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A Place to Work for a Few Days with Fast & Reliable Internet


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I need to get some work done while in Bangkok for the next few days. I need somewhere with fast and reliable internet.

Any recommendations? Co-working Spaces? Coffee Shops?

I also need to host a webinar so it would be ideal if they have a private quite area to do so, and of course fast enough internet to not run into problems.

Thanks for the recommendations!

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If you do not possess a valid Thai work permit, doing ANY WORK of any nature while in Thailand, even replying to e-mails for your foreign company, is illegal under Thai law, and if caught you will be subject to deportation and up to a lifetime ban from ever re-entering Thailand.

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Jeez, what moronic replies. Ignore them. Of course, you can get work done while traveling - anywhere in the world. If based in Thailand then certainly you need to heed the labor laws. But if passing by, which seems to be your case, then you won't be breaking any laws catching up on assignments.

Just don't advertise the fact that you're on the job because, as you can see from the above, there are folks dedicated to sniffing at poop holes.

Heck, I just realized I hadn't answered your question either. You might want to call AIS and see if they can point you to a place with high-speed Wifi.

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If you do not possess a valid Thai work permit, doing ANY WORK of any nature while in Thailand, even replying to e-mails for your foreign company, is illegal under Thai law, and if caught you will be subject to deportation and up to a lifetime ban from ever re-entering Thailand.

Got any examples whatsoever of people sending emails (or indeed working remotely for a foreign company and being paid abroad) being deported and banned for life, or are you just indignantly pot stirring?

Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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There are a ton of co-working spaces in Thailand. Falangs work from Thailand all the time, as long as it does not compete with Thai tourist businesses, such as running a tour guide or taxi service. Maybe that one guy from creampiethais got in trouble with profting from creating and selling porn. But if you are just doing excell spreadsheets nobody is going to give a shit.

I typically refrain from letting people know that I work. Last thing you need to do is let people know roughly how much money you are making by telling them what you do. Or that you are making any money. Best to let people just think you are here on vacation.

Edited by greenbottle555
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The same guys who bitch about illegal working are the same ones who'll offer a cop a bribe to let them off a drink-drive charge.

Ignore the hypocrites

OP, I think there are quite a few communal workspaces but can't name any off the top of my head (I work from home)

There's a couple of Facebook groups like DSBKK and Bangkok Expats, though, where lots of people could point you in the right direction.

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If you do not possess a valid Thai work permit, doing ANY WORK of any nature while in Thailand, even replying to e-mails for your foreign company, is illegal under Thai law, and if caught you will be subject to deportation and up to a lifetime ban from ever re-entering Thailand.

I really don't think that's true. Have a look at this:


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The same guys who bitch about illegal working are the same ones who'll offer a cop a bribe to let them off a drink-drive charge.

Ignore the hypocrites

OP, I think there are quite a few communal workspaces but can't name any off the top of my head (I work from home)

There's a couple of Facebook groups like DSBKK and Bangkok Expats, though, where lots of people could point you in the right direction.

That DSBKK site is interesting....I've been a member on there for a while but try selling stuff on there....wowee some odd people making weird requests for items priced in the 1-2k bracket really.

Someone accused me of all sorts when all I was selling was some luggage.

Perfectly as described etc....other things too....perhaps I've just been unlucky but....lol

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