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Do most Thai Ladies get plastic surgery?


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When did you take a stroll last time in a western city and saw "lots" of hot women? I can tell you that the myth of the "tall, blond, blue-eyed sexy woman" in Sweden i just that, a myth. Maybe it was true before i was born but not anymore. But on the other hand in Thailand i can drag my feet around any shopping centre and see quite a few very good looking women. But then again, i have a severe case of yellow fever.

The trouble with Swedish women is that even if they are slim and pretty when young they invariably grow into female versions of Mr Cube. I guess that is why there are so many Swedish men in Thailand.


And the thing with "many swedish men in Thailand" has also to do with the feminazism in Sweden. One party (Feministiskt initiativ), which basicly is a "castrate-all-the-men-and-we-are-crypto-communist-feminists" party, almost got into the swedish parliament last elections*. Millions and millions of swedish crowns each year are used in public (public!) schools an kindergartens to indoctrinate small children that there really aren't any genders because gender is a social construction.

* They got ~3,1% of the votes while you need 4% to get into the parliament.

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Ok on a more serious note.

What do you expect OP?

Non bar girls work 6 days per week, then go home and take care family and kids.

Bar girls live for their pleasure , no responsibilities , sleep all day, party, hair saloon, nails, new clothing, make up.

Of course bar girls would look better, but take any farmer girl , give her long rest, take her shopping and make up makeover and then see who would look better wink.png

Wrong ... many bar girls have the responsibility of providing for their families and children back home and have little pleasure working in the bars other than the fact it provides them with an income!

Your naivity and ignorance is really cute.

Edited by konying
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every single girl that i know, (ok,know a few) wants bigger boobies, and the girls i do know with big knockers have been "enhanced", i tell the others until i am blue in the face, it is the "bits on the end" that is interesting, the rest is just skin or a silicone bag, falls on deaf ears everytime lol !! still, i will keep up my crusade, he he !!

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The first time i had a date with a Thai girl that had had many plastic surgery operations. After a great night out,we went back to my place

We ended up in bed, I was just starting to get her hotted up,she said Darring can i please unhook my new beautiful feet,Sure I said. 5 mins later she said Darring can i please unscrew

my wonderful left ear, I said look Darling, I shall go down and drink a beer,when you are ready just call me.

Sitting downstairs drinking a Leo,,, She called Darring I am ready,,,,,I answered,, OK THROW IT DOWN

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every single girl that i know, (ok,know a few) wants bigger boobies, and the girls i do know with big knockers have been "enhanced", i tell the others until i am blue in the face, it is the "bits on the end" that is interesting, the rest is just skin or a silicone bag, falls on deaf ears everytime lol !! still, i will keep up my crusade, he he !!

In all fairness, most men would like a bigger tool.

Were it as safe, easy and reliable a a breast enlargement, we'd be commenting on how many European men would be going under the knife..

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every single girl that i know, (ok,know a few) wants bigger boobies, and the girls i do know with big knockers have been "enhanced", i tell the others until i am blue in the face, it is the "bits on the end" that is interesting, the rest is just skin or a silicone bag, falls on deaf ears everytime lol !! still, i will keep up my crusade, he he !!

In all fairness, most men would like a bigger tool.

Were it as safe, easy and reliable a a breast enlargement, we'd be commenting on how many European men would be going under the knife..

Speak for yourself cocker,,, or have you already had it done?

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every single girl that i know, (ok,know a few) wants bigger boobies, and the girls i do know with big knockers have been "enhanced", i tell the others until i am blue in the face, it is the "bits on the end" that is interesting, the rest is just skin or a silicone bag, falls on deaf ears everytime lol !! still, i will keep up my crusade, he he !!

In all fairness, most men would like a bigger tool.

Were it as safe, easy and reliable a a breast enlargement, we'd be commenting on how many European men would be going under the knife..

Speak for yourself cocker,,, or have you already had it done?

I speak for no one but myself, but then I'm not European...

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I've had many a fruitless discussion with Thai women where I say that natural is best, but I'm a foreigner so my vote doesn't count (or they think I'm lying - why I would do that when I would like to see her at her best I have no idea).

Tattoos and silicone injections are the worst as I see it. I just couldn't be with someone that has the mental wetware programming to see such a distorted view of themselves in the mirror that they can't feel beautiful unless they hack themselves up.

To make matters worse, the body changes as we age, but silicone doesn't go anywhere, so it looks progressively worse.

There's a craze lately where they put on temporary black little stars near their eyes or their chin. it's gone viral. I say something about 'when did they get that mole', and next day it's gone.

Fake braces, thickened eyebrows? Stop it, just... just... stop it! Oh, and the padded bra is a mis-sell too - small is fine if that's what you are, no need to feel inferior for having pert cute hua nom. I'm going to put socks in my speedos and see how they feel walking down the street with me.

