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Thai govt must manage water usage, deliver tangible results


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Govt must manage water usage, deliver tangible results


BANGKOK: -- THE ongoing drought has prompted the government to ask farmers in the Chao Phraya River Basin to stop channelling water into their farmlands because the very limited water supply needs to be used for households only.

Without sacrifices from farmers, tap water looks set to stop coming out of faucets in many parts of the country, including Bangkok. Farmers have been told not to try and save their withering plants and let water flow past downstream areas.

The government has instructed officials and soldiers to speak to farmers and create a good understanding of the situation.

Four major dams in the Chao Phraya River Basin - Bhumibol, Sirikit, Kwai Noi and Pasak Jolasid - have now lowered their water-discharge volumes to just 18 million cubic metres a day from 28 million cubic metres. Of the amount, five million is reserved for tap water while the rest is used to keep out seawater to maintain the ecological balance.

This means no matter what happens to their properties, farmers are expected to not touch water that flows past their plots in canals or rivers.

Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha said he was worried about farmers, as he understood the latest measures would affect their livelihoods.

The government estimates the measure will affect 1.48 million farms in the Chao Phraya River Basin.

So, what remedial actions have the government prepared for farmers? Let's check out what has been happening around the Chao Phraya River Basin.

In Lop Buri, agriculture officials are busily trying to make farmers understand that their sacrifices are important to the country.

In Pathum Thani, local officials are telling farmers to consider growing plants that require little water.

The Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives, meanwhile, said it would extend the repayment period for loans by a year and increase the credit line for both short- and long-term loans. It has earmarked Bt60 billion for that already.

For his part, Prayut has said he was thinking about how to take care of affected farmers. But he has made it clear that farmers should not try to heap pressure on the government and make many demands.

"If you want water for your farms, you may not have water for drinking and your daily-life activities," he said.

Rice farmers have provided much cooperation to the government in regards to the management of the country's water resources.

Late last year, when the Royal Irrigation Department asked them to skip off-season farming during the dry season, most obliged.

This year, the farming season for rice farmers started in May - the month when the country staged the Royal Ploughing Ceremony. So, as soon as May came around farmers in the Chao Phraya River Basin started ploughing fields and sowing rice seeds.

By June, 4.9 million rai (1.9 million acres) had blossomed into paddy fields. Then out of the blue the government announced that farmers should postpone the farming season to July and then again to August.

The government bluntly asked farmers who had already invested in their farms to stop using water from public canals and rivers. But whose fault is it? What compensation will farmers get?

Prayut said his heart was with farmers and he prayed for rain. But farmers can't live on prayers and sympathy. In reality, they need to make a living. They need water for their farms. They need crops to keep going.

It is true that no one can force nature to bring downpours to replenish the fast-dwindling water supplies in major dams. But it is undeniable that the government has a duty to plan and manage water resources efficiently.

What has the government done during the past year to improve the situation?

It will need to provide an explanation because relevant authorities seem to lack a clear plan to handle the country's water issues - be it droughts or floods.

When downpours arrive, floods are reported everywhere.

When downpours are absent, droughts have dragged on and upset millions of lives.

The drought crisis has been wreaking havoc in paddy fields. It is coming close to disrupting tap-water services for households and various types of businesses. Worse still, no significant rainfall is in sight.

What will the government do?

At this point, there is a real risk the dry season may drag on for longer than a year and prevent farmers from working their paddy fields until next year.

The government must do its best to turn a crisis into an opportunity.

Let's learn a lesson. Planning is an important stage of management. Plan well and make decisions based on solid information.

Review the country's water resources. Check if they are well used. For example, research revealed a few years ago that Thailand's rice-plantation area was about 58.9 million rai but only 12.2 million rai was appropriate for certain crops.

So, should the government go ahead with farm zoning to help farmers achieve better productivity and boost the country's water efficiency?

Don't blame nature for not bringing enough rainfall. It's high time the government seriously planned for water management and delivered tangible results.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Govt-must-manage-water-usage-deliver-tangible-resu-30264873.html

-- The Nation 2015-07-21

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There are households washing cars, flushing driveways and roads. I have neighbours watering grass almost 247.

Restrictions on such simple things would help conserve precious water but this government prefers to blame others. They could have been proactive some weeks ago when it was obvious rainfall was way down and drought was looming but they chose not to be. Seeding cloudless skies simply won't produce the required results.

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There are households washing cars, flushing driveways and roads. I have neighbours watering grass almost 247.

Restrictions on such simple things would help conserve precious water but this government prefers to blame others. They could have been proactive some weeks ago when it was obvious rainfall was way down and drought was looming but they chose not to be. Seeding cloudless skies simply won't produce the required results.


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There are households washing cars, flushing driveways and roads. I have neighbours watering grass almost 247.

Restrictions on such simple things would help conserve precious water but this government prefers to blame others. They could have been proactive some weeks ago when it was obvious rainfall was way down and drought was looming but they chose not to be. Seeding cloudless skies simply won't produce the required results.

I don't think the regime wants to panic the populace by even suggesting 'voluntary' conservation/usage "ideas". Better to just let it slide, but a few extra amulets, make merit and pray for rain.

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"...The government has instructed officials and soldiers to speak to farmers and create a good understanding of the situation..."

I suppose that "good understanding" would be "you sacrifice everything and we sacrifice nothing".

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"...The government has instructed officials and soldiers to speak to farmers and create a good understanding of the situation..."

I suppose that "good understanding" would be "you sacrifice everything and we sacrifice nothing".

Or to put it another way, water is scarce and you don't have the right to thousands of times more water than your fellow citizens.

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"...The government has instructed officials and soldiers to speak to farmers and create a good understanding of the situation..."

I suppose that "good understanding" would be "you sacrifice everything and we sacrifice nothing".

Or to put it another way, water is scarce and you don't have the right to thousands of times more water than your fellow citizens.

Well you missed my point, but so many TV posters do.

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"...The government has instructed officials and soldiers to speak to farmers and create a good understanding of the situation..."

I suppose that "good understanding" would be "you sacrifice everything and we sacrifice nothing".

Or to put it another way, water is scarce and you don't have the right to thousands of times more water than your fellow citizens.

Well you missed my point, but so many TV posters do.

Perhaps if you had one...................

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There are households washing cars, flushing driveways and roads. I have neighbours watering grass almost 247.

Restrictions on such simple things would help conserve precious water but this government prefers to blame others. They could have been proactive some weeks ago when it was obvious rainfall was way down and drought was looming but they chose not to be. Seeding cloudless skies simply won't produce the required results.




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sand greens have been in use for many courses arouned the world, where water is in short or even non existent supply. Some parts of California , Los vegas, Az. etc has come up with unique ways of reusing the same water multiple times for several different projects.

Some people are slow to learn while others cannot seem to grasp that there are choices that if incorportated into solutions to their specific problems have, can and in many cases will work very well toward a fix for both short and long term..

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I keep hearing reference to the (Government)must manage the distribution, allotment, monitor, and ensure fair utilization, consumption, et. If the government being referenced the present and most of the past governments , which are ,were made up of ministries, appointees, cronies, family members, etc, I see virtually no chance of success in finding a solution in time to prevent futher diasters.

The prolem started with politicians who have, had no ecperience in farming , much less water mangement to substain a realiable farm utilization and production. for the long haul, not what they can cart off in the dark of the hight.

Let the proviences voter elect the local people, uncluding farmers those tasked with maintaining klongs, water sheds, water storage , allotments , etc and see how much more effecient and fair it becomes or the local hospital becomes somewhat crowed with the walking wounded. who tried to screw the system and the honest farmers.

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