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Former acting Pheu Thai leader's nephew shot dead


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"When a coward takes a shot at someone with a child in there arms, When caught I hope they hang him by the family jewels and put a round in his gut so he slowly dies. Not siding with the party he may or may not belong to, I'm siding with the child. RIP"

Ok, I got it, you mean like similar to a US military or PMC sniper or do you mean like the drones that hit the wrong family while they are at dinner? Ok, I am with you.

Actually, I have not heard of a rifle sniper at work in Thailand for years on a private basis.(not counting the Red shirt incidents years back which were more than probably military or Police snipers). It could have been worse, usually it is an amateur with a heavy caliber handgun which would have hit him, the child, the wife and several innocent bystanders. Considering the past killings in this country this was fairly professional and clean.

As to why he was hit and was it justified we'll need to wait to see. These people get up to some ignoble things, like Rohinya mass graves, fishing slaves, etc and so forth so we just have to wait til the jury comes in.

Oh so vigilante justice is justified. Oh dear.

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Tiwapan had previously demanded one of his debtors to return 10 million baht owed to him.

How many stories have you read where someone was murdered because someone owed THEM money? Lending money and then having the audacity of wanting to be paid back is putting a target on yourself and it doesn't matter who your family is or who you are connected to. Professional loan sharks have the benefit of having a gang of 'enforcers' (sometimes policemen) but private individuals put themselves at risk by lending anything they might want back. It seems Farang on this forum know better than Thais about lending money to Thais.

My Thai BFF's sister invested in a telephone-selling business that turned out to be a scam and lost a lot of money (more than 10 million Baht). My friend is an ex-policeman (BTW they are really never 'ex') and he had a police commander friend of his send some police over to the woman's house (the one who owed the money) who gave her a come-to-Jesus talk and my friend's sister got her money back the next week. BTW, my friend's sister never tried to demand her money directly to the woman who owed her (she was at least that smart).

I recommend that every long-stay Farang cultivate at least one policeman friend. Just so you know, you will have to do a lot of favors for the policeman so he is subtly in your debt (which you never mention) and only rarely ask anything from him. It is an investment in your future sort of like an insurance policy; you pay and hope you never need to use it. A policeman friend can be very handy at times. A hard truth I learned about Thailand is that almost no one does anything for you out of altruism or the goodness of their heart. It is 99% quid pro quo.

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A fairly sophisticated hit with some reasonably high tech weapons. I might be inclined to think it was someone higher up than a business person.

It was only a laser pointer. They are fairly inexpensive and can be fitted to most guns. Old technology and not comparable to a night-vision scope. I have a laser pointer on my Diana air rifle and on a couple of hand guns. Each was under $40.00 http://www.amazon.com/MARATHON-EL888007-Mountable-Pointer-Vision/dp/B00J2EC7S8

These make anyone a marksman as when the red/green dot in on target, you squeeze the trigger. This is probably why the child, who was in his arms, was not harmed.

Edited by rametindallas
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When a coward takes a shot at someone with a child in there arms, When caught I hope they hang him by the family jewels and put a round in his gut so he slowly dies. Not siding with the party he may or may not belong to, I'm siding with the child. RIP

Life in prison as someone's 'bitch' is a better punishment. He probably wouldn't last long there, anyway, because it is cheap to have a 'lifer' kill him in his cell. The dead man's police friends could easily arrange that.

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The assassination definitely a preplan. Who will keep a long gun with him around the clock waiting there aimlessly for the target to appear?

A professional would, some can sit unmoving for days or even weeks and it wouldnt be aimless but probably well researched and staked out specifically for the resulting opportunity and end.

Very disturbing all the same.

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Lets hope who ever did it is caught and punished to the full extent of the law.

I would not go so far as to torture him. That would make me just as bad as him and show I have no respect for the law.

Poor kid though. At least he is young enough to not remember it later in life.

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"One police friend said he saw a suspect carrying a black bag, believed to have contained a gun, ran into a white Honda Civic with no license plate and flee after the shooting." Yet he never made any attempt to pursue the suspect??? Probably needed backup if he did but really, what kind of police don't pursue suspects? Yes I do know this happened in LOS. whistling.gif

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"One police friend said he saw a suspect carrying a black bag, believed to have contained a gun, ran into a white Honda Civic with no license plate and flee after the shooting." Yet he never made any attempt to pursue the suspect??? Probably needed backup if he did but really, what kind of police don't pursue suspects? Yes I do know this happened in LOS. whistling.gif

The one that doesn't want to get shot, or the other that perhaps arranged the hit in the first place? whistling.gif As it is LoS, nothing really surprises me anymoresad.png Poor baby - hope she won't remember anything about that day ever :/

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The motive was more likely business than politics, and the killer was probably a professional hitman.

At this point nobody knows.

As your last sentence is the only factual part of your post, I have to agree fully, so why ruin your contribution by proffering rumours that provide ammunition to the conspiracy theorists. We have enough on here now as it is.

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