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Obama vigorously challenges critics of landmark Iran deal


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Obama is showing his contempt for congress by pushing the deal for security council ratification on Monday so sanctions will collapse anyway whatever congress does. The Israeli view of the deal is no secret but Obama has guaranteed a nuclear arms race in the Middle East, history won't be kind to him though his progressive lapdogs would be cheering until they themselves are effected by radioactive fallout.

Here is the Saudi view, when they take delivery of nuclear weapons from Pakistan Iran will itself speed towards the bomb evidently unopposed.


Obama is showing his contempt for congress


Prez Obama and 90% of Americans and over a long period of time besides so this is just another instance.

The UN Security Council that will vote to lift sanctions are the same unified P5+1 negotiators who over several years carefully crafted the agreement with Tehran. The UNSC action should surprise or shock no one, except perhaps the 47 Republican Senators who signed a supporting letter of advice and consent to the ayatollahs against this POTUS.

The P5+1 started as the EU-3 of Germany, UK, France in 2002 because GW Bush and his Dick Cheney did not negotiate with 'evil.' By the time in 2006 the global community had berated the USA to the negotiating table with Iran, a great serious damage had been done by the mullahs and their Republican Guards. The P5+1 had first to undo the free reign given the ayatollahs by the Bush-Cheney-neocon ideological and dogmatic Republican old guards.

The specific Constitutional reason it is steeply uphill for the Congress to overrule POTUS on foreign policy and international agreements is that POTUS is the chief of state, the head of the Executive Branch and is the guy/gal in charge of relations with foreign governments and organizations. The 535 members of the House and the Senate are one lousy and babbling chief executive officer.

POTUS since 1789 has needed to consult with the Congress, not to authorize it to conduct foreign policy and international relations on his Constitutional behalf. Congress needs to respect the Constitution and its checks and balances, which decidedly favor POTUS in sovereign affairs abroad.

Edited by Publicus
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I see somebody can't read.

[The President] shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur

...by and with the advice....

That means agreeing. Doesn't give the President veto power.

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I see somebody can't read.

[The President] shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur

...by and with the advice....

That means agreeing. Doesn't give the President veto power.

I see somebody can't read.

It's not a treaty.

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I see somebody can't read.

[The President] shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur

...by and with the advice....

That means agreeing. Doesn't give the President veto power.

I see somebody can't read.

It's not a treaty.

We already agreed on that. Memory failing you? Parroting anothers' quip is pretty lame.

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