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Pentagon chief criticises Beijing's South China Sea moves

Lite Beer

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China, like Putin's Russia and North Korea (and FIFA's Blatter), is a bully.

When they're threatened, they bluster; they despise the weak, and they negotiate from the viewpoint of a zero-sum game (if you win, that must mean I have lost).

Unfortunately, the West nowadays treats international diplomacy like some kind of encounter group, instead of realising that the only thing that bullies respect is force.

yes but the west is acting exactly the same...no good guys in this game.

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Now back to topic - China is probing and poking, they have no real interest in the area they are trying to claim - everybody knows it is nonsense but they will keep trying to see where the limit is, they will at some point push too far and end up having to retract that injured probing finger with the tip missing, watch and see

Now adding a little more to the conversation - I think the world is very close to imploding - we will see major conflict in the next 5 years on a scale similar or beyond to that of WW11, history shows us that man cannot be peaceful

I agree with most of what you mention, but take exception to the part which I enlarged the font. Every land grab that China has done or is in the process of implementing is very serious business for the Chinese. Watch what happens if there's any tangible resistance to their land grab of the Philippine islands: China will go ballistic, literally. Not only will their navy get posted to the scene, but Chinese citizens will go apeshit with digital attacks like a tsunami - mostly aimed at US interests.

Note: 2,000 acres of Philippine islands have thus far been covered with sand by the Chinese. And all of that in the past 18 months! I'll say it again: dynamic action needs to happen NOW. Diplomats are calling it the 'sliced salomy affect' ...China exerting its dominance little by little. I equate it with a 900 lb sumo wrestler who leans on his his smaller opponent. He's not punching and he's not in a hurry, but the sheer weight and persistence will force his opponent to the ground (to be smothered) eventually.

It's similar to China's policy with Thailand. Little by little (take over businesses, properties, railroad, highways, etc...) and someday in the future, our Thai grandkids will open their eyes and realize China has essentially taken over.

Indeed the poster you quoted is wrong about the SCS because it is indisputable the CCP Boyz in Beijing want possession and control of the South China Sea. There are a number of reasons, but becoming something more of a regional power is a central part of it, although that starts to spill over into global sea lanes of trade and other commerce and security too..

While Beijing is the only one drawing lines and the CCP Boyz are operating close to home, the Boyz still have to use maritime, Naval and Air Force assets that are ill prepared to carry this through. The ships, equipment, personnel and their training, leaders and commanders, technologies etc and the fact their direct opponent is the United States puts the CCP's military and other maritime forces at a decided disadvantage, to say the least of it.

At this point in the early stages of the SCS incipient saga the brass at the Pentagon know better what the CCP Boyz will do as their next trick than the Boyz themselves know. The Chinese culture from ancient times to the present is well known and appreciated and the nature of the communist authoritarian mind is well known too. That's two strikes against 'em before they ever step up to the plate.

Nothing wrong with the Chinese sharing in the SCS or the East Sea with Japan, or populating around the world. The problem starts when the CCP sets out to do it and convinces a billion PRChinese it's their manifest destiny, to include eliminating anyone that will/must stand in the way.

China has advantage of numbers, short supply chain and they can loose a couple of ships and airplanes without worry for the public opinion or elections. As more pressure China gets as more it will stick with Russia and there is some good technology.

That isn't much but it is something.

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China is a bit of a worry, they have been abused over the years by just about everyone, now they think they have what it takes to become abusive and want to try it out, like I said in an earlier post they are probing but only locally - they don't have the ability to do much else although they may think they do and that is dangerous

You want to dissect China into it's cumulative parts - I am too tired to do it but I will guess that about 70% of the country are still extremely poor and have nothing to contribute to the powerhouse that we think China is except cheap labour in sweat factories or out slaving in the fields to feed them all, a couple of capital cities and a few bridges doesn't make China a super power, they might just get their (deleted) kicked into reality if they try to promote themselves into the professional heavy weight ring from feather weight amateur - 10 - 1 is still no contest

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China is a bit of a worry, they have been abused over the years by just about everyone, ....

Sorry to twist your words to a different shape, but China has been abusing itself much more than any outsiders have. During the 20th century, more Chinese died (from all causes, including starvation) than any other nationality. More Chinese were killed than any other nationality: more than Russia with Stalin, more than WWI or WWII. Guess who did the lion's share of the killing? ...either intentionally (civil wars) or by stupidity (Mao's policies), those tens of millions of Chinese were killed by fellow Chinese.

