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Reds vow response to Suthep

Lite Beer

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If they could protest peacefully and in their own backyard nobody would care about it.

I guess you dont see the irony in that statement?

Oh and where did the yellows run the airport and sutep lead protests?

As I've stated NOTHING has been done to solve the underlying discontent, and having suthep and his divisive ways back is only going to make things worse.

I see it, I just don't think it justifies the red to kill and bomb as they always do when they don't like something. Now if they want to do that let them do that in Chaing Mai or Isarn or something like that. Let them bug their own. At least the protests of the former yellows were on their own home turf and far less violent.

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Ahhh. The cosmic ballet of Thailand goes on.

You have to blame the junta really. They are either deliberately trying to intice people into protests and violence as an excuse to stay in power longer Or are actually so incompetent and ignorant that they don't know any better. Probably a mix of the two.

Edited by lildragon
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yes but every action has a reaction and if the Junta treat the Suthep mob kindly and don't apply the same 'gathering' rules what can they expect? the junta's 'we are fair' is just utter BS

The reds come out in force.. then the junta puts them in jail.. every action has a reaction.. what do you expect the junta to do.

I would have expected the junta to prevent Suthep from stoking the fires once again. I really cannot understand why Gen P allows this extremely divisive ogre to establish himself yet again on the national scene. Isn't reconciliation one of his goals???

Sure, that would be the first step.. but my post was aimed at the poster who justified the reds coming out because of Suthep.. its no justification. The junta would just catch them.

And I agree Suthep should not have been allowed to do this he should have stayed out of politics.

Allowing Suthep back on the political stage (and make no mistake - it's political) just about guarantees the reds trying to do the same. And if they are not allowed to do something similar to Suthep/yellows then we will be farther from reconciliation than ever before.

I just cannot for the life of me understand why Gen P has done something as harebrained as allowing this to happen. Maybe he needs this semi-unrest (reds protesting the yellows/Suthep resurgence) as an excuse to hold on to power indefinitely, it's the only reason I can think of.

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I would have expected the junta to prevent Suthep from stoking the fires once again. I really cannot understand why Gen P allows this extremely divisive ogre to establish himself yet again on the national scene. Isn't reconciliation one of his goals???

force.. then the junta puts them in jail.. every action has a reaction.. what do you expect the junta to do.

Sure, that would be the first step.. but my post was aimed at the poster who justified the reds coming out because of Suthep.. its no justification. The junta would just catch them.

And I agree Suthep should not have been allowed to do this he should have stayed out of politics.

Allowing Suthep back on the political stage (and make no mistake - it's political) just about guarantees the reds trying to do the same. And if they are not allowed to do something similar to Suthep/yellows then we will be farther from reconciliation than ever before.

I just cannot for the life of me understand why Gen P has done something as harebrained as allowing this to happen. Maybe he needs this semi-unrest (reds protesting the yellows/Suthep resurgence) as an excuse to hold on to power indefinitely, it's the only reason I can think of.

No idea myself, but there is a difference Suthep is not trying to bring down the Junta.. the PTP is. But by letting him do what he wants unrest could happen. Maybe the army knows they got the power to keep the reds in place and / or he hopes for some violence so some of their leaders can be put in jail for a long time.

Your suggestion might be true too.. though its a risky game.

Either way Suthep should not have been allowed to do this, we don't need violence again.

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If they could protest peacefully and in their own backyard nobody would care about it.

I guess you dont see the irony in that statement?

Oh and where did the yellows run the airport and sutep lead protests?

As I've stated NOTHING has been done to solve the underlying discontent, and having suthep and his divisive ways back is only going to make things worse.

I see it, I just don't think it justifies the red to kill and bomb as they always do when they don't like something. Now if they want to do that let them do that in Chaing Mai or Isarn or something like that. Let them bug their own. At least the protests of the former yellows were on their own home turf and far less violent.

How many hundreds of thousands from the North have died/been killed under years and years of subjugation? How many stories of enslavement, torture and mistreatment have been retold from one generation to the next in the North. How can you be surprised by the hatred??

Another point is that due to the elite keeping the population uneducated, they are easily open to manipulation by people like Thaksin/Suthep. Much more difficult to get an educated person to risk their life, don't you agree?

