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Sciatica Pain


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I just went to Ram hosp for sciatica. They take an xray and give pills and Ph Tx for two weeks, if not better , then MRI maybe then try an injection. But there is only surgery after that, if we still hope to get better.

The phy tx is warm compresses, electrical stimulation, and this spine stretching machine. I have been to one tx, 6 more to go. The mri is 15,000 baht, he said.

In my case the upper thigh is numb and weak, not all the way to the foot but same thing

Hope you get better, doc said 80% do with conservative tx.

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Let me recommend the person who fixed my back problems Dr. Jolie Bookspan.

I was awaiting back surgery at Chiang Mai Ram, advised by the head of orthopedic medicine at the time. I was in a full back brace and eating handfuls of prescription pain meds and muscle relaxants. My left leg was numb and the pain in my back was excruciating. The doctor wanted to fuse my vertebra, and enlarge the spinal cord space, 'hoping' that would solve the problem. Then I met Dr. Bookspan, quite by accident. And she said "Don't let them cut! I can fix your back, stop your pain, and get you walking again. And I can do it in just a few weeks without surgery."

And she did. Within a week I had stopped taking the pain meds. Within three weeks I stopped wearing the back brace. These days I compete in International Fencing tournaments. I'm usually the oldest competitor in the tournament, fencing against college athletes and men in their 30's and 40's. I'll be 69 at my next birthday. I fence several times a week these days, and I couldn't have done it with a fused spine.

Here is Dr. Bookspan's website. This is the area she's devoted to helping us fix our own pain. Scroll down to the section on How to Fix Discs and Sciatica and try some of her medicine.... You've got nothing to lose and everything to gain. It costs nothing to try it out and if you're satisfied with the results you can always make a donation. That's the way she works.

Over the years that Jolie and I have been friends (she visits us here in Chiang Mai every February) she's corrected problems not only in my back, but my knees and shoulder too. Her methods work. People in the field of Physiology (that's what she is; a physiologist,) call her The Saint Jude of Joints. I do too. :)

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15,000 baht for an mri from RAM sounds expensive. I really forget, but two years ago had an MRI of the brain done at McCormick, and I believe the cost was only 9,000 baht. I know there are different "sections" done for an MRI, maybe the spine costs more. Might be worthwhile to check it out.

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Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Nigel,

Sorry to hear you are troubled by sciatica; I know what that's like.

I'm not a doctor, and what I'll describe here, that worked for me ... well, who knows if it may help you in any way. There can be, I read, many causes for sciatica.

During the time I had severe sciatica (about age 44, caused by a bulging disk), with my right-leg starting to lose muscle mass, and back surgery on the horizon ... I found something that brought me instant relief from the pain, and, within three weeks, a disappearance of symptoms. Surgery cancelled.

That something was using ice-packs. Fifteen minutes on, then forty-five minutes off. I finally found one medical practitioner who made sense; she told me to stop using acupuncture, hot-pack, hot-baths, etc, : to use ice and avoid any stimulation of the nerve area.

I learned, later, that as you get older the tissue in the disks (like crab-meat, I'm told) tends to dry out and become harder, which may mean less vulnerability to sciatica. Obviously, your overall physical health, diet, weight, patterns of exercise or lack of exercise, and medications, can come into play here.

The other two things that really helped me, long term, were a divorce, and losing twenty pounds smile.png

My sincere best wishes for your freedom from pain and discomfort, and your good health !


Edited by orang37
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I was actually wheel chair bound for a week because of the worst sciatica I have ever had in my life came out of nowhere and hit me in the right calf , always before had it in the left side. Hospital wanted a Corisone injection in my spine , I went hom and watched some Chiropractor tubes, combination of pelvic stretches , Arcoxia bad ice for 20 minutes every 2 hours did the trick after a week. You should not strech your back or hamstring s because you are pulling your sciatic nerve. makes a lot of sense, can be your pereformis muscle also


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I had serious sciatica, unbelievable pain. Getting out of bed in the mornings I would hold myself against the wall and cry with the pain. It got better during the day but next morning the same. I left it too long thinking it will get better but it got worse. I moved to Cyprus through employment and the company owner sent me to a sports physiotherapist who stuck pins in my foot and said I have a trapped nerve, nothing serious and gave me Diclofenic tablets 3 times a day. The improvement was fantastic and after a few days life was bearable. After one month back to normal. I always have these tablets with me and if I start to have a back problem I immediately take a Diclofenic before it develops into sciatica. That was 25 years ago and never had sciatica again. Must take after meals, never on an empty stomach asu very strong for stomach lining. Ask you Doctor about this medicine if you are unsure but it works for me.

