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Steve Irwin Dead

Old Croc

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As a Dane, I too feel that Steve contributed alot to the conservation of animals and WILL BE MISSED.

RIP Steve and crikky, it had to be you. That life, so live it while you have it, just the way Steve did.

My condolance to his family.

The world lost another good un.

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For the aussie members, there will be a full tribute to his life on wednesday, they will even show the footage of the fatal blow.

Steve said before that if he was ever to be killed while the cameras are rolling he wants everyone to see so they can see how dangerous his job is.

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May the road rise with you, Steve. I'm currently on the wagon but will certainly have a beer tonight in your name. :o

jackr, Steve wouldn't want you to get off your wagon and would say it was just a poor excuse to start drinking again and end up 6ft. down under.

PS don't use Steves name in vain.

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Cause of death was reported as heart attack after being stung to the heart.

The barbs are a very effective defense mechanism. It's like being stabbed in the heart... just sh it outta luck poor fella... such a young family too.

Does anyone remember him dangling his baby above a crocodile's mouth a few years ago?

But he seemed a genuine guy and there is something strangely fitting that he would go this way.

He never "dangled" his son Bob above a crocodiles mouth... as the footage we will be bombarded with for the next 24 hours will reveal.

Gotta agree, if you're gunna go.... what an awesome way, unforgettable, by crikey!

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After I left this thread this afternoon I turned on Fox pay TV and coincidentaly they were showing one of his specials. He was handling venemous snakes in Africa and, while holding a smallish viper it turned on it's body and bit Steve on the hand.

He checked it out and discovered it's fang had hit his thumbnail and didn't penetrate. I, and many others, considered him invunerable in this sort of situation and it was a tremendous shock to hear an animal was responsible for his undoing.

I've been followed by large, curious stingrays while snorkling and, while they are somewhat unnerving at times, I would never consider my life to be in danger from such an animal. What irony that a freak accident like this would cause his death.

RIP Steve.

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May the road rise with you, Steve. I'm currently on the wagon but will certainly have a beer tonight in your name. :D

jackr, Steve wouldn't want you to get off your wagon and would say it was just a poor excuse to start drinking again and end up 6ft. down under.

PS don't use Steves name in vain.


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Well hi there boys and girls. Yes, I am a sting ray, a proud member of the rajisformes order and a close cousin to sharks. Yea, my family has been around this planet for a hel_l of a long time. We might not be the brightest fish in the tropical tank, but we sure are very well adapted to a quiet and peaceful existence skimming along the sea bottom in search of food, you know, delicacies like escargot. Unlike my some of my shark cousins, I am not particularly aggressive and it takes but a few very narrow conditions to force my 50 million years of conditioning for me to defend myself with that little pointed thing at the end of my tail, like getting stepped upon. I really hate when that happens.

So what was the deal yesterday with that pesky human. I did try to swim away from him. But he kept following real close and his mouth was moving real fast making lots of vibrations. I mean most humans keep a minimal distance and usually ain't moving their mouths like they are going to eat me. Usually it is just a few low tones, oohs and aahs. Hey, I can handle that.

But what the hel_l does "Crikey" mean in human talk? I didn't like that excited high tone at all. And then he swims right on top of me with all that excitement and his mouth moving and I am like trying to chill out and get away from the dude. But yo, what is a ray to do with a crazed human in such a state of agitation? My 50 million years of Darwinian training led me to two equally distasteful conclusions. The dude is either going to try to hump me or to eat me. Hey man, at that point it is all instinct. I mean I am not responsible for my actions against this crazy human. So I flinched and lashed out with my tail. How was I to know the guy had placed his most vital organ within the very short range of my tail?

So now I am a celebrity. Some of my bros and sistas are calling me a hero as now those human terrestrials are no longer swimming, and I do use that word loosely, so close as to be an embarrassment. Yep, 'bout time for some of us older denizens of the planet to kick back and relax a bit now that we might get some r-e-s-p-e-c-t. Yo snake, gimme high five.