If Chinese want to find the bad guys, they need only look in the mirror, or at pictures of their recent ancestors.

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China, like Putin's Russia and North Korea (and FIFA's Blatter), is a bully.

When they're threatened, they bluster; they despise the weak, and they negotiate from the viewpoint of a zero-sum game (if you win, that must mean I have lost).

Unfortunately, the West nowadays treats international diplomacy like some kind of encounter group, instead of realising that the only thing that bullies respect is force.

yes but the west is acting exactly the same...no good guys in this game.

What has the west done other than say any country is free to traverse in international areas without being harassed? China threatening to put in anti-aircraft guns is a bit over the top. Of course not to mention the absolute disregard for international laws and the environmental destruction they are causing in that pristine reef. This started with China. Get off the reef, go to international court and let the laws decide the results. But they know they'd lose.

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A poster referenced hacker wars as a consequence of this SCS confrontation and some hackers from the US formal defense treaty ally the Philippines have already struck.

Here's a webpage from a CCP site taken out by the Anonymous hackers collective in the Philippines....

June 1, 2015


A defaced Chinese website shows a message from the hacker collective Anonymous opposing the Chinese regime's land-grab in the South China Sea, set on the Philippine national flag. Anonymous is currently launching a cyberattack operation against the Chinese regime.

In a recent bout of attacks, they hijacked 7 Chinese government websites, 10 education websites, and 64 commercial websites. The attacks are allegedly being launched by Anonymous members in the Philippines.

On each website they posted a message, stating: “Many of you are aware of the oppressive acts of the Chinese Government over the South China Sea or West Philippine Sea … Their claims over the said area is nothing but mere assumption and without solid proof.”


In the Phils and in some other parts of Asean the South China Sea is recognized as the West Philippine Sea. Last year and this year the Phils and Japan have held joint naval exercises in the Sea. Last year and this year Japan is delivering coast guard and other patrol ships to the Phils in support of their assertions that Beijing is violating the Phils EEZ in the West Philippine Sea.

[A] small but vocal group of nationalist web users are seizing on what they view as the latest provocations in the region — and with its own harsh rhetoric, Beijing risks painting itself into a corner to appease its strongly nationalist citizenry.


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I don't think cyber attacks by Fil activists will accomplish anything except annoy some Chinese. If cyber attacks blossom, Phil's would be overwhelmed. Chinese are among the world's experts at cyber attacks and, like a lot of other theaters, they have the greater numbers. They've been infiltrating US corps and military sites for awhile, and probably quite successfully. One of many indications: their munitions resemble America's to an uncanny degree. It they don't already have sophisticated drone tech, you can bet your bronze Great Wall momento they're trying to get it.

I've already outed myself as a saber rattler re; the SC Sea debacle. But the next best thing is to try and get the UN and also maritime Law agencies involved. I know Chinese authorities are doing all they can to thwart legal procedures, and there's no mystery why: (...they don't have a leg to stand on, legally). Most keen observers recommend waiting and waiting and waiting.... which is what China likes, because as long as all the thumb twiddlers wait, China can shore up (literally) its land grabs. For each week ASEAN and everyone else dawdles, that's another week China can terraform and pour concrete on the islands.

For nearly 20 yrs I been recommending Asian countries look in to establishing a maritime park around those islands. Asia in general has a paucity of parks, and there is not one park which is jointly administered by two or more Asian countries. In the west, there are at least 18. Asians have a tough time cooperating on projects, unless there's a lot of money/commercial interests involved. Environmentally, Asians score low. That's even more reason why an International maritime park would be cool. Unfortunately, it's not even an option - and nature is the big loser, again.

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The Pentagon BoyZ seem to be stretched a bit thin in the region... Think I'll make some popcorn and wait for the fireworks...


China’s Naval Abilities Test Asia’s InsecuritiesBeijing plans to expand naval operations at a time of rising regional tension


Updated May 27, 2015 11:14 a.m. ET

China’s promise to beef up its navy to prevent further “meddling” and “provocative actions” by rivals in the South China Sea is a daunting prospect for many of its neighbors, which already view Beijing’s fast-improving armed forces with trepidations.

Could this be just what's deployed in Asia? For instance the US has 11 nuclear carrier groups - Nimitz Class. One is stationed in Japan. LINK

Well that aircraft carrier of China I wouldn't compare with a US one and they can send a couple more. On the other hand they loose importance if the coast is near.

