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Anti-coup group wants treason suit against PM Prayut


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Problem is when the police are being run by thaksin lovers they simply refuse to uphold the law, thats why the army took over, so that law and order was restored.

OK. So the police were breaking the law by not enforcing the law, so the army had to step in, commit treason, commit a coup d'etat and declare themselves above the law. Did I get that right? And that's a step forward in your world is it?


blaming the police on this one is nonsense. The police did what they could within the limits imposed on them by the courts. Some of them even got killed in the process.

The plot was given away (as usual) by Suthep with his call for the military to step in ... That was in December 2013... coffee1.gif

This group, Resistant Citizen, is doing what needs to be done...

I believe Red Queen was simply setting out the facts in that the police didn't act in 2010 when Taksin had incited his Red Shirts to riot in Bangkok. I was there and they were indeed conspicuous by their absence. Thus giving the army the excuse, albeit unwittingly, to take over. As did Taksin's hubris in skyping in the plan for the ill thought out Amnesty bill gave the perfect excuse for the coup.

The army with 1,600 generals were not set up to defend the er, country. Their job is and has always been to stifle dissent and make sure the peasants don't get above themselves. Hence the very real climate of fear this brave group are attempting to allay, desperately needed but not obvious to the average TV poster safe and blind on his barstool/gated community.

Edited by dageurreotype
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Out of that 65% Ginjag how many voted Democrats?

what's your point ?? I think my post explains it'self------so your getting at what ?? diverting the post ?? the fact is 65% did NOT vote PTP-Shins

Alas. in a democracy, that's not how it works. Governments are not elected on the basis of how many people didn't vote for the other side, they are elected by counting the people who actually voted for each side.

Wriggling and squirming to try and make rain seem like sunshine is really not very helpful. Or bright.

The fact is the army kicked out an elected government - again, under the implicit threat of armed violence. Under the law as it stood at the time, that was treason, thus everything the 'government' has done since then lacks legitimacy. The whole world knows it and is reacting accordingly, so whether or not you personally like it or think it ought to be OK isn't really relevant.

We all understand this in real democracies ----this is and near never has been hence the problems with mass corruption etc-----If the situation was stable and a government was just out of favour, a no confidence vote would result in a general election. The situation with the Shin controlled PTP was not normal, Paid red shirt villages--paid red shirt mass transport to Bkk-- government not governing as per law, government breaking the law with the amnesty vote, the PM not attending and controlling meetings, and abroad countless times.

Now you call this democracy ?? your elected government was only on paper.the aftermath complete democracy shattered.

In your eyes an election should have taken place amid near civil war looming---Think again my red shirt friend--yes please do not give me the fact you did not favour PTP. your squirming along with the small % on TVF because you do not believe going against the law and trying to pass a bill at 3am by an elected government is not treason, or most charges against Thaksin and Yingluck and the rest are politically motivated------heard it before. I have been here so long and am the first on to wish for a stable good governance in Thailand. It has never happened. now is a glimmer---some hope.

Fallacious twaddlecock. Democracy is imperfect - therefore do away with democracy altogether. Very convenient seeing as the right-wing have never been capable of winning an election, which is precisely because their policies only appeal to a minority.

The solution was to progressively develop those democratic institutions over time through parliamentary opposition. That requires being more in touch with the people - a tall order for the right-wing. There's no mystery about how it works. Politics is all about the clumping together of individuals in pursuit of what is best for themselves. The right-wing (apparently by definition) is simply a minority clump that has no compunction about forcing their opinion down everyone else's throat without a democratic mandate.

Why not just come clean? That whole position is built on that simple, profound immorality. Moreover, it's banal in the extreme. You only embarrass yourself trying to justify it by pointing out weaknesses of the opposition, because however much you might rant, it's the number of voters that counts, and that's because every voter is a human being with as much right to an opinion as you - though clearly, by virtue of being right-wing, you believe your opinion is superior on that account alone. Sieg heil.

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This is the first time I have opted to post even though I have been an avid reader of this forum for many years and learnt alot from it but was having a slow morning.

