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I'll stay on if people want me to: PM Prayut

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This is exactly what the "fortune teller" predicted two months ago. Amazing psychic.....we should applaud his vision.


My favorite laughing lying line is this: "[butt kissing] Paiboon and other [appointed] NRC members such as constitution drafter, Tuenjai Sinthuvnik, and Niran Pantharakit asked Prayut if he could extend his stay in office to set in motion the reform agenda set by the NRC [and keep them employed]. They also raised concerns that if the country is returned to civilian government [a civilian government we don't like] too soon, it ['it' being our stranglehold on power] could fall back into yet another [artificial] crisis [now that Suthep is back in play]."

Well observed - the timing of Suthep's return from 'self imposed' exile to go back to 'activism' does make one wonder.


Let's hope he stays for a long time. Have been in Thailand for decades and since Prayuth took over things finally improved. He has done so many good things in only 1 year. The only thing the PTP has done is rob the country empty and create a breeding ground for corrupt politicians and criminals (national and international). Even the U.S is slowing understanding what Prayuth and his team is doing and in fact started giving him credits for some of his achievements.

I still remember many posters here on TV (mostly the one-line heroes) saying that the international community would NEVER accept the current government. Now we have China, Japan and most probably the U.S. invest in Thailand's infrastructure.

Things are looking good for Thailand. Soon there will be a referendum to ask the Thai people whether or not the army should continue cleaning up Thailand's mess. And I bet you they will choose for Prayuth to stay on. He will go into the history books as Thailand's savior.

The days of armed militia organized by politicians are over

"The days of armed militia organized by politicians are over"

Then what is Napoleon (Prayut's government? Are they not the military?

What Napoleon and his band of armed merry men need to do is to get the constitutional amendments done to prevent Thailand from easily ruled by corrupt business interest like the Taksin family.. get the amended constitution approved in a referendum and allow elections... not continue delaying the process and now saying I will stay on... if the people want me to .. a sad and stark reminder is that the previously corrupt governments of Taksin and his sister were elected by the majority of the people in Thailand! That is they voted for and that is the moral fabric of Thai society.. this is what they are! You want to tell me that the Napoleon will change Thai society? They will go back to their old ways as soon as they believe they wont get caught... I can quote you many examples .. the obvious being the way they drive and queue... scant regard for safety or rules or courtesy,,... hiding behind anonymity .. THIS IS WHAT THEY ARE ... leave their country and their corrupt ways to themselves.. they will most definitely not listen to any of us.. THIS IS WHAT THEY ARE ...


Let's hope he stays for a long time. Have been in Thailand for decades and since Prayuth took over things finally improved. He has done so many good things in only 1 year. The only thing the PTP has done is rob the country empty and create a breeding ground for corrupt politicians and criminals (national and international). Even the U.S is slowing understanding what Prayuth and his team is doing and in fact started giving him credits for some of his achievements.

I still remember many posters here on TV (mostly the one-line heroes) saying that the international community would NEVER accept the current government. Now we have China, Japan and most probably the U.S. invest in Thailand's infrastructure.

Things are looking good for Thailand. Soon there will be a referendum to ask the Thai people whether or not the army should continue cleaning up Thailand's mess. And I bet you they will choose for Prayuth to stay on. He will go into the history books as Thailand's savior.

The days of armed militia organized by politicians are over.

What is that? I googled armed militia and got

I got this:


You made sure you got that.

Don't know why either side bother with posting snapshots. They reveal nothing more than what an instant seen at one angle looks like, with no broader context. Personally I tend to discount them.

If you have issues with the angles I can post a few more of these pictures. Just let me know. The Japanese photographer who took this picture could have been killed. A brave man for taking so much risk in order to reveal the truth.

Let's hope he stays for a long time. Have been in Thailand for decades and since Prayuth took over things finally improved. He has done so many good things in only 1 year. The only thing the PTP has done is rob the country empty and create a breeding ground for corrupt politicians and criminals (national and international). Even the U.S is slowing understanding what Prayuth and his team is doing and in fact started giving him credits for some of his achievements.

I still remember many posters here on TV (mostly the one-line heroes) saying that the international community would NEVER accept the current government. Now we have China, Japan and most probably the U.S. invest in Thailand's infrastructure.

Things are looking good for Thailand. Soon there will be a referendum to ask the Thai people whether or not the army should continue cleaning up Thailand's mess. And I bet you they will choose for Prayuth to stay on. He will go into the history books as Thailand's savior.

The days of armed militia organized by politicians are over.

What is that? I googled armed militia and got

I got this:


You made sure you got that.

Don't know why either side bother with posting snapshots. They reveal nothing more than what an instant seen at one angle looks like, with no broader context. Personally I tend to discount them.

