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Wissanu says next election to be held August next year

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Wissanu says next election to be held August next year
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Deputy Prime Minister Wissanu Krea-Ngam said Sunday that if the draft constitution is endorsed by the people in a national referendum, the next election will be held in August next year.

He said if the election is held, the next Cabinet is expected to be sworn in by early October 2016 and the National Council for Peace and Order and all agencies established by the NCPO will cease to exist.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Wissanu-says-next-election-to-be-held-August-next--30262285.html

-- The Nation 2015-06-14

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Waiting, waiting, waiting.....When will the anti-democrats expose themselves....Politically I mean (Gulp)

When will they have the courage to step beyond talk of a "referendum" to actually admitting how it will be conducted.

I am suspicious a referendum will not in fact be a referendum. But a process controlled and managed to facilitate the anti-democracy results they want.

I think they have already determined the blueprint for such a so-called referendum. They are just deep-sixing it at the moment.

Perhaps the involvement of a so-called independent Election Commission, infamous for canceling an election, are a clue.

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So we can expect to see the PTP, or whatever they are called, back in power by September 2016?

Yes, but since most of the 2 legged members have been banned, the parliament this time around will look a little different. But they will still be listening to His Masters Voice from Dubai...........


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So election in August, 2016. Parliament formed in September, 2016. And in October, 2016 when the PTP or its reincarnation loose due the contempt they held the majority in for 3 years (yes there is always ramifications for your actions) we will hear the 7%'ers coming up with excuses why THAT majority should be disrespected.

Edited by djjamie
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No disrespect but will the average Thai person read 107 or whatever pages of constitution? I wouldn't !

I would suspect the majority of Thais will not read the constitution , because they know , just as history as taught them , come 1,3, 5 , 10 years or however long, a coup will occur and the constitution abolished for the whole facade to stat again

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So election in August, 2016. Parliament formed in September, 2016. And in October, 2016 when the PTP or its reincarnation loose due the contempt they held the majority in for 3 years (yes there is always ramifications for your actions) we will hear the 7%'ers coming up with excuses why THAT majority should be disrespected.

Election to be held IF the constitution passes the referendum - so it's actually very unlikely that there'll an election in August 2016 as the constitution sucks and the people will most likely vote it down.

I think you'll find those you label "7%ers" are actually pro-democracy not pro-PTP, so if a free and fair election is held and the result is a government without PTP, that would be just fine - the important thing is the people sovereignty is respected.

I for one expect, regardless of how much whatever constitutions in place is rigged to favour the upper classes, that the sheer weight of numbers of poor rural Thais will still deliver a victory to the new re-incarnation of TRT, PPP, PTP - it will then be interesting to see how you "93%ers" go about justifying the need for another coup after what would by then be 17 or 18 years of uninterrupted electoral dominance by the party of the people.

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Waiting, waiting, waiting.....When will the anti-democrats expose themselves....Politically I mean (Gulp)

When will they have the courage to step beyond talk of a "referendum" to actually admitting how it will be conducted.

I am suspicious a referendum will not in fact be a referendum. But a process controlled and managed to facilitate the anti-democracy results they want.

I think they have already determined the blueprint for such a so-called referendum. They are just deep-sixing it at the moment.

Perhaps the involvement of a so-called independent Election Commission, infamous for canceling an election, are a clue.

a referendum is a mute point anyway - considering the turd the CDC has laid.

but you are right to wonder how the referendum will be controlled. A couple days ago, one of the junta patsies listed a 4 option scenario which was a win-win-win-win for the junta.

in my opinion, there is absolutely no way that the "NCPO" will allow a referendum with anything resembling an open, free debate and vote. I am wondering what a 2007 referendum on steroids looks like... coffee1.gif

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So we can expect to see the PTP, or whatever they are called, back in power by September 2016?

Yes, but since most of the 2 legged members have been banned, the parliament this time around will look a little different. But they will still be listening to His Masters Voice from Dubai...........

attachicon.gifhis masters voice.jpg

yes, but this time, the elected representatives will have no power to govern... That is the entire point of "reforms" ... whistling.gif

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notice how the elections have been pushed out 11 months from Sept 2015 (originally) to August 2016 and the only change is a referendum - which by all news accounts was to push back the process by 3 months.

Is that Junta math?

Why are they twiddling their thumbs, .... coffee1.gif

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Poll likely in August 2016 if referendum passed: govt


BANGKOK: -- THAILAND is expected to hold a general election in August 2016, if the draft charter is approved in a national referendum, said Deputy Prime Minister Wissanu Krea-ngam.

