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Successful compulsory vaccination in Thailand satisfies WHO, Ratchata reveals

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Successful compulsory vaccination in Thailand satisfies WHO, Ratchata reveals

BANGKOK, 26 May 2015 (NNT) - Public Health Minister Rachata Ratchatanawin revealed that General Director of the World Health Organization (WHO) Margaret Chan expressed her satisfaction with successful compulsory vaccination program in Thailand during her attendance at the 68th World Health Assembly (WHA) held in Switzerland last week.

Coverage rate of compulsory vaccination in Thailand has reached 95 per cent of the total population in the country, outdoing the overall situation of the global vaccination coverage rate, he said.

Based on WHO report, in 2013, the worldwide coverage rate of compulsory vaccination especially for measles, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus and polio was at 84 per cent. Around 1.5 million children have died from vaccine-preventable diseases per year. Outbreak of measles in some countries indicated that their vaccination programs have not met WHO goal and not covered enough population.

According to Mr.Rachata, WHO has encouraged each country to increase the vaccination coverage rate to over 90 per cent within 2020 and motivated them to produce mandatory vaccines in their own countries as the Thai government has successfully done so.

-- NNT 2015-05-26 footer_n.gif


Somebody putting something in my body against my will I would consider to be something like a rape charge, or whatever the medical equivalent of that is.


Why does the WHO care and who are the WHO anyway?

Tell them to mind their own business.

Wow. Do you live in a bubble cut off from the world, oblivious to all that goes on around you? Please take the time to read up on WHO.

In respect to the vaccination programs, the WHO is the organization that provides the expertise and additional resources needed to reduce the burden and cost of communicable diseases. In case you missed it, WHO was the lead organization that made possible to elimination of smallpox. The WHO collects information from member nations and allows the sharing of information and the development of effective health management strategies. Thailand is a member nation of WHO and its own officials occupy positions within the organization.


Everyone is so scared to tell the truth about vaccines.

Not really. Public health personnel have been pointing to their success for the past 50 years. When first introduced, the vaccines all but eliminated damaging and/or deadly childhood diseases. Unfortunately, later generations who had been spared the plague of polio, and the misery of measles and other preventable illnesses soon forgot the benefits of mass immunization. This year, the USA saw what that ignorance brought as it suffered a measles epidemic. The strain of illness was traced back to the Philippines where it is still common.

The only people who are still pushing nonsense claims about vaccines are uneducated and haven't the slightest clue about human biology let alone

understand the basics of immunization. Thailand's delay at achieving full immunization is due to a lack of resources to get the vaccines out into the remote villages and to penetrate some of the more congested urban areas of Bangkok. There is a dire need to ramp up vaccinations because of the presence of millions of non vaccinated foreigners.


the less deaths, is known because people

a) learned about hygiene, well, in the west, not really in this country

B) more food available

c) invention of penicilline, but now overused and prescribe for everything & nothing

vaccines have very little to do with it in the first place

drug companies make billions on useless vaccines that can even damange the body

just google:


and you also have the nice scares ... BIRD FLU, SWINE FLU ...

to be sure the shares go up up up


That New World Order the conspiracy theorists warned of us is getting a step nearer every day.

When the Lizard People finally leave their secret kingdom inside the moon, and come to invade our planet, they will not find me unprepared.

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