If the rich hadn't treated the poor so wickedly over the last few hundred years, then there would have been no Thaksin to fill the void. You may say he did nothing for them, but 1 baht is better than nothing when you are destitute & have been trodden on for hundreds of years. He manipulated a lot of people for his own benefit but is worshiped because he gave them a voice & a small chance of betterment,

It is the utter contempt the elite have for the poor that has brought this to the fore over the last 20 years. Pandora's box has been opened and it cannot be closed now.

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I've said it before, I'll say it again ... ban ALL Political Parties and Politicians from the last 15 years, on both sides, and start with a clean slate.

And whilst that is going on, clarify and confirm in law, what is and is not an acceptable form of protest ... taking over large swathes of downtown Bangkok every year for yet another protest is ridiculous. Designate an area (which has the most minimal impact on the people and businesses around them), and make them stick to that area with heavy penalties for breaking the cordon. No marches, no shutting down this or shutting down that, without heavy and severe penalties.

Or perhaps we could make it even more simple ... yellows protest in Bangkok, reds protest in Chiang Mai, the cities closest to their power bases. Job done.

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If they could protest peacefully and in their own backyard nobody would care about it.

I guess you dont see the irony in that statement?

Oh and where did the yellows run the airport and sutep lead protests?

As I've stated NOTHING has been done to solve the underlying discontent, and having suthep and his divisive ways back is only going to make things worse.

I see it, I just don't think it justifies the red to kill and bomb as they always do when they don't like something. Now if they want to do that let them do that in Chaing Mai or Isarn or something like that. Let them bug their own. At least the protests of the former yellows were on their own home turf and far less violent.

How many hundreds of thousands from the North have died/been killed under years and years of subjugation? How many stories of enslavement, torture and mistreatment have been retold from one generation to the next in the North. How can you be surprised by the hatred??

Another point is that due to the elite keeping the population uneducated, they are easily open to manipulation by people like Thaksin/Suthep. Much more difficult to get an educated person to risk their life, don't you agree?

If the rich hadn't treated the poor so wickedly over the last few hundred years, then there would have been no Thaksin to fill the void. You may say he did nothing for them, but 1 baht is better than nothing when you are destitute & have been trodden on for hundreds of years. He manipulated a lot of people for his own benefit but is worshiped because he gave them a voice & a small chance of betterment,

It is the utter contempt the elite have for the poor that has brought this to the fore over the last 20 years. Pandora's box has been opened and it cannot be closed now.

Some proof please about the hundreds of thousands killed in the last 20 years or so please. Otherwise i call BS and a strange justification for all the violence done by the reds. It is refreshing thought that more and more reds are admitting that their side is without doubt the most violent. (hard to deny but still its progress)

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How many hundreds of thousands from the North have died/been killed under years and years of subjugation? How many stories of enslavement, torture and mistreatment have been retold from one generation to the next in the North. How can you be surprised by the hatred??

Another point is that due to the elite keeping the population uneducated, they are easily open to manipulation by people like Thaksin/Suthep. Much more difficult to get an educated person to risk their life, don't you agree?

If the rich hadn't treated the poor so wickedly over the last few hundred years, then there would have been no Thaksin to fill the void. You may say he did nothing for them, but 1 baht is better than nothing when you are destitute & have been trodden on for hundreds of years. He manipulated a lot of people for his own benefit but is worshiped because he gave them a voice & a small chance of betterment,

It is the utter contempt the elite have for the poor that has brought this to the fore over the last 20 years. Pandora's box has been opened and it cannot be closed now.

Some proof please about the hundreds of thousands killed in the last 20 years or so please. Otherwise i call BS and a strange justification for all the violence done by the reds. It is refreshing thought that more and more reds are admitting that their side is without doubt the most violent. (hard to deny but still its progress)

read it again rob, "last few hundred years" was what he was referring to.

so the threat of fighting the full force of the military after the take over the country is not violent?

mate you need to take your blinkers off.

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15 months into the Military government and both extremes demonstrating why a military government is required.

Nice to see the usual responses on TVF modelling how polemic disdain is difficult to overcome, for effective reconciliation to occur.

Personally, I think Prayut should put the key representatives from both factions into a box and every few months let them out, like rabid, chained dogs to snarl and propagandize at each other and let the public see why the military government has a genuine responsibility to remain in power.

