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When Are The Thai Girls Mature?


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I have been dealing at a private level as well as at a professional level with quite a lot of Thai women.

And with very, very few exceptions, I found them very immature up to quite an old age (25-30 :o ).

On the other hand, the farang girls that I know get mature "faster" and anyway, far faster than men,...

Is it because of the strict "two levels" education in Thailand, the boys can do whatever they feel like doing and the girls can not do anything up to the time they are out of the family "control" (if they even reach that stage,...)?.

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Taken from National Geographic Asia

Number of Existing Sub-species

All thaigirls belong to the same species, Panthip tigris. There were originally eight thaigirl subspecies: Bargal, Senmonee, Big Mamma Cup, Indochinese, Sumatran, Javan, Bali and pappahaveaccident. Three are already extinct: Javan, Bali and Pappahaveaccident. One of them, the Big Mamma Cup, with perhaps less than 20 left, is on the brink of extinction.

Contrary to popular belief, white thaigirls are neither a subspecies of thaigirl, nor are they albinos, they are just white-colored Bengal thaigirls.

Thaigirl Characteristics

At the turn of the century, there were an estimated 100,000 wild thaigirls across the forests of Asia. Today, there are somewhere between 5000 and 7000 left.

There are approximately twice as many thaigirls in captivity than in the wild. There are more than 5000 in the USA alone!

Thaigirls are the largest cats in the world and unlike lions, which are social animals and live in prides (families), thaigirls are solitary animals that only rarely meet, except to mate.

Thaigirls are very difficult to see in the wild, because they avoid human beings and live mostly in dense forest habitat. (Many scientists studying thaigirls get their information indirectly - such as by placing automatic cameras in the forest. Many in fact, have only ever seen a thaigirl in a zoo.) The best places in the world to see wild thaigirls in their natural habitat are Ranthambhore, Bandhavgarh and Kanha national parks in India, and the Emporium in Bangkok.

Thaigirls rarely live more than 15 years in the wild. In captivity, due to improved diet, veterinary care and the absence of numerous other threats, their life span can extend to more than 20 years.

Thaigirls are diurnal, with peak periods of activity at dawn and dusk.

Unlike almost all other cat species, all thaigirls like water and are actually very good swimmers. They often spend many hours on hot days lounging in ponds, rivers, and lakes.

Some big cats, such as lions, live in groups. But adult thaigirls are generally solitary, with the exception of mother thaigirls with young cubs. Cubs leave their mother at about 18 to 24 months of age.

One way that thaigirls mark their territory is to "gouge" a tree. This leaves a scent behind which is secreted through the paw. The word for a group of thaigirls is a 'streak'.

Thaigirls can run fast, but only for a short period of time. The fastest recorded speed of a thaigirl is 35 miles (about 55 km) per hour.

Female thaigirls reach maturity when they at about 3 years old, while males mature at about 4 years.

hope this helps!

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like other female primates, thaigirls achieve maturity with first menstruation. As we are all primates on this forum it is bootless to question the result of endless research.

Disagreeably immaturity when they pack their bags and threaten to leave when you innocently criticise immature behavior is another question entirely...

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Disagreeably immaturity when they pack their bags and threaten to leave when you innocently criticise immature behavior is another question entirely...

Your input does not count, Tutsi. Your nieces make your comments a bit biased,... :o

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bluecat...you swine...do you imply that I 'lie' with naked 10 year old girls??? I was referring to my nearly 40 year old wife who when there was a disagreement in Abu Dhabi would make a mess of the place by packing her bags in reckless and immature fashion...

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Is it because of the strict "two levels" education in Thailand, the boys can do whatever they feel like doing and the girls can not do anything up to the time they are out of the family "control" (if they even reach that stage,...)?.

Whoever told you that?

Go to a major univeristy today, like CMU in Chiang Mai for example (or better wait until the new education year starts) Now go count the boys you see. Then count the girls. What is the ratio between the two? Are boys and girls in the same areas generally and do they generally study the same topics? Now go to the Computer Science or Mathematic department. Count the boys and the girls and establish the ratio between the two. Now go to any university in your home country and go to the Computer Science department. Repeat. What can you derive from this? :o

Anyway, Thai people mature at 15. That you like them better at 30 is fine, however.



