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[Alert] Thai gang of 4 beat at least 3 foreigners at Kao San Road on April 26th, for no reason


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On Sunday the 26th at least 3 foreigners at Kao San were attacked by a gang of 4-5 Thai men for no reason whatsoever.

A German tourist was attacked and given a black eye by the gang. Two other foreigners went up to him to ask what happend.

After he recounted the incident, shortly after, the gang of cowards attacked the two other guys by supprise punching one in the head several times, giving him a cut eye, bloodshot eye, and scabs to his forhead. The other victim got hit in the back, head and face with less injury than the first two guys. Once strangers jumped in to break it up, the assailants fled.

There was no exchnage of words and no reason for the racial incited attack. It was purely out of the clear blue sky and most likely racially incited, or for the gangs mere amusement.

Fortunetly the German and the two Americans were able to avoid a visit to the hospital or anything costly to recover from the injuries.

All should be on high alert when going to Kao San Road and stay aware.

Please share the story so awareness is out there and hopfully get press attention so the police can catch the gang.

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Rumor mongering is all this is. No story in the press as of yet. How about the alleged victims report it to the police and go from there?

And how do you know the alleged perpetrators were Thai? Did you check their ID cards? They could have been from Myanmar, Vietnam, Cambodia, or the Philippines or somewhere else.

Edited by mesquite
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