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Whoops I Boned Her

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accidentally, huh? :o

seems like it would be rather intentionally - looks like u r planning it and therefor preparing to possible outcome! :D

usually they won't.... first of all - thye might not remember u well enough... coz too many customers pass by - too many faces to remember all.

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Is your wife an ex-BG? If she is, I'd be real careful, mate. The fastest mode of communications ever measured by science is the BG and ex-BG network, and no matter how certain you might be that you are outside it, you cannot EVER be certain.

On the other hand, if she isn't an ex-BG, then I wouldn't worry too much. Communications between BGs and real world Thais are almost non-existent.

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This might be hard for you, but don't be an idiot.

List of don'ts:

Never take your wife where you intend to meat girls.

Never take your wife where you've meated girls.

Never bring a bar girl home or tell her where you live (neighbors do tell).

Don't prowel the bar beers along the foot path between town and home.

Don't lie to a bar girl and tell her you love her and want to marry her.

Don't come home from "the gym" smelling like another girl's sabu.

Never pretend to yourself that you know more about what's going on than your wife or prospective ST.

Any or all of the above will have the mia Thai lose face and you your John Thomas.

List of Do's:

Be discrete.

Use the back room.

Tell the Bar girl you're married.

Remember why you married your wife.

The rules are simple man-pig.



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Sounds to me like you might be the next guy to feed the duck here in the LOS.

My wife is a school teacher that works in a school 50 kilometers from the town we live in, She goes to work and sometimes during the day I go 10 kilometers from our village to town in the opposite direction from my wife,,When she gets home from school in the evenings,,She tells me everything I did during the day while in town, and what I bought, and exactly who I talked to.

seems like a very fast "jungle telegraph" is in operation here ,for sure, so therefore I keep my pecker in my own pants. :o

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bangkok may look like a big city, but it is in fact the biggest village in thailand and as such everybody knows what everybody else had for breakfast.

as has already been advised in this post, do not underestimate the gossiping capabilities or the networking systems here.

i live with my non bg wife in a bg part of town,right bang slap in the middle, all the little apartments round here are multiple occupant bar girls, my wife, or usually her mum are informed almost on a daily basis of my movements around bangkok by the girls that live around here, not in a malicious way, its just that thai women with time on their hands will chat away with each other until every possible thing that can be mentioned has been mentioned, only then will the conversation start to slow down.sometimes, when i get home she will bet with me that she knows what i had for lunch, ive given up taking the bets.

on the skytrain,in the department stores,walking along the streets here,in the restaurants and pubs,even when taking a dump, you are never out of the radar.

if the americans want to find bin laden, send some thai bargirls to find him.

if you "accidentally" bone a bar girl, then expect to be found out before you get home.

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Just thought I would update,,

My wife is at Nong Maena school, I went to town in Phetchabun after posting this morning,,I had the taillights fixed on my pickup,there was a short,and there is this fox there who is the wife of the manager of the shop, We sat and bullshitted for an hour while they found and fixed the short, and I came home,,been home a couple of hours and got a phone call from my wife askin what we was talking about for so long a time. :o

Now aint that something?

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On the other hand, if she isn't an ex-BG, then I wouldn't worry too much. Communications between BGs and real world Thais are almost non-existent.

I don't agree with this statement. My GF has many BGs as customers. They tell her EVERYTHING . Then she tells all her non-BG friends.

So in the end, everybody knows everything.

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I was visiting a Thai friend of mine who operates a karaoke bar. I sat down and was having a beer when my wife called and told me to get my a## home. My house is 34km away. Beware the bamboo telegraph. Maybe, just maybe you might get away with something if your wife was in Phuket and you were in Chiang Rai.

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OK..Call me dumb or stupid, but what is a BG? I dont know if it is what im thinking it is...:D


BG = Bar Girl... :D

BG's do things with guys for money. :D

I'm shocked! You mean, like, there's no Love involved? :o

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There’s a difference between being a dumb-ass and being discrete.

That’s why god invented the massage parlor.

There’s a place in Pattaya called TQ. The doors open at 2:00pm and no women are allowed (except those who work there) until past 8:00pm.

At 7:30 the second shift begins. I love the day shift girls. :o

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LOL...ooooh i got it. We call them different here...BG would stand for Bar Hoes or Club Sluts LOL, but they give u some some for free hehehe.

Thanks for the info, i understand now.

It's never "Free" even when it's free... :o

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OK..Call me dumb or stupid, but what is a BG? I dont know if it is what im thinking it is...:D


BG = Bar Girl... :D

BG's do things with guys for money. :D

I'm shocked! You mean, like, there's no Love involved? :D

Of course there's love ... they love the money :o

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Hmmm....Does this count... a Thai Massage Therapist provided deep tissue techniques, greatful for the experience... I followed the code: Gave her

triple the cost and then some... Smiled, thank you mamm..Adios..


Three months later, on a bus, sitting with my New Thai Girl friend, I see the Massage Therapist sitting behind my seat.. A smile of recognition, and immediately sweat begins.. She maintains her composure, does not attempt to communicate or indicate she knows me infront of my Thai Girlfriend...

So...there is a code.... And the it is luck of the draw... :D

High speed low drag

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