Then put them all back, while he quietly (maybe that's stretching the truth a lot), goes about cleaning the corruption from the darkest corners of Thai society.

If only there was an inactive government these key players could all be sent to manage. To lie, cheat and steal from each other. Like the village from that 60's TV show 'The Prisoner'



You strongly identify with the guy in the photo don't you biggrin.png

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For the love of <insert deity> have a frigging election already.

Elections are not on because the outcome is already known, so the effort goes into trying to neuter any new government when it comes to power.

Prayuth seems to be gambling that the return of Suthep will require a reaction from the reds and the junta will 'be forced against their wishes to reluctantly remain in power' at least until the event that everybody is awaiting occurs.

It's a narrow wire he's walking - he must have a lot of faith in the ability of Thai army to keep the peace when more than a few thousand people are involved (their history when confronted with equal numbers of armed opposition - even Cambodian farmers, is to down tools and run away - and I don't blame them).

Interesting time. Amy takers for a bet there won't civil war within 2 years?

Personally I think Prayuth is a genius, he's bound to find a way out that is equitable for all Thais and which increases the stability, equality and prosperity of the country as a whole. Then he'll figure out how to make Thailand the hub of ASEAN and AEC and how to make Thailand a world super-power and a developed country within 15 years. Base metals into gold.

Good times ahead - all that's required is a little faith.

Edited by Down the rabbit hole
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For the love of <insert deity> have a frigging election already.

Cannot. Having disallowed discourse on anything remotely political, no one has been allowed to put forth any proposals to the populace as to why they should be voted for, thus stymiing any move towards a real democracy, not simply populism v blind patriotism. This was the plan all along.

However the junta, alike most here, having found that they too are unable to run a piss up in a brewery and are now flailing about in an attempt to cover up their inept handling of almost anything but most importantly the economy. The population may be persuaded to swallow all the other bullshit they've been spouting since seizing power, but cannot deny they're much worse off financially and money is God here. I wouldn't take a bet on His Happiness lasting much longer without the inevitable from the start blow back.

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As I have stated in the Suthep spread the red shirts will retaliate, there has never been peace in Thailand between these factions, all Khun Suthep is doing is muddying the waters , how this organization is allowed to operate under a Junta is a mystery, one would have thought that any person directly involved in the previous administration or opposition would be excluded into forming anything , what they do after General elections is up to them under the word democracy , however Khun Suthep intentions whether honorable , opportunistic or not at this present time should be curtailed, at least Prayut - O will see for himself just how the happiness club has failed.coffee1.gif

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15 months into the Military government and both extremes demonstrating why a military government is required.

Nice to see the usual responses on TVF modelling how polemic disdain is difficult to overcome, for effective reconciliation to occur.

Personally, I think Prayut should put the key representatives from both factions into a box and every few months let them out, like rabid, chained dogs to snarl and propagandize at each other and let the public see why the military government has a genuine responsibility to remain in power.

Then put them all back, while he quietly (maybe that's stretching the truth a lot), goes about cleaning the corruption from the darkest corners of Thai society.

If only there was an inactive government these key players could all be sent to manage. To lie, cheat and steal from each other. Like the village from that 60's TV show 'The Prisoner'



You strongly identify with the guy in the photo don't you biggrin.png

'So's your face'

Dageurrotype demonstrating the optimum level of discourse he is capable of.

The comment above is the adult equivalent of the school yard rejoinder which has long been popular.

One kid makes a valid point, the other responds inanely, every time with 'so's your face'

Of course it makes no sense and is a complete non sequitur - but then...

So's your face

Edited by Charlie Croker
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They both need to stop (or be stopped) or this will become unmanageable very very quickly. coffee1.gif

I suppose we would not want any open and free discussions and/or debates now would we?

Have there ever been any in the past 10 years? The only one I can recall was Abhisit and the UDD just before the riot escalation. An agreement was reached to end the siege demonstration but was vetoed by the UDD commander in Dubai.

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Here we go again.....Suthep/Nuttawut and all the other red and yellow loonies need to be shut down. If Suthep is allowed to proceed I am in no way surprised that the Reds will react. I'm glad actually...now we will really see the true colour of the general.