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I had serious sciatica, unbelievable pain. Getting out of bed in the mornings I would hold myself against the wall and cry with the pain. It got better during the day but next morning the same. I left it too long thinking it will get better but it got worse. I moved to Cyprus through employment and the company owner sent me to a sports physiotherapist who stuck pins in my foot and said I have a trapped nerve, nothing serious and gave me Diclofenic tablets 3 times a day. The improvement was fantastic and after a few days life was bearable. After one month back to normal. I always have these tablets with me and if I start to have a back problem I immediately take a Diclofenic before it develops into sciatica. That was 25 years ago and never had sciatica again. Must take after meals, never on an empty stomach asu very strong for stomach lining. Ask you Doctor about this medicine if you are unsure but it works for me.

Mind your stomach with Diclofenac, ok if you ony take them when you need them. Arcoxia is the same as diclofenac but not as harmful to your guts

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I had the same problem last week in Singapore. Extreme pain. Tried very strong painkillers, nothing did the trick of easing the pain. Lying in bed I thought of Acupuncture. I could not walk more than 15 meters. I went to a very reputable clinic, they use only, once use needles.


After 40 minutes of needles, electro stimulation of the said needles and then finally glass suction cups, I walked out absolutely pain free after 45 minutes.

I kid you not, there is even a TCM wing at my hospital, but nobody tells you things, as they don't think farangs know about such cures and medicine.

Do NOT have any operation.

The cure is acupuncture or cranio-sacral manipulation and core balancing.

Best of luck, get better soonest.

By the way, I am still pain free.

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15,000 baht for an mri from RAM sounds expensive. I really forget, but two years ago had an MRI of the brain done at McCormick, and I believe the cost was only 9,000 baht. I know there are different "sections" done for an MRI, maybe the spine costs more. Might be worthwhile to check it out.

I also thought that was high. I had been told between 8,000 and 10,000 baht.

Maybe it is more difficult to do the Sciatica as it maybe covering more area than other items.

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For my sciatica and neck pains, exercise has turned out to be the best solution. They might not work for everyone but after taking all kinds of pain pills and pure morphine (which messes up your digestion and elimination systems) I was amazed to find the cure provided by certain exercises to be effective and long-lasting. When I neglect my exercises for too long, I begin to have pains again but getting back to exercising makes them go away. Additionally, exercise seems put endorphins in my blood stream that knock back all pain for a few days. So far as medicine goes, arcoxia is dangerous if used for more than 10-14 days and too much diclofenac is harmful to the liver and the kidneys, not to mention the stomach.

BTW, my fitness trainer (advisor) has taught me how to do abdominal exercises which put no strain on the back. Arnold Schwartzenegger mentions in his body-building book that situps and extended-leg exercises are bad for the back. The objective should be to move the bottom of the rib cage closer to the hips with minimal movement of the back.

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Decades ago in Mexico City I had the same problem. It was treated with 6 injections of Vitamin B complex which is a dis-inflammatory that helps the sheath surrounding a nerve. I think I got injected every day., Hard to remember now. Ice sounds great. I used to ice my shoulders when I had rotator cuff problems. Then I learned exercises that strengthen the muscles around the shoulder joint. Also I stopped swimming with hand paddles.

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I had bad pain sciatica for a few years due to nerve being pinched by protruding disc. Tried lots of Rx. Went to doc, in USA. Had double laminectomy. Worked perfectly. Walking around next day, in 3 months back to better than normal.

See a competent nerve MD, a Neurologist,

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a clinic opposite airport plaza is highly recommended on the hang dong road side.

he will prescribe anti inflamatories, pain killers and such

can be combined with a stretch treatment and electric shock at nakon ping hospital each week - a doctor at another clinic at the mae rim route junction will recommend this - he is a doctor at the hospital when not moonlighting at his own clinic. he ll give you a horse shot if you really wish that too for pain

takes time to heal - 6 month maybe

swimming is good

adjust the seats to a rather 90 degree at home and in the cars

no slouching

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Would like to thank all of you for the advice...went to the Ram in excruciating pain they took xray gave me tablets , codeine etc, said just getting old and to come back next week.

Did not fell confident at all and tablets did nothing could not sleep all night. Found a new guy on Google clinic near train station. Really professional gave me correct tablets for relief..and had MRI 8000 baht.

