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Riot erupts in Baltimore after funeral for man hurt in police custody


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So after all the years that have gone by ... 53 - 63 - 73 - 83 - 93 - 2003 - 2015 ....how does white riots in 1943 have relevance to the black riots over this modern era? Especially with two black riots here in a matter of months. Making any comparison between the two is stretching things a bit.

You wrote, "Whites are wronged in America by police -- But when is the last time you have seen white mobs burning - rioting and looting to seek revenge?"

I wrote, "1943." Poor whites and blacks moved to Detroit to find jobs in the newly created defense industry. The riots were about housing. The anti war riots were basically not racial and I'm guessing more white than black people protested. I don't know - I wasn't there and didn't watch it on TV. The riots after sporting events are mostly fans and not racially motivated.

I think you can compare all riots. The big difference that I see is all of the riots in the USA before this one the cops fought back and who was the dummy who let the HS kids out of school?

Sorry, the riots in Detroit in 1943 were race riots and not primarily about housing, according to this Wiki entry. Yes, the racist whites did not want the blacks living in their housing tracts, but you should have consideredt the deeper problem in your research.

And race relations were not looking so good even before the riots. From the above Wiki entry:

"Later, in June 1943, three weeks before the riot, Packard Motor Car Company promoted three blacks to work next to whites in the assembly lines In response, 25,000 whites walked off the job, effectively slowing down the critical war production. It was clear that whites who worked with blacks in the same plant nevertheless refused to work side-by-side with them. During the protest, a voice with a southern accent shouted in the loudspeaker, "I'd rather see Hitler and Hirohito win than work next to a nigger."

I like where you say the whites were rioting because they didnot want the blacks in their housing tracts. Seems they were right and should have won. Look what the blacks have done to Detroit since 1943. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Maybe the whites should have rioted in Baltimore too. Do other American cities with smaller black population have the problems Detroit and Baltimore have?

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So after all the years that have gone by ... 53 - 63 - 73 - 83 - 93 - 2003 - 2015 ....how does white riots in 1943 have relevance to the black riots over this modern era? Especially with two black riots here in a matter of months. Making any comparison between the two is stretching things a bit.

You wrote, "Whites are wronged in America by police -- But when is the last time you have seen white mobs burning - rioting and looting to seek revenge?"

I wrote, "1943." Poor whites and blacks moved to Detroit to find jobs in the newly created defense industry. The riots were about housing. The anti war riots were basically not racial and I'm guessing more white than black people protested. I don't know - I wasn't there and didn't watch it on TV. The riots after sporting events are mostly fans and not racially motivated.

I think you can compare all riots. The big difference that I see is all of the riots in the USA before this one the cops fought back and who was the dummy who let the HS kids out of school?

Sorry, the riots in Detroit in 1943 were race riots and not primarily about housing, according to this Wiki entry. Yes, the racist whites did not want the blacks living in their housing tracts, but you should have consideredt the deeper problem in your research.

And race relations were not looking so good even before the riots. From the above Wiki entry:

"Later, in June 1943, three weeks before the riot, Packard Motor Car Company promoted three blacks to work next to whites in the assembly lines In response, 25,000 whites walked off the job, effectively slowing down the critical war production. It was clear that whites who worked with blacks in the same plant nevertheless refused to work side-by-side with them. During the protest, a voice with a southern accent shouted in the loudspeaker, "I'd rather see Hitler and Hirohito win than work next to a nigger."

And still no relevance to modern times of the last 73 years... One white event and there are at least 5-6 significant black race riots since... not to mention that the new laws of the 1960's made serious discrimination illegal and has been followed.... Not only that many tens of millions fully respect that Martin Luther King Jr. conducted his protest peacefully and won equal rights for blacks that are still in effect today. Race relations were advancing just fine until Obama came along and stirred the pot. Rights for housing and education made major strides ... The problem in the black community is all the benefits to poor people mostly black over the years has caused a dependency cycle ... The major unintended consequence from the out pour of government benefits was to see it evolve to a point that pregnant women and young mothers in the black community (and white too) received more benefits if there is NOT a husband / man in the household. As as result Fatherless Black Home skyrocketed over 30 years to the point that finding a black home in urban inner cities with a Father in the house is a rarity. Young black children have not guidance from Fathers - practically NONE... What that does to young black boys is assure that they will be led astray. Notice that the parent that showed up to forcefully remove the son from the riots was the MOM... Dad was no where to be seen.

