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Just moved house, a few questions about Internet Service Ive had installed.

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Total newbie question here...

Ive just moved to Koh Phangnan from Chiang Mai, arrived today, 23 hours by car - soooooooo tired so thats my excuse out of the way. The new landlord had 3BB installed for me as per my request. Its up and running quickly so so far so good. I do not want to use wireless at all - only a land line.

How do I know im actually using the land line and not wireless ?

The modem I have in front of me has 9 lights that possibly could be turned on..

Power, ADSL, Internet, WLAN, WPS, LAN1, LAN2 LAN 3 LAN4

The actual 5 lights that are on are Power, ADSL, Internet, WLAN and Lan4

I think im connected to the wireless right ?

I have the cable plugged into the back of the modem.

Update - so Ive just seen a small white button on the modem with WLAN / WPS on it. Ive pressed it and now the 5 lights are 4 minus WLAN.

So am I correct in saying that WLAN light on means Im connected to wireless and WLAN off means landline ?


Your Internet is delivered to you over a pair of copper wires, via ADSL to a 3BB provided Modem/Router/WiFi device.

The wired connection is sometimes colloquially known as a PhoneLine, LandLine, FixedLine or Hardline.

Your Internet service is always delivered over the 'wire'.

Additionally, your Modem/Router *also* provides WiFi, a technology that allows DATA to be transferred over-air instead of Ethernet cables to your LOCAL device. This is a separate and additional feature to the Internet Service being delivered.

Modem/Router/WiFi LIGHTS:

POWER: device is plugged in and turned on

ADSL: (blinking) device is attempting to connect to the 3BB Network; (steady) device is connected to the 3BB Network

INTERNET: (blinking) device is attempting to authenticate; (steady) device is connected to the Internet

WLAN: WiFi is enabled

WPS: (see below); WPS button pressed, attempting to pair individual WiFi device to router to provide access

LAN 1 through LAN 4: Ethernet cable ports, (blinking) actively transferring data; (steady) Ethernet cable connected to device

WLAN is an acronym for Wireless LAN or Wireless Local Area Network, meaning WiFi.

So while you can connect to this device via any of the four available Ethernet LAN jacks (LAN1 - LAN4), the device is also set up to provide service over WiFi.

If for whatever reason you do not want the WiFi active, you can enter the Modem/Router/WiFi device setup and disable WLAN/WiFi.

You can also leave it enabled, but operating using WPA2-PSK (PreSharedKey) protocols with a long passphrase that only you know. This way only someone you provide the passphrase to can access your LAN and your connection to the Internet.

A Router with a WiFi feature enabled only allows local authorized wireless devices (ie: Computer, Laptop, Tablet or Mobile Phone, etc) that are within a limited range physical range of its signal a connection to your local network and to your Internet connection. When set up using WPA2, it's very secure.

Note: The WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup, or Simple Config) Push button method: Provides a dead-simple method for *anyone* to connect to your WiFi WLAN Network without needing enter or even know the PreSharedKey passphrase. With this option enabled, a user only need push a button on the router/WiFi device and their own WiFi device to become a connected client on your network. Yes, you can DISABLE the WPS feature from the Router/WiFi settings menu.


What a wonderful answer RichCor - massive thank you for your explanation and time smile.png

The bit where you write about the WPS is my biggest fear. My work needs to be safe and secure as possible.

You write

"If for whatever reason you do not want the WiFi active, you can enter the Modem/Router/WiFi device setup and disable WLAN/WiFi".

How do I do that ?

I, at no time, will ever want WIFI so how to disable entirely please ?

And how do I know if I am at any point using wireless or the land line please ?

Im worried I am using wireless right now.


What a wonderful answer RichCor - massive thank you for your explanation and time smile.png

The bit where you write about the WPS is my biggest fear. My work needs to be safe and secure as possible.

You write

"If for whatever reason you do not want the WiFi active, you can enter the Modem/Router/WiFi device setup and disable WLAN/WiFi".

How do I do that ?

I, at no time, will ever want WIFI so how to disable entirely please ?

And how do I know if I am at any point using wireless or the land line please ?

Im worried I am using wireless right now.

WPS one-button authentication function/feature is a security risk.