Back tonight for assessment.

Edited by NigelKennedy
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Just told compressed disc So nerve inflamed. ..just needs time...pain without taking the Gabapentin is excruciating.

Also having bit of a massage, hot and cold compress and acupuncture so trying to cov

er all angles.basically I brought it on by carrying heavy stuff and digging plant pits..

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Just told compressed disc So nerve inflamed. ..just needs time...pain without taking the Gabapentin is excruciating.

Also having bit of a massage, hot and cold compress and acupuncture so trying to cov

er all angles.basically I brought it on by carrying heavy stuff and digging plant pits..

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Nigel,

As I said in my previous post, my sciatica episode was also caused by a bulging (compressed) disc.

Acupuncture did help me in the sense that it helped relieve stress, and helped my "entire system" cope, and, of course, that was valuable. All other forms of "manipulation" intensified the sciatica, as did hot-packs, hot-baths.

I would like to gently remind you that the pain/irritation in the sciatic nerve you experience, and the secondary symptoms like pain and irritation down the leg (sensations of tingling, or itching, lack of feeling, leg "falling asleep," numbness, or even subjective feelings the leg is hotter or colder) are caused by mis-information that the inflamed sciatic nerve is sending down the leg.

What the brain perceives as an aching muscle, or area of the body, which then leads to the "instinctive" response to seek relief using heat, is an error of interpretation by the mind.

I would like to suggest you consider ice-packs, for two days, while stopping all forms of manipulation. The dramatic relief that brought me, and which long-term saved me from surgery taught me something.

In any case, I wish you get better, and feel better ... soon !

cheers, o:37;

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Dispute the notion that

" pain/irritation in the sciatic nerve you experience, and the secondary symptoms like pain and irritation down the leg (sensations of tingling, or itching, lack of feeling, leg "falling asleep," numbness, or even subjective feelings the leg is hotter or colder) are caused by mis-information that the inflamed sciatic nerve is sending down the leg."

And the idea that inflammation is the cause of all the symptoms and the mis-information, as you say. In my case, at least, and probably many others the cause was that the bulging disc compressed the big nerve up against the spine bone. This compression of the nerve was relieved by a simple surgery which provided more room in the vertebra opening for the nerve to pass thru, thus no more nerve compression.

And i would advise the OP that those who condemn surgery are often mighty ignorant. And for those who find relief thru other methods they indeed may have some related problem. If the MRI or other tests show the bulging disc compressing the nerve, i think the simple surgery would/may be in order.

Pills of any kind do not speak to the cause, if compressed nerve.

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One of my cousins was in severe pain with the same problem. I thought she had had a stroke by her movements and appearances. I asked her about it six months later, and she stated that she was fully recovered and got well by doing stretching exercises. She has Cadillac health insurance and would have likely been a nominee for expensive surgery and/or treatments. Look into it. YMMV.

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And the idea that inflammation is the cause of all the symptoms and the mis-information, as you say. In my case, at least, and probably many others the cause was that the bulging disc compressed the big nerve up against the spine bone. This compression of the nerve was relieved by a simple surgery which provided more room in the vertebra opening for the nerve to pass thru, thus no more nerve compression.

And i would advise the OP that those who condemn surgery are often mighty ignorant. And for those who find relief thru other methods they indeed may have some related problem. If the MRI or other tests show the bulging disc compressing the nerve, i think the simple surgery would/may be in order.

Pills of any kind do not speak to the cause, if compressed nerve.

The pain I was experiencing was from the same cause as yours. The head of Orthodpedic Medicine at Chiang Mai Ram suggested the same surgery. He said that enlarging the space would eliminate the pressure from the bulging disk. And it probably would have.

But another doctor gave me a series of exercises to do, and I did them and eliminated the problem of the bulging disk. A different way to approach the same problem. Surgery would have enlarged the space so the bulging disk wouldn't press on the nerve. Exercise eliminated the bulging disk instead.

Once the disk was no longer pressing on the nerve, the pain stopped. Immediately. A matter of a week or two of exercise without invasive surgery, without the expense of a hospital stay, without the need for after-care recuperation. That was years ago, and if I even suspect that my back might hurt, I just do 5 minutes worth of those exercises and the problem is gone again.

We both had the same problem and both ended up with the same results. As far as I can tell, we both won. We just did it in a different way.

