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China is creating a new supercity that is 17 times the size of Sydney


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China is creating a new supercity that is 17 times the size of Sydney

SYDNEY: -- IT’S called a megaregion, and, as the name suggests, it’s really big.

Jing-Jin-Ji in China is so big it’s estimated to be the size of 17 Sydneys and, once complete, will be home to 130 million people.

But this megalopolis is not a new supercity that has organically emerged from the Chinese countryside. It’s actually three very large cities that are being forced to merge together to, bizarrely, reduce the size of one of them: Beijing.

While the massive project, which will see Beijing, the port city of Tianjin and the Hebei hinterland region connected by high speed rail, began two years ago, Chinese authorities have been talking about creating it for more than a decade.

China already has two megaregions, the Yangtze River Delta (south of the Yangtze River) and the Pearl River Delta (which comprises of nine cities including Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Macau), and has plans to create ten more, but Jing-Jin-Ji (“Jing” for Beijing, “Jin” for Tianjin and “Ji,” the traditional name for Hebei Province) is considered different because it was born out of political pressure rather than economic prosperity.

Over population, traffic congestion and high levels of air pollution have forced Chinese authorities to devise a new way of dealing with the growing problems, according to University of Sydney associate professor Duanfang Lu.

Full story: http://www.news.com.au/finance/economy/china-is-creating-a-new-supercity-that-is-17-times-the-size-of-sydney/story-e6frflo9-1227452415422

-- News.com.au 2015-07-22

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I sure hope I never have to live in one of these Chinese hellholes. Beijing and Shanghai are bad enough. With over 5 million Chinese people per year dying from pollution related respiratory issues, you would think the authorities would catch on by now. But, they are not a government that is particularly concerned about the well being of their population. One might say, it is all about the money.

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For one reason or an other the Chinese population will eventually start to fall. It is still one or two generations away but then their problem will be these huge megacities in decline and they will have swathes of derelict high rise .

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Am not a fan of the chinese,i hope they completely decimate their own country.Any chinaman with any sense has already left and taken his billions with him.Yes i feel sorry for mr. average chinaman but i cant be taking the whole world on my shouldersfacepalm.gif

That's a bad thing to hope for. Once they have decimated the land within their borders, where do you think they'll be heading? South and West. Thailand being one of those places. And before that, you can say goodbye to ALL the Mekong water.

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I sure hope I never have to live in one of these Chinese hellholes. Beijing and Shanghai are bad enough. With over 5 million Chinese people per year dying from pollution related respiratory issues, you would think the authorities would catch on by now. But, they are not a government that is particularly concerned about the well being of their population. One might say, it is all about the money.

Why on earth should you even dream of moving out of the paradise that you were born in?

Let the devils live in their hell-holes and the angels live in their heaven, simple isn't it?

It is ironic that majority of the posters who are bashing other countries have moved out of theirs!

Some sort of a sick syndrome?

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I sure hope I never have to live in one of these Chinese hellholes. Beijing and Shanghai are bad enough. With over 5 million Chinese people per year dying from pollution related respiratory issues, you would think the authorities would catch on by now. But, they are not a government that is particularly concerned about the well being of their population. One might say, it is all about the money.

Wow! Some people are hard to please.

One day Chinese are cursed for being Communists.

Next day they are condemned for being Capitalists.

I would say they do not care what we say. Let them do whatever they do. They are good at this.

This does not mean I like whatever they do.

Speaking of their tourists - it is like a bubonic plague. Sydney beware of Prof. Duanfang Lu!

Edited by ABCer
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I sure hope I never have to live in one of these Chinese hellholes. Beijing and Shanghai are bad enough. With over 5 million Chinese people per year dying from pollution related respiratory issues, you would think the authorities would catch on by now. But, they are not a government that is particularly concerned about the well being of their population. One might say, it is all about the money.

No one knows exactly how many people die prematurely as a result of pollution but the estimates for china vary from 1/2 a million to 2 million. The total for the world is generally estimated at less than 5 million but I have seen estimates as high as 7 million worldwide. I think you probably saw the 500,000 estimate for China and misread it.

Say it was at the upper end at 2 million then that's 0.15% of the population dying from a pollution related respiratory disease every year, versus say London's 0.1% of the population, China is worse but I think you will agree that everyone has been led to believe that the problem is much more severe in China than in London when in reality they are roughly the same.

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So much China bashing yet no peep from any TV moderator condemning the behavior. Guess it's ok to bash non-farang cultures and countries but not vice versa. One can only hope the China haters on TV are the last of their generation and will die off soon.

fyi...China has been the only thing keeping the global economy from crashing since the 2008 real estate fiasco created by US.

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I sure hope I never have to live in one of these Chinese hellholes. Beijing and Shanghai are bad enough. With over 5 million Chinese people per year dying from pollution related respiratory issues, you would think the authorities would catch on by now. But, they are not a government that is particularly concerned about the well being of their population. One might say, it is all about the money.

Usually these mega ideas happen just before an economic collapse. Its keep up with the Jones only on a grand scale. How this will solve traffic congestion and pollution is beyond me. I see exactly the opposite. Better call George Jetson.

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Am not a fan of the chinese,i hope they completely decimate their own country.Any chinaman with any sense has already left and taken his billions with him.Yes i feel sorry for mr. average chinaman but i cant be taking the whole world on my shouldersfacepalm.gif

That's a bad thing to hope for. Once they have decimated the land within their borders, where do you think they'll be heading? South and West. Thailand being one of those places. And before that, you can say goodbye to ALL the Mekong water.