I have read on Thai visa and seen on television all the problems and complaints about Thailand and the coup and who is right and who is wrong, which color shirt is in charge or wants to be in charge but still each day seems the same where I live, which is about 2 hours north of Bangkok. Over the years we have seen riots, bombings, shootings deaths, elections, marshal law, curfews and coups and yet our day to day life here in this small town I live in has not changed, we still go to markets 3 days a week, we still buy food and the things we require to live on our daily basis, our children still go to school as normal and if we did not see it in the media ,we would not even know it was happening ( so do we blame the media because they tell us all this information we really don’t want to know about, no it is not their fault they are just doing their jobs ).
During all of this, our lives have not changed for better or worse nor have we felt threatened or in danger pre or post event whether it was curfews or military coup or post-coup with military government, our town and it inhabitants and the Thai culture has remained the same and normal, as it probably has in most of the towns and villages around Thailand.
So why is all this happening (mainly in Bangkok and other troubled areas) is it for the betterment of the Thai people and the small amount of foreign expats (or aliens as we sometimes are called and feel like) who reside here or is it so the people can have democracy and a better life that they all wish for?
No it’s about power, money, ego, class and the control of it all- Not about democracy or the people and their rights to democracy given to them in 1932:
“Democracy definition. A system of government in which power is vested in the people, who rule either directly or through freely elected representatives. Note: Democratic institutions, such as parliaments, may exist in a monarchy”.
Since 1932 the elected governments have told the people what they want them to hear and do,
Since 1932 the unelected governments had told the people what they want them to hear and do,
Since 1932 the military coup leaders have told the people what they want them to hear and do,
Since 1932 the activists, the advantaged, the politicians, the ones who tell us they are doing it for the people, have told the people what they want them to hear and do,
Since 1932 other countries, their leaders and foreigners have told the people what they want them to hear and do,
So when do the people get the chance to tell these ones, what they want them to hear and do,-“oh that’s right that’s what is called a FREE DEMOCRATIC ELECTION”, yeah good luck with that one as I do not think many countries have had one of those, and yet the day to day life in our small towns and villages across this beautiful country go on the same, mostly unaffected by all of this commotion.

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what garbage ! seems that some are just not happy with someone of authority running the country ...

ok, lets go back to the street protests and the shootings like before ! ..... coffee1.gif

Self-proclaimed authority and hijacking a country is not garbage in the world you live in?

Hijacking ... cheesy.gif more like someone had to do something !!

so you like it how it was before ... you don't like anyone coming in and straightening things up to get law and order in place ? you would sooner the protests by each group each day ?

you people amaze me ... coffee1.gif really ...

well, you amazed me too. I like the idea of these AntiCoup group. They are honest and brave, no cowards at all though the result might be not very effective I presume. To have a working democracy with different views of politices ia better by far than any coup.Or you would like to have Trump for president e.g.? By coup?

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what garbage ! seems that some are just not happy with someone of authority running the country ...

ok, lets go back to the street protests and the shootings like before ! ..... coffee1.gif

Here's where to get the real news :



wife of lese majeste prisoner


"More than two-thirds of the committee responsible for screening the candidates to Thailand’s National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) are high-ranking military officers."


"The Thai military officers in Isan, northeastern Thailand, summoned a student filmmaker for talks because the student did not asked for permissions to film a documentary in a restricted area with protracted mining conflict."

Another interesting extract from one the links provided shows which kind of people they have nominated for the NHRC:

"One of the seven candidates, Baworn Yasinthorn is the leader of an ultra-royalist group calling itself Citizens Volunteer for Defence of Three Institutes Network.

In April 2010, the ultra-royalist group filed charges under Article 112 of the Criminal Code, the lèse majesté law, against Wuttipong K., aka Ko Tee, a hardcore red shirt leader from Nonthaburi Province, for allegedly defaming the Thai King during an interview with Vice News.

Prior to the 2014 coup d’état, Baworn was also a prominent supporter of People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC)."


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what garbage ! seems that some are just not happy with someone of authority running the country ...

ok, lets go back to the street protests and the shootings like before ! ..... coffee1.gif

Here's where to get the real news :



wife of lese majeste prisoner


"More than two-thirds of the committee responsible for screening the candidates to Thailand’s National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) are high-ranking military officers."


