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Delivery of 1x40´container Chiang Rai...... Plse help needed!

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Hi Guys!!

I have a container soon on it´s way from abroad with destination Chiang Rai, position on map is;

House = 19°57'23.96", 99°48'41.01"
WAT = 19°56'58.87", 99°48'24.21"
The problem I am facing now is that it seems to be extremely hard if not impossible to drive all the way up to the home where this family lives, and there be able to unload this big container. Mind you that it is some 12 meters of length!!
My option to solve this seems to be that I need to find a warehouse or storage or a spot where the truck with this container can stop for maybe 7-10 hours while it is being emptied by customer or even better if we have a company there, that can do this job and deliver the goods.
So that is the background...... Can anybody of you guys help me out, and inform me of possibilities for unloading this container in terms of just a place to do it on, or even a fullservice with emptying the container, and than deliver the goods to final spot as per the position above..
So recommendations of companies in the area, is highly appreciated..
Thanks for your inpout..

I would ask the trucking company doing the delivery to organise something.

Sorry to say that this is a thai trucking-company and they do not like to talk to each other, and make up plans, or organize stuff...

If you get my drift..... Already tried it....

I think that I have to find a local company that can take over this unloading and delivery of the goods.

Thnks anyhow mate..



We had the same situation, with a jam-packed 40' container.

The driver parked on the side of the road, as close as he could get (about 5k). We used a pick-up truck to take the stuff the rest of the way. We hired a group of locals to help us unload.

It went fast, about 3 hours. One of us stayed with the container to make sure nobody got sticky fingers. We gave the driver some snacks and a tip for waiting.


We had the same situation, with a jam-packed 40' container.

The driver parked on the side of the road, as close as he could get (about 5k). We used a pick-up truck to take the stuff the rest of the way. We hired a group of locals to help us unload.

It went fast, about 3 hours. One of us stayed with the container to make sure nobody got sticky fingers. We gave the driver some snacks and a tip for waiting.

This actually gave me peace of mind, many thanks,,, great!!

I will go that way...



You might consider hiring a 6-wheeler for the heavy stuff. And to make less trips.


We had the same situation, with a jam-packed 40' container.

The driver parked on the side of the road, as close as he could get (about 5k). We used a pick-up truck to take the stuff the rest of the way. We hired a group of locals to help us unload.

It went fast, about 3 hours. One of us stayed with the container to make sure nobody got sticky fingers. We gave the driver some snacks and a tip for waiting.

This is good advice indeed, I once furnished an apartment in Vientiane and the guy who sold me most of the stuff walked onto the street and flagged a tuktuk, who disappeared and returned with two of the largest tuktuks I've ever seen.

They loaded fridge, TV, lounge suite, bed etc etc and drove it all home for a pittance. (Well tipped though).

I think in Asia, when there is a kip or a baht to be made, someone will find a way.

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