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Redshirt leaders Vow response to Suthep speech


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If you have any proof that what he said was factual, present it. Where is the huge bias when they were initially allowed to walk? In your mind?

they were not initially allowed to "walk", they were convicted and the sentences suspended... interestingly enough, this apparently outraged Wasant and the appeals court kept the conviction and removed the suspended sentence...

now, as a follow up, what would constitute "proof" that the defendants did not defame this judge for you? And if someone presented that proof, do you think that they could be taken to court for defamation? This is, after all, LM for judges...

Wasant didn't appeal the conviction, Prompong did. Until then, the case was over. So how does your logic say that their incarceration was due to Wasant's input? Do you have any proof that he affected the appeal, other than your own blind bias?

Proof that the original accusation was true. Your slow mate has already defamed the judge by his claims the accusation were factual. Now let him support that BS.

Edited by halloween
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Truth is not a defense so the allegations may not be lies at all. His conviction would still be upheld if the comments were true.

So he was not proved to be lying.

LM and defamation laws are a blight on the judicial system.

Edited by Linky
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"said it would only be fair for the military government to give his group permission to discuss a topic of their choosing."

Typical red-shirt logic.

How about his group join in the discussion about reforms and maybe set up something to give their own input to balance what Suthep comes up with ?.

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"said it would only be fair for the military government to give his group permission to discuss a topic of their choosing."

Typical red-shirt logic.

How about his group join in the discussion about reforms and maybe set up something to give their own input to balance what Suthep comes up with ?.

What about Sutherp join the UDD conference on red-shirted Bulbuts to initiate reconciliation. smile.png

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"said it would only be fair for the military government to give his group permission to discuss a topic of their choosing."

Typical red-shirt logic.

How about his group join in the discussion about reforms and maybe set up something to give their own input to balance what Suthep comes up with ?.

What about Sutherp join the UDD conference on red-shirted Bulbuts to initiate reconciliation. smile.png

Why don't the farmers form a discussion group about the lowly sparrow then we could have the brown shirts as well.

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"said it would only be fair for the military government to give his group permission to discuss a topic of their choosing."

Typical red-shirt logic.

How about his group join in the discussion about reforms and maybe set up something to give their own input to balance what Suthep comes up with ?.

What about Sutherp join the UDD conference on red-shirted Bulbuts to initiate reconciliation. smile.png

Or how about both of them stop getting involved in politics at all. The reds have been very quiet and then Suthep has to open his mouth again to antagonise them.

If Suthep really wanted reconcilliation and peace he would shut the h*ll up.

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"said it would only be fair for the military government to give his group permission to discuss a topic of their choosing."

Typical red-shirt logic.

How about his group join in the discussion about reforms and maybe set up something to give their own input to balance what Suthep comes up with ?.

What about Sutherp join the UDD conference on red-shirted Bulbuts to initiate reconciliation. smile.png

Because red-shirts don't want reconciliation. They want the 'elite' kicked out then all their money shared out between them.

It's called communism and it doesn't work. You end of with an 'elite' far worse than things are now.

The only way forward for Thailand is to have electoral reform to avoid another Parliament full of dirty cronies then have another shot at democracy. But it's clear red-shirts much prefer to have their votes bought.

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If you have any proof that what he said was factual, present it. Where is the huge bias when they were initially allowed to walk? In your mind?

they were not initially allowed to "walk", they were convicted and the sentences suspended... interestingly enough, this apparently outraged Wasant and the appeals court kept the conviction and removed the suspended sentence...

now, as a follow up, what would constitute "proof" that the defendants did not defame this judge for you? And if someone presented that proof, do you think that they could be taken to court for defamation? This is, after all, LM for judges...

Wasant didn't appeal the conviction, Prompong did. Until then, the case was over. So how does your logic say that their incarceration was due to Wasant's input? Do you have any proof that he affected the appeal, other than your own blind bias?

Proof that the original accusation was true. Your slow mate has already defamed the judge by his claims the accusation were factual. Now let him support that BS.

Wasant didn't appeal the conviction, Prompong did.

not relevant.

He was convicted. I am not familiar with the possible consequences of letting the convictions stand, but if he felt that he(they) was not guilty, then why should they not appeal?

If you read my statement, this apparently outraged Wasant then you might understand that there were other reports related to Wasant's reaction. So why do you ask me for "proof"? Except to support the idea that maybe the Thai courts are not "biased"... Maybe that's why you go after "proof" in situations where no one here is in any position to supply "proof"...

just guessing... coffee1.gif

But the politicisation of the Thai courts is nothing new and it has been observed far and wide, inside and outside of Thailand - by observers and academics alike, ... Please google thailand politicized courts and you'll come up with plenty of references.