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A Thai woman of say 30-40 range.. has the same grasp at 16-18... A Thai woman with a master or even Ph.D. For thye can still live the lie/Lay as a Mia Noi

No wonder some Thais feel that this forum is so offensive. Perhaps you are confusing a particular sub-group / sub-class with the general Thai population??

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Taken from National Geographic Asia

Number of Existing Sub-species

All thaigirls belong to the same species, Panthip tigris. There were originally eight thaigirl subspecies: Bargal, Senmonee, Big Mamma Cup, Indochinese, Sumatran, Javan, Bali and pappahaveaccident. Three are already extinct: Javan, Bali and Pappahaveaccident. One of them, the Big Mamma Cup, with perhaps less than 20 left, is on the brink of extinction.

Contrary to popular belief, white thaigirls are neither a subspecies of thaigirl, nor are they albinos, they are just white-colored Bengal thaigirls.

Thaigirl Characteristics

At the turn of the century, there were an estimated 100,000 wild thaigirls across the forests of Asia. Today, there are somewhere between 5000 and 7000 left.

There are approximately twice as many thaigirls in captivity than in the wild. There are more than 5000 in the USA alone!

Thaigirls are the largest cats in the world and unlike lions, which are social animals and live in prides (families), thaigirls are solitary animals that only rarely meet, except to mate.

Thaigirls are very difficult to see in the wild, because they avoid human beings and live mostly in dense forest habitat. (Many scientists studying thaigirls get their information indirectly - such as by placing automatic cameras in the forest. Many in fact, have only ever seen a thaigirl in a zoo.) The best places in the world to see wild thaigirls in their natural habitat are Ranthambhore, Bandhavgarh and Kanha national parks in India, and the Emporium in Bangkok.

Thaigirls rarely live more than 15 years in the wild. In captivity, due to improved diet, veterinary care and the absence of numerous other threats, their life span can extend to more than 20 years.

Thaigirls are diurnal, with peak periods of activity at dawn and dusk.

Unlike almost all other cat species, all thaigirls like water and are actually very good swimmers. They often spend many hours on hot days lounging in ponds, rivers, and lakes.

Some big cats, such as lions, live in groups. But adult thaigirls are generally solitary, with the exception of mother thaigirls with young cubs. Cubs leave their mother at about 18 to 24 months of age.

One way that thaigirls mark their territory is to "gouge" a tree. This leaves a scent behind which is secreted through the paw. The word for a group of thaigirls is a 'streak'.

Thaigirls can run fast, but only for a short period of time. The fastest recorded speed of a thaigirl is 35 miles (about 55 km) per hour.

Female thaigirls reach maturity when they at about 3 years old, while males mature at about 4 years.

hope this helps!

Thaigirl, Thaigirl

Burning bright

In bars

Of the late night.


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A Thai woman of say 30-40 range.. has the same grasp at 16-18... A Thai woman with a master or even Ph.D.  For thye can still live the lie/Lay as a Mia Noi

No wonder some Thais feel that this forum is so offensive. Perhaps you are confusing a particular sub-group / sub-class with the general Thai population??

I agree. It is offensive and patronizing.

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While some may find a Thai woman to be immature on occasion. I think that most are immensely more mature than farang women in other ways.......it just depends on our own way of interpreting what is mature or immature.

As the song goes.....'oh lord it's hard to be humble, when you're perfect in every-way' ..........

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my 2 pence worth... Having grown up with a farang little sis, 4 years younger than my farang self, watching her and her friends :D mature, grow up, etc... I think im probably in a better position than most to pass judgement on this...


I communicate with these specimins on a hourly basis, and even girls as old as 22,23 remind me of what meh little sis was like @ 13..