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How many hundreds of thousands from the North have died/been killed under years and years of subjugation? How many stories of enslavement, torture and mistreatment have been retold from one generation to the next in the North. How can you be surprised by the hatred??

Another point is that due to the elite keeping the population uneducated, they are easily open to manipulation by people like Thaksin/Suthep. Much more difficult to get an educated person to risk their life, don't you agree?

If the rich hadn't treated the poor so wickedly over the last few hundred years, then there would have been no Thaksin to fill the void. You may say he did nothing for them, but 1 baht is better than nothing when you are destitute & have been trodden on for hundreds of years. He manipulated a lot of people for his own benefit but is worshiped because he gave them a voice & a small chance of betterment,

It is the utter contempt the elite have for the poor that has brought this to the fore over the last 20 years. Pandora's box has been opened and it cannot be closed now.

Some proof please about the hundreds of thousands killed in the last 20 years or so please. Otherwise i call BS and a strange justification for all the violence done by the reds. It is refreshing thought that more and more reds are admitting that their side is without doubt the most violent. (hard to deny but still its progress)

read it again rob, "last few hundred years" was what he was referring to.

so the threat of fighting the full force of the military after the take over the country is not violent?

mate you need to take your blinkers off.

cheesy.gif Oh last few hundred years.. that makes it relevant. So sure we all agree the reds are a violent bunch and the reasons for that lay back hundreds of years.. nothing recent. Thanks for clearing that up.;

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"Reds vow response to Suthep"

Just what we don't need.

True, but put yourself in their place. How can they just sit idly by while the other lot are allowed to rub their noses in it? They HAVE to react.
Agreed but unfortunately when the Phue Thai and reds respond it usually means killings and violence.

I can not see the reasoning to allow the PDRC to make this group unless the current gov is hoping for trouble. Maybe to use as an excuse to stay in power. Maybe I am wrong about this assumption and I would hope the current gov wouldn't go to such extremes. But one has to wonder.

Wouldn't you be feeling pretty damn violent under the circumstances if it were you on the receiving end of an orchestrated demonisation campaign?
NO! I would be angry!

But that doesn't mean getting or creating violence.

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15 months into the Military government and both extremes demonstrating why a military government is required.

Nice to see the usual responses on TVF modelling how polemic disdain is difficult to overcome, for effective reconciliation to occur.

Personally, I think Prayut should put the key representatives from both factions into a box and every few months let them out, like rabid, chained dogs to snarl and propagandize at each other and let the public see why the military government has a genuine responsibility to remain in power.

Then put them all back, while he quietly (maybe that's stretching the truth a lot), goes about cleaning the corruption from the darkest corners of Thai society.

If only there was an inactive government these key players could all be sent to manage. To lie, cheat and steal from each other. Like the village from that 60's TV show 'The Prisoner'



You strongly identify with the guy in the photo don't you biggrin.png

'So's your face'

Dageurrotype demonstrating the optimum level of discourse he is capable of.

The comment above is the adult equivalent of the school yard rejoinder which has long been popular.

One kid makes a valid point, the other responds inanely, every time with 'so's your face'

Of course it makes no sense and is a complete non sequitur - but then...

So's your face

laugh.png No please, don't get me wrong. I enjoy your posts. Light entertainment always welcome in these troubling times.biggrin.png

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I see a bad moon rising

I see trouble on the way

I see earthquakes and lightning

I see bad times today.

- Creedence

Well, when you think about it, what other Democracy on the planet ever came about without strife? Or they could all just stay nice little smiling peasants. Top brass'd like that smile.png

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One would wonder if this is not a blessing in disguise for Khun PM Prayuth.

Nothing like both these sides of equal idiots having a go in front of the thai public for that public to remember what the mess was like 16 months ago when these clowns were all out of control, and for the public to be able to re value and appreciate the path that Khun Prayuth has Thailand on.

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"Reds vow response to Suthep"

Just what we don't need.

True, but put yourself in their place. How can they just sit idly by while the other lot are allowed to rub their noses in it? They HAVE to react.
Agreed but unfortunately when the Phue Thai and reds respond it usually means killings and violence.