Now, I'll ignore the fact that you didn't reply to any of the questions posed to you... whistling.gif

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"said it would only be fair for the military government to give his group permission to discuss a topic of their choosing."

Typical red-shirt logic.

How about his group join in the discussion about reforms and maybe set up something to give their own input to balance what Suthep comes up with ?.

how 'bout the military stays out of politics and everyone follows the processes written in the Thai constitution?

ooops, too late...

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"said it would only be fair for the military government to give his group permission to discuss a topic of their choosing."

Typical red-shirt logic.

How about his group join in the discussion about reforms and maybe set up something to give their own input to balance what Suthep comes up with ?.

What about Sutherp join the UDD conference on red-shirted Bulbuts to initiate reconciliation. smile.png

Because red-shirts don't want reconciliation. They want the 'elite' kicked out then all their money shared out between them.

It's called communism and it doesn't work. You end of with an 'elite' far worse than things are now.

The only way forward for Thailand is to have electoral reform to avoid another Parliament full of dirty cronies then have another shot at democracy. But it's clear red-shirts much prefer to have their votes bought.

That should be up to ALL Thais and I know it upsets you, but The reds are Thai and deserve a say. Whether you like it or not.

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"said it would only be fair for the military government to give his group permission to discuss a topic of their choosing."

Typical red-shirt logic.

How about his group join in the discussion about reforms and maybe set up something to give their own input to balance what Suthep comes up with ?.

how 'bout the military stays out of politics and everyone follows the processes written in the Thai constitution?

ooops, too late...

That would be bacon and eggs...... without the bacon.

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"said it would only be fair for the military government to give his group permission to discuss a topic of their choosing."

Typical red-shirt logic.

How about his group join in the discussion about reforms and maybe set up something to give their own input to balance what Suthep comes up with ?.

What about Sutherp join the UDD conference on red-shirted Bulbuts to initiate reconciliation. smile.png

Because red-shirts don't want reconciliation. They want the 'elite' kicked out then all their money shared out between them.

It's called communism and it doesn't work. You end of with an 'elite' far worse than things are now.

The only way forward for Thailand is to have electoral reform to avoid another Parliament full of dirty cronies then have another shot at democracy. But it's clear red-shirts much prefer to have their votes bought.


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If he was going to hold a press conference it might be more appropriate to discuss constructive reform proposals, but then just like yingluck not bothering to go on a TV show to discuss proposals that will benefit the majority they have no concern for the majority. They only think of themselves and a one up man ship on Suthep. This childish approach does nothing for the majority and simply highlights the UDD's absolute disregard for the Thai people by lowering themselves to play ground antics.

If the UDD believe it is not appropriate for Suthep to be making these appearances and discussing reform they could ask Prayut for clarification on the matter so they have a better understanding of what is legal and what is not.

The UDD leaders truly do show symptoms of Munchausen Syndrome with undertones of stupidity when taking this approach. They cannot do anything without bringing attention to themselves in a non-constructive yet highly visible way. When your becoming irrelevant that is the only way to keep your head above water.

​Now fast forward to the UDD conference and I can guarantee that just like aa person with Munchausen Syndrome they will not talk about birds, but will break the law, intimidate Suthep, divide the nation and they will be banned again. And when they are banned they will be on the front page of the paper again like the Munchausen Syndrome students stating "See, we are treated differently" while conveniently forgetting to tell the reporter what they actually said that got them banned.

​They are so desperate to try to prove a double standard that is not their they will intentionally break the law to try to prove it.

Thank God Suthep is above all of this and is showing some decorum appropriate to an adult.

I believe Djjamie gets a rough time of it on this forum.

His views are valid and well made. I believe the redshirts are driven by a totally corrupt leader who pays minions (ironic that minions are yellow in the movie) to represent lies as truth.

However I can't agree this response. I understood the coup was intent on removing corruption and injustice and blatant favouritism.

Allowing Suthep a public political platform, whilst imprisoning 14 students is totally unreasonable.

It clearly shows a bias

It fails to assist in the reconciliation process, where any bias must be discounted.

Furthermore, it legitimizes the redshirt faction in making claims against the coup.leaders - a very bad state of affairs in my opinion.

Djjamie, with respect I can't see this as anything but bad, and as the old saying goes -

No matter how much lipstick you put on a pig...

