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Why do so many Thai men….

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"Put on fake, child-like voices"

"they speak a tonal language, which often involves using a pitch higher than your natural speaking voice."

So why am I wrong? The only difference appears to be the more derogatory way in which you're referring to their way of speaking.

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Never encountered such a thing.

Unique to OP methinks.

Do you speak very slowly and loudly in English to them?

Maybe they think you're slightly retarded ........

If so, try speaking to them in Thai.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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Sorry, I should have realised you were just indulging in a bit of anti-Thai trolling rather than actually asking a question.

but he cant be trolling, he accused me of it first.

given how very common this is, perhaps the op could indulge us with an example?

Edited by HooHaa
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Clearly can't speak Thai.

He'll be back in a different incarnation of an ex SAS hero millionaire living in pattaya.

They already exist on here, e-bayers and on line poker players, they are too HiSo to post on here, they are way too busy with their dara girlfriend they picked up on Suk soi 11.

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Do you speak very slowly and loudly in English to them?


Thais interacting with Thais.

Take a look sometime.

Learn Thai, and observe Thai male social interactions. smile.png

Let's not feed the trolls. whistling.gif

There is more to Thailand and Bkk that Silom soi 4, you need to change your drinking haunts.

Posting from The Telephone Bar are we?

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i cant recall one example if this. you must be "special".

The clue is his words here, "I would not recommend it, but turn on any Thai TV channel."

i too can't recall any instance of "fake, child-like" voices, except on TV and usually accompanied by boings and honks.

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no its not anything to do with ladyboys. try watching the soap operas or any sensible thai tv. you will see slapstick style comedy that would be considered infantile anywhere other than former british colonies.

you see that slap stick stuff with the funny voices, that is what these people imitate.

so there you go, when you see the4 slapstick happen you hear it too with comedy voices.

they also do a big line revenge

so if you upset mr thai in his car by overtaking while he is on the phone, don't be surprised to find him skidding to a halt in front of you , pulling a gun and shouting at you in full drama mode of the good guy on thai soap opera getting his revenge on the bad guy

edited because formatting don't work

Edited by mmh8
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Many of your posts seem anti Thai; indeed in two recent ones you make a reference to: 'the thai', as if you consider yourself to be a Colonial.

Perhaps you're just another inadequate troll, I really don't know. But you appear somewhat immature, in my opinion.

And no, I haven't heard any thai men speaking this way.

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Do you live near the helium distributorship?

Never noticed it in presumably straight/male attired Thai men.....

Seen some flamers that used falsetto - maybe as a way to signal each other ......maybe they are taking a fancy to you.......better check your mannerisms.......

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Many of your posts seem anti Thai; indeed in two recent ones you make a reference to: 'the thai', as if you consider yourself to be a Colonial.

Perhaps you're just another inadequate troll, I really don't know. But you appear somewhat immature, in my opinion.

And no, I haven't heard any thai men speaking this way.

You're quite perceptive. HG is a wannabe troll trying to reinvent himself. All of his Thai-bashing threads (read all of his threads) are so obviously bogus and made-up. He's a miserable sort who wants others to be just as miserable. Sadly, there are many like him.

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