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Kuala Lumpur single entry tourist visa success

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Just wanted to report that I successfully got a single entry TR visa from the KL Thai Embassy. I was nervous about how things would go since I'd seen only bad reports recently but it was too late to change my flight/hotel reservation by the time I did research.

For clarification, I am from the USA and have a USA passport. The Malaysian resident/papers requirement only applies if you are on the list of countries found here. You can see that the requirements differ for listed and non-listed countries in that non-listed countries (such as the USA and other first-world countries) don't need to provide proof of residency or whatever else they would ask for. So I had no problem applying. If your passport is from a listed country, I suggest you avoid KL and get your visa elsewhere.

They asked for my passport, filled out application, signed passport copy, one picture, proof of travel into Thailand, and proof of reservation/accommodation. I gave them a copy of my boarding pass for my flight into Thailand. I didn't have actual proof of reservation since none was provided when I booked my place in person (I'd already been living there on my 30-day visa on arrival), but I gave them a printed sheet with the hotel's information which they accepted.

Hope this helps =)

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If you are from the U.S. you could not have had a VOA

A person from the US does not qualify for a 15 day visa on arrival. They get a 30 day visa exempt entry.

But only at the airport, correct? At land borders it's 15 days?

From the OT :

TR visa.... What's TR stand for ? Tourism ___?

proof of travel into Thailand... Into Thailand but not out again?

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US and other G7 country passport holders get a 30 day entry at border crossings.

TR is an abbreviation for tourist.

Just a ticket to Thailand. Like other nearby locations they do not normally ask for a ticket out of the country.

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US and other G7 country passport holders get a 30 day entry at border crossings.

TR is an abbreviation for tourist.

Just a ticket to Thailand. Like other nearby locations they do not normally ask for a ticket out of the country.

That 30 day is good to know, I thought it was just 15. Thanks again for your help

So you are expected to have purchased an air ticket to Thailand before you know if you can get a visa into Thailand. Doesn't seem right but I know...TiT

Edited by FBlue72
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