I can not see the reasoning to allow the PDRC to make this group unless the current gov is hoping for trouble. Maybe to use as an excuse to stay in power. Maybe I am wrong about this assumption and I would hope the current gov wouldn't go to such extremes. But one has to wonder.

Wouldn't you be feeling pretty damn violent under the circumstances if it were you on the receiving end of an orchestrated demonisation campaign?
NO! I would be angry!

But that doesn't mean getting or creating violence.

Then why is everyone assuming the Reds will resort to violence? Oh yeah because historically speaking they do, but hang on a minute, isn't this the same kool aid drinkers who defend the Junta, when historically they've been bad for the country, " but this coup and junta are different"

That's the ultimate hypocracy right there.

Historically the Reds turn violent

Historically the Juntas never work for the people( just certain factions)

Bottom line, Suthep and his announcements have created this latest situation, and unless the General has the balls, and truly does have the country at heart, he will use article 44 against Suthep and his PDRF and ban them outright.

My money is on the General doing sweet FA and allowing the possibility of violence to happen, justifying his stay in power longer, and if that happens ladies and gentlemen it's a clear indication that prayuth clearly doesn't have the country at heart.

Tick tick tick......Lets see if the PM has the balls to squash sutheps aspirations like a Khon Kaen students hopes!!!

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Jaturpon said Suthep will disrupt the peace and now thaksins son has stated as much.

I am sure Nattawut will be able to hold a press conference as long as he does not try try to divide the nation, incite unrest, threaten anyone, intimidate or belittle anyone. When looking at the responses by some on TVF one can be ensured that these negative qualities are in their ethos and Nattawut cannot open his mouth without offending or inciting violence.

He is but a violent irrelevant man trying desperately for his UDD to stay in the spot light and the only way they know how to do that is through violent actions.

What was Suthep saying or doing when PEACE TV was doing what they do best? He didn't come out to threaten or act like a child and state "If you can do it so can I". Where was Abhisit? He is a man that would look odd coming out stating "We will come out in our Dem shirts because PEACE TV is being broadcast" Abhisit let the Junta control the situation and the broadcast was banned. Where was Suthep and Abhisit when PEACE TV was reinstated? Allowed to broadcast again to the nation? No where to be seen because it was deemed lawful.

RED's deciding their own laws, interpreting laws as they see fit and coming out with their firebrand of threats as if accountability was a dirty word.

I look forward to hearing what he has to say followed by him being banned then quickly followed by bombs.

I sincerely hope for the sake of the peaceful majority I am wrong.

Edited by djjamie
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I would have expected the junta to prevent Suthep from stoking the fires once again. I really cannot understand why Gen P allows this extremely divisive ogre to establish himself yet again on the national scene. Isn't reconciliation one of his goals???

force.. then the junta puts them in jail.. every action has a reaction.. what do you expect the junta to do.

Sure, that would be the first step.. but my post was aimed at the poster who justified the reds coming out because of Suthep.. its no justification. The junta would just catch them.

And I agree Suthep should not have been allowed to do this he should have stayed out of politics.

Allowing Suthep back on the political stage (and make no mistake - it's political) just about guarantees the reds trying to do the same. And if they are not allowed to do something similar to Suthep/yellows then we will be farther from reconciliation than ever before.

I just cannot for the life of me understand why Gen P has done something as harebrained as allowing this to happen. Maybe he needs this semi-unrest (reds protesting the yellows/Suthep resurgence) as an excuse to hold on to power indefinitely, it's the only reason I can think of.

No idea myself, but there is a difference Suthep is not trying to bring down the Junta.. the PTP is. But by letting him do what he wants unrest could happen. Maybe the army knows they got the power to keep the reds in place and / or he hopes for some violence so some of their leaders can be put in jail for a long time.

Your suggestion might be true too.. though its a risky game.

Either way Suthep should not have been allowed to do this, we don't need violence again.

Suthep is the bait, the cheese, the man with the poking stick at the beehive. He is baiting the reds to do something. He has stayed out of the picture on purpose to let the junta establish a certain level of peace and happiness but that is growing thin so another approach must be used. The reds are laying low and a certain someone wants to lure them out into the open but this someone does not want to look like a baiter only a savior. I read a good article in the NYT's international edition of July 20th page 9 which outlines the playing field here in Thailand. My apologies if I was not allowed to mention the paper

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"Reds vow response to Suthep"

Just what we don't need.