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every single girl that i know, (ok,know a few) wants bigger boobies, and the girls i do know with big knockers have been "enhanced", i tell the others until i am blue in the face, it is the "bits on the end" that is interesting, the rest is just skin or a silicone bag, falls on deaf ears everytime lol !! still, i will keep up my crusade, he he !!

Yeah, but in Thailand, by the time you see 'the bits on the end', you have already made the purchase.

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I've had many a fruitless discussion with Thai women where I say that natural is best, but I'm a foreigner so my vote doesn't count (or they think I'm lying - why I would do that when I would like to see her at her best I have no idea).

Tattoos and silicone injections are the worst as I see it. I just couldn't be with someone that has the mental wetware programming to see such a distorted view of themselves in the mirror that they can't feel beautiful unless they hack themselves up.

To make matters worse, the body changes as we age, but silicone doesn't go anywhere, so it looks progressively worse.

There's a craze lately where they put on temporary black little stars near their eyes or their chin. it's gone viral. I say something about 'when did they get that mole', and next day it's gone.

Fake braces, thickened eyebrows? Stop it, just... just... stop it! Oh, and the padded bra is a mis-sell too - small is fine if that's what you are, no need to feel inferior for having pert cute hua nom. I'm going to put socks in my speedos and see how they feel walking down the street with me.

What i'm curious about is why do you care what other people do with their bodies? And why do you care if person X is walking around with a female that has DD cup (or whatever)?

It's their body and in my eyes anyone should be able to do what the hell they want with it as no one owns it but themself.

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Have you looked around the U.S.? When the women here are buried they don't biodegrade for 10,000 years because of all the plastic! My Thai wife is all natural and no desire to get any work done.

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Not much experience on the BG front but here in CM see beautiful women everywhere whether out shopping or picking up my girls from school...

My wife has never mentioned it but doesn't need enhancement anywhere...

The filipinas are plastic surgery crazy about it.....But percentage wise there are not as many truly beautiful or beautifully shaped women there....

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OP asked do most Thai ladies get plastic surgery?

No, most (= more than 50%) don't.

But every girl that thinks of herself as beautiful has had a nose job, costs much less than 10000

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dunno whether to laugh at, or cry, when again one reads/hears of a pretty couple having a fugly kid,

- and one of the couple wants divorce because either she/ or he! didn't reveal to the other about past-plastics done.

I wish I had links, but the missus is always picking this up on Sanook and Kapook...

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I think most would if they could afford it. My Ex wife always wanted a nose job,I said time and time again,she had a perfect nose,big flat and she was lucky as she got more than her fair

share of air.

I once worked with a fellow who said his girlfriend's nose was so big, she only needed to breath once a week.

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"However go down to Pattaya or any (DELETED) district, and suddenly you have drop dead gorgeous babes,many with perfect bodies AND perfect faces with Western looking noses."

Survival of the fittest in action here. Better looking girls- usually from poor families- will be in higher demand and are more likely to work in the bars that cater to guys with more money.

But yeah, the nose job seems fairly common here. It's one of those things that once you see it, you can't unsee it. In other words, once you know what it looks like, you see it everywhere.

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Have you looked around the U.S.? When the women here are buried they don't biodegrade for 10,000 years because of all the plastic! My Thai wife is all natural and no desire to get any work done.

10,000 years yay!! fun laarng taam...

trouble is also if cremated, the boobies have to come out, or explode - just like pacemakers etc... messy

if girlie goes to get boobie xray, the silicon severely impedes diagnosis/misdiagnosis for cancer onset, so have to be taken out to find really what's under them... messy

love to see what a 10.000 year mummified set of mamms looks like. I'm sure ancient technology has created, and left a set of them under a pyramid, somewhere...

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"However go down to Pattaya or any (DELETED) district, and suddenly you have drop dead gorgeous babes,many with perfect bodies AND perfect faces with Western looking noses."

Survival of the fittest in action here. Better looking girls- usually from poor families- will be in higher demand and are more likely to work in the bars that cater to guys with more money.

But yeah, the nose job seems fairly common here. It's one of those things that once you see it, you can't unsee it. In other words, once you know what it looks like, you see it everywhere.

Not sure, being lazy and have not read all the replies, but did anyone pick up on my other hobby, no grey haired, shiny black haired men. Thaksin is a stunner!

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sister-in-law is 60, and thinks she's a babe 'still'. She has no facial expression capability any more.

Her bestie, the same, and her ears have all but disappeared due to all the cut'n'stretches.

eyelids that are almost impossible to close long enough to blink properly

smile is impossible, without looking like a smiling chimpanzee

yeah it's everywhere. It's a jungle out there, and they all have to do it - or starve!!

I have a mate who might like her, his mom was an orang utan.

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Its a good thing.. if they are ugly get it fixed.

If you are fat go to the gym.

If it makes them feel better about themselves nothing hurting anyone... and I like big tatas so everyone wins.

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