US aircraft carriers operate from a stand-off position in blue water rather than operate close in along coastal waters. The fighter jets on board the carrier have over the horizon targeting and more than adequate range from any ocean or sea (sometimes a gulf as in the Gulf of Aden, to include the Strait of Hormuz, the Malacca Strait etc.)

The CCP Boyz say they have their 'carrier killer' missile and the Pentagon says it has it defenses against any such system or systems. No doubt, each side would like to confirm that it is correct and that the other side is wrong. When the Pentagon is confident about its air-sea weapons systems technologies, however, that's pretty much a good bet.

We don't see the PLA Navy stopping anyone, or even trying.

USS Ronald Reagan CVN 76 in Manila Bay May 26 en route to the South China Sea from San Diego.
The Reagan will make an unscheduled replacement of the carrier George Washington based in
Japan as part of the US Pacific 7th Fleet expansion and reinforcement.

Below is the USN new Littoral Combat Ship Fort Worth that last week passed close to the Spratly Islands where the CCP Boyz are constructing facilities on reefs and which precipitated a cat and mouse contest with the PLA Navy missile cruiser Yecheng shadowing it.

Littoral refers to shallow waters and the SCS has relatively shallow waters in which its reefs pose dangers to the bigger, heavier Naval ships. The bigger, heavier and slower Yecheng for instance had to shadow the Fort Worth from a great distance in deeper water.

Three more of the new LCS are being assigned to the US Pacific 7th Fleet for deployment to the SCS where they are expected to travel into and inside of any territorial sea claims or zone claims by the CCP Boyz in Beijing stemming from construction on numerous reefs..

The littoral combat ship USS Fort Worth (LCS 3) conducts routine patrols in international waters of the South China Sea near the Spratly Islands in late May 2015.
Image Credit: Flickr/U.S. Pacific Fleet
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This breaks my heart, being a scuba diver:

The dredging is part of major land reclamation projects undertaken by China on a number of the reefs and shoals it controls in the Spratlys. While such construction is in clear breach of a code of conduct signed by all claimants in the South China Sea territorial dispute, China has rejected any criticism of its activities by saying that the reefs are "indisputably" Chinese territory and so can be modified as Beijing sees fit.



5. The environment: an unfolding tragedy

Throughout discussions of the Spratly reclamation activities, the effects on this near-pristine natural environment have seldom rated a mention. In aerial shots, the dredged-up sand gleams white, and the harbour channels deep blue or brilliant turquoise, but the underwater wonderlands of the coral reefs — what is left of them — are merely shrinking areas of nondescript discolouration.

Until the 1970s the whole area was, by and large, conscientiously avoided by agents of the world’s states (with the notable exception of the Kingdom of Morac-Songhrati-Meads). Even today, the entire area is often marked on navigational charts as “DANGER AREA”, due to being pockmarked by treacherous reefs and shoals just below the surface of the water. But the disastrous effects of the sudden influx of human activity since the 1970s are already becoming apparent: a recent study by marine biologists found coral cover near Taiwan’s Itu Aba outpost declined by about three-quarters between 1980 and 2007.

The Chinese authorities are probably among the best-informed regarding the marine ecology of the Spratlys, having sent dozens of scientific missions to study them over the past 30 years. Perhaps the CCP has assessed the impact of these reclamation activities on the reef ecosystems; after all, it does at least seem keen to address the threat from destructive unregulated tourism in the Paracels. But it’s sadly apparent that none of the treasures of the Spratlys pictured above and below will be spared in the face of increased military, fishing and resource exploitation activities.

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The CCP Boyz are going to build their islands and the military infrastructure with them and no one is going to stop 'em doing that. The only way to make 'em stop is to force 'em to stop and no one is going to do that. Fact is Beijing makes no friends anywhere by their arbitrary attitude and their summary actions.

The US and allied countries will continue to send military aircraft and Naval ships over and through the Spratleys to assert that the man-made islands constructed on reefs do not have any legal standing as islands, i.e., no effective 12-mile limit, no effective EEZ, etc due the fact they are constructed on beneath the surface reefs.

The International Law of the Sea defines an island as being inhabitable, self-sustaining, which these built-up reefs are not. They need to be supplied 24/7 and nothing can change that.

The Boyz can't militarize the facilities cause if they do, everything on both sides changes to military personnel, equipment, actions.