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They have to respond, face demands it and both Suthep and Prayuth would know that, maybe the PM has dropped the ball or maybe its all pre arranged.

It does make the banning of shirt colours and political speeches etc by the Junta look stupid and can no longer pretend its unbiased if it reacts to a similar red news conference....

Either way it shows the Junta has lost its hold already and certain other interests like Suthep is attempting to prove his power by flaunting clear rules imposed on political pot stirring.

So the question is really who is manipulating who or perhaps who is getting tired of waiting for who to do what...

Letting Suthep spout his tripe is a clear sign the PM has lost the power baton.

Good points well made-

Focus should be on reconciliation not regaining power by stealth.

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Redshirt Leaders Vow Response to Suthep Speech

yeah, but have they got a spokesperson with a set of choppers like Suthep?? biggrin.png

Nobody could fake a smile like him.

Leave the guy alone, he has spent months in the monastery concentrating on his most pious mantra.

'Nobody likes a fat politician, smile for the cameras'

'Nobody likes a fat politician, smile for the cameras'

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"said it would only be fair for the military government to give his group permission to discuss a topic of their choosing."

Typical red-shirt logic.

How about his group join in the discussion about reforms and maybe set up something to give their own input to balance what Suthep comes up with ?.

how 'bout the military stays out of politics and everyone follows the processes written in the Thai constitution?

ooops, too late...

how about an elected government follows the law, parliamentary procedure and acts honestly in accordance with their oaths.

Ooops too late.

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If you have any proof that what he said was factual, present it. Where is the huge bias when they were initially allowed to walk? In your mind?

they were not initially allowed to "walk", they were convicted and the sentences suspended... interestingly enough, this apparently outraged Wasant and the appeals court kept the conviction and removed the suspended sentence...

now, as a follow up, what would constitute "proof" that the defendants did not defame this judge for you? And if someone presented that proof, do you think that they could be taken to court for defamation? This is, after all, LM for judges...

Wasant didn't appeal the conviction, Prompong did. Until then, the case was over. So how does your logic say that their incarceration was due to Wasant's input? Do you have any proof that he affected the appeal, other than your own blind bias?

Proof that the original accusation was true. Your slow mate has already defamed the judge by his claims the accusation were factual. Now let him support that BS.

Wasant didn't appeal the conviction, Prompong did.

not relevant.

He was convicted. I am not familiar with the possible consequences of letting the convictions stand, but if he felt that he(they) was not guilty, then why should they not appeal?

If you read my statement, this apparently outraged Wasant then you might understand that there were other reports related to Wasant's reaction. So why do you ask me for "proof"? Except to support the idea that maybe the Thai courts are not "biased"... Maybe that's why you go after "proof" in situations where no one here is in any position to supply "proof"...

just guessing... coffee1.gif

But the politicisation of the Thai courts is nothing new and it has been observed far and wide, inside and outside of Thailand - by observers and academics alike, ... Please google thailand politicized courts and you'll come up with plenty of references.

Now, I'll ignore the fact that you didn't reply to any of the questions posed to you... whistling.gif

Strangely enough, I thought I had answered your questions. Perhaps you didn't like the answers. I haven't seen any reports that Wasant was outraged, probably because I don't read the red rags, but I do like the way you simply dismiss the appeal as irrelevant. It seems Prompong thought he could get a better deal, then again he should know more about the legal system than you. Did he appeal before of after the alleged reports of Wasant's outrage?

Why would Prompong feel he was not guilty? His statement was certainly defamatory. But is it true, as claimed? Where is the witness report giving times and names so that it could be rebutted? Without some form of evidence it is simply a self-serving wild claim made by a known liar working for a known perjurer.

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"said it would only be fair for the military government to give his group permission to discuss a topic of their choosing."

Typical red-shirt logic.

How about his group join in the discussion about reforms and maybe set up something to give their own input to balance what Suthep comes up with ?.

What about Sutherp join the UDD conference on red-shirted Bulbuts to initiate reconciliation. smile.png

Because red-shirts don't want reconciliation. They want the 'elite' kicked out then all their money shared out between them.

It's called communism and it doesn't work. You end of with an 'elite' far worse than things are now.

The only way forward for Thailand is to have electoral reform to avoid another Parliament full of dirty cronies then have another shot at democracy. But it's clear red-shirts much prefer to have their votes bought.


Absolutely - the Shins won't share anything with anybody if they can help it. The Red Shirts would be delusional to believe otherwise wink.png

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"said it would only be fair for the military government to give his group permission to discuss a topic of their choosing."

Typical red-shirt logic.