The ROOT SOURCE of violence in urban America is Black upon Black violence not white violence upon black and not cop violence upon blacks.... Several Black Police Chiefs in America keep getting on TV and pointing this out but it falls on deaf ears as people want to be victims ... victims get noticed ... get on TV ... get money ... Drive by shootings in America in Black Neighborhoods kill and maim 10 times more blacks than are ever injured by police actions. And that is a very conservative estimate.

In short because of their chosen life style Blacks get into confrontations with police at a high rate... Probability and statistics say that sooner or later cops will injure or kill black people....

There is no high degree of racism involved and the black protests that occur again and again are NOT JUSTIFIED... it is just Thugs and Thug wanabees who are out there rioting. As you see from your own attempt at slanting the information about white riots -- it only happens once every 73 years no every 7 years or every 7 months....

Whoa there, big fella!

I was simply trying to counter your slant on the racial strife in Detroit in the early forties as something quite a bit more than just that the "riots were about housing", as you put it. And I was primarily quoting the Wiki entry for the incident. I guess you missed the Wiki quote that I placed into my reply about the 25,000 workers walking off the job simply because three blacks were placed on an assembly line. Not only was it a wartime situation, but the Japanese made some serious propaganda hay out of it. And you say the riot was about housing?

But, since you continue to bring up the relevance of this incident to today, perhaps we need to consider that the racial strife in Detroit in the 1940s ultimately resulted in white flight (Wiki) to the suburbs in the 1950s and 1960s.

"Migration of middle-class white populations was observed during the 1950s and 1960s out of cities such as Detroit, Oakland and Cleveland, although racial segregation of public schools had ended there long before the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Brown v.Board of Education . In the 1970s, attempts to achieve effective desegregation by means of forced busing in some areas led to more families' moving out of former areas."

I'm not going to go into the complete history of the downfall of Detroit (I'll leave that homework to you), but certainly the 1967 riots, about 48 years ago, was another catastrophic incident for Detroit. Or did that riot also not have any relevance to today?

If you think not, there is this:

From The Decline of Detroit (wiki):

"Of the 1967 riots, politician Coleman Young, Detroit's first black mayor, wrote in 1994:

The heaviest casualty, however, was the city. Detroit's losses went a hell of a lot deeper than the immediate toll of lives and buildings. The riot put Detroit on the fast track to economic desolation, mugging the city and making off with incalculable value in jobs, earnings taxes, corporate taxes, retail dollars, sales taxes, mortgages, interest, property taxes, development dollars, investment dollars, tourism dollars, and plain damn money. The money was carried out in the pockets of the businesses and the white people who fled as fast as they could. The white exodus from Detroit had been prodigiously steady prior to the riot, totally twenty-two thousand in 1966, but afterwards it was frantic. In 1967, with less than half the year remaining after the summer explosion—the outward population migration reached sixty-seven thousand. In 1968 the figure hit eighty-thousand, followed by forty-six thousand in 1969."

You say: The ROOT SOURCE of violence in urban America is Black upon Black violence ...

I and others say: The ROOT SOURCE of violence in urban America is liberal politics resulting in high black unemployment, disintegration of the black family, installation of big government and the welfare state, just for starters. The violence is only a symptom of the bigger problem. This problem predates Obama and he has done little to diminish it because he's part of the problem and not the solution.

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So after all the years that have gone by ... 53 - 63 - 73 - 83 - 93 - 2003 - 2015 ....how does white riots in 1943 have relevance to the black riots over this modern era? Especially with two black riots here in a matter of months. Making any comparison between the two is stretching things a bit.

You wrote, "Whites are wronged in America by police -- But when is the last time you have seen white mobs burning - rioting and looting to seek revenge?"

I wrote, "1943." Poor whites and blacks moved to Detroit to find jobs in the newly created defense industry. The riots were about housing. The anti war riots were basically not racial and I'm guessing more white than black people protested. I don't know - I wasn't there and didn't watch it on TV. The riots after sporting events are mostly fans and not racially motivated.

I think you can compare all riots. The big difference that I see is all of the riots in the USA before this one the cops fought back and who was the dummy who let the HS kids out of school?

Sorry, the riots in Detroit in 1943 were race riots and not primarily about housing, according to this Wiki entry. Yes, the racist whites did not want the blacks living in their housing tracts, but you should have consideredt the deeper problem in your research.

