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Original Slavery can be traced back to the Classical Era with the Greeks , the Middle Ages by the Anglo-Saxons and by Scots raiding Northern England. The trade in slaves from Africa, however seems to have been started from the Muslim Arabs of the Eastern Mediterranean.

Source - Wavery 1993

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Original Slavery can be traced back to the Classical Era with the Greeks , the Middle Ages by the Anglo-Saxons and by Scots raiding Northern England. The trade in slaves from Africa, however seems to have been started from the Muslim Arabs of the Eastern Mediterranean.

Source - Wavery 1993

Right on the money, Sir. In flact, the word "slave" comes from "Slavic", as in "Slavic" people or countries. Of course, slavery started from the beginning of time. They were seen as the booty of war so to speak. Roman Gernerals use to followed by slaves taken during campaigns as he marched through the Roman streets receiving his "triumph". The Aztecs used slaves for human sacrifice. It is recorded in the Floritine Codex (the best descriptive history we have of the Aztec empire at its decline-written by a Spanish Monk) that the Aztecs sacrificed 20,000 slaves in one day! This was also probably used a form of population control (for their enemies) and one reason their enemies eagerly joined the Spanish in destroying them.

Maybe the form of slavery that existed in Thailand was closer to the feudal system form of slavery practised in feudal europe. I know my wife is certainly aware of it as she is a big fan of the Thai king who finally abolished it. I think that most Thais are aware of it for that very reason.

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Original Slavery can be traced back to the Classical Era with the Greeks , the Middle Ages by the Anglo-Saxons and by Scots raiding Northern England. The trade in slaves from Africa, however seems to have been started from the Muslim Arabs of the Eastern Mediterranean.

Source - Wavery 1993

Right on the money, Sir. In flact, the word "slave" comes from "Slavic", as in "Slavic" people or countries. Of course, slavery started from the beginning of time. They were seen as the booty of war so to speak. Roman Gernerals use to followed by slaves taken during campaigns as he marched through the Roman streets receiving his "triumph". The Aztecs used slaves for human sacrifice. It is recorded in the Floritine Codex (the best descriptive history we have of the Aztec empire at its decline-written by a Spanish Monk) that the Aztecs sacrificed 20,000 slaves in one day! This was also probably used a form of population control (for their enemies) and one reason their enemies eagerly joined the Spanish in destroying them.

Maybe the form of slavery that existed in Thailand was closer to the feudal system form of slavery practised in feudal europe. I know my wife is certainly aware of it as she is a big fan of the Thai king who finally abolished it. I think that most Thais are aware of it for that very reason.

Good post Sir !

Too many people label the US/UK with the invention of the despicable trade.( a la John Hawkins )

It has a lengthy history. Best forgotten? Who knows....

No smiley applicable ......

Just realised - I'm totally off topic here.

Sorry !

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Good knowledge Sir !

Too many people label the US/UK with the invention of the despicable trade.( a la John Hawkins )

It has a lengthy history. Best forgotten? Who knows....

No smiley applicable ......

Just realised - I'm totally off topic here.

Sorry !

I think that most thais are aware of slavery in the past. The answer to why is not a big deal today, I think, has to do with two points. First, it is Bhuddism-things happens, you can't them, so there is no reason to find anyone to blame (unlike us westy types who always try to find a scapegoat). Secondly, it was a King who settled the issue with one fell swoop of his writing hand. For the Thais, then, that was pretty much it. Usually, this forum ends up as the Bash America Forum and usually they have it all wrong. Heck for you Limeys across the pond-on of the reasons you were reluctant to join the Confederate cause during the U.S. Civil War was because of the slavery issue (that and the massive amount of casulties inflicted on a scale never seen before (we do everything big in the U.S.!]). It was the British Royal Navy who destroyed the most infamouse departure port in Africa for slaves to the U.S. In the U.S. that most of those who joined the Northern (federal) cause was because of anti-slavery sentiment and NOT seccession-it had become a moral issue. Today, most commonly, slavery still does exist in Islamic countries, most notably in Africa. But I do believe the Thai people are aware of this aspect of their past and are very proud of the King who finally abolished it. By the way, slavery in the U.S. was never a "race" issue. In fact, the first slaves in the U.S. were indentured servants from Eastern Europe and even Ireland. Slavery, in the end was an economic issue and those poor souls brought over to America for the reason of slavery were nothing more than an expendable labor force. While the North was expanding with revolution of the Industrial Age, the South still relied on its agricultural power and slavery was just another tool to them. Sad but true. But I think the 600,000 who died during the war was enough clensing of the souls. Now, it has become a politcal issue...the reason we have it bad is because of slavery. That is just the Westy way...it is not my fault that it sucks there I will blame this. The thais know of their slave past but it happened, it was abolished, now move on.

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