"The Thai military officers in Isan, northeastern Thailand, summoned a student filmmaker for talks because the student did not asked for permissions to film a documentary in a restricted area with protracted mining conflict."

The posters around here have fallen completely for the ruse of any military take over, make the people believe that nothing has changed (we still have a "PM", a "parliament", and the government is functioning as before...) or that life is even better (no more shooting and protests, unity, peace and happiness is our promise), so that they don't realize that they have lost all their basic rights including the right to self-determination.

Typical poster, Steven100... "let's go back to the (staged) chaos" nonsense ranks right up there with others who post, "nothing has changed in my life" comments... whistling.gif

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what garbage ! seems that some are just not happy with someone of authority running the country ...

ok, lets go back to the street protests and the shootings like before ! ..... coffee1.gif

Here's where to get the real news :



wife of lese majeste prisoner


"More than two-thirds of the committee responsible for screening the candidates to Thailand’s National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) are high-ranking military officers."


"The Thai military officers in Isan, northeastern Thailand, summoned a student filmmaker for talks because the student did not asked for permissions to film a documentary in a restricted area with protracted mining conflict."

The posters around here have fallen completely for the ruse of any military take over, make the people believe that nothing has changed (we still have a "PM", a "parliament", and the government is functioning as before...) or that life is even better (no more shooting and protests, unity, peace and happiness is our promise), so that they don't realize that they have lost all their basic rights including the right to self-determination.

Typical poster, Steven100... "let's go back to the (staged) chaos" nonsense ranks right up there with others who post, "nothing has changed in my life" comments... whistling.gif

I don't care what you post ... you can post 20 links about people, who they were ... whatever.

The fact is that life in general is far better than when red shirts were around. It's safer now, it is peaceful, it has some form of stability and the PM has done a good job to arrest those thugs responsible.

the defence rests your honor ... wai2.gif

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what garbage ! seems that some are just not happy with someone of authority running the country ...

ok, lets go back to the street protests and the shootings like before ! ..... coffee1.gif

Here's where to get the real news :



wife of lese majeste prisoner


"More than two-thirds of the committee responsible for screening the candidates to Thailand’s National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) are high-ranking military officers."


"The Thai military officers in Isan, northeastern Thailand, summoned a student filmmaker for talks because the student did not asked for permissions to film a documentary in a restricted area with protracted mining conflict."

The posters around here have fallen completely for the ruse of any military take over, make the people believe that nothing has changed (we still have a "PM", a "parliament", and the government is functioning as before...) or that life is even better (no more shooting and protests, unity, peace and happiness is our promise), so that they don't realize that they have lost all their basic rights including the right to self-determination.

Typical poster, Steven100... "let's go back to the (staged) chaos" nonsense ranks right up there with others who post, "nothing has changed in my life" comments... whistling.gif

I don't care what you post ... you can post 20 links about people, who they were ... whatever.

The fact is that life in general is far better than when red shirts were around. It's safer now, it is peaceful, it has some form of stability and the PM has done a good job to arrest those thugs responsible.

the defence rests your honor ... wai2.gif

I don't care what you post ... you can post 20 links about people, who they were ... whatever.

your complete and total lack of empathy for other people is perfectly clear. I hardly expected more from you.

life in general is far better than when red shirts were around.

no reflection on the fact that they are still around? no reflection on the fact that all Thais as well as you and me (assuming you are in Thailand) have lost all of our most basic human rights? no reflection on the raping of every Thai citizen's right to determine their own government?

nah, of course not... because, ... whatever

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what garbage ! seems that some are just not happy with someone of authority running the country ...

ok, lets go back to the street protests and the shootings like before ! ..... coffee1.gif

Here's where to get the real news :



wife of lese majeste prisoner


"More than two-thirds of the committee responsible for screening the candidates to Thailands National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) are high-ranking military officers."


"The Thai military officers in Isan, northeastern Thailand, summoned a student filmmaker for talks because the student did not asked for permissions to film a documentary in a restricted area with protracted mining conflict."

The posters around here have fallen completely for the ruse of any military take over, make the people believe that nothing has changed (we still have a "PM", a "parliament", and the government is functioning as before...) or that life is even better (no more shooting and protests, unity, peace and happiness is our promise), so that they don't realize that they have lost all their basic rights including the right to self-determination.