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Dispute the notion that

" pain/irritation in the sciatic nerve you experience, and the secondary symptoms like pain and irritation down the leg (sensations of tingling, or itching, lack of feeling, leg "falling asleep," numbness, or even subjective feelings the leg is hotter or colder) are caused by mis-information that the inflamed sciatic nerve is sending down the leg."

And the idea that inflammation is the cause of all the symptoms and the mis-information, as you say. In my case, at least, and probably many others the cause was that the bulging disc compressed the big nerve up against the spine bone. This compression of the nerve was relieved by a simple surgery which provided more room in the vertebra opening for the nerve to pass thru, thus no more nerve compression.

And i would advise the OP that those who condemn surgery are often mighty ignorant. And for those who find relief thru other methods they indeed may have some related problem. If the MRI or other tests show the bulging disc compressing the nerve, i think the simple surgery would/may be in order.

Pills of any kind do not speak to the cause, if compressed nerve.

I am not sure what you are disputing, since your response is so vague, but, in case you are taking exception to what I said, your interpretation is incorrect.

Symptoms "downstream" from the inflamed sciatic nerve are the result of the nerve sending "crazy" signals to the nerves downstream. The primary cause is, of course, the bulging disk pressing on the spinal nerve; the inflammation of the sciatic nerve is a response to that. Another way to say this would be: "the 'normal traffic' between brain and sciatic nerve is disrupted."

Not sure if you are referring to my post, but I do not "condemn" surgery; often it is the only alternative. I was scheduled for minimally invasive laparascopic surgery when I discovered ice-packs. Prognosis was good.

At the point one has been told that surgery is "inevitable," I think one has nothing to lose by trying such alternatives as those described here (ice-packs), or other methods.

The reasons why a disk can become injured/weakened, and bulge, do not take medical training to understand: possible genetic weakness or vulnerability; being over-weight; poor posture; athletic/exercise injury, etc. And, stress/lifestyle is often a component of the cluster of factors that lead to such injury.

For some fortunate people, relieving their sciatica is a matter of days, or weeks; for others, it takes more extreme therapeutic intervention including, for some, surgery.

In the long run, modifying/preserving good life-style and personal habits for good health is the "gold standard" for being healthy, and maintaining health.

But, in the end, we are all going to get old, to get infirm in various ways, and to die; I know some believe that's not the end of it all, and, unfortunately, my inner Orangutan keeps silent about that, as did a wandering teacher named Gautama long ago (see the dialogue with Malunkyapatta).

cheers, ~o:37;

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Easy answer....Needle Man (or Woman). I suffered for years and all the Doctors talked about was surgery etc etc, then i was tipped off about a needle man and i arrived at his place with two walking sticks. I told him i was due to visit China two weeks later and he said '' no problem i'll have you fixed in a week ''....and he did. That was 2007 and i've never had a twinge since.

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Never - EVER use heat ... use the frozen gel packs on the crack of the butt area -- at your waist line ... If you are having serious leg pains - cramps -- use ice there too. This problem is INFLAMMATION -- your Sciatic nerve at the junction of the spine is red - raw and inflamed and is sending sporadic signals down your buttocks to your thighs around to your knee area - down to your calves and foot... Your muscles cannot deal with the rapid nerve firing and go into a serious cramp - lock up..

Take Paracetamol - Tylenol for the Pain ... it does not do anything for the inflammation -- but helps end the pain cycle -- You should also consider Tramadol - 50 to 100 mg .. it is not going to make you an addict ... so do not listen to the naysayers who do not have the excruciating pain you do ... Tell them to shut up and go away .

You must reduce the inflammation -- COLD gel packs, as often as you can stand ... take Naproxen Sodium - Aleve - to reduce the pain -- AFTER MEALS to reduce the stomach problems it may cause -- acid ... EVEN apply hydrocortisone creams to your waist line butt crack area - where the origin of the problem is ... your disc is near gone ... or bulging seriously

Long Term - natural anti-inflammatories -- Omega 3 Fatty Acid Fish Oils -- -lots of it ... and Turmeric - Curcumin powder in a capsule -- take lots of it ...

Good Doctors can inject hydrocortisone into the Sciatic space near the Spinal cord... Make sure they know what they are doing ... This method can give near Instant relief... but must be repeated two or three times.. .

Finally when better -- do not do dumb things - Fulcrum Lifting is not something you can ever do again -- stoop -- or use knees to lift with legs -- never bend ...

Hydro Therapy - Water Jets on the back -- NEVER HOT WATER.. . just lukewarm or cold as you can stand...

I know this from first hand education - training and personal experience.

Edited by JDGRUEN
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