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Graft probe sees 71 senior and local Thai officials shifted


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If Organic Laws have been violated, why does Prayut have to resort to the unconstitutional Article 44 to isolate and investigate people?

Maybe because UNDER THE LAW there is insufficient cause for taking any action against suspects.

But Article 44 only requires a name to be placed on a list of suspects.

Suspects are held guilty until proven innocent.

Welcome to the Junta's Reform of Justice.

Use of article 44 is to prevent use of the civil service appeal mechanism, so as to allow investigations to proceed rapidly with the suspect unable to interfere. Prosecution will be under organic law if evidence is found.

This is not a reform of justice, it is a clean-out of a corrupt civil service, something long overdue and not even considered by Thaksinist governments.

BTW how many posters can't understand that the sequence is transfer, investigation, prosecution, and that the 3 events don't happen simultaneously.

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Wish my school would suspend me with salary.


Feel sorry for the Thai.

Now they have to pay for hundreds of government workers for inactive posts.

And the salary for the new corrupt official to take their place.

What a mess ????

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