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Obtaining Tourist Visa in Person from DC Embassy

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Greetings everyone,

I am planning on traveling to Thailand on a double entry tourist visa at the end of July. I will be coming to live with my Thai fiancé and we will be getting married at the end of December over the New Year holiday. After we are married I will convert the travel visa to a Non-Immigrant visa based on marriage. I am 50 years old but I do not have the money to retire so I will have to work which is why the marriage based visa and not retirement based. During the time before we get married I will be attending a Thai language school. I currently live in Virginia, close enough to make the trip in person to the Thai Embassy in Washington D.C. so I figure that is the best course of action. I have some questions that I hope can be answered by the TV members:

  1. The instructions on the Thai Embassy website says, in addition to other required documents, " Itinerary (specific date and month ) ; for person who apply more than 1 entry." What exactly are they expecting on the itinerary?
  2. I have only purchased a one-way ticket. Will this be a problem for a tourist visa?
  3. On the visa application in the purpose of visit section should I say travel? or study Thai language? or should I tell them about my upcoming marriage? Also, if I am asked at the embassy should I tell them everything?
  4. Since I will be entering on July 29 and our wedding date is Dec. 29, will the one month remaining on the extension of the visa be enough time to change the tourist visa to a Non-I based on marriage or would it be prudent to obtain a 3 entry visa rather than 2 entries? The cost of the additional entry is 40 USD which is less than the 30 day extension cost for the first entry.
  5. For anyone who has obtained a visa from the D.C. embassy in person, can I get the visa the same day or will I have to stay overnight and return the next day?

Thanks for any help that I can get. Also, for those of you who have the urge to tell me not to come there and marry a Thai, type your message then delete it and then drink another beer and enjoy your day.

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My suggestions regarding your inquiries:

1. For your itinerary, list your flight from DC to BKK and the date. If they ask at the embassy, say you haven't decided when/where else you'll be traveling in SE Asia during that period of time (true, right?)

2. Shouldn't be a problem for the visa. I obtained a visa in LA without having booked a flight yet. (Your airline will be happy to see your visa since you've purchased a one-way ticket.)

3. I'd put "tourism" since you're applying for a tourist visa. I'd be surprised if the embassy asks you anything more specific but if they do tell them (truthfully) that you're visiting friends in Thailand.

4. If it was me, I'd pay the extra $40 for the triple entry visa. If something unexpected occurs and you have to exit Thailand for whatever reason, you have it covered in advance.

5. I obtained a visa from the LA consulate....it was ready the next day. (It wasn't a tourist visa, though; non-Immigrant O-A visa for me.)

I am by no means an expert on the visa process but having gone through the process already I can say that it seemed more daunting than it actually was. Good luck with your trip/marriage.

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1. They will want to see that you plan on leaving the country on or before 60 days after entry. I can recall a report of them wanting to see a ticket out of the country. You should check with them to find out exactly what they require.

2. If you have a visa a return or onward ticket is not needed. To apply for the visa a onward ticket would be accepted if asked for.

3. Tourism

4. Thirty days would be enough but if you plan on doing a change of visa status to obtain a 90 day non immigrant visa entry at immigration in Bangkok you must have 15 days remaining on your permit to stay to apply. You will also need to show the financial proof required to get an extension of stay based upon marriage along with all the required documents. You will have to make 2 trips 15 days apart to immigration to get the visa/entry stamps.

If you are not going to be living in or near Bangkok it would be best to go out to a nearby embassy or consulate for a single entry non-o visa. No financial proof would be needed. Your marriage certificate, copies of your wife's house book and ID card would be needed. Then you could apply for an extension of stay during the last 30 days of the 90 day entry the visa allows.

5. You pickup the visa the next day. They do accept mail in applications.

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Thanks for the replies. I have considered applying by mail but mailing my passport makes me a bit uncomfortable but I suppose everyone that has applied by mail has done so I suppose I can. As Joe suggested, I will contact the embassy to see what they require for the itinerary. I will be living near enough to Bangkok to make the needed trips to convert the tourist visa to a Non-O based on marriage and having the required funds will not be a problem. Again thanks for the swift replies.


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