And race relations were not looking so good even before the riots. From the above Wiki entry:

"Later, in June 1943, three weeks before the riot, Packard Motor Car Company promoted three blacks to work next to whites in the assembly lines In response, 25,000 whites walked off the job, effectively slowing down the critical war production. It was clear that whites who worked with blacks in the same plant nevertheless refused to work side-by-side with them. During the protest, a voice with a southern accent shouted in the loudspeaker, "I'd rather see Hitler and Hirohito win than work next to a nigger."

I like where you say the whites were rioting because they didnot want the blacks in their housing tracts. Seems they were right and should have won. Look what the blacks have done to Detroit since 1943. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Maybe the whites should have rioted in Baltimore too. Do other American cities with smaller black population have the problems Detroit and Baltimore have?

I'll answer: Only in corroded inner city - basically ghettos ... brought about by DEPENDENCY on government benefits and copping out to the life style of RAP and the nastiness of it all - adopting it as a lifestyle. Lyrics typically are related to drugs, Hos', violence. High School drop out rates are staggering, unemployment is staggering... but no one moves to states with jobs ... because those states expect them work.

Remember Baltimore is a NO GUN city ... difficult for people to defend themselves - shop owners take a great risk defending their stores using a gun -- they will get arrested... Same for Chicago... and Detroit... One other common factor -- Democrat liberal mayors and Governors of these cities and states for 60 years.. Creating more DEPENDENCY and more expectant citizens to get more handouts and be sullen when they don't.

Detroit looks like Beirut at its worst period of war destruction - But Detroit's destruction was self-inflicted ... Michigan is the prime example of the welfare state... Same for Baltimore.

NOTE: The Mayor of Baltimore who made such crazy statements is ALSO the Secretary of the Democrat National Committee ...

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It appears that the dearly departed had neck surgery a week before this incident and should have been at home recovering.


EXCLUSIVE: The Fourth Estate has learned that Freddy Gray’s life-ending injuries to his spine may have possibly been the result of spinal and neck surgery that he allegedly received a week before he was arrested, not from rough excessively rough treatment or abuse from police.

The Fourth Estate has contacted sources who allege that Freddy Gray received spinal and neck surgery a week before we was arrested, and was allegedly receiving a large structured settlement from Allstate Insurance. The surgery is allegedly related to a car accident in which Gray was involved.


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Below - numerous unemployment charts... all depicting Blacks being far more unemployed than whites , or Asians, or Hispanics in America. And the root cause of black unemployment that parlays into black sullenness, black crime, black violence is No Father in the home and Blacks refusal to get educated and qualified for jobs. These folks drop out at staggering rates, and will not find technical trade schools DESPITE such financial assistance from Pell Grants, student loans, preferential admission, hundreds of NGOs trying to help...

Question - Why do Asians and Hispanics have lower unemployment rates than blacks IF whites who hold the keys to jobs are racists?

Black unemployment leads to hanging out on the streets, being envious, getting into dealing drugs to make money, robbing, break-ins, thuggery, purse snatching, strong arm robberies, rapes, murders - gang warfare.

This is why Baltimore erupted ... this is why Mr. Gray had a police record a full page long. Simply refusing to be part of the system and sit around day dreaming about being a Rap Star, a star basketball or football player - despite the fact that a only few thousand blacks ever get to be one of the stars ... Even when blacks dominate the line up in Rap Music, Basketball and Football. It is the sullen wannabee ... jump in the protest - riot and steal ... get my Nike's ...


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I should comment I have never lived in America or near blacks so all my info has been second hand from news and what I read.I grew up where there were no blacks,we also were rat free and proud of it. I didnot see a black or a rat till my 20's when I visited Bahamas. I got mugged there for my first time and got to see a rat. The mugging was a little scary blacks are big I found out and aggressive. So my first experience in an area with blacks I got mugged nice huh.

As far as blacks being underprivileged I think they put themselves there through no effort to be responsible for themselves or their actions. I have an Asian friend who came to America as a refuge from Cambodia,he has one good arm the other was shot off. He arrived in America $900 in debt for his airline ticket. Broke and indebt he worked and raised his family started 3 small business's in his time educated his children and retired.How can an Asian do this and a black who gets free food and lodging cannot even find a job.

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I just watched footage on the news of the destruction in Baltimore. What a mess.