If the Boyz do declare an Air Defense Identification Zone, as they did in 2013 over the Senkaku islands of Japan in the East Sea, the US and allies will respond in the same manner, i.e., fly nuclear capable military aircraft such as the B-1 and B-52 through the ADIZ unannounced and unidentified. The US, Japan, South Korean air forces long ago made Beijing's ADIZ over the East Sea into aerial Swiss cheese rather than a protective umbrella, and the same will happen to yet another Beijing ADIZ over the SCS.

Thailand btw is this week engaging in already scheduled joint Naval exercises in the SCS with India, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia. Next month Japan, Australia, NZ, USA will do an already scheduled joint Naval exercises in the SCS and off Australia that will involve 40,000 military forces of land, sea, air.

Power on.

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I don't know why China is seen as so powerful. The West allowed it to progress by buying its exports. What would happen to China's already fragile economy if tomorrow the West put an embargo on Chinese imports? If China wants to be belligerent to its major customers shouldn't it pay the price?

China is a copier, not an innovator. It either manufactures what the West invented under Western management, or it makes cheap copies. It can't even make a decent farm tractor, car or scooter partly because it can't even make good steel. The Chinese also aren't born mechanical or electrical engineers as the Japanese, Germans and others are. Why should we think its military hardware is any good when it also tries to copy it?

I really don't know why the West continues to allow China to rip it off for jobs and balance of trade in general, but if anyone wants to rap China's knuckles it could be done overnight.

China can't even grow enough food to feed its huge population and its manufacturing revolution hasn't reached the rural (very) poor masses. China is a net importer of food to include rice but it needs money to do it. The Chinese would be the poorest people on earth if the West wasn't propping it up by hiring its cheap labor and buying its exports.

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China lacks a way to project force beyond its territory. It doesn't have a single working aircraft carrier or a heavy cargo plane. It has failed at trying to build them. It has a relatively small amount of offensive hardware and what it does have can't move beyond where China can literally drive it. It doesn't matter how many tanks it has because they can be taken out from the air by stealth.

It's troops can't move beyond where they can march and China doesn't have the means for a supply line for a large army.

China isn't a superpower. It is a regional power. That power is fragile because its economy is based on Western customers. China isn't wealthy. It doesn't lend money to Western countries. It owns US treasuries (US debt) because it has to have USD to engage in international trade. It has only enough USD to do that and not enough to pressure the West. It holds USD in the form of Treasuries just as most other countries do. Even Thailand has to and does. Few will accept Chinese money or baht or any of many currencies in exchange for trade goods.

It always surprises me when people think China is more than it is.

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Philippine leader likens China to Nazi Germany

Tokyo (AFP) - Philippine President Benigno Aquino likened present-day China to Nazi Germany on Wednesday during a speech in Japan, hinting the world cannot continue to appease Beijing as it claims ever-more territory in the South China Sea.

The comments come as disquiet grows over the quickening pace of China's land reclamation programme in international waters, including its construction of a runway long enough for large military planes.

"If there was a vacuum, if the United States, which is the superpower, says 'we are not interested', perhaps there is no brake to ambitions of other countries," Aquino told an audience of business leaders in Tokyo.

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"If there was a vacuum, if the United States, which is the superpower, says 'we are not interested', perhaps there is no brake to ambitions of other countries," Aquino told an audience of business leaders in Tokyo.

I can discern what Aquino is trying to say, barely, but he needs a better choice of words to make his point more clearly. I'd volunteer to be his speech writer, but doubt if he would take me up on my offer.

He's on the right track, though, with reaching out to other countries which share the Phil's concern about China's ham-fisted land grabs.

Edited by boomerangutang
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Philippine leader likens China to Nazi Germany

Tokyo (AFP) - Philippine President Benigno Aquino likened present-day China to Nazi Germany on Wednesday during a speech in Japan, hinting the world cannot continue to appease Beijing as it claims ever-more territory in the South China Sea.

The comments come as disquiet grows over the quickening pace of China's land reclamation programme in international waters, including its construction of a runway long enough for large military planes.

"If there was a vacuum, if the United States, which is the superpower, says 'we are not interested', perhaps there is no brake to ambitions of other countries," Aquino told an audience of business leaders in Tokyo.

The CCP Boyz in Beijing have to know times are getting tough when they can unite Asean in a common statement, and this one from Asean in April puts the Boyz in the hot seat. It's a statement but its the kind of statement Asean hardly ever makes unless Asean wants someone else to do the heavy lifting (emphasis added)....


