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Migrant workers in Thailand instructed to wear ID wristbands


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One of the most common means of All Inclusive Holiday Resorts throughout the World identifying guests staying there and preventing non-guests cheating, is a simple wrist band. These guests, of course, include Israelis and others of Jewish descent. Do you think those particular guests associated wrist bands with the persecution of their faith. Now that AI is making an appearance in various parts of Thailand do you really think that international guests, including, Jews would object if the AI resorts in Thailand used that process?

Of course, this is not a realistic comparison but neither is the automatic association of these wrist bands for a specific, serious problem with the Nazis persecution of the Jews.

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Though its a bad idea, its no worse than any employer requiring its employees to wear ID tag's around their necks.

What pisses me off though is the holocaust industry hijacking the topic,

I think it is a lot worse, but you initially say it is a bad idea, but then you try and justify your position saying that it is no worse than ID tags around their necks. The difference is this is only for Migrant workers which may have to wear them all the time which will make them stand out, and not needed for Thai workers. If an employer wanted to make all their employees wear an ID around their necks when they were at work, that is a completely different scenario.

The last time I heard a quote about the "holocaust industry" was a neo nazi quoting the self hating jew norman finkelstein. Maybe you need to read a bit wider.

I just went to your profile and one of your quotes is "Zionism is racism, actions and words by numerous Israels make this very clear, the anti Semite card played by Israel and its supporters has worn very thin"

My first impression of your comments show your spots and I can see if anyone mentions the Holocaust or Israel, you can't help yourself to state that Israel is evil, and next will be the Holocaust never happened, which is all part of your agenda.

Edited by aussiebrian
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A lot of people here jumping on Thais for being insensitive or even ignorant about what happened in Europe 70 years ago. Let me ask you this... Do you think most of the people you know back home are aware of the Rape of Nangking, Sook Ching in Singapore, Unit 731, etc? I'd guess many young people in the West don't know even about Toul Sleng, the Killing Fields, or Mai Lai. How many of you know about China's 19th century Taiping Rebellion, led by a madman who claimed to be a brother of Jesus, and which cost over 20 million lives? One of the costliest wars in human history. So please get off your high horses about Thai knowledge of the European theatre in WW2. We have our own blind spots as well....

You would have a point if the Thai people new about these Asian atrocities. I am afraid that the education system here is just too limited.

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A lot of people here jumping on Thais for being insensitive or even ignorant about what happened in Europe 70 years ago. Let me ask you this... Do you think most of the people you know back home are aware of the Rape of Nangking, Sook Ching in Singapore, Unit 731, etc? I'd guess many young people in the West don't know even about Toul Sleng, the Killing Fields, or Mai Lai. How many of you know about China's 19th century Taiping Rebellion, led by a madman who claimed to be a brother of Jesus, and which cost over 20 million lives? One of the costliest wars in human history. So please get off your high horses about Thai knowledge of the European theatre in WW2. We have our own blind spots as well....

You would have a point if the Thai people new about these Asian atrocities. I am afraid that the education system here is just too limited.

The government, the media, the whole country has been told again and again and again about this and other atrocities and they simply do not give a damn.

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I spent 5 months in Mukdahan, Nong Khai and That Phanom and 50% of the traders were Laotian who came across the bridge every day free of charge to sell their goods in the markets. This has been going on for over a century ( via little boats ) and is a way of life. While I appreciate that Governments like statistics and strict control of foreigners, I think this move is overkill and is very non-Thai

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Why not just tatto them at the forehead!

If some poor Brumeese want to come to the Kingdome and take part of the enourmos wealth, it should be a small sacrifice.

My thoughts goes directly back 70 years............


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And yet again, another reason to move to a friendlier place. You can live in Mexico for 180 days on a tourist visa, do ONE visa run and come right back in. In the Dominican Republic, you can live for up to FOUR YEARS on a tourist visa, turn around and do one visa run and come back in for ANOTHER FOUR YEARS.

NO immigration 90-day check-ins.

NO threat of fine or jail as long as you comply with very expat-friendly rules.

NO soapy massages . . . AHA!!! THAT's why we stay!!!


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Though its a bad idea, its no worse than any employer requiring its employees to wear ID tag's around their necks.

What pisses me off though is the holocaust industry hijacking the topic,

I think it is a lot worse, but you initially say it is a bad idea, but then you try and justify your position saying that it is no worse than ID tags around their necks. The difference is this is only for Migrant workers which may have to wear them all the time which will make them stand out, and not needed for Thai workers. If an employer wanted to make all their employees wear an ID around their necks when they were at work, that is a completely different scenario.

The last time I heard a quote about the "holocaust industry" was a neo nazi quoting the self hating jew norman finkelstein. Maybe you need to read a bit wider.

