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I'm afraid going back to Nazi Germany will be getting a paramilitary affair for me.

I've experienced sheer violence there, and that's contagious.

I will not let them try brainwashing again. I know that they do it, why they do it, where they do it, and how they do it. And I will talk and bring evidence (even proof)

After being in Asia for more in 1969, I was not allowed to join German Army anymore because I told them I would use any weapon against them. So I studied, became a scientist, and eventually ended up in Bank IT. My attitude has not changed, though. They should have let me go to Thailand, without trying "attitude adjustment". I still don't love Big Brother (or Big Sister)

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1. After traveling the world and working for the US Govt for 23 years and not been back to the USA - even for a visit - for over seven years, I recently went back for retirement out processing. Here's what I found

2. AirBNB.Com - you can rent rooms in peoples houses or the whole apt itself for 'next to nothing' all over the USA for short term stays. Meet some very nice folks doing it as well............you basically become part of their extended family and they love your stories about living overseas.

3. Enterprise car rentals - $600 a month for a Stnd Car - I use a Amex Platinum to rent it - no insurance required as Amex covers the rental.........or look in phonebook - Rent-a-Wreck $400 a month for a good used car. I once bought a used car drove it for a month all over the USA and when I got to Los Angeles, donated it to the VFW - took full Blue Book value off my Taxes.

4. Motel 6 or 8 has rooms all over USA for $40-$60 a night

5, Guess your friends were not very friendly after all - find new ones.

6. I am back in Thailand after 2 months in the US - tired of hearing Police Sirens all night, Booming Radios from people's(?) cars playing Gangsta Rap, News full of shootings, bombings, protesting's, riots over police/citizen shootings............told my family if they see me again they will be lucky, or they will have to come to SE Asia to see me.

Good Luck


Hell, I genuinely hope and doubt I'll ever be in many people's position on here.

I'm only mid 40's and own several properties. I also have many genuine friends in Aus wishing for me to visit and stay regularly.

Perhaps I'm harsh, but many of you old guys here just didn't ever plan well enough.

As the old saying goes; if you don't plan, you plan to fail.

No one wants to be with a mediocre failure. That's why many of you have so few friends.

Yes, harsh, but very much the truth in my opinion.

Reading many of your posts, I wouldn't want your kee nhoc arse hanging around my house either.

You don't have the wealth to spend time in your home country's well....why the <deleted> did you even come here?

Counting your pennies; eating at food courts and chasing happy hours for many I bet.

Don't whine; you've only got yourselves to blame.




1. After traveling the world and working for the US Govt for 23 years and not been back to the USA - even for a visit - for over seven years, I recently went back for retirement out processing. Here's what I found

2. AirBNB.Com - you can rent rooms in peoples houses or the whole apt itself for 'next to nothing' all over the USA for short term stays. Meet some very nice folks doing it as well............you basically become part of their extended family and they love your stories about living overseas.

3. Enterprise car rentals - $600 a month for a Stnd Car - I use a Amex Platinum to rent it - no insurance required as Amex covers the rental.........or look in phonebook - Rent-a-Wreck $400 a month for a good used car. I once bought a used car drove it for a month all over the USA and when I got to Los Angeles, donated it to the VFW - took full Blue Book value off my Taxes.

4. Motel 6 or 8 has rooms all over USA for $40-$60 a night

5, Guess your friends were not very friendly after all - find new ones.

6. I am back in Thailand after 2 months in the US - tired of hearing Police Sirens all night, Booming Radios from people's(?) cars playing Gangsta Rap, News full of shootings, bombings, protesting's, riots over police/citizen shootings............told my family if they see me again they will be lucky, or they will have to come to SE Asia to see me.

Good Luck

Yeah does CIA pensions really suck.....


Unfortunately, I have to go back to where I came from to take my money and property.

I actually escaped from Germany, and I had to leave furniture and stereo equipment there. Now they refuse to give it back. Guess there'll be a harsh physical dispute about that. But criminals only understand violence, what can I do?