I do not profess to have any solutions to these problems. In fact I will go as far as to say that these problems are only going to get worse.

But 90% of the blame can be laid fairly and squarely of at the door of '' Progressive '' Governments who have done nothing but create a culture of ''entitlement and dependency ''

Every Country, the US included, where the Government has allowed the creation of a culture that allows people to be paid more in benefits than some people can earn from legal employment are to blame.

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So after all the years that have gone by ... 53 - 63 - 73 - 83 - 93 - 2003 - 2015 ....how does white riots in 1943 have relevance to the black riots over this modern era? Especially with two black riots here in a matter of months. Making any comparison between the two is stretching things a bit.

You wrote, "Whites are wronged in America by police -- But when is the last time you have seen white mobs burning - rioting and looting to seek revenge?"

I wrote, "1943." Poor whites and blacks moved to Detroit to find jobs in the newly created defense industry. The riots were about housing. The anti war riots were basically not racial and I'm guessing more white than black people protested. I don't know - I wasn't there and didn't watch it on TV. The riots after sporting events are mostly fans and not racially motivated.

I think you can compare all riots. The big difference that I see is all of the riots in the USA before this one the cops fought back and who was the dummy who let the HS kids out of school?

Sorry, the riots in Detroit in 1943 were race riots and not primarily about housing, according to this Wiki entry. Yes, the racist whites did not want the blacks living in their housing tracts, but you should have consideredt the deeper problem in your research.

And race relations were not looking so good even before the riots. From the above Wiki entry:

"Later, in June 1943, three weeks before the riot, Packard Motor Car Company promoted three blacks to work next to whites in the assembly lines In response, 25,000 whites walked off the job, effectively slowing down the critical war production. It was clear that whites who worked with blacks in the same plant nevertheless refused to work side-by-side with them. During the protest, a voice with a southern accent shouted in the loudspeaker, "I'd rather see Hitler and Hirohito win than work next to a nigger."

I like where you say the whites were rioting because they didnot want the blacks in their housing tracts. Seems they were right and should have won. Look what the blacks have done to Detroit since 1943. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Maybe the whites should have rioted in Baltimore too. Do other American cities with smaller black population have the problems Detroit and Baltimore have?

Thanks, but I didn't say they "were rioting because they did not want the blacks in their housing tracts". That was JDGRUEN.

I simply quoted the 1943 Detroit Race Riot Wiki entry that identified it as a race riot.

To further quote the above Wiki Entry:

"The Detroit race riot broke out in Detroit, Michigan, in June 1943, and lasted for three days before Federal troops regained control. The rioting between blacks and whites began on Belle Isle on June 20, 1943, and continued until June 22, killing 34, wounding 433, and destroying property valued at $2 million."


"Detroit, like many places in the United States, has a long history of racial discrimination. By the 1920s the city had become a stronghold of the Ku Klux Klan and the Black Legion, organizations committed to white supremacy. In summer 1943, in the midst of World War II, tensions between blacks and whites in Detroit were escalating. Detroit's population had grown by 350,000 people since the war began. The booming defense industries brought in large numbers of people with high wages and very little available housing.

In recent years, 50,000 blacks and 300,000 whites had arrived, mostly from rural Appalachia and the American South. Ethnic groups were pressured to resent African Americans especially. A historian of Detroit's Poles found that they were scared into seeing African Americans as "threatening their jobs, homes, communities, and churches""


"Altercations between black and white youths started on June 20, 1943, on a warm Saturday evening on Belle Isle. A fist fight broke out when a white sailor's girlfriend was insulted by a black man. The brawl eventually grew into a confrontation between groups of blacks and whites and then spread into the city. The riot escalated with a false rumor that a mob of whites had thrown an African-American mother and her baby into the Detroit River. Historian Marilynn S. Johnson argues that this rumor reflected black male paranoia over white violence against black women and children. Another false rumor swept white neighborhoods that blacks had raped and murdered a white woman on the Belle Isle Bridge. Angry mobs of whites spilled onto Woodward near the Roxy Theater around 4 a.m.,beating blacks as they were getting off street cars "

It seems to me that the disdain the whites had for having black resident in their housing tracts was another symptom of the racial strife that existed in Detroit long before the riot.

I do appreciate your mentioning the Decline of Detroit since 1943. Apparently, the whites headed for suburbia, especially after the 1967 riot, rather than to stay and defend urban Detroit.