True, but put yourself in their place. How can they just sit idly by while the other lot are allowed to rub their noses in it? They HAVE to react.
Agreed but unfortunately when the Phue Thai and reds respond it usually means killings and violence.

I can not see the reasoning to allow the PDRC to make this group unless the current gov is hoping for trouble. Maybe to use as an excuse to stay in power. Maybe I am wrong about this assumption and I would hope the current gov wouldn't go to such extremes. But one has to wonder.

You know I wondered the same - that by stirring unrest in a very gentle way by using Suthep, - It gives the military reason to stay on, to push through further 'reform'. I hope my cynicism is proven wrong.

To counter that maybe the reds can protest without violence... but.. i doubt it.

You are a bore. Do us all a favour by changing the record because it's BS anyway.

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The problem with this specific situation is the vague wording and interpretation of 'political'.

If the content of your message is supportive of the military's aims it is rubber stamped as non-political and allowed (Sutheps clearly was a politically motivated message supportive of the junta) , however if the content of the message is even slightly in opposition to the aims of the junta that message will be stifled and deemed 'political'. That seems to be the broader definition in my view.

I would love to see the reds put together a 'foundation', just because Suthep hates to share the limelight with anyone, and as such he wouldn't be able to help himself , but respond and then it would be really interesting to see if his military friends allow that message to be heard?

Politics is not vague and People's Democratic Reform Foundation is specifically political by any interpretation, as its name indicates.

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Jaturpon said Suthep will disrupt the peace and now thaksins son has stated as much.

I am sure Nattawut will be able to hold a press conference as long as he does not try try to divide the nation, incite unrest, threaten anyone, intimidate or belittle anyone. When looking at the responses by some on TVF one can be ensured that these negative qualities are in their ethos and Nattawut cannot open his mouth without offending or inciting violence.

He is but a violent irrelevant man trying desperately for his UDD to stay in the spot light and the only way they know how to do that is through violent actions.

What was Suthep saying or doing when PEACE TV was doing what they do best? He didn't come out to threaten or act like a child and state "If you can do it so can I". Where was Abhisit? He is a man that would look odd coming out stating "We will come out in our Dem shirts because PEACE TV is being broadcast" Abhisit let the Junta control the situation and the broadcast was banned. Where was Suthep and Abhisit when PEACE TV was reinstated? Allowed to broadcast again to the nation? No where to be seen because it was deemed lawful.

RED's deciding their own laws, interpreting laws as they see fit and coming out with their firebrand of threats as if accountability was dirty word.

I look forward to hearing what he has to say followed by him being banned then quickly followed by bombs.

I sincerely hope for the sake of the peaceful majority I am wrong.

You focus a lot on the Reds Jamie, but what is your opinion about the reason WHY they're pissed off? As in what Suthep is doing and seemingly with the Juntas blessing?

Call me a cynic, but the Reds have been surprisingly quiet since the junta took over, not rising to the bait, and yes, they have been baited on more than one occasion, they have even gone as far as saying publicly they will not obstruct the junta and they deserve a chance.

But now Suthep has been added once again to the mix and has been allowed to for a new group that is very very very much a political entity, why on earth should the Reds not feel very aggrieved that he's allowed to do so, and no actions or Shutdowns or arrests being made?

This to my cynical mind is provocative in nature and its sole purpose is to bring the Reds out, angry and spitting.

Suthep needs brought to heel, urgently because he and the general have to shoulder the burden if things get violent, and they will, again, my cynical mind thinks the timing of this isn't coincidence, the junta have been failing in many areas, the economy is taking a beating, the reforms have slowed down, reconciliation hasn't even started, the junta have gone stale mate, it's like they're all out of ideas.

Cue Suthep, a little distraction, stir the country up, deflect the facts that Thailand is in a critical period of time, the latest Human trafficking report, then the fishing industry potential ban, and the aviation woes, here comes our faithful Pitbull, we can let him off the leash, troubles flare, we justify longer in power, we cite instability within the country, we use these excuses for poor performance by not fixing the broken shit...and on and on it goes.

Do you think Suthep should be allowed a platform to speak when the Reds keep being denied one Jamie?

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