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High Speed Internet Question


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Can anyone tell me how easy it is to get high-speed internet, (DSL or CABLE)? Is this available in Bangkok, what about in other areas of Thailand? Is it easy to get installed in apartments, or is it only available in certain buildings, in certain areas? Any idea what the monthly costs are? Are there any Thai companies with websites that explain rates and availibility? thanks! Jim


[email protected]

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There are many sites that can provide details about high speed internet and it is available generally in BKK and many of the bigger cities throughout Thailand. If you are really rural then you have fewer choices with perhaps satellite being the only viable one.

Best bet is to use your search and look for high speed connections in Thailand. The prices are all over the place but in general it is pretty expensive to use with rates running from about 3000 baht upwards. Some promotions bring the price down to a reasonable level but it is hard to tell if they will stay at those rates and just how reliable it all is.

New G3 services are likely to show up in the near future that will change the equasion.

Good Luck.

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Yes, ADSL and Cable are available but have no experience with the latter. Most packages are limited to about 40 - 50 hours per month and broadband usually means 256/128 although 512/256 are starting to spread. Also, it is broken down by local (servers with co.th) or international access (.com, etc. . ) Also, make sure to ask that when you sign up - ask what the price includes. Most packages included 2 costs - the Network connection which is the ADSL circuit and the Internet package which is the ISP service. Biggest names in the local market are Telecom Asia and CS Lox Info - there are about 18 ISP on the market though. ADSL circuits are owned by Telecom Asia (private company) and by the TOT (Quasi government body I believe), so you would need to make sure that you have a phone number from either of these guys. Havn't used TOT yet cause from what I read in the posts around here and from other BKK info. source they are mad slow. I've been a Telecom Asia uer for about 1 year now and I must say that their system is pretty fast, their tech support sometimes is frustrating but based on my experiences I would give them a 3 out of 5 - they call back when they say they will call back. I've also recently signed up with Pacific Internet to try their 512/256 Unlimited Internet - it runs about 11K. Telecom Asia offers 512/256 Unlimited Internet for about 5,850 baht and 1024/512 for about 11,850 baht but mind you that that it's only for 1 PC - but don't think they check and U can hide it. Oh %&*!@, sorry for blabbing.

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Can anyone tell me how easy it is to get high-speed internet, (DSL or CABLE)?  Is this available in Bangkok, what about in other areas of Thailand?  Is it easy to get installed in apartments, or is it only available in certain buildings, in certain areas?  Any idea what the monthly costs are?  Are there any Thai companies with websites that explain rates and availibility?  thanks!  Jim

I'd stay away from cable if I were you. It is offered by several ISPs but only via one cable operator in Bangkok (Asia Multimedia, subsidiary of Telecom Asia) at present, and they have technical problems relating to signal strength. They are scheduled to launch the service in Hatyai, Korat and Chiangmai in Q2 this year, but don't hold your breath.

ADSL is available in most areas of Bangkok and some big towns upcountry. The ADSL circuits piggyback on existing telephone networks. In Bangkok this means you must have a phone line with either Telecom Asia or TOT Corp (a state enterprise - the Telephone Organisation of Thailand - pretending to be "privatized"). Upcountry, you'll need a phone line with TT&T, which recently launched ADSL with three ISPs. And a new player upcountry is ADC (a.k.a. Datanet). Telecom Asia acts both as a telco and ADSL provider. TOT Corp offers ADSL directly and also enters into joint ventures with ADSL providers.

Assuming you are in an area where there is ADSL coverage, and are in an apartment or condo with a direct telephone line, it shouldn't be difficult to get ADSL. Usually, you contact the ISP first and they tell you which services they have with which ADSL carriers. There are two separate charges, one for the carrier fee and the other for the Internet usage. You may get two bills or a combined bill.

So far, most ADSL users in Bangkok are business users who tend to be online at the same time, so you may well get faster response outside office hours.

Someone has already posted the URLs for a couple of ISPs. Here's the URL for Internet Thailand's broadband services: http://broadband.inet.co.th/

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Upcountry, you'll need a phone line with TT&T, which recently launched ADSL with three ISPs.

Correction: Upcountry you'll need a phone line with TT&T or TOT for ADSL. In general, it's better to stay away from state enterprises though.

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