Sad to say.....but I guess your "so-called" friends weren't really your friends then whistling.gif

I'm in the same situation. It's not that they weren't real friends back then, and I wouldn't have hesitated to ask to stay with them back before I started my world travels, but over the years people change. Some get divorced and marry people I don't know, or people that don't like me/ visa versa. Some move in with strangers to me and that's difficult to ask to stay with. Some use too much MJ and go "strange", some were always a bit strange and then stab one in the back. Some die.

Whatever, the 'pool" of available people to stay with diminishes as time goes by.

I wonder if I'd known what it would be like now back in '92 if I'd have stayed away so long? I've enjoyed my travels for the most part, but it is going to become increasingly difficult as I get older. Bit sad to be hoping that I die of natural causes before the money runs out.


I am certain many others have more friends than I do and have had better homes to grow up in. To another poster, I knew an awful lot when I was 45, which i do not know after turning 60. Last time I was back in the states I satyed at a so called friends house and he was all upset that I was having some drinks in the morning. (trying to sleep, jet lag like hell). So he deemed me some nut case. I have kept in touch with a number of olks via skype, but that modem of human connection is not really human at all. It demands no give or take, no compassion, sharing, a simple click, and they are gone if you dont like what they are saying. So I will trudge on here, and agin i have been fortunate to have a professional job which pays well and I easily make enough on contract work in a few months to last a year. Great responses,,,,,(mostly)


I'm only mid 40's and own several properties. I also have many genuine friends in Aus wishing for me to visit and stay regularly.

Perhaps I'm harsh, but many of you old guys in here just didn't ever plan well enough.

You understand very little about life, because you are too young.

As you get older, all your relationships fail.

That's the way life is.

In my 40s, I would have said exactly the same as you, in my 60s I know better.

Absolutely nothing you can do about it.

Okay mate, perhaps you're right and I'm a little naive.

But, I maintain regular contact with 5 best friends from school days or thereabouts. I could put another 5 into that mix also but they are not best friends.

That's about 25 years. I genuinely don't see another 25 changing that.

Actually, our friendships are just as strong since they visit often and we Skype regularly.

I have money so easy to jump on a plane to Aus.

I had what I considered to be real friends, one of 30 years and another of 20+. One used too much MJ and went psychotic, the other took my money and stabbed me in the back. Whatever, money can't buy you real friends, as you will find out.


Sad to say.....but I guess your "so-called" friends weren't really your friends then whistling.gif

I'm in the same situation. It's not that they weren't real friends back then, and I wouldn't have hesitated to ask to stay with them back before I started my world travels, but over the years people change. Some get divorced and marry people I don't know, or people that don't like me/ visa versa. Some move in with strangers to me and that's difficult to ask to stay with. Some use too much MJ and go "strange", some were always a bit strange and then stab one in the back. Some die.

Whatever, the 'pool" of available people to stay with diminishes as time goes by.

I wonder if I'd known what it would be like now back in '92 if I'd have stayed away so long? I've enjoyed my travels for the most part, but it is going to become increasingly difficult as I get older. Bit sad to be hoping that I die of natural causes before the money runs out.


For me, before I left the US to live in Thailand 10 years ago I had 3 true friends, who I would classify as closer than family....They would do anything for me and I for them ...been friends for over 40 years. They are not the needy type, that if I don't stay in touch they get all bent out of shape.....like... "what's wrong with you, you don't call".

So when I go back, I see them, stay at their houses for a few days, catch up on old times......its like no time has passed and was just like yesterday. They are sincerely glad to see me and I them. We understand each other ....they have their lives and I have mine....so when we can get together, we do. If not...next time.

They understand and are happy for me and ...although we don't skype or call ..we do stay in touch by email/facebook.

