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police extorting money for return of ID cards


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last night I was at the beach with my gf when a group of police came through and wanted to see her ID. they then said they wanted 100b before they would hand it back. I refused to pay it altho she wanted me too. afterwards she went down to the police station and got it back with out paying. can any one explain what they are doing this for?

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I'm not saying that your story did not happen.

"can any one explain what they are doing this for?"

That part is clearly trolling. No one is going to accept you are that slow.

Edit: I see you admit to trolling, there we go....

Edited by ChaangNoi
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well maybe my explanation is wrong, I would like to think they werent just extorting money but it sure looks that way to me, which is why I refused to pay and also explained to them that the event would be recorded on social media so that interested public can be aware of what they are doing

Edited by phycokiller
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the usual 100 baht is the fine for hookers working girls/boys on the beach, fine is for loitering.

she may have paid it, just did not tell OP, or may be managed to convince someone at the station that she was not working

if she is a "worker" next time around it may end up costing her much more and if she is not, then nothing to worry aboutthumbsup.gif

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Maybe they took your "girlfriend" for being a hooker , so the normal fine is 100 baht and then the girls are asked to stay away from beach rd. So yes I believe your story .

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Slightly connected. Traffic cops operate the same scam with your driving licence. They ask to see it & then sell it back for 200 baht. I put mine in a plastic compartment in my wallet and hand the whole thing over. They are utterly confounded - they can't get the licence out; they can't trouser the whole thing so they eventually hand it back for free.

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Slightly connected. Traffic cops operate the same scam with your driving licence. They ask to see it & then sell it back for 200 baht. I put mine in a plastic compartment in my wallet and hand the whole thing over. They are utterly confounded - they can't get the licence out; they can't trouser the whole thing so they eventually hand it back for free.

Assume you do not have any money or other important items in your wallet. Otherwise you may lose everything unless you pay their fee.cheesy.gif

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Maybe they took your "girlfriend" for being a hooker , so the normal fine is 100 baht and then the girls are asked to stay away from beach rd. So yes I believe your story .

maybe, but it needs to be noted that the ladies werent asked to leave the beach and no attempt was made to remove them, so maybe this should be regarded as a tax rather then a fine

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I dont know what they said exactly because it was in Thai, but one of the accusations according to her was that she was selling her pussy.

And I bet she doesn't even own a cat. Damn police!

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Maybe they took your "girlfriend" for being a hooker , so the normal fine is 100 baht and then the girls are asked to stay away from beach rd. So yes I believe your story .

maybe, but it needs to be noted that the ladies werent asked to leave the beach and no attempt was made to remove them, so maybe this should be regarded as a tax rather then a fine

It has now been noted that the 'ladies' were not asked to leave the beach. So how many girlfriends were you with ??

Had she just been your girlfriend for the proceeding 5 mins, whilst negotiations took place ??


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I dont know what they said exactly because it was in Thai, but one of the accusations according to her was that she was selling her pussy. I dont know who she got it from at the station, but she gave me back the 100b so she didnt pay them

did she? huh.png

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