violence. I was no match for her. To let my two children survive I had to have no contact with this mad cow.

She had three other children from a previous marriage; each second weekend on Sunday night I would watch a cunning interrogation of these three, with the father denigrated for any good deed and then the mother reinforcing the great contribution she did on her own with these three children. This continuing of whitewashing a situation eventually has a effect on a person thoughts, especially young children.

This woman did not work a day in her life. I worked and did study three nights a week and one day on the weekend during our relationship.

I did keep up contact with my two boys after seperating, but did hear of the belittling these two went thru after they had contact with me. She even told me in one of her rage fits, that her intention was to move around the corner from me and never let my children come and visit me.

We went to counselling. I was paying her cash for the kids. In a session she claimed I was not giving her money. For 10 minutes she denied the receipt of money, until eventually she got up stamped her feet and run out of the secession. It was two hour secession and I had to pay $180.00. Expensive back then. The therapist began my process of seperation after this incident.

Sometimes the wheels come off the cart and it can't be fixed. People have different motives in separations. Some feel comfortable being a victim due to the sympathy vote. Some are just nuts. I got a nut job who knew how to canvas the sympathy vote.

To keep my sanity and preserve the quality of life of my children I had to withdraw from the relationship. It hurt a lot.

My oldest is Downs Syndrome and recently had an accident putting him in a wheel chair. But he is a good man, just moving about 650 k's away to be with his girlfriend. They want to marry. The other is in Canada working in the oil industry. They turned out to be good men.

Their mum is still bitter and twisted. I use to think her ex-husband was a dropkick, but I understand what he went thru. Unfortunately the transference was on to me after the separation. What this woman wanted was to damage the relationship I had with my two sons. She also knew how to manage and manipulate violence if she wasn't getting her way. She was a product of alcoholic domestic violence on the severe side in her childhood years. Something you don't know of at the beginning of a relationship due to the shame it brings. Wouldn't have come out in due diligence as it gets hidden from view.

For a person to say something is black and white in a relationship hasn't in my opinion lived a life. They lack empathy and understanding of the games that can be played. There are also outside interferences that you have no control over. And the biggest complication is always money.

My second wife, if she rang me to do something, I would try to my best to accommodate her. That’s the difference.

In my third relationship, they are still hard work. But is great when the two of you try to work to the same end.

You learn as you go. The manual on relationships was not passed down to me from my Dad.

Thank you very much for your open speech, my son was 10yo, when we got seperated. I had the right to see him every 2. weekend, but she managed to keeping him busy with sports and meeting friends and brainwashing. I could go to court to claim my rights, but would not that my son had to appear in the court to answer inquisitive stupid questions. Not that I had somethings to hide. I was never violent or something like this to her or my son, but this bitch tried the same game what your wife did to you, just tried to extort money. I was often asking myself over the years, did I do the right thing, not to fight in the court. Anyway I had a very good job in these times and If I had not stopped working, then I had to bleed like hell. I stopped over 10 years regulary work, that I not had to pay her 1 cent, but payed for my son until the end of his education. I destroyed all my fortune, that was only the untouchable minimum left, only to getting her on her ar$e, but I payed a high price. Still no contact to my son, unfortunatly. I having the luck like you, he is a good boy he is now mechatronic Master(cars) having his own family and as I heard over friends he having now since about a half year a daughter. Caused of this history, I over reacted, caused of some foolish comments. Carpe diem.

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No, old man, you went wrong in your life.

There is no excuse, “I don’t want them to worry about me”.

I'm nearly your age, but I never lost contact with my children and grandchildren.

You give them love and you will take it back tenfold from them.

You ignore them and you will be ignored.

Maybe you are wrong

If a parent is in the hospital surely the kids were told about it

yet none visited him

His kids are a disgrace

Edited by MAJIC
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No, old man, you went wrong in your life.

There is no excuse, “I don’t want them to worry about me”.

I'm nearly your age, but I never lost contact with my children and grandchildren.

You give them love and you will take it back tenfold from them.

You ignore them and you will be ignored.

Ah, Costas!

Nobody can accuse you of being broadminded.

Judging by Costas "Likes" there are a lot out there!

Edited by MAJIC
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No, old man, you went wrong in your life.

There is no excuse, “I don’t want them to worry about me”.

I'm nearly your age, but I never lost contact with my children and grandchildren.

You give them love and you will take it back tenfold from them.

You ignore them and you will be ignored.

You need to come down from the Pulpit.

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No, Costas, nothing wrong with this old man.

He's out of reach for his Farang family (if they are still alive), and he's obviously found a new family (in a broader sense) in Thailand.

Sometimes a man has to make a decision. The old man in question obviously knows which side he's on, I wish him the best.

BTW, Greece or EU - which side would you be on?

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This is just wild theory.

Recommendation. Read all the post before and use your brain in the time, but this is almost multi tasking.

Not everybody having these abilities.

Simple solution: Read it twice or 3 times, this is no a shame, anyway much better as to blame yourself. whistling.gif

Absolutely no reason for you to post such an unfriendly and insulting reply!!

jackanapes just posted his opinion, which is his right as a member of a public forum. And he should be able to do that without getting attacked by posters full with their own self inflated opinion about their superiority .

It may be just the German speaking.

...or possibly the Viking.

Probably I over reacted in my post, but to bring a kind racist/national touch in this topic, this just disqualifies you.

Aha! Absolutely NO sense of humour.

German it is then.

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What a drag if you have no Farang family anymore but all kinds of other Farangs that prostitute themselves as substitute caretakers (without being asked)

Tell them you go away, they'll be after your money and property. Noone else but them Farangs to get it. Remind them that they owe you something, they will not remember. Remind them again, they might call it "stalking" They get paranoid, and then they blame you for their angst.

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No, old man, you went wrong in your life.

There is no excuse, “I don’t want them to worry about me”.

I'm nearly your age, but I never lost contact with my children and grandchildren.

You give them love and you will take it back tenfold from them.

You ignore them and you will be ignored.

No Costas that's just a bit too trite.

Mr Costas is correct, although Chidren, grandchildren and great grandchildren sometimes forget, they're always there when you need them! smile.pngwai.gif

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No, old man, you went wrong in your life.

There is no excuse, “I don’t want them to worry about me”.

I'm nearly your age, but I never lost contact with my children and grandchildren.

You give them love and you will take it back tenfold from them.

You ignore them and you will be ignored.

In an ideal world, Yes Costas, but we do not live in an ideal world, so although you may be one one the lucky ones. You are also a dreamer

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Costas 2008 Do you post ur thoughts on ever topic posted or am I dreaming give me a break really

i agree it is monotonous and boring to hear this 'old junta lovin' man' give his Greek 'wisdom' about EVERY subject under the sun

give it a break 'old man'

I spend a lot of time reading Thai Visa. I'm a cripple who spends a lot of his time on the net. However no way can I compete with Costas and his posts. You can go to almost any subject in this forum and be absolutely assured that Costas will have replied probably within a few minutes of the OP having posted. I honestly don't know how he does it, being logged into ThaiVisa must certainly take up a considerable portion of his waking hours.

Please dont consider this post as 'flaming' another member. it's not,I just wonder how Costas does it. Maybe he is determined to win 'poster of the year' this year which he missed out on last year.

Yes , but win "Poster of the year" one first has to post something sensible

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