Although I have done well in life financially ......I consider myself to be successful because I have these 3 great friends in addition to a loving/caring wife

Its kinda sad in a way that some people think they have tons of "friends" but really have no true ones.....ie point of my post.


When I go back to USA, other than family, i visit with friends that I've had for 40 years. 2 of my friends of 40 years are very wealthy. One reason we still get along so well is that I knew them long before they became very wealthy.


Let me add, that as the date got closer to go, I started investigating car insurance for someone who has been gone a long time, and I actually know an agent. Came back at 800 to 1000 usd for 6 months minimum for a 1995 Honda accord. No Credit history? What? Are you from Mars? You have not been paying your dues to the insurance companies nonstop since you were 16 years old? The plan was to stay three months, rent a house, cottage somewhere. Even rent has gone up so dam high there that Air BNB was talking 1500usd a week for a cottage on a lake. Well, I have memories of 100 bucks a week. Must be very old memories. Anyways I made my decision. I was able to stay in a beautiful place in northern Michigan for many years when I was young, but that is history now.


I'm afraid going back to Nazi Germany will be getting a paramilitary affair for me.

I've experienced sheer violence there, and that's contagious.

I will not let them try brainwashing again. I know that they do it, why they do it, where they do it, and how they do it. And I will talk and bring evidence (even proof)

After being in Asia for more in 1969, I was not allowed to join German Army anymore because I told them I would use any weapon against them. So I studied, became a scientist, and eventually ended up in Bank IT. My attitude has not changed, though. They should have let me go to Thailand, without trying "attitude adjustment". I still don't love Big Brother (or Big Sister)

madness is an excellent excuse for not going home.


I'm only mid 40's and own several properties. I also have many genuine friends in Aus wishing for me to visit and stay regularly.

Perhaps I'm harsh, but many of you old guys in here just didn't ever plan well enough.

You understand very little about life, because you are too young.

As you get older, all your relationships fail.

That's the way life is.

In my 40s, I would have said exactly the same as you, in my 60s I know better.

Absolutely nothing you can do about it.

Okay mate, perhaps you're right and I'm a little naive.

But, I maintain regular contact with 5 best friends from school days or thereabouts. I could put another 5 into that mix also but they are not best friends.

That's about 25 years. I genuinely don't see another 25 changing that.

Actually, our friendships are just as strong since they visit often and we Skype regularly.

I have money so easy to jump on a plane to Aus.

I had what I considered to be real friends, one of 30 years and another of 20+. One used too much MJ and went psychotic, the other took my money and stabbed me in the back. Whatever, money can't buy you real friends, as you will find out.

That's a shame mate.

Thankfully my close friends are not psychotic, take money, or stab me in the back.

My close friends are just that but I have "cut" mates from home before; one just recently.

My friends that visit understand, but if my mates can't come over here and be respectful as an example, then you're "cut".

I agree, money doesn't buy real friends.

I have 3 that will happily have my wife and I stay for sometime if needed, and brothers that will do likewise.


... and I also visit with 2 long-time friends who are Directors of my US-based NGO because they have no assets (other than exempted property) and were the only 2 people I could find who weren't worried about being sued if they became NGO Directors.


You understand very little about life, because you are too young.

As you get older, all your relationships fail.

That's the way life is.

In my 40s, I would have said exactly the same as you, in my 60s I know better.

Absolutely nothing you can do about it.

Okay mate, perhaps you're right and I'm a little naive.

But, I maintain regular contact with 5 best friends from school days or thereabouts. I could put another 5 into that mix also but they are not best friends.

That's about 25 years. I genuinely don't see another 25 changing that.

Actually, our friendships are just as strong since they visit often and we Skype regularly.

I have money so easy to jump on a plane to Aus.

I had what I considered to be real friends, one of 30 years and another of 20+. One used too much MJ and went psychotic, the other took my money and stabbed me in the back. Whatever, money can't buy you real friends, as you will find out.

That's a shame mate.

Thankfully my close friends are not psychotic, take money, or stab me in the back.