The riots in Baltimore now are something completely different from the Detroit riot and IMHO and others is not primarily about race, in spite of the fact that white officers were involved in Freddie Gray's arrest and transport.


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@ MaxYokov #101 You posted "

"Thanks, but I didn't say they "were rioting because they did not want the blacks in their housing tracts". That was JDGRUEN"

I have not said or posted any such thing -- go back and check ... someone else may have -- but not me.

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@ MaxYokov #101 You posted "

"Thanks, but I didn't say they "were rioting because they did not want the blacks in their housing tracts". That was JDGRUEN"

I have not said or posted any such thing -- go back and check ... someone else may have -- but not me.

Yes, you are correct. It was lostoday here in a reply to one of your posts. I was going from memory and thought I had replied to you at the time. Please accept my apologies.

Edited by MaxYakov
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Freedom, to me, means a safe place to work, live and play....

America was once the land of the free.... but the very fabric of freedom has worn thin.

In fact, many Western Nations have taken in minority groups...and have paid the price.

Our biggest strength...has now become our weakness.

The tired and poor are now the discontented. Seems to me, that a bigger rift is growing between the haves and have nots.

I don't have a clue how we are going enable a society where the poor, inner city minorities are going to blend in .

The time is coming when certain freedoms will be put on the back shelf...and the streets will be patrolled even more harshly.

I can not promise my wife, that she will be safe in my city..should we move back.

She would be like a babe in the woods.....

It is still safe. There are definitely bad areas one should not go into, but they are relatively isolated and few and far in between.

How do we been in people that do not want to work, be responsible or do what it takes to better themselves. Candidly, African Americans don't have a good track records for better themselves in the US or in African countries where things are an absolutely disaster.

The poor and minorities in the US are given more and better opportunities to educate themselves or attend college that the middle or upper middle class. They are basically provided free school at public colleges whereas middle class families can either not afford or barely afford college tuition because they are unable to qualify for grants and other government programs that cover higher education costs.

Blows me away how many Russians, Ukrainians, Chinese, Japanese, Hispanic and Central Americans I know that come to the US with nothing and who can barely speak English, yet they work hard and make something of themselves through hard work, determination and dedication. The we have those here that can speak the language and are provided all kinds of government assistance and subsidies that do nothing but take, complain, loot and play victim when their actions get them into trouble.

Too many government freebees......so why would they want to work? You have to have pride first...most immigrants have that pride, so they blend in to the mainstream much better. Some even make it to the middle class.

"Others" use racial issues as an excuse to not blend in...and to demand more freebees. Food stamps, welfare checks and brick "project housing". I was always amazed at the number of expensive cars in these areas...

Yep, our PC butts refuse to even require that people pass drug tests to get welfare or government hand outs.

I too have seen the nice cars parked in front of section * and government housing. In Nashville, there are a couple of Section 8 type housing developments that are actually very attractive, new nice appearing homes and condos. I was blown away when someone told me one such development was "projects" or Section 8 housing and I kid you now, there are BMWs, Caddies, Mercedes and etc. all over the place there. I kind of chuckle because most of the apartment complexes where 20 something working kids and families live are not near as attractive or have near the nice cars.

Perhaps those living in subsidized housing and driving German cars are the smart ones and those 20 somethings waiting tables and working hourly jobs to get through school living in most apartment complexes are the dumb ones.

German cars, subsidized housing and having the audacity to want to make $15 an hour, one racist, cracker post after another.

The violence is wrong. It's never acceptable. Comments like these and half of the others on this thread are ignorant racist blather that shows the problem the US is facing. It's a racist society. I'm reading, these people don't deserve a chance. And I know y'all are using the N word when you're yelling at the TV, as Fox shows the looting.

The United States is a racist society with different opportunities depending on the color of your skin. We need to recognize the problem and do something about it. The Baltimore riots are about frustration.

Teapublicans (racists) want to lower minimum wage and take away everything that might help poor people (the middle class as well, for that matter). How does that help the problem? Well...it doesn't but the most important thing is to lower taxes for the rich. In other words a complete disconnect with the problems facing society.

Prejudice is taught. Some people are able to overcome that ingrained learning, others choose not to.

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Sorry, the riots in Detroit in 1943 were race riots and not primarily about housing, according to this Wiki entry. Yes, the racist whites did not want the blacks living in their housing tracts, but you should have consideredt the deeper problem in your research.