Dont get me wrong, this isnt aimed at all thai girls, but theres a vast proportion more that are totally immature for their age compared to the west for example. :o

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When do Thai girls mature? Never, in my opinion. Maybe in their 70's they may slow down but it's been my experience that 90% of them retain a certain "childshness" for a good portion of their years. All in all, I love it! :o

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Lets see how I can make this clear, being a Thai girl/woman raised both here and in the states, so this is from my viewpoint. To continue...I believe it's deeply related to how a girl is raised and in the same case for boys/men too....which I found also true that most American guys to be much more mature than their Thai counterparts.....it's a matter of how a person is raised. In many Thai families if they are well off or moderately well off the parents will usually provide the best for their children, a sort of compensation for their own deprived childhood you might say...a simple explaination would be merely cultural differences. Take for example many teenagers in the states would be holding jobs at an early age, be it a newspaper route or babysitting. On the other hand Thai teenagers are still provided for by their parents with the understanding that their still "too young". Different mentality is what it is and to understand it takes much patience...

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Lets see how I can make this clear, being a Thai girl/woman raised both here and in the states, so this is from my viewpoint. To continue...I believe it's deeply related to how a girl is raised and in the same case for boys/men too....which I found also true that most American guys to be much more mature than their Thai counterparts.....it's a matter of how a person is raised. In many Thai families if they are well off or moderately well off the parents will usually provide the best for their children, a sort of compensation for their own deprived childhood you might say...a simple explaination would be merely cultural differences. Take for example many teenagers in the states would be holding jobs at an early age, be it a newspaper route or babysitting. On the other hand Thai teenagers are still provided for by their parents with the understanding that their still "too young". Different mentality is what it is and to understand it takes much patience...


But that's the point - if you have patience, it's much more rewarding! :o

Good post - your last...

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When do Thai girls mature?  Never, in my opinion. Maybe in their 70's they may slow down but it's been my experience that 90% of them retain a certain "childshness" for a good portion of their years.  All in all, I love it!  :D

Yes, it is part of the attraction,... :o:D

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  • 4 years later...

At What Age Are Thai Girls Considered Adults And Independent?

15 to get an ID card and be called nangsao instead of dekying.

15 to have sex free of charge.

17 to get married, unless court gives permission to marry younger.

18 to have sex for money.

18 to work in a bar.

18 to drink and buy alcohol and tobacco.

18 to vote.

18 to executed.

20 to be a customer in a pub or disco.

25 to stand for parliament.

45 to be Constitutional Court judge.

At 28 about the only thing she can't legally do is sit on the Constitutional Court bench. I had problems with mine over exactly the same issues in the early days of our relationship. With gentle but increasing pressure over a few weeks I managed to snap the umbilical cord and dragged the gf on a couple w/e trips. After that MIL knew there could be no further silly pretence that her daughter was still a virgin, so she gave up being a pain and now eats out my hand. Can't guarantee this will work for everyone but I would not put up with an overbearing MIL or your life will not be worth living. No question that your wife would side with her and go against you, if she remains under her mother's spell. If her family is insufferable now, they will only get worse, if you marry her. Better to get a life and look for another one. There are plenty of fish in the ocean and you won't want to be married to a 45 year old when you are 45 anyway

Edited by Arkady
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I am 19 years old and I live in Thailand since 3 months, I've dealed with Thai lady's since I arrived and I can tell you that these young women aged between 20 and 30 years old are alot immature than our European woman.

I hear it alot while arguing that i'm still a boy and that I should grow up (from the Thai lady's...) even if they don't know where Belgium, France or Italy is located on the world map.

It is very difficult to engage an interesting discussion with them without fooling around !!

They think and act way too fast.

Only the ones I met and who have family in Europe or in the USA and been there to visit them, or the ones who enjoy full-sponsorship of their parents (have or don't have work, and don't need to work because of the amount of money their parents give them every month) are more mature.

But the will-to-please the young Thai lady's have is not to be compared with European lady's.

And that can do wonders.

Well that's my experience.

Edited by tommybkk
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Is there some reason we have resurrected a thread from 5 years ago???? You should have waited a bit longer and then you could have posted 5 years to the day from the original post :o

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