My close friends are just that but I have "cut" mates from home before; one just recently.

My friends that visit understand, but if my mates can't come over here and be respectful as an example, then you're "cut".

I agree, money doesn't buy real friends.

I have 3 that will happily have my wife and I stay for sometime if needed, and brothers that will do likewise.

You're lucky so far, but what happens if any of them marry a person that hates you ( or your wife ). Makes it very difficult to stay with them.

You make your own friends, but you have no control over who they mate with.

quote removed to allow posting.


I'm only mid 40's and own several properties. I also have many genuine friends in Aus wishing for me to visit and stay regularly.

Perhaps I'm harsh, but many of you old guys in here just didn't ever plan well enough.

You understand very little about life, because you are too young.

As you get older, all your relationships fail.

That's the way life is.

In my 40s, I would have said exactly the same as you, in my 60s I know better.

Absolutely nothing you can do about it.

Okay mate, perhaps you're right and I'm a little naive.

But, I maintain regular contact with 5 best friends from school days or thereabouts. I could put another 5 into that mix also but they are not best friends.

That's about 25 years. I genuinely don't see another 25 changing that.

Actually, our friendships are just as strong since they visit often and we Skype regularly.

I have money so easy to jump on a plane to Aus.

I had what I considered to be real friends, one of 30 years and another of 20+. One used too much MJ and went psychotic, the other took my money and stabbed me in the back. Whatever, money can't buy you real friends, as you will find out.

That's a shame mate.

Thankfully my close friends are not psychotic, take money, or stab me in the back.

My close friends are just that but I have "cut" mates from home before; one just recently.

My friends that visit understand, but if my mates can't come over here and be respectful as an example, then you're "cut".

I agree, money doesn't buy real friends.

I have 3 that will happily have my wife and I stay for sometime if needed, and brothers that will do likewise.

My "friends" are quite psychotic when it comes to money. Maybe my fault that I didn't take this into consideration, I should have known the rat race.


The only spouse I am at odds with is, unfortunately my brother's third wife. Otherwise, I get along with him very well. I can stay one day & night with him before things would potentially explode. But we keep in close contact while I'm in Thailand and we both have decided one day together on my whirlwind USA trips is enough for us regardless of his wife.


I have been here full time now for 10 years,but the wife lived in the UK for many years ,when we or I go back,after reading this I realise how lucky we are,all my family are only to happy to have us,a good friend who is in the garage business always lends me a car,either that or my family lend me a company vehicle, and we always feel so welcome very lucky I suppose


You're lucky to have a family.

I've only got a bunch of creeps in the town I come from, and they only know two kinds of people: winners or losers.

If an expat comes back, he must be a loser, which proves their prophecies were right. He was probably seduced or cheated by a Thai woman, which once again proves they were right. If the expat still (or again) has some money, he must be a pimp.

That's what I expect in Germany - all kinds of silly rumours again.

In my case it's extra absurd, because I looked and acted like some kind of older hippie although I worked in a bank. For the banks I am a cynic commie rat. An absolute misfit for Germans, one of those they want to get rid of - with all means. Suicide would be the perfect solution for them, I know they were already speculating on this.

Guess I keep on living for a couple of decades, but of course not in Germany.

Doctors gave me another 25 to 30 years if I'm a bit careful, so I'll have a good chance to survive the creep - in Thailand.

Would be oK for me if Germans change their attitude. I will not change.

I'm afraid I have to vomit in Germany.


"We" do not sleep on sofas anymore, or care too share bathrooms smelling and hearing some granny's explosive bowel movements through thin walls.

Don't really care to go but I still have a few contacts/family who can put me up in a separate room. Car hire is essential and not too pricey. US Hotels are outrageous even in rural areas.

