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Thailand-China submarine deal: US taking a backseat to Chinese as superpower influence

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Idiotic article. If the writer didn't have a personal agenda, she would have been honest and provided perspective.

The USA is one of the most important export markets for Thailand. China cannot and will not replace the US market.

All the USA has to do is to sneeze and Thailand's economy will be splattered.

China has already replaced US as Thailand's biggest export partner since two years ago. Since the world financial crisis, the US has already reduce its influence on Thailand's export market, so if they "sneeze" now, Thailand's economy will NOT be splattered as its already at a pretty low point and other regions such as Europe, ASEAN combined takes up a bigger piece of the pie than USA now.

What exactly does Thailand export?








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(I am shooting off my mouth so the following is not the solid truth) With Prayut being more an authoritarian type of leader, (not liking freedom of speech or questions from reporters) it makes sense he finds more in common with the old communist foggies in China. The Chinese government likes to have control on the press and its "freedom of speech" and cannot handle critisim either. A leader of a free society would not be PROUD to be allies with China; for they cheat and are big bullies-not to be trusted.


Whenever I read ally with regard to Thailand it simply reiterates the short term myopic nature of those country's involved


"three attack submarines"

Who are they going to 'attack' ... Thaksin?

Dump the subs attack the water problem. Misplaced priorities at best. Lets get away from this "Boys must have their toys" mentality and use this already earmarked money to help solve the water problem. Desalinization is expensive but its time has come as according to the tourist board tourist numbers are increasing and they do run on water we all do. They do use electric which is mainly hydro electric in nature which of course needs dams full of water. I think electric shortage is the next shoe to drop. The population is increasing its time to face reality. Lets not pull a Nero on this important matter as we all stand to loose and I do not mean face.


Idiotic article. If the writer didn't have a personal agenda, she would have been honest and provided perspective.

The USA is one of the most important export markets for Thailand. China cannot and will not replace the US market.

All the USA has to do is to sneeze and Thailand's economy will be splattered.

And than Thailand turns off all the spy stations and military cooperation with USA.....It won't massive hurt the USA but it will send a signal.

That's why there is now satilites in orbit to spy on someone without using spy stations, that's been the agriculture aid job at the embassy for years.and the US uses Garden Island in West Oz as a submarine base , they have bases in the territory and at the moment the five eyes and Japan are carrying out war games.in the top end.(NT) much to the disgust of China.


At $2.688 BILLION USD, I doubt Thailand could afford a USA submarine.

Let alone maintain and operate one.

Just what is this "pivot" and what does it do?

I can't bother reading any of the source articles all the way through but I believe the "pivot" refers to changing the direction of policy and military assets to address China (as opposed to Russia) as the new boogeyman, ahem, world superpower.

Pivot from Russia to China.

To Pivot , is to rotate in a stationary position , in never ending circles.


Idiotic article. If the writer didn't have a personal agenda, she would have been honest and provided perspective.

The USA is one of the most important export markets for Thailand. China cannot and will not replace the US market.

All the USA has to do is to sneeze and Thailand's economy will be splattered.

China has already replaced US as Thailand's biggest export partner since two years ago. Since the world financial crisis, the US has already reduce its influence on Thailand's export market, so if they "sneeze" now, Thailand's economy will NOT be splattered as its already at a pretty low point and other regions such as Europe, ASEAN combined takes up a bigger piece of the pie than USA now.

What exactly does Thailand export?



thai's really dont look around the world . china had an agreement with Venezuela, we will loan you money 30 billion at last check , china will never get that back. and buy weapons from us. well they did and pissed off the U.S. were they us to buy there weapons from , surprise surprise Chinese weapons were for shit could not go back to U.S. for weapons had to buy russian and are pissed at china. defaulted on the 30 billion just making friends all over.


Not sure the title makes sense . surely any weapons dealer would like to find some mug to buy dated stock. perhaps US a bit miffed that their dated subs not sold to thailand. US holding out for quality zephers it has in back yard going cheap. these zepelins are excellent for bomb detection


I don't think the US cares about Thailand Navy.