Typical poster, Steven100... "let's go back to the (staged) chaos" nonsense ranks right up there with others who post, "nothing has changed in my life" comments... whistling.gif

I don't care what you post ... you can post 20 links about people, who they were ... whatever.

The fact is that life in general is far better than when red shirts were around. It's safer now, it is peaceful, it has some form of stability and the PM has done a good job to arrest those thugs responsible.

the defence rests your honor ... wai2.gif

Try selling that peace you talk about to the good folks of Yala!!

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what garbage ! seems that some are just not happy with someone of authority running the country ...

ok, lets go back to the street protests and the shootings like before ! ..... coffee1.gif

Here's where to get the real news :



wife of lese majeste prisoner


"More than two-thirds of the committee responsible for screening the candidates to Thailand’s National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) are high-ranking military officers."


"The Thai military officers in Isan, northeastern Thailand, summoned a student filmmaker for talks because the student did not asked for permissions to film a documentary in a restricted area with protracted mining conflict."

The posters around here have fallen completely for the ruse of any military take over, make the people believe that nothing has changed (we still have a "PM", a "parliament", and the government is functioning as before...) or that life is even better (no more shooting and protests, unity, peace and happiness is our promise), so that they don't realize that they have lost all their basic rights including the right to self-determination.

Typical poster, Steven100... "let's go back to the (staged) chaos" nonsense ranks right up there with others who post, "nothing has changed in my life" comments... whistling.gif

I don't care what you post ... you can post 20 links about people, who they were ... whatever.

The fact is that life in general is far better than when red shirts were around. It's safer now, it is peaceful, it has some form of stability and the PM has done a good job to arrest those thugs responsible.

the defence rests your honor ... wai2.gif

The defense relies on ignoring the views of the people as expressed through the ballot box, and the denial of a number of basic rights.

What may be called the "I'm all right Jack defense"!

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what garbage ! seems that some are just not happy with someone of authority running the country ...

ok, lets go back to the street protests and the shootings like before ! ..... coffee1.gif

Here's where to get the real news :



wife of lese majeste prisoner


"More than two-thirds of the committee responsible for screening the candidates to Thailand’s National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) are high-ranking military officers."


"The Thai military officers in Isan, northeastern Thailand, summoned a student filmmaker for talks because the student did not asked for permissions to film a documentary in a restricted area with protracted mining conflict."

Another interesting extract from one the links provided shows which kind of people they have nominated for the NHRC:

"One of the seven candidates, Baworn Yasinthorn is the leader of an ultra-royalist group calling itself Citizens Volunteer for Defence of Three Institutes Network.

In April 2010, the ultra-royalist group filed charges under Article 112 of the Criminal Code, the lèse majesté law, against Wuttipong K., aka Ko Tee, a hardcore red shirt leader from Nonthaburi Province, for allegedly defaming the Thai King during an interview with Vice News.

Prior to the 2014 coup d’état, Baworn was also a prominent supporter of People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC)."


the same article notes that :

More than two-thirds of the committee responsible for screening the candidates to Thailand’s National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) are high-ranking military officers.


Last year, the Sub-Committee on Accreditation (SCA) of the International Coordinating Committee on National Human Rights Institutions (ICC), an independent international association of national human rights institutions (NHRIs) which monitors the performance of national human rights institutions worldwide, downgraded Thailand’s NHRC from A to B, citing the agency’s poor performance and partiality.

Resistant Citizen can expect no protection from the Thai NHRC now or in the future and the generals, along with their "selection" of commissioners, are probably a guarantee that the NHRC will be down-graded after the 1 year probation is up...

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I don't care what you post ... you can post 20 links about people, who they were ... whatever.

The fact is that life in general is far better than when red shirts were around. It's safer now, it is peaceful, it has some form of stability and the PM has done a good job to arrest those thugs responsible.

the defence rests your honor ... wai2.gif

The defense relies on ignoring the views of the people as expressed through the ballot box, and the denial of a number of basic rights.

What may be called the "I'm all right Jack defense"!

