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Families of death row inmates, fearing worst, head to Indonesia


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Dancing on their graves already. Not unexpected from you lot.

In your opinion do you believe Thailand will re-commence excutions for those sentenced to death after the review of the moratorium this year?

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KSA is off the Richter scale in terms of inhumanity and off topic

Yes sovereign states may apply their own penalties.

but surely you would agree that civilised counties ditched the death penalty years ago

Who threw that stone?

Who was it!

Oh never mind

Mott the Hoople?

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At least 3 of those facing execution have no place being there. I suggest the hang em high brigade read the backgrounds to the Mary Jane, the Indonesian and the Frenchman cases. Indonesia is committing murder.May the President rot in an Islamic version of hell.

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Australia is spending all this money on 2 convicted death traffickers. Dealing in heroin is "death trafficking". They were standover, supposedly "hard" men that enforced the others to continue to do their dirty work even when they (the others) wanted to back out prior leaving Australia for the pick up. Bring it on I say. Save the government money so that they can put Australia TV back on sattelite so I can watch my football up here in the NE (Isaan). I think that is more of a priority than worrying about those 2 pieces of sh#t. They knew the risks and did the deed. The Australia police knew about them and told their counterparts in Indonesia who captured them. All cried about this in Australia. The federal cops were probably sick of the p#ss poor sentences given in Australia so thought justice could be done better by the Indos. Looks like they were right. Well done wink.png

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People who supply drugs should be punished by murder? Does the same apply to bar owners who supply alcohol which causes far more death and suffering than any illegal drug?

Don't talk nonsense, your comparison is ridiculous! Regardless of the effects of alcohol, in most countries it is LEGAL, whereas in most, if not all countries, including Indonesia, heroin is ILLEGAL,

I think his point is that there is just as much reason that alcohol should be illegal as heroin. Why does anyone have the right to decide which intoxicants we put in out own bodies?

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If someone's morals are based on what is legal and what is illegal then obviously that person has handed all of their decisions over to the corrupt powers and not thinking for themselves. A bit pathetic to base your idea of right and wrong on whether something is legal or illegal. As the guy above said why is one legal and one illegal despite them both being harmful. Who decides what is legal and what isn't and what gives them the right to think for us? Laws are written by corrupt minorities who have their own agenda.

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If someone's morals are based on what is legal and what is illegal then obviously that person has handed all of their decisions over to the corrupt powers and not thinking for themselves. A bit pathetic to base your idea of right and wrong on whether something is legal or illegal. As the guy above said why is one legal and one illegal despite them both being harmful. Who decides what is legal and what isn't and what gives them the right to think for us? Laws are written by corrupt minorities who have their own agenda.

In most of the countries we come from, those "corrupt minorities" you claim have their own agenda have been elected into power by the majority of the population.

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A 'two party system' where you can choose between two parties who use propaganda to compete for the same contract under the same oligarchy based on superficial promises, when neither is going to cut out the hidden puppeteers is not really a choice.

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What about the marijuana guy.....his story is sad as well. With his case being reviewed right now. The govt calls and asks the family what they want done with his body and his appeal has not been rejected yet. But the AG says it will be denied. The country is a judicial farce.

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What about the marijuana guy.....his story is sad as well. With his case being reviewed right now. The govt calls and asks the family what they want done with his body and his appeal has not been rejected yet. But the AG says it will be denied. The country is a judicial farce.

Nick you're asking questions that the hang em high brigade can't answer. To execute him and Mary Jane is out and out murder. The callousness of Widodo knows no bounds.
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Now denied there own spiritual counsel in there last hours. Yet they had them on site from Oz.........due to the fact that with three bullets live not one will hit the mark and like last time , no coup de gra....just painful bleed out.......Sad, this all could ha e been avoided had they been able to pay the gift fee......or that they never attempted this shit in the first place......Well the heroin vomes from Afganistan.....so ..... I guess after 9/11...rather than create a useless coalition. The States should just have bombed Wajhiristan into the pre stone age.

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And a sad day for those who lost friends and family member to the drugs imported by people like these.

Maybe put the responsibility where it belongs, on the drug users, rather than the sellers. Alcohol is a much worse drug than most, yet no one is going after wineries for all the ruined lives caused by their product.

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