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Quick help I needed!

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In Europa I got MedicalTretment VISA - NON Immigration Visa..for 1 year... from 20.January 2015 to 20.Janury 2016

I must exctention every 90 days.

Now its 15. May..I went to Immigration in Korat (20km out of center city).

An officer says that I must go to border (in Lao or Cambodia or..) to extention Visa.

In Korat its little turist..no like Pattaya..so I hardly find some informacy..offer me mini-van..its to expency for my budzet..

I am think I go with train or with bus? And not know where to go that it will be chipest?

Who has been on suchlike situation?

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Immigration is correct you must leave the country every 90 days to get a new entry.

The nearest border crossing to Korat is at Chong Jom in Surin province. You could take a bus or van to Surin city and then another one to the border. Crossing can be found on this map https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?ll=12.36849,104.361086&source=embed&ie=UTF8&msa=0&spn=2.58554,3.621642&hl=en&mid=zzYcs0PT4--s.kRc-RY3_vayk

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Years 2011 I have the same MT Visa...vorth 1 year. but I can go to Bangkok immigration office and there are extension for 90days.

Country Slovenia

Now i am suppost to go on border.to stamp visa.

Is it border for stumping Visa just enough or I must stay over nihgt (or maybe 2 night?) and than go immigration office in Lao / Cambodia?

Edited by mitos
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Please re post the images with personal info removed.

You entered on the 20th of January and have a permit to stay until the 20th of May. You must leave and re-enter the country on or before the 20th.

I will do this. Thanks!

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Before when you were in Bangkok you were probably getting 90 day extensions based upon medical treatment by showing documents from a doctor and/or a hospital.

You leave the country and enter the on other country and then turnaround and return to Thailand getting a new entry stamp. No need to stay any longer out of the country than it takes to come back.

If you go to Cambodia you will need to get a visa on arrival that costs $30. For Laos a visa on arrival will cost $30 or 1500 baht.

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Before when you were in Bangkok you were probably getting 90 day extensions based upon medical treatment by showing documents from a doctor and/or a hospital.

You leave the country and enter the on other country and then turnaround and return to Thailand getting a new entry stamp. No need to stay any longer out of the country than it takes to come back.

If you go to Cambodia you will need to get a visa on arrival that costs $30. For Laos a visa on arrival will cost $30 or 1500 baht.

Hm? That I am not going to immigration on other country..just live Thailand and getting Cambodia or Lao Visa (1.500 baht) and comming back to Thailand.

Yehay this is good..but if going something wrong??

Back in year 2011 when my MT visa has experied and i tryed to get new mt visa here in Thailand..officers say no posible to get MT visa..you must go in your country to get new MT visa. but money for avio ticket i was not have...

So i went to school to learn Thai...start i must go to Lao..to immigration office in Lao..stay 2 night..In Lao border i pay 500baht for Lao Visa...and on Lao immigrationi has to pay 2.000 baht...

Room for 2 night was 500 baht per day..sum 1.000 baht.

have only 8.000 or 9.000 baht with myself..back than i must to borow money from my ex-girlfriend when we has been in Lao.

- I have pension 22.000 baht..... on short one man from Europe suggest me to write to Thailand gov foreigen department and ask them that i can not go other country..cost to much for me. And only i could afford ccm 2.000 baht to 3.000 for Visa 90days..

What you thinking about that?

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You did not pay Lao immigration anything but the fee for a visa on arrival. After entering Laos you went to the Thai embassy and paid 2000 baht for a single entry non-ed visa.

Since you now have a multiple entry visa you can just enter another country and return to Thailand to get a new 90 day entry.

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If I am not mistaken, there is a Bus from Korat going straight to Vientiane several times per week if not daily. those Buses will drop you at the border, and you actually would not need to enter the Bus again after passing Lao immigration, as you don't need to continue to Viantiane. you can return to Thailand immediately. then you could take the train from Nongkhai to Korat if no Bus running at a convenient time. google for it.

But no matter if you decide to go to Cambodia or Laos, there is no escape from paying the Visa fee to enter the respective country.

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I am been..What a relief. I went to border of Cambodia

Bus from Korat to Aranya Prathet - Poipet border .

Dep.: from Korat - Bus station 2 (opposit Big-C)

5:30; 9:00, 12:00; 15:00 and 17:30 h

Arrivial from Aranyaprathet - Rongluea Market 5:30; 9:00, 12:00; 15:00 and 17:30 h

Bus drop dawn write close to the border Poipet..not need to take taxi.. although when I went down to the bus man he cames to me and offer me.

Bus continues running to Rongluea -Market.


Bus from Korat to Aranyaprathet andd back 2x 165 B.

Cambodia visa 1.500 B

600 B (I made a mistake:-() 600 B... "for not standing in line" that man told me, when his friend yet tolk my passport..and i must pay for that... "mai belie" I now say.

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