Ballot box ballot box---is this all you can think of to turn Thailand round at this time----ridiculous. replying to Fat hagis---Who talked about Yala --sort of blaming the army ?? let me remind you that Thaksin said if you do not vote for me you will get no favours in the south from my government----

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I don't care what you post ... you can post 20 links about people, who they were ... whatever.

The fact is that life in general is far better than when red shirts were around. It's safer now, it is peaceful, it has some form of stability and the PM has done a good job to arrest those thugs responsible.

the defence rests your honor ... wai2.gif

The defense relies on ignoring the views of the people as expressed through the ballot box, and the denial of a number of basic rights.

What may be called the "I'm all right Jack defense"!

Ballot box ballot box---is this all you can think of to turn Thailand round at this time----ridiculous. replying to Fat hagis---Who talked about Yala --sort of blaming the army ?? let me remind you that Thaksin said if you do not vote for me you will get no favours in the south from my government----

Then dont vote for him. Thats not hard to understand, for most.

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I don't care what you post ... you can post 20 links about people, who they were ... whatever.

The fact is that life in general is far better than when red shirts were around. It's safer now, it is peaceful, it has some form of stability and the PM has done a good job to arrest those thugs responsible.

the defence rests your honor ... wai2.gif

The defense relies on ignoring the views of the people as expressed through the ballot box, and the denial of a number of basic rights.

What may be called the "I'm all right Jack defense"!

Ballot box ballot box---is this all you can think of to turn Thailand round at this time----ridiculous. replying to Fat hagis---Who talked about Yala --sort of blaming the army ?? let me remind you that Thaksin said if you do not vote for me you will get no favours in the south from my government----

Then dont vote for him. Thats not hard to understand, for most.

Seems you are not wanting to understand unless this nutter from Dubai with paid influence is stopped elections are out. It has nothing to do with the general PTP voters --the paid red fanatics have to be liquidated back to normal life and to do that money paid from afar has to be stopped before voting. What the dickens do you think the army is trying to do ?? straighten out the dung from Shin paid fanatic followers, this element is getting near to what Europe would describe terrorism. Euope would not allow this to happen at voting time---Thats democracy as near as you can get---not red shin style.

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Ginjag, elections are out because the cabal who have seized power, and to whom you are attributing the purest of motives for reasons that leave many of us bewildered, cannot in a month of Sundays manage to win an election. They and their backers faced losing their grasp on power, and with it the nations wealth. If you think that they will willingly hand back access topower then you are even more batty than you seem!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Considering that they have already granted themselves immunity and the King officially endorsed General Prayut Chan-o-cha as PM last August I'd guess their chances are zero to none.

"and the King officially endorsed General Prayut Chan-o-cha as PM last August"

Well Prayut said he did, but did you see it? did anybody see it?

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Strange how all these action groups had nothing to say when the 'democratically elected government' was using terrorism to murder woman and children who were exercising their right to protest.

Obviously no money available to support that cause ...

I have no respect for any of these jokers (or anyone on this forum) who are crying foul now and kept silent during the murders.

Well first of all, nobody cares about lack of respect from the likes of you.

Secondly, to say it was the government murdering women and children is just the kind of garbage we expect from the likes of you.

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Let those red cowards bomb and burn their own backyard not mine.

And you by both sides.. you forget how one side killed children and cheered about it on stage (while representatives of the government were present). Don't forget the trad massacre.. its shows that one side is definitely lower and worse as all others.

I dare you to find a similar incident where 2 cars drove into a public gathering in Trad (not Bangkok like you imply) and started firing automatic rifles and lobbing grenades and leaving many wounded and among the dead 2 children.

Now find me something that comes even close to this incident.

That was a sickening case of violence and the perpetrators should be tried, convicted and shot. That does not, however, mean that all or most of the reds are homicidal maniacs. Like their opposites they are mostly concerned citizens with strong political opinions.

Que the cheerleaders saying how the reds are just paid off by the bogeyman in Dubai, stupid, uneducated and infuriatingly enough not voting for the "correct" people...coffee1.gif

Nothing on that scale was ever done by the other side.. the red stand alone with their violence.

Your right most red shirts would not condone it, but the leadership did nothing to stop it. On stage this attack was cheered about.. only when Tida saw how damaging this was PR wise was the cheering about the attack stopped.