Southeast Asian leaders said China's island-building efforts in the South China Sea threaten to undermine the "peace, security and stability" of the region.

A statement issued at the end of the summit of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, in Malaysia, noted "serious concerns" on Chinese land reclamation in the sea, calling for "self-restraint in the conduct of activities."

The ASEAN leaders’ concerns reflect growing tensions as China presses ahead with land reclamation projects in the disputed Spratly Islands. "Recent developments have raised concerns about the South China Sea — and given the importance of its sea lanes to international trade, it is natural that almost any occurrence there will attract global attention."


The statement itself will have no immediate effect on the Boyz in Beijing, but it does steer a course for the US and other countries to enter the scene, as has since occurred. Beijing's Asean partners Cambodia and Laos sat on their hands for this Resolution while Myanmar and Thailand are following the lead of this year's presiding country, Malaysia which is strongly supported by Indonesia.

Fact is Beijing is annexing other countries' territories and is doing so after pretending to negotiate with Asean over a SCS Code of Conduct first proposed by Asean in 2012 which expanded the Code agreed in 2002, to provide that all affected parities be consulted, considered, respected.

The EU is expected to issue a statement in support of Asean due to "apparent" violations of the International Law of the Sea Treaty Beijing signed and of other conventions of international law.

So the CCP Boyz have to recognize the failure of their long running "Ripe Fruit Strategy" by which they had believed money and infrastructure projects to Asean would over time lead to the SCS falling into their lap. Looks more like sour grapes instead.

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The CCP Boyz in Beijing are isolated, stressed, stumpted and paralyzed.

The reclamation work does of course continue as it shall but if the Boyz had any brains they'd call a conference to sit down and talk with everyone involved.

But, no, not these guyz.

They instead will likely organize supposed Chinese fishing boats to try to surround US Naval ships that will approach the Spratlys, same as in the East Sea during 2008 and 2009 concerning the Japanese Senkaku Islands off Taiwan. All the Boyz got out of that however was a lot of water hosing and their knickers in a twist as they put up a new ADIZ that quickly became aerial Swiss cheese as the US flew unarmed B-52 bombers through it followed by 16 months since of air forces flying though it by US, Japan, South Korea.

Now the Boyz are talking about some kind of ADIZ over the Spratlys, and/or Hainan Island which has a nuclear sub base. Hainan yes, that is theirs. The Spratlys are not theirs.

The groundhogs Boyz seem a mite slow and dense about all of this...kind of out of place and out of time.

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The Philippines told the Americans to give up their Bases

I say now learn Chinese you losers

I even read that Vietnam wants America to help but still wants America to pay for Visas

The same learn Chinese

The P-8A USN Poseidon surveillance/anti-sub aircraft that flew past the Spratlys last week with the CNN crew aboard flew out of Clark Air Force Base in the Philippines, to which it returned and that's where it is now. You and the CCP Boyz in Beijing will see it again soon btw.

The Phils have invited the USN back to a new Naval base and the USAF to Clark AFB when restoration and expansion renovations are completed.

The PLA Navy commodore who made radio contact with the Poseidon pilot captain to tell him to leave and who the Poseidon completely ignored spoke in inpeccable English. Well, actually, the PLANavy brass hat said: "YOU, GO!"

This is about China so it's more serious than cancer.

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The US has agreed to move back into Clark Air Force Base and Subic Bay. Subic is of course on the coast of the S. C. Sea. That means the US will constantly be using the SCS as a normal route for warships. Subic Bay also projects force close enough to China to give China pause. It's only a few hundred miles from mainland China which is nothing at supersonic speeds. The US has defense treaties with these smaller countries and will keep its word.

By Erik Slavin
Stars and Stripes
Published: April 30, 2014
TOKYO — Although President Barack Obama went to great pains to state that a new defense agreement with the Philippines wasn’t about countering China, it’s unclear if he was able to pull off the balancing act.
Obama encouraged China’s “peaceful rise” and emphasized partnership with Beijing while speaking Monday in Manila during the introduction of the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement, a framework accord which will likely mean rotational deployments of U.S. troops, ships and aircraft squadrons to Philippine bases.
During the same speech, Obama noted that the United States doesn’t “go around sending ships and threatening folks” when it has territorial disputes — a jab at China’s tactics over heated standoffs with the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, Japan and others in the region.
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This might be timely information.....