So last year I go all the way out to IAD to meet my oldest mate who I have not seen in 9 years. He was going to pick me up at the airport take me to dinner then to his home, but my flight was 5 hours late, as is typical with crappy US airlines. The truth is ones sudden presence is a disruption and with family, jobs, you cannot expect people to come out at 2AM. So here I am at a major airport, no information counter, no phone bank with hotel info in the arrival area like they used to have, can hardly find a public phone never mind a phonebook. Fortunately IAD had free WiFI. EVERYTHING IN TOWN SOLD OUT! I called Starwood as I know there is a Westin Dulles and I have a crapload of points. (Duh Westin "Dools" is sold out sir. ) Some of these call center jobs are actually outsourced to prisoners in jails making slave wages. I thought to hire a car and sleep in it or go out into the Virginia countryside to find a motel. Oh yeah if one sleeps in a vehicle one would probably be hassled by authorities.

So I found a room by walking around in the cold for around 30 minutes asking hotel van drivers who were picking up the last air crews if there was anything available. The first one I gave to an Asian couple who had an infant and were in the same situation. I finally got a room at Marriott Dulles. I think they let me check out at 2PM because I have a member number. Around $300 all in for 12 hours in a what is a poorly lit basic room overlooking a carpark, that has a small desk, and fortunately one of those extremely plush Queen beds piled with pillows and nice sheets. Internet extra charge. I waited around in the lobby all day until my bro finished work again and came to pick me up. We had a nice barbecue at his house, but other than "being there", conversations can be had online. It just not practical or worth it for me.


1. After traveling the world and working for the US Govt for 23 years and not been back to the USA - even for a visit - for over seven years, I recently went back for retirement out processing. Here's what I found

2. AirBNB.Com - you can rent rooms in peoples houses or the whole apt itself for 'next to nothing' all over the USA for short term stays. Meet some very nice folks doing it as well............you basically become part of their extended family and they love your stories about living overseas.

3. Enterprise car rentals - $600 a month for a Stnd Car - I use a Amex Platinum to rent it - no insurance required as Amex covers the rental.........or look in phonebook - Rent-a-Wreck $400 a month for a good used car. I once bought a used car drove it for a month all over the USA and when I got to Los Angeles, donated it to the VFW - took full Blue Book value off my Taxes.

4. Motel 6 or 8 has rooms all over USA for $40-$60 a night

5, Guess your friends were not very friendly after all - find new ones.

6. I am back in Thailand after 2 months in the US - tired of hearing Police Sirens all night, Booming Radios from people's(?) cars playing Gangsta Rap, News full of shootings, bombings, protesting's, riots over police/citizen shootings............told my family if they see me again they will be lucky, or they will have to come to SE Asia to see me.

Good Luck

I know California in summer is higher than average but they last time I stayed in Motel 6 it was $90. Foot punctured by glass shard in bathroom. Near Nimitz freeway in Oakland. Probably not safe to walk around at night. Humped it over to Sams Hofbrau anyway.

By the way Motel 6 in Santa Barbara wants $229 next weekend.

Looking at Maui in August, anything available about $215.00 night minimum plus taxes and fees.


Sad to say.....but I guess your "so-called" friends weren't really your friends then whistling.gif

I went back to australia 3 years ago,i asked my oldest son if i could possibly stay with him and his wife.Was asked for "how long"...i said 1 week.The response i got was 3 days would be ok!bah.gif

sorry to hear......Guess we know who's the boss in that familyblink.png

thanks but i think it really came from my son,and it hurt at the time.Am going back shortly and am wondering where i will stay....too long for hotels(cost wise).Life goes on and i will work it out.

Have the same problem it hurts, have told everyone they will burn my bones in Thailand.


Let me add, that as the date got closer to go, I started investigating car insurance for someone who has been gone a long time, and I actually know an agent. Came back at 800 to 1000 usd for 6 months minimum for a 1995 Honda accord. No Credit history? What? Are you from Mars? You have not been paying your dues to the insurance companies nonstop since you were 16 years old? The plan was to stay three months, rent a house, cottage somewhere. Even rent has gone up so dam high there that Air BNB was talking 1500usd a week for a cottage on a lake. Well, I have memories of 100 bucks a week. Must be very old memories. Anyways I made my decision. I was able to stay in a beautiful place in northern Michigan for many years when I was young, but that is history now.