And race relations were not looking so good even before the riots. From the above Wiki entry:

"Later, in June 1943, three weeks before the riot, Packard Motor Car Company promoted three blacks to work next to whites in the assembly lines In response, 25,000 whites walked off the job, effectively slowing down the critical war production. It was clear that whites who worked with blacks in the same plant nevertheless refused to work side-by-side with them. During the protest, a voice with a southern accent shouted in the loudspeaker, "I'd rather see Hitler and Hirohito win than work next to a nigger."

Housing among other things. If you really want to know. http://www.detroits-great-rebellion.com/Detroit---1943.html

Edited by lostoday
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German cars, subsidized housing and having the audacity to want to make $15 an hour, one racist, cracker post after another.

The violence is wrong. It's never acceptable. Comments like these and half of the others on this thread are ignorant racist blather that shows the problem the US is facing. It's a racist society. I'm reading, these people don't deserve a chance. And I know y'all are using the N word when you're yelling at the TV, as Fox shows the looting.

The United States is a racist society with different opportunities depending on the color of your skin. We need to recognize the problem and do something about it. The Baltimore riots are about frustration.

Teapublicans (racists) want to lower minimum wage and take away everything that might help poor people (the middle class as well, for that matter). How does that help the problem? Well...it doesn't but the most important thing is to lower taxes for the rich. In other words a complete disconnect with the problems facing society.

Prejudice is taught. Some people are able to overcome that ingrained learning, others choose not to.

The Notting Hill race riots were a series of racially motivated riots that took place in London, England, over several nights in late August and early September 1958.

Perhaps you could tell me of a society where there is a large percent of blacks to whites or whites to blacks that do not have racial problems? I'm not saying they don't exist I'm just drawing a blank as to where.

Edited by lostoday
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German cars, subsidized housing and having the audacity to want to make $15 an hour, one racist, cracker post after another.

What is racist about that ?

It is called realism. This is the reality of what is happening.

Whether the be black, white or others.

If you want to drive German cars. Legally work for the money to buy them.

If you want to live in a nice house. Legally work for the money to buy it.

If you want to earn $15+ an hour. Get educated so that you can get that job that pays in excess of $15 an hour.

Do not expect to leave school / college with nothing and expect to be in a position to have all the niceties of life.

Work !! Flock that, I can sit on my @ss and get welfare.

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Never living near or around blacks I donot understand why the blacks keep saying there is a problem between whites and black. It appears to me the problem is with the blacks. I have travelled and it appears to me Asians who arenot white have problems with blacks ,hispanics have problems with blacks they arenot white. So the world over blacks do the same things and have problems maybe they should look at the real problem. They make problems where ever they go. Blacks have to face some harsh realities. The more problems you make the more problems you have. Will they ever grow up maybe not in black gene pool. So Asians and hispanics and whites have problems with blacks,it doesnot take a genius to see where the problem lies.

As far as Detroit in 1943 that was before the second world war. We live in peace with Germany and Japan but the blacks are still rioting.

Edited by lovelomsak
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As far as Detroit in 1943 that was before the second world war.

You sure about that?

Sorry I meant before the 2 world war ended. It ended may 9 1945 I believe. thanks for that

If you had been flying B-29 missions over Japan in August, 1945,

you would certainly have known when WW II ended. So I guess you weren't.

Edited by MaxYakov
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As far as Detroit in 1943 that was before the second world war.

You sure about that?

Sorry I meant before the 2 world war ended. It ended may 9 1945 I believe. thanks for that

If you had been flying B-29 missions over Japan in August, 1945,

you would certainly have known when WW II ended. So I guess you weren't.

OK I will be quiet now enough said

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"We also gave those who wished to destroy space to do that as well."

- Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake


In the video they're conspicuously all dark skinned. Wouldn't it be better to have mixed races in their presentation to show unity?

You are of course, assuming unity is wanted.

The thought did cross my mind when writing the above, but decided to edit myself, to avoid showing just how much of a cynic I really am.

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It appears that the dearly departed had neck surgery a week before this incident and should have been at home recovering.


EXCLUSIVE: The Fourth Estate has learned that Freddy Gray’s life-ending injuries to his spine may have possibly been the result of spinal and neck surgery that he allegedly received a week before he was arrested, not from rough excessively rough treatment or abuse from police.