If you have issues with the angles I can post a few more of these pictures. Just let me know. The Japanese photographer who took this picture could have been killed. A brave man for taking so much risk in order to reveal the truth.

The truth? No, they would reveal people in red apparel brandishing shooters. The same would be the case if the colour in question was yellow. That's my opinion, anyway.


........................."If everybody wants me to stay on, I will do it.".................................

And how will "everybody" let you know if they want you to stay ? And please don't say opinion polls because I think we all know they are utter bs.


Prayut had the backing of the peaceful Thai majority the first time around in May last year gauging by the biggest protests in Thai history with the PTP ex supporters and opponents joining forces to oust the undemocratic (yet elected) government as well as the polls showing PTP support before the coup at all time lows as well as Junta approval ratings after the coup.Not a single bullet or M79 fired by the 7%'ere after the coup and peace rained supreme in the streets of Bangkok. All facts (PTP's greatest enemy) that undeniably show the Junta was brought in on the back of the majorities wishes. The majority had enough and the PTP knew it which is why they allowed the elections to fail. They would have lost them.

Another 2 years though? I understand his heart is in the right place and he with the backing of the majority would hate to see the 7% minority reds attacking and killing again. The situation is very fluid as well with him bowing to the will of the people that demand a referendum. I understand he has to listen to the majorities wishes (previous govt didn't do that) and for that he is admirable, but again he needs to justify this.

I for one would hate elections to be rushed again only to witness democracy for 1 day in every 4 years. I would hate to see the 7% red radical fundamentalists threatening the farmers with violence again. I would hate to see democracy bypassed everyday in Thailand post elections like we witnessed before. I would hate to see 28 million baht an hour lost on a scheme that was aimed at farmers who finished up protesting against the govt that implemented it.

Pray doesn't, the majority doesn't and at 28 million baht an hour one can be assured the tax payer doesn't either.

If Prayut wants two more years one can be assured he certainly wants reform to take hold so democratically elected govt's can not perform undemocratically again thus making coups redundant. I give him one thing...He is doing himself out of a job!

Why do you keep repeating the 7% Terrorist ratio, If you have confidence in your argument you don't need to keep repeating the same propaganda. Nearly every post you make includes that , where did this "Fact" come from ?


Prayut had the backing of the peaceful Thai majority the first time around in May last year gauging by the biggest protests in Thai history with the PTP ex supporters and opponents joining forces to oust the undemocratic (yet elected) government as well as the polls showing PTP support before the coup at all time lows as well as Junta approval ratings after the coup.Not a single bullet or M79 fired by the 7%'ere after the coup and peace rained supreme in the streets of Bangkok. All facts (PTP's greatest enemy) that undeniably show the Junta was brought in on the back of the majorities wishes. The majority had enough and the PTP knew it which is why they allowed the elections to fail. They would have lost them.

Another 2 years though? I understand his heart is in the right place and he with the backing of the majority would hate to see the 7% minority reds attacking and killing again. The situation is very fluid as well with him bowing to the will of the people that demand a referendum. I understand he has to listen to the majorities wishes (previous govt didn't do that) and for that he is admirable, but again he needs to justify this.

I for one would hate elections to be rushed again only to witness democracy for 1 day in every 4 years. I would hate to see the 7% red radical fundamentalists threatening the farmers with violence again. I would hate to see democracy bypassed everyday in Thailand post elections like we witnessed before. I would hate to see 28 million baht an hour lost on a scheme that was aimed at farmers who finished up protesting against the govt that implemented it.

Pray doesn't, the majority doesn't and at 28 million baht an hour one can be assured the tax payer doesn't either.

If Prayut wants two more years one can be assured he certainly wants reform to take hold so democratically elected govt's can not perform undemocratically again thus making coups redundant. I give him one thing...He is doing himself out of a job!

Why do you keep repeating the 7% Terrorist ratio, If you have confidence in your argument you don't need to keep repeating the same propaganda. Nearly every post you make includes that , where did this "Fact" come from ?

That is a really good question. Where did that fact come from? Did the current government ever oppose the red shirts in the streets? Where did that happen? Red shirts 2010. Current military government 2014. Do I have my dates mixed up?


So from 1200 People 70 something per cent said they want him to stay. What about the 40 odd million electorate , They are starting a frenzy to put this actually onto the agenda , So people are willing go sacrifice 2 more years of Marshall law , or Section 44 as it is casually now called and further suppression of freedom of speech so they can hammer home their one sided constitution. Nationalist Militarist . Totalitarian Government , which is the definition of Fascism.When they get a majority of Thais voting for them due to some fashion of Enabling act smoke and mirrors, Who do you think they will go after?


