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Went to the local Gov. hospital today for a full check up, first one since I was a kid applying for a paper round. Had all the blood tests done, urine tests, x ray and ECG. All results returned OK. The doc then asks how I was feeling in general, told him OK apart from some abdominal discomfort and I was suffering from a lot of excess acid. No problem he says I will write a note go and see the surgeon. Off I went to see her and she examines me and says I have a tear in my abdominal wall and needs surgery to correct it. I then tell her about the excess acid and she says she needs to do a endoscopy to see if I have any other problems that she could correct at the same time. All OK with me but my dilemma now is do I use the health Insurance I have or pay myself.

Any one have any idea how much a hernia repair costs? There is a £500 excess on the policy so Is it worth claiming and seeing my premium increase or just pay myself

Thanks to anyone who has experienced this procedure.


Well it depends what area you are in and what hospital and what type of hernia! I had my inguinal hernia repaired at Queen Sirikit about three years ago cost 17500 baht, The average quote from local private hospitals was in excess of 200,000 baht .


Get a second opinion. JohnC is correct in regards to pricing. The big Bkk hospitals are looking for between 200-250 K and thats for about an hour of surgery


This was at my local Gov. hospital in Bangkok. The have given me a price for the endoscopy but cannot quote any further until the results of this are known. I am just crossing everything and hope all is ok and its just the hernia that needs repairing. It cannot be done by keyhole because the tear is too large.


Go to India I have Hiatus Hernia found with endoscopy whilst there,am going there again soon to have further inspection or surgery For 17500 that sounds good tho


My nephew had an inguinal hernia repair at a non-profit private hospital for just under 80,000 baht. At a government hospital will be perhaps 20-30K.


in dec. i had a stomach hernia(lining riped and intestine being blocked off trying to get out through tear had surgery in 1985 and a patch was installed,but guess did not hold.) surgery at Sukhumvit hospital. 80,000baht. surgery went well, had surgery sat. went home sunday, virtually no pain. i did get an infection at the incesion area which took a month to resolve.


I had an hernia repair done quite a fews back at Bangkok Pattaya hospital and if memoryy serves it was around THB 86000, it was an open repair not keyhole


in dec. i had a stomach hernia(lining riped and intestine being blocked off trying to get out through tear had surgery in 1985 and a patch was installed,but guess did not hold.) surgery at Sukhumvit hospital. 80,000baht. surgery went well, had surgery sat. went home sunday, virtually no pain. i did get an infection at the incesion area which took a month to resolve.

This is the same repair I have to have. I have to be cut from just below the breast bone to the navel, too big for keyhole.

Not bad recovery times


My nephew had an inguinal hernia repair at a non-profit private hospital for just under 80,000 baht. At a government hospital will be perhaps 20-30K.

This is where I must decide. If it comes out at that price range i may as well pay cash and keep next years premium down

Thanks for your reply


What repair are talking about here? Is this nissen?

Had to google that. As it is at the moment I have a tear in my stomach wall, I will find out more after the endoscopy if anything else needs doing. (Hopefully not)

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi members, Iam looking to come to Bangkok for a hernia repair, and have been trying to get quotes and info from government , police and military hospitals rumoured to be cheaper, Has anyone experience with these? ( EG CHULALUNGKORN, THAI POLICE HOSPITAL ETC), as to pricing and how soon you can receive treatment from when you first attend?

Obviously I am trying to plan leave but will depend on how quickly the public hospitals can access a surgeon for appointment, and then on to the op.

Any info will be gratefully received, regards, Jethro


My nephew had an inguinal hernia repair at a non-profit private hospital for just under 80,000 baht. At a government hospital will be perhaps 20-30K.

Correct me if i am wrong, but i believe in government hospital they do not put you to sleep, just a local


Hi members, Iam looking to come to Bangkok for a hernia repair, and have been trying to get quotes and info from government , police and military hospitals rumoured to be cheaper, Has anyone experience with these? ( EG CHULALUNGKORN, THAI POLICE HOSPITAL ETC), as to pricing and how soon you can receive treatment from when you first attend?

Obviously I am trying to plan leave but will depend on how quickly the public hospitals can access a surgeon for appointment, and then on to the op.

Any info will be gratefully received, regards, Jethro

With private hospital the next day, with government not too sure, depends on bed availability, theater availability, surgeon availability

As previously posted by other members prices range from 20 000-90 000 depending on the hospital


It will depend upon whether the government hospital has (and you utilze) a private channel. If you are talking about regular public channel and in Bangkok there may well be a long wait. It may also take you several days to even meet the surgeon and get wait listed...you'll need to register, and usually have to be screened first by a GP (actually often a medical student) etc.

There will also be considerable language barriers in dealing with administrative and nursing staff so best to have a Thai speaker with you.

Chulalongkorn has a private channel and I would suggest using that. It is on the 13th floor and starts I think about 4 PM but you have first to register ion the ground floor. It is by appointment only, you have to go first, speak with the nurse and request an appointment with a general surgeon. While this costs more than the public channel it is still quite affordable....and you can access more experienced doctors than are likely to do the surgery using the public channel. There may be a wait list this way, too though and there is no way to predict how long.

You may find that, taking into account hotel costs etc (since you are coming here just for this purpose) it is worth paying more to go to a private non-profit hospital such as St Louis or Bangkok Christian. There, you can immediately get ab appointment and quickly schedule the surgery.


Just a quick update on my o/p. Went and had the endoscopy done, bit uncomfortable but painless and they found I have an inflamed stomach and a hole in my diaphragm. So they are now going to try first to treat me by medicine to see if that will work if not when they do the surgery for the stomach hernia they will repair the hole as well. Cost for the endoscopy including the urease test, which was clear, was 2500 baht. Tablets, nexium, 1500 baht. So still dont know the cost of the operation yet


Sorry... which hospital was that? Coz I paid over 15k for my endoscopy a month ago, lol.

Were you completely under?

Was it painful?

Just trying to justify money spent, 55

This was done at the local government hospital, the names are all in Thai but the wife calls it "Nopporatt" It has a nurses/doctors training facility attached to it. I just had the spray at the back of the throat and was fully awake. No pain just a little discomfort, once I was past the gagging stage it was ok. I did have to wait a while for the doctor because she was teaching. She communicated well throughout in English and told me the results straight away (big relief)

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...


i live in HuaHin, and i look for inguinal hernia surgery;open and without mesh,and i prefer local anesthesia,anybody know a good surgeon,they are 3 hospitals here,or may better to go to Bangkok,St Louis or an other non profit hospital.Ihave an insurance then no problems about payment.

Thank you for answer

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