In the event of a "yes" vote for the draft constitution, the Constitution Drafting Committee (CDC) will move to prepare the organic laws in February, 2016, and table them to the National Legislative Assembly (NLA) for approval between March and April next year.

Afterwards, it will have to be endorsed by the Constitutional Court.vAuthorities will have between July and August next year to prepare the election.

"Therefore it is likely that the poll will be held in August," Wissanu said. The results would be announced within 30 days.

The new government will then be installed and the whole process is expected to be completed by early October next year.

Around that time, the work of the "five rivers" of power - the military-installed bodies that are the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO), the Cabinet, the National Reform Council, the NLA and the CDC - will come to an end.

"I do not invent [the story]. [The process] is according to what has been scheduled. However, if the referendum doesn't pass, the situation will be in another form," said Wisanu.

New council

Wissanu added that the NRC would finish its duty after the referendum on the draft charter. Afterwards, the NRC will be replaced by a council to drive national reform. The council for national reform will continue its task until the House of Representatives starts sessions.

The government of Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha and the NCPO will finish their duties when the new government is installed and its members take an oath of allegiance. The NLA will finish its duty when there is a new Senate.

Meanwhile, deputy government spokesman Maj-General Sansern Kaewkumnerd responded to the scenario in which politicians criticised the NRC for failing to adopt the draft charter.

Sansern said the process was conducted in accordance with the 2014 interim charter and the NRC comprised representatives from every group.

Sansern urged politicians to give more importance to the reform process and not merely focus on the election.

He reiterated the Prayut government and the NCPO did not intend to remain in power beyond the implementation of the reform roadmap.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Poll-likely-in-August-2016-if-referendum-passed-go-30262307.html

-- The Nation 2015-06-15

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So election in August, 2016. Parliament formed in September, 2016. And in October, 2016 when the PTP or its reincarnation loose due the contempt they held the majority in for 3 years (yes there is always ramifications for your actions) we will hear the 7%'ers coming up with excuses why THAT majority should be disrespected.

Okay put your money where your mouth is I will put a million on the PTP or the new party and you can put your million on the greens or Dems. In any fair election my money is safe as a house, but them again your side don't believe in playing fair, cheating and taking short cuts is just much easier.

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So we can expect to see the PTP, or whatever they are called, back in power by September 2016?

Yes, but since most of the 2 legged members have been banned, the parliament this time around will look a little different. But they will still be listening to His Masters Voice from Dubai...........

attachicon.gifhis masters voice.jpg

yes, but this time, the elected representatives will have no power to govern... That is the entire point of "reforms" ... whistling.gif

Or is the entire point of the reforms to make sure elected governments should follow the law, rules and procedures?

Does an elected representative who received a salary to vote as someone not elected dictates really represent a democratic model?

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So election in August, 2016. Parliament formed in September, 2016. And in October, 2016 when the PTP or its reincarnation loose due the contempt they held the majority in for 3 years (yes there is always ramifications for your actions) we will hear the 7%'ers coming up with excuses why THAT majority should be disrespected.

OK, I have to ask, just what is this 7% you keep on about and where does the figure come from? More importantly what does it refer to?

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So we can expect to see the PTP, or whatever they are called, back in power by September 2016?

Yes, but since most of the 2 legged members have been banned, the parliament this time around will look a little different. But they will still be listening to His Masters Voice from Dubai...........

attachicon.gifhis masters voice.jpg

yes, but this time, the elected representatives will have no power to govern... That is the entire point of "reforms" ... whistling.gif

Or is the entire point of the reforms to make sure elected governments should follow the law, rules and procedures?

Does an elected representative who received a salary to vote as someone not elected dictates really represent a democratic model?

Or is the entire point of the reforms to make sure elected governments should follow the law, rules and procedures?

no, it's not.

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"In the event of a "yes" vote for the draft constitution ..."

It appears that the Deputy Prime Minister Wissanu is expecting an "all or nothing" vote on the draft constitution. To date none of the over 100 recommended amendments to the draft by the NRC/CDC have been allowed by the NCPO. In an "all or nothing vote" approval of the draft will likely fail majority support.

I think its more likely there will be no plebisite. The NCPO still has not amended the Interim Charter to allow a referendum. And if it did it would be under NO obligation to have a referendum just as the Junta avoided it with the 1997 draft constitution. The Deputy PM's remarks may just be misdirection to avoid public pressure on Prayut for a referendum.

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