New US Cyber Order Could Provoke Chinese Retaliation
April 3, 2015

If Obama’s new executive order is used to sanction Chinese firms, how will Beijing respond?

President Barack Obama just signed an executive order that will permit the government to take financial action (including sanctions) against foreign individuals and groups that commit cyberattacks against U.S. interests. The orderallows the Treasury Department to freeze the assets of entities determined to be responsible for, complicit in, or assisting the cyber theft of trade secrets for financial gain or competitive advantage.

Given that Chinese firms and the Chinese government alike are frequently accused of such cyber theft, the executive order may well face its first major test from Beijing.

Beijing objected fiercely to the toothless indictment of its PLA officers; however, it’s likely to have a far more vociferous response to sanctions against Chinese firms (if it comes to that).


Researchers link Chinese to Anthem, OPM hacks


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I still can't overstate the significance of 2,000 acres in the past 18 months. That's how much sand and concrete the Chinese have dumped on the rocky outcrops, while ASEAN and everyone else are wringing their hands and and talking vaccuously like Rodney King "can't we all just get along?"

What's going to happen in the next 18 months? ....3,000 added acres and submarine docking facilities?

Philippine prez Aquino should write a letter to China's top boss and thank him for developing the islands which Phil is going to take over - sooner or later - because they're Phil' islands. ...and add: We're going to bring some jeepneys to Hainan, because we kinda like the island - it would be a cool expansion for Filipino tourist business. We'll provide free ferry trips for all those folks currently on Hainan to return to reside at the mainland. You're welcome, your pal Aquino.

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Interesting that the 'cyber attack' news is piggy-backed on this SCS thread. It's valid, because cyber attacks will inevitably be a big part of China's policy (unofficially, of course), when push comes to shove re; the islands. The coming cyber storm will be immense and relentless. Get ready; particularly US commerical and military firms. I met an American who is in charge of digital security at a large dam in the NW USA. People like him will have their work cut out for them.

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Philippine Pres Aquino said today in Japan where he is visiting that he has now received a report a PLA Navy warship fired a shot in the direction of a Phils fishing boat at the Spratly Islands earlier today. Aquino said that's all the information he presently has and that he is looking further in to it.

Aquino also said he is offering use to Japan self-defense forces of Philippine military, naval bases and air force facilities on a visiting rotating basis, which he said the Japanese government was very receptive about.

The Philippines are currently purchasing from Japan new stealth Naval ships and anti-submarine helicopters and are also purchasing 50 combat jet aircraft from South Korea. The Phils have already received 20 sea patrol boats from Japan and are preparing reconstructed naval and air force facilities for the US to use on a visiting rotating basis..

Aquino also said a new concept tri-lateral defense treaty is being discussed by the Philippines, Japan, Australia. Each of the three have a bilateral mutual defense treaty with the United States which is promoting the notion of tri-lateral mutual defense treaties among its allies in the Asia-Pacific region. The US Japan and Australia are discussing transforming the bilateral defense agreements each has into one tri-lateral defense treaty.

So any talk of a new Cold War in the region to contain the CCP Boyz in Beijing would not apply given that the CCP Boyz are busy completely isolating themselves in the region.

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I wouldn't call it a new 'Cold War' - though I would call it a build up to armed conflict. I hope the Japanese, Philippinos and Aussies have top notch anti-digita-breach personnel and equipment, because they're going to need it.

Look what China is creating in the SCS: a closer-knit coalition of every non-chinese entity - to lock arms against China.land-grabs. China is not going to back down - until it's beaten back by force. That's the only way it will abandon those Philippine islands.

It's no mystery why, a week after the movie 'Avatar' opened in China, the politburo closed it down and compelled all the theaters to show a biography of Confusius instead. Avatar was popular in China (as it was everywhere it was shown) and depicts indigenous beings banding together with fervor, and defeating a militarily superior force. ....just the sort of concept Chinese bosses don't want their minions to think about.

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I wouldn't call it a new 'Cold War' - though I would call it a build up to armed conflict. I hope the Japanese, Philippinos and Aussies have top notch anti-digita-breach personnel and equipment, because they're going to need it.

Look what China is creating in the SCS: a closer-knit coalition of every non-chinese entity - to lock arms against China.land-grabs. China is not going to back down - until it's beaten back by force. That's the only way it will abandon those Philippine islands.

