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Dear all members, I wanted to buy the Expat Vision box that allows you to watch and view television from the UK. by Sky broadcasting and the internet.

After speaking to a nice lady called Kelly from the Let's Talk conversation. I wanted to know if the box can be used and viewed in different countries, because I do travel a lot for work and sometimes have to stay in that country for One to Two months. the answer I got, yes you can use it, but not England.

I will say "THANKYOU" for any information you provide to me..... in advance and without reservations.

1, Has anybody tried to use their Expat vision box in another country?

2, Has anybody use the box with a Proxy or VPN connection? Have you used the box with Proxy or VPN in Thailand?

3, I'm not a resident in UK but I do go back for only two months of the year and I also travel to three counties in the Middle East during the year, so would want to take the box with me for using while staying in that country. I know it's a legal issue because Sky broadcasting doesn't want people like me to be able to set their box up and get it cheaper in England, But as I have already said I don't have any connection or residency in England.
So my biggest question is folks, If you have one of these can you try and use it by proxy,VPN and tell me if it works or not?

Thanks Guys.

PS. I will not answer to TROLLS, Thailand has many of these here.


I've never heard of this service in Thailand and a quick read of the terms and conditions on their web site says its up to you to ensure you have enough internet bandwidth for it to work. Also I thought the monthy fees were super high.

Personally I think you would be better buying an androx box with Kodi. It's a one off cost of 4000 - 6000 baht and then everything is free.

If you you dont know about Kodi and would like a someonr to program everything for you then I would recommend you contact Patrick at Streamtopia ( they are a sponsor of this forum) and he can set you up with a box customized to your TV and movie viewing needs.

I recently purchased a box from him ( cost was a little under 6,000 baht and it is excellent.

I also have boxes that I bought myself at pantip and fortune town for 4-5,000 baht and programmed them myself but the guys at Streamtopia do a much better job then I can so its worth using them. I plan to buy another box from them for my place in Phuket.

And before I forget yes I get all the British TV and sky sports and TV from all over the world. I have TV show and movies and even radio. And it's all free other than the original cost of the box.

Please note no matter what box you get they will all depend on the quality of your internet connection so bear that in mind.


I've never heard of this service in Thailand and a quick read of the terms and conditions on their web site says its up to you to ensure you have enough internet bandwidth for it to work. Also I thought the monthy fees were super high.

Personally I think you would be better buying an androx box with Kodi. It's a one off cost of 4000 - 6000 baht and then everything is free.

If you you dont know about Kodi and would like a someonr to program everything for you then I would recommend you contact Patrick at Streamtopia ( they are a sponsor of this forum) and he can set you up with a box customized to your TV and movie viewing needs.

I recently purchased a box from him ( cost was a little under 6,000 baht and it is excellent.

I also have boxes that I bought myself at pantip and fortune town for 4-5,000 baht and programmed them myself but the guys at Streamtopia do a much better job then I can so its worth using them. I plan to buy another box from them for my place in Phuket.

And before I forget yes I get all the British TV and sky sports and TV from all over the world. I have TV show and movies and even radio. And it's all free other than the original cost of the box.

Please note no matter what box you get they will all depend on the quality of your internet connection so bear that in mind.

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