The Fourth Estate has contacted sources who allege that Freddy Gray received spinal and neck surgery a week before we was arrested, and was allegedly receiving a large structured settlement from Allstate Insurance. The surgery is allegedly related to a car accident in which Gray was involved.


Seems like someone would have picked this up and ran with it if true. Live leak the only source?

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It is still safe. There are definitely bad areas one should not go into, but they are relatively isolated and few and far in between.

How do we been in people that do not want to work, be responsible or do what it takes to better themselves. Candidly, African Americans don't have a good track records for better themselves in the US or in African countries where things are an absolutely disaster.

The poor and minorities in the US are given more and better opportunities to educate themselves or attend college that the middle or upper middle class. They are basically provided free school at public colleges whereas middle class families can either not afford or barely afford college tuition because they are unable to qualify for grants and other government programs that cover higher education costs.

Blows me away how many Russians, Ukrainians, Chinese, Japanese, Hispanic and Central Americans I know that come to the US with nothing and who can barely speak English, yet they work hard and make something of themselves through hard work, determination and dedication. The we have those here that can speak the language and are provided all kinds of government assistance and subsidies that do nothing but take, complain, loot and play victim when their actions get them into trouble.

Too many government freebees......so why would they want to work? You have to have pride first...most immigrants have that pride, so they blend in to the mainstream much better. Some even make it to the middle class.

"Others" use racial issues as an excuse to not blend in...and to demand more freebees. Food stamps, welfare checks and brick "project housing". I was always amazed at the number of expensive cars in these areas...

Yep, our PC butts refuse to even require that people pass drug tests to get welfare or government hand outs.

I too have seen the nice cars parked in front of section * and government housing. In Nashville, there are a couple of Section 8 type housing developments that are actually very attractive, new nice appearing homes and condos. I was blown away when someone told me one such development was "projects" or Section 8 housing and I kid you now, there are BMWs, Caddies, Mercedes and etc. all over the place there. I kind of chuckle because most of the apartment complexes where 20 something working kids and families live are not near as attractive or have near the nice cars.

Perhaps those living in subsidized housing and driving German cars are the smart ones and those 20 somethings waiting tables and working hourly jobs to get through school living in most apartment complexes are the dumb ones.

German cars, subsidized housing and having the audacity to want to make $15 an hour, one racist, cracker post after another.

The violence is wrong. It's never acceptable. Comments like these and half of the others on this thread are ignorant racist blather that shows the problem the US is facing. It's a racist society. I'm reading, these people don't deserve a chance. And I know y'all are using the N word when you're yelling at the TV, as Fox shows the looting.

The United States is a racist society with different opportunities depending on the color of your skin. We need to recognize the problem and do something about it. The Baltimore riots are about frustration.

Teapublicans (racists) want to lower minimum wage and take away everything that might help poor people (the middle class as well, for that matter). How does that help the problem? Well...it doesn't but the most important thing is to lower taxes for the rich. In other words a complete disconnect with the problems facing society.

Prejudice is taught. Some people are able to overcome that ingrained learning, others choose not to.

Lol, call me a racist cracker all you want . . ., but your tone speaks more about where you are at in life than me.

Those Section 8 houses I mention have many whites living there! You are the one infusing color. Your mind immediately jumps to race and that is the definition of racism.

Nevertheless, lets discuss Baltimore. The below image reflects high school graduation rates by race. Everyone has an opportunity to obtain a high school education free of charge with free transportation in the states.

Is there any wonder poor communities such as this Baltimore neighborhood have people that can not land optimal jobs or command premium salaries when only 51.9 % of black males are responsible enough to show up to high school classes and get a basic high school degree? There is also a bunch of poor white trash out there also that did not graduate high school and that are draining the system.

Now we are supposed to pay people that are too irresponsible to go to and finish high school $ 15 an hour to fill orders at McDonalds. I suppose the same people that thought this was a good idea are those that dropped out of high school because they apparently cannot comprehend that .99 cent cheeseburgers don't have a sufficient profit margin to pay all employees $ 15 an hour to put pickles, mustard and ketchup on those cheeseburgers.

People should be paid commensurate with their skill, their work ethic and what they bring to the table regardless of race and, for the most part, that is the world I live in.