It's no mystery why, a week after the movie 'Avatar' opened in China, the politburo closed it down and compelled all the theaters to show a biography of Confusius instead. Avatar was popular in China (as it was everywhere it was shown) and depicts indigenous beings banding together with fervor, and defeating a militarily superior force. ....just the sort of concept Chinese bosses don't want their minions to think about.

Right on the point indeed and I'm not surprised you're well on to that.

When I was university faculty in the PRChina 2008-2011 so many of the students said to me in conversation their very favorite TV program was Prison Break (which ended after the 2009 season). At the time, before super censor Xi Jinping came along as CCP chairman, American TV programs were available via internet (only) and one didn't need VPN they way anyone needs it now.

The young PRChinese uni learners who were loyal followers of Prison Break said they got great thoughts and ideas from the creativity of the program and its main character on how to break out of the confinement, which was a situation they identified with and appreciated about the program. So not having seen the program I did watch it but it didn't impact my personal constitution they way it impressed the young PRChina learners.

There's a fierce racist nationalism throughout the PRChina exacerbated by the doctrines and teachings of the CCP Boyz, but not everyone is susceptible or victimized by it. The party bloggers are playing this SCS stuff very big, but not everyone buys it. Unfortunately, the vast majority do buy it completely, meaning failure by the CCP Boyz to deliver on their nationalist racist promises will cost them dearly with the large sheeple population they've created deliberately and systematically.

So the Boyz will be allowed to build their artificial islands but no more than that. The Boyz need to recognize and appreciate the concession in interests of peace in the region. If they don't or can't, well.......

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  • 4 months later...

SecDef Ashton Carter has this week won the green light from Prez Obama to begin sailing USN warships within the Beijing claimed 12 mile nautical zones of the artificial islands it is constructing in the SCS.

The strident hawk Carter had been pressing Prez Obama for the go-ahead since Obama had approved the recent USN deployments to the SCS in April Prez Obama gave approval to the expanded USN Pacific 7th Fleet SCS operations after CCP Chairman Xi Jinping failed to respond to the issues raised by Prez Obama during his official state visit to Washington last month.

New USN operations in the SCS are expected to begin within the next two weeks. The CCP Dictators in Beijing have recently sent their one aircraft carrier to Syria to participate in interventionist Russian led operations there against US supported rebels fighting the tyrant mass murderer Bashir Assad. The CCP Dictators want to play, let 'em play in their back yard. Obama's decision also comes after the CCP Dictators sent five PLA Navy warships into Alaskan waters while Prez Obama was visiting there.

While the US has routinely sailed ships through international waters in the South China Sea, it has refrained from sending them inside the 12-nautical mile zone of the artificial features since 2012, which was before China ramped up its construction activities around the Spratlys.

The new tack is intended to reinforce the US stance that China’s claims are not consistent with international law, including the United Nations Law of the Sea (Unclos)

Speaking in Australia this week, Admiral Scott Swift, commander of the US Pacific Fleet, criticised China indirectly by saying “some nations view freedom of the seas as up for grabs” and as something that could be “redefined by domestic law or by reinterpreting international law”.


This is a reflection that US foreign policy and military hawks concerning the CCP Dictators in Beijing have won control over US policy discourse and decision making since early this year. US allies and security treaty partners in East Asia, Asean and in the Indo-Pacific Strategic Region patrolled by the US 7th Fleet have displaced the tired old approach of US policy doves that have advocated dialogue and accommodation, to include in Australia, India, Taiwan.

India: The world’s largest democracy needs the investment of the most advanced one


Defense Secretary Ashton Carter walks with Indian Defense Minister Manohar Parrikar

after receiving a ceremonial welcome in New Delhi. Mr. Carter signed a 10-year

agreement with India seen by some as a move to counter China’s growing influence.

(Associated Press)

Washington is not the only party to the strategic realignment under way in Asia in response to China’s rise. Maybe we should be talking about Asia’s pivot to Washington.

Mr Xi’s One Belt, One Road strategy is calculated to make China the pre-eminent Eurasian power. For Delhi, the reopening of the silk routes to Europe and the Chinese push into the Indian Ocean feel like encirclement; and that by a power with which India once went to war over still-disputed borders and one that remains Pakistan’s patron.


Edited by Publicus
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If that's true about Sec. of Defense Carter, then it's good to hear at least one US top official is up to the task of standing up to China's land grab. Better to have a skirmishes now, then a war later - if the SCS imbroglio continues to fester, and China continues to dump sand and cement (and troops and guns) on the rocky outcrops.

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