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Land Price Increase In Chiang Mai

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Because the route is 4-lane most of the way from Sanpatong it's about 35mins to the AirportPlaza traffic lights. The same to Payap if you turn East off the 4-lane Cmai-Sanpatong at the new bypass intersection(the one with the very visible countdown timer) to the main CMai_Bkk superhwy. A lot less once the newly-surveyed 4-lane opens to the canal road as you will no longer have to go into Sanpatong to access CMai.

If you are really going to invest in a gated facility, I suggest you go there several times at night to check the noise level, and to visit several times on weekends to check out your future neighbours' impact on your quiet study time. Try to buy at the rear of the community to avoid the noise of the daily commute past your house. Check the site well before purchase to view ongoing construction, and speak to any current owners as to whether they'd buy into that estate had they the chance to do so again. Remember too that this home will be your 1st and last purchase! Chances of resale are negligible considering Thais hate 2nd-hand houses (ghosts and all), and future new housing will be priced to sell at around the same as your asking price or less. Farangs tend to up their prices a heck of a lot, just like they do when selling their cars. Have fun....

Wow! Just Luv Chiangmai!

Yeah I know resale is a PITA. Hmmm 35mins is too far for us.

As for the noise level, I would actually have to check that out for me, because I am the loud one. Often times I listen to loud American Metal while studying, and oddly enough my Fiancee likes metal too (and she is not a squoi :o ) But I return to CM next week so I can begin to dive in to the fun fun world of real estate.... Thank god both of my parents were realators at one point and I learned a few tricks of the trade, so I am not totally defensless....

thanks for your replies :D

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I just don't know why would a land locked, irrelevant place, as Chiang Mai command any real estate prices.

Could be, it's heading the same way as Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico..when in 20 yrs all the residents either die or are good for nothing.

The strength Thai economy has exercised and enjoyed has been - close to the ports, young and cheap labour.

In a year or two, we may see some decay of Hua Hin and the places "on the wrong side of the airport".

The deposed PM tried to make something of Chiang Mai, crazy projects somebody mentioned earlier, even shifted a portion of TG flights to originate from there but it was mostly his political will, nothing really demanded by the public.

Also, has not Pattaya became the second largest city in the country where the second is 2% of the population (and market) of the capital?

I would know I am wrong when there are many reports about BKK graduates migrating towards Chiang Mai.

IMO, that place lives in the heads of rich Thai retirees, farangs and regional airlines who want to bring customers to something not seen before.

Junk investment it is, in anything there, IMO.

You are wrong

Chaiang Mai in ten years according to wife and her brother shall be more expense than London New York or Paris buy now and be rich.

I am buying I shall be rich. What a great country where all you have to do is just buy real estate and you can be rich.

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I just don't know why would a land locked, irrelevant place, as Chiang Mai command any real estate prices.

Could be, it's heading the same way as Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico..when in 20 yrs all the residents either die or are good for nothing.

The strength Thai economy has exercised and enjoyed has been - close to the ports, young and cheap labour.

In a year or two, we may see some decay of Hua Hin and the places "on the wrong side of the airport".

The deposed PM tried to make something of Chiang Mai, crazy projects somebody mentioned earlier, even shifted a portion of TG flights to originate from there but it was mostly his political will, nothing really demanded by the public.

Also, has not Pattaya became the second largest city in the country where the second is 2% of the population (and market) of the capital?

I would know I am wrong when there are many reports about BKK graduates migrating towards Chiang Mai.

IMO, that place lives in the heads of rich Thai retirees, farangs and regional airlines who want to bring customers to something not seen before.

Junk investment it is, in anything there, IMO.

You are wrong

Chaiang Mai in ten years according to wife and her brother shall be more expense than London New York or Paris buy now and be rich.

I am buying I shall be rich. What a great country where all you have to do is just buy real estate and you can be rich.

Yeah, I agree I am getting land now. I hope to buy now and then buy larger down the line.

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Chaiang Mai in ten years according to wife and her brother shall be more expense than London New York or Paris buy now and be rich.

Now that is funny :o

Well if the land keeps getting bought up and we continue to see 17k per wah then we are looking at 600k per acre, that IS more expensive than where I live in the US, which is considered an affluent area.

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I'm a city boy and can't contribute on the country estate part of property prices. However, talking Chiang Mai downtown: property prices have been steadily going up the last two years (at least) - and the trend seems to continue.

Two years ago we were looking for a place to make a "shop" with accomodations upstairs. Although, we - at that time - were only looking for a rental, we checked out sales prices with the future in mind. We were looking for a place in the tourist-guesthouse-hotel areas and were particularly looking for a single shophouse, 3-4 story. They usually covers 50-70 sqm land and has about 4 meter front to the street. Averaged over maybe 60-70 known prices I'd say typical prices for a typical 3-4 story, single shophouse, ranged between 2,5 - 3,0 M for a place not needing any constructional renovations or exteriour paint.

Well, at that time we ended up by renting a place, but 1/2 a year ago we were in the mood for buying our rental. Once again we checked up on prices - same area, same kind of properties. Range was now more like 3,0 - 3,5 M

Since we're now owners, we certainly do follow the trend closely. There's quite a bit of new construction work going on in the neighbourhood. Quite a few 'dead' places, which have had a "For Sale" sign for most of the two years (at least), have been sold lately and has come to life. We regularly check online listings as well as hardcopy listings as well as call phonenumbers sitting on shophouses for sale .... The (current) trend isn't less promising than before ... For one thing: half a year ago, you still had a choise of decent shophouses for 2,7 - 2,8 M --- now, you'd have to look hard for anything less than 3,0 M ... (and you better have well in excess of 4,0 M, if you're looking for something slightly above average).

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Chaiang Mai in ten years according to wife and her brother shall be more expense than London New York or Paris buy now and be rich.

Now that is funny :o

Well if the land keeps getting bought up and we continue to see 17k per wah then we are looking at 600k per acre, that IS more expensive than where I live in the US, which is considered an affluent area.

In Thailand the prices should be more than America.

Do really think Americans are richer or smarter than Thais?

America has a lot to learn about morals and medical service from Thailand

Remember America doesn't have free Medical as Thailand has.

If you have anymore questions I will be please to help you.

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