The so called rich pay all of the taxes and get the least benefit from those taxes . . . The system is actually warped in the opposite direction than you perceive. I would have no on to blame but myself if I dropped out of high school and found it difficult to get a decent job, yet you think I should pay more in taxes to subsidize or take care of those not even willing to get a high school degree?


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At least they won't be blaming whitey this time as Baltimore is a 'black' city.

..or am I too optimistic?laugh.png

Wait till the race baiters arrive. Not only will it be whitie's fault, they will make sure the Republicans are to blame, and probably Bush.

Sharpton has already announced he is going to Baltimore. Jackson will surely not be far away.

The mayor and the police commisioner are both black, along with most of the city council, and they still can't fix the system. Perhaps it's because they are Dems and don't believe in making people get a job, preferring to give them stuff to ensure the vote.

Seems that the problem has spread to New York now, with 60 arrests when I last watched the news.

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It is still safe. There are definitely bad areas one should not go into, but they are relatively isolated and few and far in between.

How do we been in people that do not want to work, be responsible or do what it takes to better themselves. Candidly, African Americans don't have a good track records for better themselves in the US or in African countries where things are an absolutely disaster.

The poor and minorities in the US are given more and better opportunities to educate themselves or attend college that the middle or upper middle class. They are basically provided free school at public colleges whereas middle class families can either not afford or barely afford college tuition because they are unable to qualify for grants and other government programs that cover higher education costs.

Blows me away how many Russians, Ukrainians, Chinese, Japanese, Hispanic and Central Americans I know that come to the US with nothing and who can barely speak English, yet they work hard and make something of themselves through hard work, determination and dedication. The we have those here that can speak the language and are provided all kinds of government assistance and subsidies that do nothing but take, complain, loot and play victim when their actions get them into trouble.

Too many government freebees......so why would they want to work? You have to have pride first...most immigrants have that pride, so they blend in to the mainstream much better. Some even make it to the middle class.

"Others" use racial issues as an excuse to not blend in...and to demand more freebees. Food stamps, welfare checks and brick "project housing". I was always amazed at the number of expensive cars in these areas...

Yep, our PC butts refuse to even require that people pass drug tests to get welfare or government hand outs.

I too have seen the nice cars parked in front of section * and government housing. In Nashville, there are a couple of Section 8 type housing developments that are actually very attractive, new nice appearing homes and condos. I was blown away when someone told me one such development was "projects" or Section 8 housing and I kid you now, there are BMWs, Caddies, Mercedes and etc. all over the place there. I kind of chuckle because most of the apartment complexes where 20 something working kids and families live are not near as attractive or have near the nice cars.

Perhaps those living in subsidized housing and driving German cars are the smart ones and those 20 somethings waiting tables and working hourly jobs to get through school living in most apartment complexes are the dumb ones.

German cars, subsidized housing and having the audacity to want to make $15 an hour, one racist, cracker post after another.

The violence is wrong. It's never acceptable. Comments like these and half of the others on this thread are ignorant racist blather that shows the problem the US is facing. It's a racist society. I'm reading, these people don't deserve a chance. And I know y'all are using the N word when you're yelling at the TV, as Fox shows the looting.

The United States is a racist society with different opportunities depending on the color of your skin. We need to recognize the problem and do something about it. The Baltimore riots are about frustration.

Teapublicans (racists) want to lower minimum wage and take away everything that might help poor people (the middle class as well, for that matter). How does that help the problem? Well...it doesn't but the most important thing is to lower taxes for the rich. In other words a complete disconnect with the problems facing society.

Prejudice is taught. Some people are able to overcome that ingrained learning, others choose not to.

Strange then that there are so many blacks in high paying jobs, given that you claim the system is against them.

On Fox, many of the contributers are black, some are even Republican, fancy that!

quote removed to allow posting.

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At least they won't be blaming whitey this time as Baltimore is a 'black' city.

..or am I too optimistic?laugh.png

Wait till the race baiters arrive. Not only will it be whitie's fault, they will make sure the Republicans are to blame, and probably Bush.

Sharpton has already announced he is going to Baltimore. Jackson will surely not be far away.

The mayor and the police commisioner are both black, along with most of the city council, and they still can't fix the system. Perhaps it's because they are Dems and don't believe in making people get a job, preferring to give them stuff to ensure the vote.

Seems that the problem has spread to New York now, with 60 arrests when I last watched the news.

Don't have to wait for Al and Jesse. The big race-baiter has already blamed the Republican Congress for "not investing in urban communities".

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