Hitler Endorsed by 9 to 1 in Poll on his Dictatorship, but Opposition Is Doubled

Absolute Power Is Won

38,279,514 Vote Yes, 4,287,808 No on Uniting Offices

871,056 Ballots Spoiled

Negative Count Is Larger in Districts of Business Men and Intellectuals

Hamburg Has 20% Noes

Reich Bishop at Victory Fete Says Hitler's Anti-Semitism Is Fight for Christianity


The German people were asked to vote whether they approved the consolidation of the offices of President and Chancellor in a single Leader-Chancellor personified by Adolf Hitler. By every appeal known to skillful politicians and with every argument to the contrary suppressed, they were asked to make their approval unanimous.Berlin, Monday, Aug. 20 -- Eighty-nine and nine-tenths per cent of the German voters endorsed in yesterday's plebiscite Chancellor Hitler's assumption of greater power than has ever been possessed by any other ruler in modern times. Nearly 10 per cent indicated their disapproval. The result was expected.

Nevertheless 10 per cent of the voters have admittedly braved possible consequences by answering "No" and nearly [text unreadable] made their answers, ineffective by spoiling the simplest of ballots. There was a plain short question and two circles, one labeled "Yes" and the other "No," in one of which the voter had to make a cross. Yet there were nearly 1,000,000 spoiled ballots.

38,279,514 Vote "Yes."

The results given out by the Propaganda Ministry early this morning show that out of a total vote of 43,438,378, cast by a possible voting population of more than 45,000,000, there were 38,279,514 who answered "Yes," 4,287,808 who answered "No" and there were 871,056 defective ballots. Thus there is an affirmative vote of almost 90 per cent of the valid votes and a negative vote of nearly 10 per cent exclusive of the spoiled ballots which may or may not have been deliberately rendered defective.

How Chancellor Hitler's vote declined is shown by a comparison with the result of the Nov. 12 plebiscite on leaving the Disarmament Conference and the League of Nations. The tabulation follows:

Yeste rday Nov. 12 Yes 38,279,514 40,600,243 No 4,287,808 2,101,004 Invalid 3

These results therefore show that the number of Germans discontented with Chancellor Hitler's course is increasing but is not yet seriously damaging to it. He is the Fuehrer [leader] of the Reich with absolute power by the vote of almost 90 per cent of the Germans in it but the number of dissentients has doubled since the last test.

It is not yet a matter for international concern but there are other considerations which may be.

Dictatorship Now Complete

The endorsement gives Chancellor Hitler, who four years ago was not even a German citizen, dictatorial powers unequaled in any other country, and probably unequaled in history since the days of Genghis Khan. He has more power than Joseph Stalin in Russia, who has a party machine to reckon with; more power than Premier Mussolini of Italy who shares his prerogative with the titular ruler; more than any American President ever dreamed of.

No other ruler has so widespread power nor so obedient and compliant subordinates. The question that interests the outside world now is what Chancellor Hitler will do with such unprecedented authority.



Protected from criticism? OMG... when are these people going to not just grow up, but mature? Anyway, I see a survey on the horizon, to show that 95 percent of the ENTIRE population (never mind that the sample size was only in the hundreds with all respondents coming from the same village) wants him to stay on. And not just stay on, but indefinitely. I will be very surprised if this 'survey' isn't reported within days of this news.

In the south I guess 99% want him to stay, here in the office 100%.

And if he let vote and hand out 500 Baht more for vote buying than Thaksin also North and Northeast will agree.

But to see it more serious: It is the best government of the last 15 years and I don't care if they came into power by vote buying or because they have the bigger gun. They are less corrupt than any government before and at least try to fix the countries problems.

The only way corruption comes to light is AFTER they get CAUGHT, until then there's always suspicion seriously you think all these hand picked people that amass fortunes are just incredibly lucky and have all married into wealth ?

Two pints of what you're drinking please!! On second thoughts nah don't bother you're a kool aid drinker ?


Let's hope he stays for a long time. Have been in Thailand for decades and since Prayuth took over things finally improved. He has done so many good things in only 1 year. The only thing the PTP has done is rob the country empty and create a breeding ground for corrupt politicians and criminals (national and international). Even the U.S is slowing understanding what Prayuth and his team is doing and in fact started giving him credits for some of his achievements.

I still remember many posters here on TV (mostly the one-line heroes) saying that the international community would NEVER accept the current government. Now we have China, Japan and most probably the U.S. invest in Thailand's infrastructure.

Things are looking good for Thailand. Soon there will be a referendum to ask the Thai people whether or not the army should continue cleaning up Thailand's mess. And I bet you they will choose for Prayuth to stay on. He will go into the history books as Thailand's savior.

The days of armed militia organized by politicians are over.