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Irwin's killer ray 'was probably startled'By Leticia Makin

September 04, 2006 03:32pm

THE fatal stingray attack on Steve Irwin may have occurred because the animal was startled or frightened, an expert said today.

Victoria Brims, a marine life expert from Oceanworld in Sydney, said the stingray that killed Irwin was most likely provoked.

"I am aware he was filming a documentary and his documentaries are usually very hands on. I can only assume that he had some kind of hands on or close contact with the animal who like us when we get afraid defended itself," Ms Brims said.

Brims also said that for a sting to result in death the person involved had to be stung close to the heart and also have a reaction to the sting.

"For the most part people get stung on the foot when they accidentally tread on a ray and this can be no worse than a bacterial infection," Ms Brims said.

"Their barbs are very strong and release poison if touched. It must have got him right near the heart but the barb would not have gone through his chest."

There was an accident of this kind two years ago in Coogee but the man involved was treated by medics at the scene and survived the incident.

Brims said she had always dreamed of meeting Irwin. "He can be a bit quirky at times but he loved his work," she said. "It is a sad day and I am sure everyone around the world will hear of his death."

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Well hi there boys and girls. Yes, I am a sting ray, a proud member of the rajisformes order and a close cousin to sharks. Yea, my family has been around this planet for a hel_l of a long time. We might not be the brightest fish in the tropical tank, but we sure are very well adapted to a quiet and peaceful existence skimming along the sea bottom in search of food, you know, delicacies like escargot. Unlike my some of my shark cousins, I am not particularly aggressive and it takes but a few very narrow conditions to force my 50 million years of conditioning for me to defend myself with that little pointed thing at the end of my tail, like getting stepped upon. I really hate when that happens.

So what was the deal yesterday with that pesky human. I did try to swim away from him. But he kept following real close and his mouth was moving real fast making lots of vibrations. I mean most humans keep a minimal distance and usually ain't moving their mouths like they are going to eat me. Usually it is just a few low tones, oohs and aahs. Hey, I can handle that.

But what the hel_l does "Crikey" mean in human talk? I didn't like that excited high tone at all. And then he swims right on top of me with all that excitement and his mouth moving and I am like trying to chill out and get away from the dude. But yo, what is a ray to do with a crazed human in such a state of agitation? My 50 million years of Darwinian training led me to two equally distasteful conclusions. The dude is either going to try to hump me or to eat me. Hey man, at that point it is all instinct. I mean I am not responsible for my actions against this crazy human. So I flinched and lashed out with my tail. How was I to know the guy had placed his most vital organ within the very short range of my tail?

So now I am a celebrity. Some of my bros and sistas are calling me a hero as now those human terrestrials are no longer swimming, and I do use that word loosely, so close as to be an embarrassment. Yep, 'bout time for some of us older denizens of the planet to kick back and relax a bit now that we might get some r-e-s-p-e-c-t. Yo snake, gimme high five.

Nah, it's alright. I don't think Johpa's post is disrespectful. He is just being honest, factual, and creative - sort of like Steve Irwin.

Now with Jopha's post we've got stingrays saying "yo gimme high-five", and with Irwin's shows we've got ghetto kids in New York saying "crikey".

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Yes yes very sad. However I did not like his style of reporting very much, especially compared to Jeff Corwin. He was undoubtably a reptile expert but he should've kept out of the water. As a diver, it really peed me off when he touched marine life.

RIP though and all our feelings go to the family.

Ps Sting rays can't 'high five' without hands, na!

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He never "dangled" his son Bob above a crocodiles mouth... as the footage we will be bombarded with for the next 24 hours will reveal.

Of course the media is playing this little bit of tape over and over again upon Ole Crikiy death .

He was holding the baby " a la Michael Jackoff " in one arm and feeding snapping crocks with the other , while standing in the pen area- not a well planned momment I guess.

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