I just went to your profile and one of your quotes is "Zionism is racism, actions and words by numerous Israels make this very clear, the anti Semite card played by Israel and its supporters has worn very thin"

My first impression of your comments show your spots and I can see if anyone mentions the Holocaust or Israel, you can't help yourself to state that Israel is evil, and next will be the Holocaust never happened, which is all part of your agenda.

Comparing migrant workers wearing ID bracelets in a Pathum Thani market to the holocaust is insane, and yes I have absolutely no doubt that Zionism is a racist ideology, and no I have never said in any post that Israel was evil, nor am I a holocaust denier. Yes there is a holocaust industry, that has netted Israel 100 of billions of German marks.

You are the type of man who blindly labels every person who does not support Israels 100% an anti Semite.
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Reminds me of those yellow stars three generations ago - for religious reasons though at that time - very, very scary as it also could communicate the lawlessness sad.png


but I think those stars were more about race than religion.

Are farang foreign workers next?

Stay tuned, this could get interesting!

As a non-jew I still assume that this is a religion than a race. Irrespective of that; it singles out a group of people by cultural/religious/ethnic heritage and we should have learnt our lessons from the past to never let this happen again. Just my little grain of salt ....

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I assume that the Government will not just give a foreign worker a wristband, it has not been mentioned yet but I would not be surprised to learn that there is say a 2000 Bt charge for the said wristband and that a new one has to be purchased for each visit to the Kingdom. Maybe the bottom line is the reason !

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Without migrant workers Thailand would come to a complete crawl. It's time the migrant workers started demanding better treatment.

With this move it makes Thailand no better than Nazi Germany; will they be wanting to tattoo numbers on their arms next?

Once again the world can see just how ignorant and uneducated the Thai nation is as a whole.

Some Thais do that them-self. I have met a girl many years ago who tattooed her ID card number on her wrist. In case she lost her ID blink.png

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To all foreigners and expats who have seen this article, please have it send to the media back in your home countries and also your government officials back home. The countreis in the EU and US needs to how human rights issues are being disregarded by those morons in charge here. The ban of not only seafood products but all products from thailand should be enforced fast to change things here for these migrant workers. Now they are treated like dogs with "pet collars and tags". Whats next?

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This is alarming - those in Power have so little knowledge or understanding of history and how potentially damaging to society such policies may be.

very true :( ..whats next

trains for deportation ?



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To all foreigners and expats who have seen this article, please have it send to the media back in your home countries and also your government officials back home. The countreis in the EU and US needs to how human rights issues are being disregarded by those morons in charge here. The ban of not only seafood products but all products from thailand should be enforced fast to change things here for these migrant workers. Now they are treated like dogs with "pet collars and tags". Whats next?

The countreis in the EU and US needs to how human rights issues are being disregarded...blink.png

And pray tell how is wearing a wrist band disregarding ones human rights ?....is it no different than being forced to carry an passport or an ID card

grow up

I can assure you if the issue to these arm bands allowed the people something "for free" in Thailand ie access to free medical etc, then farangs would be queuing up for them and if they were refused on the grounds they are not migrants, then they would be howling on TV about how they are being discriminated against and racism

Edited by Soutpeel
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A lot of people here jumping on Thais for being insensitive or even ignorant about what happened in Europe 70 years ago. Let me ask you this... Do you think most of the people you know back home are aware of the Rape of Nangking, Sook Ching in Singapore, Unit 731, etc? I'd guess many young people in the West don't know even about Toul Sleng, the Killing Fields, or Mai Lai. How many of you know about China's 19th century Taiping Rebellion, led by a madman who claimed to be a brother of Jesus, and which cost over 20 million lives? One of the costliest wars in human history. So please get off your high horses about Thai knowledge of the European theatre in WW2. We have our own blind spots as well....

You would have a point if the Thai people new about these Asian atrocities. I am afraid that the education system here is just too limited.

I often chime in on Thai Visa and am "accused" of "defending" Thai People.

They seem to miss the point that this Thai Bashing is not even Thai related on their part, it part of an overriding sense of self importance and superiority.

in this case, as though if they went back to their homeland, ALL the people would be operating at the level of a PHD in … every thing!

Sir, trust me on this, only a very small fraction of your people know much more than what number bus they take to work, and where to get a good sandwich.

I am American, let me tell you something, it is mind boggling how little the average American knows about anything beyond their shores, and frankly … often very little about what happens within them.

Most cannot name their own vice president, senator or congressman. They do not understand the three branches of government or the checks and balances they are supposed to provide. Most cannot find Vietnam on a map … or Thailand … or any country in the mid east .. and wait for it … almost NONE can list the countries their armies are fighting in and where those countries are.