Shows the red mentality.. so yes I support the coup that stopped all of this. Your side made the coup happen with their bombs and shooting of innocent protesters.

"Your side made the coup happen with their bombs and shooting of innocent protesters"

No! your side engineered the coup by destroying democracy, killing policemen and students, illegally occupying police stations and government buildings and bringing the business of government to a halt and then blockading the democratic process. The sometimes over the top response by the supporters of democracy was just that, a response!

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There was certainly violence in the months preceding the coup. In another thread some time ago, I compiled a list of violent acts that were reported in the Thai media at the time and resulted in deaths or injuries. Certainly, that was not a tolerable situation.

Some have argued that the protests being conducted to oust the government were intended to provoke the violence. I am not sure about intent, but it is clear that the violence escalated along with the protests.

At the time, it appeared that the police were not containing the violence, and the military was not assisting in any meaningful way.

Despite all these negative conditions, how does one justify a military coup as the next logical step?

Would not the next logical step be for the civilian government to mobilize additional resources to address the violence, and to assure that elections could be conducted again without threats of intimidation and the blocking of polls?

Where was the military in the run-up to the coup? Helping to restore order or standing by?

In your home country, had there been violence in the streets, and the police were struggling to contain it, would you not expect the military to support the civilian government and help restore peace and order in cooperation?

Again, how is a coup the next logical step?

In my home country (UK) the military would NOT step in to support the civilian government unless they were ordered to and there are many legal steps to be taken before it gets to that stage. IF it got to that stage then the military would be under the control of the government and would most probably be exempt from any charges that arose from the situation.

It is the responsibility of the civilian government to maintain and restore order using the police to do their job properly. In Thailand it did not happen simply because the police did NOT do the job that they were paid to do either selectively or even handedly. There lies the problem.

"In Thailand it did not happen simply because the police did NOT do the job that they were paid to do"

Because the army warned them not to!

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Correct ... the army did not intervene at an early stage because they were reluctant as it wasn't their call to influence either party either way. However, when security of the people became a serious concern, that being killings by red shirts then the army had no choice but to restore law & order and everyone was greatful that they did.

If the cronies on here can't see that logic then they are blind ....

Thailand is far better off now than before .... Everyone knows the red shirts are just out to make trouble, they do not care about thai people or democracy or anything else ... they are terrorists and thugs as all the previous murders and grenade throwing have shown before.

You cannot lie about that !! whistling.gif

I commend General Prayuth for his hard work and dedication to bring Thailand back to some form that of a civil society without the unrest. wai2.gif

"However, when security of the people became a serious concern"

Oh! So the shooting and bombing of police and students, seizure of police stations and government buildings and the blockading of the democratic process don't count, just the security of the (yellow) people.

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what garbage ! seems that some are just not happy with someone of authority running the country ...

ok, lets go back to the street protests and the shootings like before ! ..... coffee1.gif

It would be useful if the "person" with "authority" also had a brain. Oh, and was democratically elected... whistling.gif

(I think you are confusing "authority" with guns, tanks, intimidation, and huge volumes of dirty money? AMIRIGHT?)

I don't think we should be talking about Thaksin .... let's leave him out of this debate !! whistling.gif

FWIW, the notion that Thaksin is still a "playa" is absurd. He fled the country YEARS ago. It is like constantly bringing up Suchinda, or Chatchai or Yongchaiyudh or Banharn. (Newin, god bless his heart was "earning" US$15,000 per day from gem and logging activities...) It is an irrelevant deflection to the real issues. Anyone who still flogs the Thaksin dead horse is a blathering idiot. His importance to present day Thailand and the future Thailand in minimal. He is not the concern. So what, he's a prick OK. He comes back, someone takes all his money, all his wife's money, all his kid's money. Locks him up for a hundred years. Are you still going to bitch about it? What he has done is irrelevant when compared to what is still occurring, both in impact and scale. Regardless of how much moula he had, it is a pittance held of the present powers that be. Anyone who does not know this does not know Thailand. Anyone who claims the moral high ground, has unfortunately contracted the Thai cancer of delusion. /RANT

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