What can they do with 3 submarines? Take them and torpedo Rohinya boats?

Yes, the US does care and maybe even deeply worried. It has nothing to do with Thailand's intended use of these subs. The world's largest arms seller has just lost a billion dollar deal. And much worse than that, this deal has allowed China to get a foot into this market and other countries might follow.


Idiotic article. If the writer didn't have a personal agenda, she would have been honest and provided perspective.

The USA is one of the most important export markets for Thailand. China cannot and will not replace the US market.

All the USA has to do is to sneeze and Thailand's economy will be splattered.

And than Thailand turns off all the spy stations and military cooperation with USA.....It won't massive hurt the USA but it will send a signal.

They can't really. The base on Sathorn has been in operation for almost 40 years and both the Thais and Americans benefit from it as they use it for spaying on Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. Its in fact run as a company.


Idiotic article. If the writer didn't have a personal agenda, she would have been honest and provided perspective.

The USA is one of the most important export markets for Thailand. China cannot and will not replace the US market.

All the USA has to do is to sneeze and Thailand's economy will be splattered.

And than Thailand turns off all the spy stations and military cooperation with USA.....It won't massive hurt the USA but it will send a signal.

They can't really. The base on Sathorn has been in operation for almost 40 years and both the Thais and Americans benefit from it as they use it for spaying on Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. Its in fact run as a company.

If you are talking about JUSMAG, i always wondered what are they doing out there in that sprawling place in the heart of Sathorn.


I don't think the US cares about Thailand Navy.

What can they do with 3 submarines? Take them and torpedo Rohinya boats?

Yes, the US does care and maybe even deeply worried. It has nothing to do with Thailand's intended use of these subs. The world's largest arms seller has just lost a billion dollar deal. And much worse than that, this deal has allowed China to get a foot into this market and other countries might follow.

Not really the US doesn't sell subs to Southeast Asian countries and Asian countries buy from the Europeans. Who wants some Asian countries have access to US technologies.


I don't think the US cares about Thailand Navy.

What can they do with 3 submarines? Take them and torpedo Rohinya boats?

Yes, the US does care and maybe even deeply worried. It has nothing to do with Thailand's intended use of these subs. The world's largest arms seller has just lost a billion dollar deal. And much worse than that, this deal has allowed China to get a foot into this market and other countries might follow.

Not really the US doesn't sell subs to Southeast Asian countries and Asian countries buy from the Europeans. Who wants some Asian countries have access to US technologies.

A case of sour grapes?


thai's really dont look around the world . china had an agreement with Venezuela, we will loan you money 30 billion at last check , china will never get that back. and buy weapons from us. well they did and pissed off the U.S. were they us to buy there weapons from , surprise surprise Chinese weapons were for shit could not go back to U.S. for weapons had to buy russian and are pissed at china. defaulted on the 30 billion just making friends all over.

Not really. Venezuela exports around 600.000 barrels of oil per day to China and 200,000 barrels are given for Venezuela's debts towards China. They do pay the share of debts back but oil prices are down.


There is no more chance that these subs becoming fully operational attack submarines as the chance of the HMTS Chakri Naruebet becoming a fully operational aircraft carrier. This deal has nothing to do with geopolitics. This is simply a deal between two corrupt groups to make a large amount of personal profit from the hapless and powerless Thai people, people looked down upon by the Chinese and the ruling Sino-Thai elite of Bangkok. It is the type of deal that US law pretty much prohibits: pure corruption with payouts. The outrage is not that the US is loosing influence but that once again the Unites States government headed by the sycophantic State Department remains silent in the face of the ridiculous corruption that defines the laughable ruling Thai elite.