Few know what countries are “fair game’ for drone strikes, and who they are killing.

They have no working knowledge of the corporate tax codes, and loopholes within them, vote for their leaders based on looks & likeability.

And on and on and on. And these fools have had the benefit of at least a high school education.

You see, it is not so much about your “Thai Bashing” … it smells worse than that … it really is about “Who the hell do you think you are, and what fantasy country do you come from where your average citizen is deep in global political knowledge and history?” That is why so many postings end with “Go home then.” We are saying “You smoked your lunch if you think it is really different back home.” The only difference is, the food is bland, the women are whining b**chs, the taxes are obscene, and the governments are scoring Zero in ethics.

This is not whether the average Thai can explain western history.

It would be a very short conversation, relatively speaking, to have you sit with an average Thai and explain the history of Siam. I doubt you could stretch it out for 5 minutes. The difference is, they would accept that as

Why should he care or know that?” While you hold Thai People to the “Why can’t they pass an Ivy League College Entrance Exam in History?”

Think for a moment. What exactly is the problem … here?

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A lot of people here jumping on Thais for being insensitive or even ignorant about what happened in Europe 70 years ago. Let me ask you this... Do you think most of the people you know back home are aware of the Rape of Nangking, Sook Ching in Singapore, Unit 731, etc? I'd guess many young people in the West don't know even about Toul Sleng, the Killing Fields, or Mai Lai. How many of you know about China's 19th century Taiping Rebellion, led by a madman who claimed to be a brother of Jesus, and which cost over 20 million lives? One of the costliest wars in human history. So please get off your high horses about Thai knowledge of the European theatre in WW2. We have our own blind spots as well....

You would have a point if the Thai people new about these Asian atrocities. I am afraid that the education system here is just too limited.

No, he has a very good point - why should Thais know about Jew in 1940 Germany when we don't know about atrocities in Asia. Hw many know what Ghengis Khan did?

Farang are terrible at integrating into another society and somehow, unjustly I feel, think they are somehow better than Thais. What arrogance. The days of the British Empire are long gone. America as a super power - no more.

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A lot of people here jumping on Thais for being insensitive or even ignorant about what happened in Europe 70 years ago. Let me ask you this... Do you think most of the people you know back home are aware of the Rape of Nangking, Sook Ching in Singapore, Unit 731, etc? I'd guess many young people in the West don't know even about Toul Sleng, the Killing Fields, or Mai Lai. How many of you know about China's 19th century Taiping Rebellion, led by a madman who claimed to be a brother of Jesus, and which cost over 20 million lives? One of the costliest wars in human history. So please get off your high horses about Thai knowledge of the European theatre in WW2. We have our own blind spots as well....

You would have a point if the Thai people new about these Asian atrocities. I am afraid that the education system here is just too limited.

I often chime in on Thai Visa and am "accused" of "defending" Thai People.

They seem to miss the point that this Thai Bashing is not even Thai related on their part, it part of an overriding sense of self importance and superiority.

in this case, as though if they went back to their homeland, ALL the people would be operating at the level of a PHD in … every thing!

Sir, trust me on this, only a very small fraction of your people know much more than what number bus they take to work, and where to get a good sandwich.

I am American, let me tell you something, it is mind boggling how little the average American knows about anything beyond their shores, and frankly … often very little about what happens within them.

Most cannot name their own vice president, senator or congressman. They do not understand the three branches of government or the checks and balances they are supposed to provide. Most cannot find Vietnam on a map … or Thailand … or any country in the mid east .. and wait for it … almost NONE can list the countries their armies are fighting in and where those countries are.

Few know what countries are “fair game’ for drone strikes, and who they are killing.

They have no working knowledge of the corporate tax codes, and loopholes within them, vote for their leaders based on looks & likeability.

And on and on and on. And these fools have had the benefit of at least a high school education.

You see, it is not so much about your “Thai Bashing” … it smells worse than that … it really is about “Who the hell do you think you are, and what fantasy country do you come from where your average citizen is deep in global political knowledge and history?” That is why so many postings end with “Go home then.” We are saying “You smoked your lunch if you think it is really different back home.” The only difference is, the food is bland, the women are whining b**chs, the taxes are obscene, and the governments are scoring Zero in ethics.

This is not whether the average Thai can explain western history.

It would be a very short conversation, relatively speaking, to have you sit with an average Thai and explain the history of Siam. I doubt you could stretch it out for 5 minutes. The difference is, they would accept that as

Why should he care or know that?” While you hold Thai People to the “Why can’t they pass an Ivy League College Entrance Exam in History?”

Think for a moment. What exactly is the problem … here?

Excellent post - one of the best I've read on TV in over 10 years.