For $1500, why don't you just buy a house in Detroit? Probably get some change too, to buy a few temporary "friends". tongue.png


Unfortunately, I have to go back to where I came from to take my money and property.

I actually escaped from Germany, and I had to leave furniture and stereo equipment there. Now they refuse to give it back. Guess there'll be a harsh physical dispute about that. But criminals only understand violence, what can I do?

Walk away from it, put it down to history, hope things work out DO NOT Finish up in prison.


This is the letter I wrote to the few people I had contacted.


Listen, I do not feel well enough to get on an airplane and fly around the world so I have canceled this ticket. Thanks you for your effort so far with it. I found the whole thing starting to totally stress me out thinking about trying to be back in Michigan and be a burden to people and just being in the way. Also the flight I got kind of tricked me as I bought it on Etihad and after I looked closer it ran me through two other low rated airlines on the trip. This also adding to my worries.

If I feel like I am healthier later perhaps I will try it but unfortunately I think I have burned too many bridges to feel welcome anywhere. Thats life I guess. You can call me a coward or whatever, but that whats happening. In the end my health is not good enough to go and do this in ten days. And I hate 12 time zone changes like you cant believe.

Take Care

Man up and just figure they are busy or are not interested.

Don't send any more annoying letters like that.

Please smile.png


Hell, I genuinely hope and doubt I'll ever be in many people's position on here.

I'm only mid 40's and own several properties. I also have many genuine friends in Aus wishing for me to visit and stay regularly.

Perhaps I'm harsh, but many of you old guys here just didn't ever plan well enough.

As the old saying goes; if you don't plan, you plan to fail.

No one wants to be with a mediocre failure. That's why many of you have so few friends.

Yes, harsh, but very much the truth in my opinion.

Reading many of your posts, I wouldn't want your kee nhoc arse hanging around my house either.

You don't have the wealth to spend time in your home country's well....why the <deleted> did you even come here?

Counting your pennies; eating at food courts and chasing happy hours for many I bet.

Don't whine; you've only got yourselves to blame.

Yours is the perspective of a well adjusted, normal person. You have done a better job at keeping your friendships than me as I neglected some of mine and didn't take care of them. One has to put some effort into it, as you do. You will be criticized and it will come from the people with nasty failed marriages, who's children want nothing to do with them and who have some serious behavioural problems but don't see it. One cannot reason with such people. Everyone else is to blame for their problems except them. One thing I do understand is that there are a lot of foreign losers in Thailand, often ending up in IT or "internet sales" or "promotions". They are creepy and cringe worthy. Well adjusted people avoid them.

I'm only mid 40's and own several properties. I also have many genuine friends in Aus wishing for me to visit and stay regularly.

Perhaps I'm harsh, but many of you old guys in here just didn't ever plan well enough.

You understand very little about life, because you are too young.

As you get older, all your relationships fail.

That's the way life is.

In my 40s, I would have said exactly the same as you, in my 60s I know better.

Absolutely nothing you can do about it.

That's a dismissive cop out. If all your relationships fail, then that's your problem.My father who is elderly has maintained some of his friendships and relationships dating back to his childhood. Far better than me, but I hope to be able to do that.. Now, his relationships are ending because people are dying. Yes, we move on in life and yes many of us develop. We gain new friends and relationships as we shed some of the bad relationships. However, only someone with serious behavioural problems is incapable of maintaining relationships over time. Is it any wonder that some children hate their TVF parents? I learnt the values of generosity and compassion from my family. It is obvious that the people whinging about abandonment do not understand these concepts. People don't want to be near chronic complainers, drunks, slobs, cold hearted judgemental pricks and those without jaidee.

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