How about his group join in the discussion about reforms and maybe set up something to give their own input to balance what Suthep comes up with ?.


What about Sutherp join the UDD conference on red-shirted Bulbuts to initiate reconciliation. smile.png

Because red-shirts don't want reconciliation. They want the 'elite' kicked out then all their money shared out between them.

It's called communism and it doesn't work. You end of with an 'elite' far worse than things are now.

The only way forward for Thailand is to have electoral reform to avoid another Parliament full of dirty cronies then have another shot at democracy. But it's clear red-shirts much prefer to have their votes bought.

John, get professional help.............quick.

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"said it would only be fair for the military government to give his group permission to discuss a topic of their choosing."

Typical red-shirt logic.

How about his group join in the discussion about reforms and maybe set up something to give their own input to balance what Suthep comes up with ?.

how 'bout the military stays out of politics and everyone follows the processes written in the Thai constitution?

ooops, too late...

how about an elected government follows the law, parliamentary procedure and acts honestly in accordance with their oaths.

Ooops too late.

Glad you agree the yellows are the same as the reds. But does that also go for the UNelected govt?

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"said it would only be fair for the military government to give his group permission to discuss a topic of their choosing."

Typical red-shirt logic.

How about his group join in the discussion about reforms and maybe set up something to give their own input to balance what Suthep comes up with ?.

how 'bout the military stays out of politics and everyone follows the processes written in the Thai constitution?

ooops, too late...

how about an elected government follows the law, parliamentary procedure and acts honestly in accordance with their oaths.

Ooops too late.

are you that much of a junta-hugger or just that much of a Thaksin-hater that you prefer to put constitution after constitution into the paper shredder rather than stick with the (usually messy) process of democracy?

back to the point you were, maybe, trying to make, yeah, it would be great to have a good, elected government. And the requirement for that to happen is to have an elected government ... which isn't in the cards for Thailand for the foreseeable future.

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they were not initially allowed to "walk", they were convicted and the sentences suspended... interestingly enough, this apparently outraged Wasant and the appeals court kept the conviction and removed the suspended sentence...

now, as a follow up, what would constitute "proof" that the defendants did not defame this judge for you? And if someone presented that proof, do you think that they could be taken to court for defamation? This is, after all, LM for judges...

Wasant didn't appeal the conviction, Prompong did. Until then, the case was over. So how does your logic say that their incarceration was due to Wasant's input? Do you have any proof that he affected the appeal, other than your own blind bias?

Proof that the original accusation was true. Your slow mate has already defamed the judge by his claims the accusation were factual. Now let him support that BS.

Wasant didn't appeal the conviction, Prompong did.

not relevant.

He was convicted. I am not familiar with the possible consequences of letting the convictions stand, but if he felt that he(they) was not guilty, then why should they not appeal?

If you read my statement, this apparently outraged Wasant then you might understand that there were other reports related to Wasant's reaction. So why do you ask me for "proof"? Except to support the idea that maybe the Thai courts are not "biased"... Maybe that's why you go after "proof" in situations where no one here is in any position to supply "proof"...

just guessing... coffee1.gif

But the politicisation of the Thai courts is nothing new and it has been observed far and wide, inside and outside of Thailand - by observers and academics alike, ... Please google thailand politicized courts and you'll come up with plenty of references.

Now, I'll ignore the fact that you didn't reply to any of the questions posed to you... whistling.gif

Strangely enough, I thought I had answered your questions. Perhaps you didn't like the answers. I haven't seen any reports that Wasant was outraged, probably because I don't read the red rags, but I do like the way you simply dismiss the appeal as irrelevant. It seems Prompong thought he could get a better deal, then again he should know more about the legal system than you. Did he appeal before of after the alleged reports of Wasant's outrage?

Why would Prompong feel he was not guilty? His statement was certainly defamatory. But is it true, as claimed? Where is the witness report giving times and names so that it could be rebutted? Without some form of evidence it is simply a self-serving wild claim made by a known liar working for a known perjurer.

do you really have no imagination to consider why someone might appeal a guilty conviction?

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When are these 'red tit warblers' going to understand they need to show less self interest & stop pushing Dubai's 'Black headed Gull's' agenda.

They need to show more genuine concern for the whole Thai populace, but doubt have capacity to be more inclusive!

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When are these 'red tit warblers' going to understand they need to show less self interest & stop pushing Dubai's 'Black headed Gull's' agenda.

They need to show more genuine concern for the whole Thai populace, but doubt have capacity to be more inclusive!

Perhaps the same time the yellows and army do.

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