Lack of acceptance is my theory - many can't accept they are foreigners. Look at how many 'expats' here have lived for over 3 years and probably dont even know the Thai word for "racism". I surveyed a few guys I know who have live here between 7 and 18 years and they couldn't even tell me the month it was in Thai - pathetic illiterates. They'd have a field day dissing anyone coming to their country and not even know what month it was after 1 year!

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To all foreigners and expats who have seen this article, please have it send to the media back in your home countries and also your government officials back home. The countreis in the EU and US needs to how human rights issues are being disregarded by those morons in charge here. The ban of not only seafood products but all products from thailand should be enforced fast to change things here for these migrant workers. Now they are treated like dogs with "pet collars and tags". Whats next?

The countreis in the EU and US needs to how human rights issues are being disregarded...blink.png

And pray tell how is wearing a wrist band disregarding ones human rights ?....is it no different than being forced to carry an passport or an ID card

grow up

I can assure you if the issue to these arm bands allowed the people something "for free" in Thailand ie access to free medical etc, then farangs would be queuing up for them and if they were refused on the grounds they are not migrants, then they would be howling on TV about how they are being discriminated against and racism

Exactly ... Well said. How is this different than employees in the Fortune 500 having to wear a photo ID, with a chip inside, that tracks their movement from the moment they get on campus until they leave?

How is this different than Expats being required, by law, to carry thier passports?

In America, every person MUST be able to furnish a regisitered form of Identification.

Ummm .. and migrant workers? Better have that "Green Card" senor, or you are going to be on the other side of the Rio Grande pronto - presto.

You see dear Thai Visa Thai Bashing Committee ... the Thias are finally making your dreams come true ... AND USING YOUR WESTERN SYSTEMS.

Then you get your panties all in a bunch an show the Red Card.

Amazing Franang. So stupid. So hypocritical. So niave.

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Though its a bad idea, its no worse than any employer requiring its employees to wear ID tag's around their necks.

What pisses me off though is the holocaust industry hijacking the topic,

Exactly. They jump at any chance to show their superiority over the Thais they 'live' with.

Most of them probably live in the middle of Nakhon Nowhere and the only interaction they have is when they go to the local shop and say "sahm bottle sing ha krap"

It's wonderful when they move there and feel like a superstar but when reality sets in they become keyboard warriors nsanely believe the crap they write because there are so many of them saying the same thing.

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This is alarming - those in Power have so little knowledge or understanding of history and how potentially damaging to society such policies may be.

THAINESS uber ales. Are anti-Thaksinistas and pro Suthepistas raising their voices against this?

I wonder...

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A lot of people here jumping on Thais for being insensitive or even ignorant about what happened in Europe 70 years ago. Let me ask you this... Do you think most of the people you know back home are aware of the Rape of Nangking, Sook Ching in Singapore, Unit 731, etc? I'd guess many young people in the West don't know even about Toul Sleng, the Killing Fields, or Mai Lai. How many of you know about China's 19th century Taiping Rebellion, led by a madman who claimed to be a brother of Jesus, and which cost over 20 million lives? One of the costliest wars in human history. So please get off your high horses about Thai knowledge of the European theatre in WW2. We have our own blind spots as well....

You would have a point if the Thai people new about these Asian atrocities. I am afraid that the education system here is just too limited.

No, he has a very good point - why should Thais know about Jew in 1940 Germany when we don't know about atrocities in Asia. Hw many know what Ghengis Khan did?

Farang are terrible at integrating into another society and somehow, unjustly I feel, think they are somehow better than Thais. What arrogance. The days of the British Empire are long gone. America as a super power - no more.

Yes, I was trying to make this point in somewhat of a 'softer' way. smile.png There does seem to be a widely-held expectation here that what has happened in the West should be known by everyone and that Asians (etc.) are simply ignorant, backward, close-minded, etc. if they don't have knowledge of Western history. No-one can deny (well, a few do, I guess) that the Holocaust was a horrific event. But it was a mostly European event. How can we expect Asians to know details like the yellow armbands, etc.? Also, remember that Westerners are frequently (and appropriately) reminded of this tragedy in the media, books, from museums, etc. etc... Sophie's Choice and Schindler's List have been two of the biggest films in my lifetime. It's also a founding event of a key 'Western outpost' in the Middle East. Asians aren't exposed to the Holocaust anywhere near as frequently as people in the West, and when they do hear of it, it cannot have the same cultural relevance to them. They didn't lose relatives to it and their countries did not take in refugees/survivors in large numbers. It happened a world away. Now people are right that Asians are less aware of the atrocities in their own backyards, but that's because these atrocities have not been highlighted with the same intensity and regularity as the Holocaust for numerous reasons. How many books or movies have their been that focused on Japanese atrocities in China, for example?

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