"economic and military bilateral relations between Beijing and Bangkok continue to strengthen"

Any blind fool can see that China by far is the great beneficiary of those ' bilateral relations'

so far Thailand is the one that spend the mega bucks with China, and if China holding the

Chinese tourists as a bargaining chips,,, well they can have them back....

but what can you do when all leaders of Thailand are of Chinese origin and pretty much in China

pockets from birth?

If Thailand buys submarine from USA or Germany. It would be Germany or USA who great benefit from it.

Both countries that always tries to meddle into Thailands politic and mostly for the worse (supporting Thaksin).

Better having the big powerful neighbor friendly than someone far away.

You can always rely on one pro-junta pillock like h90 to bring Thaksin into a thread about the junta buying submarines.


"economic and military bilateral relations between Beijing and Bangkok continue to strengthen"

Any blind fool can see that China by far is the great beneficiary of those ' bilateral relations'

so far Thailand is the one that spend the mega bucks with China, and if China holding the

Chinese tourists as a bargaining chips,,, well they can have them back....

but what can you do when all leaders of Thailand are of Chinese origin and pretty much in China pockets from birth?

So ezzra (once again such deep analysis of the situation) - is that it was all so much differant under other goverments --?

there was no Thai Chinese ??---your partly right, because the person it seems , America would like to deal with (Yingluck) comes from a near full chinese family.....who's name really was Seng Saekhu.....just how does fit with your analysis ........coffee1.gif

Following the 1938 anti-Chinese campaigns, his son changed his surname to Shinawatra and the rest of the family followed suit. Yingluck Shinawatra (born 1967), Former Thai Prime Minister, and Thaksin's sister.--https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shinawatra

Again, why can't the junta groupies comment on the thread without mentioning their bogeyman Thaksin? He must occupy their every waking thought.


This fits in with the new US "pivot backwards" strategy in Asia.

* Alienate Thailand while looking the other way on Saudi Arabia (because they have oil).

* Investing 3 trillion dollars to strengthen IRAN in the Middle East (by getting rid of Saddam).

* Triggering a civil war in Iraq to allow al-Qaeda & ISIS a foothold. (only 50 miles from Baghdad now).


Idiotic article. If the writer didn't have a personal agenda, she would have been honest and provided perspective.

The USA is one of the most important export markets for Thailand. China cannot and will not replace the US market.

All the USA has to do is to sneeze and Thailand's economy will be splattered.

China has already replaced US as Thailand's biggest export partner since two years ago. Since the world financial crisis, the US has already reduce its influence on Thailand's export market, so if they "sneeze" now, Thailand's economy will NOT be splattered as its already at a pretty low point and other regions such as Europe, ASEAN combined takes up a bigger piece of the pie than USA now.

What exactly does Thailand export?

A lot of computer and electronic parts. BTW, Thailand has an export/import surplus with the US and quite a large deficit with China. Want to guess which one you cut off would do the most damage?

Biggest exports to China are as follows:





In some reports it ranks Japan as 2nd and US as 3rd.


Idiotic article. If the writer didn't have a personal agenda, she would have been honest and provided perspective.

The USA is one of the most important export markets for Thailand. China cannot and will not replace the US market.

All the USA has to do is to sneeze and Thailand's economy will be splattered.

China has already replaced US as Thailand's biggest export partner since two years ago. Since the world financial crisis, the US has already reduce its influence on Thailand's export market, so if they "sneeze" now, Thailand's economy will NOT be splattered as its already at a pretty low point and other regions such as Europe, ASEAN combined takes up a bigger piece of the pie than USA now.

A lot of what Thailand "exports" to China is repackaged for export around the rest of the world. Any American ban on Thai products or products containing items made in Thailand would sink the Thai economy in a second. If the US can wreck Russia's economy in six months, imagine how fast they can destroy Thailand's. Probably six hours.

Can you let me know how rubber, wood are repackaged for export?

The only "repackaged" items I can think of are electronic parts, even that is far from being "repackaged".

Can you name what ban on Thai products would sink the Thai economy? Rice? US alone did not wreck Russia's economy...

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