I know I'm being trolled by responding to this but "All the economic engines appear to have stopped functioning rendering Thailand’s economic outlook the worst in 40 years, said Mr Thanawat Polvichai, director of the Economic and Business Forecast Centre of the University of Thai Chamber of Commerce."


If you could please link something positive from the Economist or any other reliable source that supports your assertion. Specifically, one or two economic indicators that have improved even tangentially?

I know I'm being trolled.[emoji19]


Protected from criticism? OMG... when are these people going to not just grow up, but mature? Anyway, I see a survey on the horizon, to show that 95 percent of the ENTIRE population (never mind that the sample size was only in the hundreds with all respondents coming from the same village) wants him to stay on. And not just stay on, but indefinitely. I will be very surprised if this 'survey' isn't reported within days of this news.

In the south I guess 99% want him to stay, here in the office 100%.

And if he let vote and hand out 500 Baht more for vote buying than Thaksin also North and Northeast will agree.

But to see it more serious: It is the best government of the last 15 years and I don't care if they came into power by vote buying or because they have the bigger gun. They are less corrupt than any government before and at least try to fix the countries problems.

But to see it more serious: It is the best government of the last 15 years and I don't care if they came into power by vote buying or because they have the bigger gun. They are less corrupt than any government before and at least try to fix the countries problems.

I have some intelligent, educated Thai friends who are as equally confused as you are.

It's really a sad thing to see.

PS: the vote-buying slur is a dead horse...beatdeadhorse.gif


How can foreigners not see the truth of what is happening here... feel pity for you if you don't understand...

Which side are you on? Democracy or totalitarianism? You really should make it clear when you are handing out pity so freely.


How can foreigners not see the truth of what is happening here... feel pity for you if you don't understand...

Which side are you on? Democracy or totalitarianism? You really should make it clear when you are handing out pity so freely.

I bet he's on the same side as me, just trying to get by in a country that I have zero input into their political shenanigans, even The Thai people have no say now.

And it's for a very good reason, one that cannot be discussed, so he's right, if you can't understand what is happening here, he can pity you, or at least pity your lack of understanding.


These "he's the best PM in 20 years" brigade. What is this magical fairy dust you are on? Rampant corruption is still going on daily. It just that the paymasters of the various vices have changed hands from the red team to his team.

I have been in Thailand a good while now and lived through all three kinds of government, and I nothing ever really changes. The junta crackdown a bit here and there then things go back to normal. Can you guys actually outline what they have done? (stopping protests that they colluded in doesn't count)


These "he's the best PM in 20 years" brigade. What is this magical fairy dust you are on? Rampant corruption is still going on daily. It just that the paymasters of the various vices have changed hands from the red team to his team.

I have been in Thailand a good while now and lived through all three kinds of government, and I nothing ever really changes. The junta crackdown a bit here and there then things go back to normal. Can you guys actually outline what they have done? (stopping protests that they colluded in doesn't count)

well, certain crackdowns have been made against chosen people who are not currently in favor for one reason or another, and..............ermmmmmmm


A certain police chief was thrown under the bus and very publicly too. People should be able to figure out what is going on from that. If they can't then god help them.


How can foreigners not see the truth of what is happening here... feel pity for you if you don't understand...

Which side are you on? Democracy or totalitarianism? You really should make it clear when you are handing out pity so freely.

I bet he's on the same side as me, just trying to get by in a country that I have zero input into their political shenanigans, even The Thai people have no say now.

And it's for a very good reason, one that cannot be discussed, so he's right, if you can't understand what is happening here, he can pity you, or at least pity your lack of understanding.

If he does not say what the truth is, one would have to be a mind reader to understand what you fellows are talking about. It is simply not clear writing. If anyone is to be pitied it would be him for not knowing how to express himself.

I asked a simple clear question. Answer it or don't.


How can foreigners not see the truth of what is happening here... feel pity for you if you don't understand...

Which side are you on? Democracy or totalitarianism? You really should make it clear when you are handing out pity so freely.

I bet he's on the same side as me, just trying to get by in a country that I have zero input into their political shenanigans, even The Thai people have no say now.

And it's for a very good reason, one that cannot be discussed, so he's right, if you can't understand what is happening here, he can pity you, or at least pity your lack of understanding.

If he does not say what the truth is, one would have to be a mind reader to understand what you fellows are talking about. It is simply not clear writing. If anyone is to be pitied it would be him for not knowing how to express himself.

I asked a simple clear question. Answer it or don't.

I'm a mind reader.


A certain police chief was thrown under the bus and very publicly too. People should be able to figure out what is going on from that. If they can't then god help them.

it seems most ThaiVisa members think it was something to do with a crackdown on corruption.........it's incredible how ignorant some people are.

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