WiFi with WPS feature gives the same ease of access to your network as someone plugging an Ethernet Cable directly into your Modem/Router would have.

You can disable WPS function/feature in the modem/router/WiFi setup menu.

Don't want WiFi enabled, again, disable in the modem/router/WiFi setup menu.

You keep stating a concern about knowing if you are using Wireless or the LandLine. Your actual "PC" connection choices to your Modem/Router are only Wireless (WiFi) or Ethernet Cable. Then the Modem/Router will always use the adsl wired LandLine connection back to the 3BB Network Operations Center to connect to the Internet.

To VERIFY if your modem/router/WiFi has the WLAN/WiFi feature enabled (so later you can verify that it is 'indeed' disabled) temporarily enable WiFi on either your PC or SmartPhone device and use the WiFi feature to look for existing WiFi signals. An Extremely Strong Signal would be a good indication that a WiFi device is close by (probably coming your modem/router/WiFi with WiFi enabled)

To make user configuration changes to the modem/router/WiFi device (and disable WiFi) you should connect your PC to the router/modem via Ethernet Cable, open an Internet Browser and connect to its IP address (ie: -or-, and when the Web Config screen appears, enter the name/pass login credentials that 3BB provided at time of install.

Once inside the 3BB modem/router Web Config menu webpage, find either WLAN or WiFi and look or a ENABLE/DISABLE selection and choose DISABLE and save the changes.

You can repeat the VERIFY process again, temporarily enabling WiFi on either a PC or SmartPhone device and use the WiFi feature to look for an existing WiFi signal. This time, if you have DISABLED WiFi on your modem/router, the previous Strong Signal will no longer be visible. As you have verified that WiFi feature of your modem/router is now disabled, you may also Disable the WiFi feature of your PC or SmartPhone.


< snip >

And how do I know if I am at any point using wireless or the land line please ?

Im worried I am using wireless right now.

How to you know if you are using Wireless or cabled Ethernet?

As windows tends to automate things, it's not always easy to know which of the MANY network connection options is your current connection.

Someone running simultaneous Ethernet, WiFi, BlueTooth tether, and even possibly a USB 3G dongle wouldn't necessarily be able to tell which of the three active connections they were using to send/receive Internet Data.

The easiest method is to DISABLE the other methods on the PC.

Many PCs or Laptops have built-in programs that let you enable/disable BlueTooth and WiFi radios. So... no radio, no connection.


Appreciate the answers. As well explained as they are I am going to have to pay someone to pop over as I am inept with such things.

If anyone in Koh Phangnan is reading this Id happily pay very very well indeed to just make SURE I am not connecting to WIFI and for you to disable it permanently which im sure would be a quick job.

I thought it would be as simple as knowing I am not using WIFI because the WLAN light is not on.

Even when I hit the button on the modem and turn the WLAN light on, I get asked no password or etc so still can not see if Im using wireless or not.

So frustrating.


Ive just realized, and YES this shows how utterly inept I am at this stuff, I havent mentioned I am using a desk top not a lap top.

Therefore with this new knowledge and the following facts

I have never been asked for a username or password.

I have not used a wireless USB adaptor.

I have at no time seen any strength signals that usually show when using wireless.

My WLAN light is off.

I have not seen the little blue screen at the bottom right hand corner of screen which I THINK indicates searching for a wireless signal.

I am using a Ethernet cable and RichCor writes

Your actual "PC" connection choices to your Modem/Router are only Wireless (WiFi) or Ethernet Cable. Then the Modem/Router will always use the adsl wired LandLine connection back to the 3BB Network Operations Center to connect to the Internet.

This means I am not using wireless right ?


Probably, yes.

While your deductions are probably 100% true,

it doesn't mean that your PC doesn't also have WiFi capability

nor does it mean that your modem/router/WiFi has WiFi disabled.


... another alternative is to call 3BB, have them log in to modem/router/WiFi device remotely and disable WiFi for you.

99%* of your worries would then be solved.

* Your Desktop PC may have WiFi capabilities. Though someone has to envoke the WiFi utility software to make a connection to a distant WiFi Access Point to get an alternative connection to your already present wired adsl Internet connection ... if you maintain physical control over the machine then it's doubtful that would happen if you don't do it yourself.

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