I just think they are a destructive force and i believe they will cross borders going west,but it maybe for a different reason than we think.

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So much China bashing yet no peep from any TV moderator condemning the behavior. Guess it's ok to bash non-farang cultures and countries but not vice versa. One can only hope the China haters on TV are the last of their generation and will die off soon.

fyi...China has been the only thing keeping the global economy from crashing since the 2008 real estate fiasco created by US.

your last paragraph is not true,the world would be fine.china is just catching up.It was left behind for 200 years,so figures like 10% annual growth is coming from no growth for years.

China bashing,muslim bashing,thai bashing?....so what? praise where praise is due and criticsim where its due also.

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I sure hope I never have to live in one of these Chinese hellholes. Beijing and Shanghai are bad enough. With over 5 million Chinese people per year dying from pollution related respiratory issues, you would think the authorities would catch on by now. But, they are not a government that is particularly concerned about the well being of their population. One might say, it is all about the money.

I read somewhere that the chinese have laid more concrete since 2008 than the USA laid in the entire 20th century.

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For one reason or an other the Chinese population will eventually start to fall. It is still one or two generations away but then their problem will be these huge megacities in decline and they will have swathes of derelict high rise .

The Chinese population is close to stagnation and said to start falling starting around 2030.

Huge megacities with lots of skyscrapers (they seem to love them skyscraper apartment blocks in China, houses seem to be for suckers in the poor countryside) that are empty are already becoming an issue and articles have been written on these. Google "Chenggong" which is a ghost city of sorts just south of Kunming in Yunnan province for more information. Other ghost cities exist in places like Inner Mongolia and then there's that shopping mall in Dongguan, Guangdong province that was supposed to become the biggest in the world, but now sits almost empty since it was first opened.

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"I read somewhere that..."

The above really cannot justify what follows after...

Seems most bashings are after I read/heard somewhere...or also after one too many a beer!


the trouble is you see it as "bashing"...just like people like to throw around words like "discrimination" "racist" etc.

This is a forum where we can air our views, my opinion is i think china is a dangerous country run by authoritarian people.You call this "bashing" i call it forthright opinion.

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"I read somewhere that..."

The above really cannot justify what follows after...

Seems most bashings are after I read/heard somewhere...or also after one too many a beer!


the trouble is you see it as "bashing"...just like people like to throw around words like "discrimination" "racist" etc.

This is a forum where we can air our views, my opinion is i think china is a dangerous country run by authoritarian people.You call this "bashing" i call it forthright opinion.

I agree with you 100% about airing one's view in a forum - which really makes the forum that much interesting.

But when quoting facts, when one says "I read/heard somewhere..." the authenticity of the quote comes into question.

Of course, this is just my humble opinion.

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So much China bashing yet no peep from any TV moderator condemning the behavior. Guess it's ok to bash non-farang cultures and countries but not vice versa. One can only hope the China haters on TV are the last of their generation and will die off soon.

fyi...China has been the only thing keeping the global economy from crashing since the 2008 real estate fiasco created by US.

Numerous posts have been removed. Negative remarks about the government of any country are permitted provided they are on topic and address the topic of the thread. Bashing of the nationals of the country can get you suspended.

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  • 1 month later...

So much China bashing yet no peep from any TV moderator condemning the behavior. Guess it's ok to bash non-farang cultures and countries but not vice versa. One can only hope the China haters on TV are the last of their generation and will die off soon.

fyi...China has been the only thing keeping the global economy from crashing since the 2008 real estate fiasco created by US.

How are the ghost cities doing? You seem to act like a problem in one country makes a problem in another country acceptable.

What is your problem with logic?

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Am not a fan of the chinese,i hope they completely decimate their own country.Any chinaman with any sense has already left and taken his billions with him.Yes i feel sorry for mr. average chinaman but i cant be taking the whole world on my shouldersfacepalm.gif

That's a bad thing to hope for. Once they have decimated the land within their borders, where do you think they'll be heading? South and West. Thailand being one of those places. And before that, you can say goodbye to ALL the Mekong water.

The CCP Boyz in Beijing as with all fascist regimes worth their salt have very real designs well beyond this region.

The Boyz consider they can put 450 million Chinese in to the United States, 50-75 million easily in to South America, another 100 million in Africa, 35 mil in an irrigated center of Australia to include the present coastal cities of Oz as redesigned along similar lines by the CCP Boyz and their planners. A hundred million Chinese could easily be fitted into the ME. That would amount to about half of current official population numbers.

And no, the CCP Boyz do not expect voluntary compliance by the rest of us or by anyone. The Boyz in fact want more Chinese on the planet and fewer of everybody else to include us...considerably fewer of the rest of us. They don't care how they do it so it's understandable the menace needs to be countered aggressively.

The CCP Boyz have destroyed China's land, water and air to the point of being unsustainable so they have to go somewhere new.


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"The CCP Boyz have destroyed China's land, water and air to the point of being unsustainable so they have to go somewhere new."

Mostly sending themselves and their families off. Have a couple of friends inside China who want to go study overseas, have the knowledge and the tuition money, but are required to keep 100,000 RMB deposited in a bank inside the country in order to guarantee their return. That's 4 years of labor at average wages.

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