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PM says Thaksin's police rank case is now over


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Thaksin Shinawatra's new business card-

no longer a top policeman

a fugitive in exile

a man that works hard to tear apart the fabric of his homeland

a desperado

a megalomaniac

and proud of it all


ex PM

loved by majority of Thais

voted in at every election

vilified by the elite

unelected military junta stripped him of Police rank

so what??? he's not coming back and this obsession with Thaksin, who has not been in power since 2006, is just a great propaganda smokescreen for the real reason all this has happened.

But who cares about the truth eh?

ex PM..................................................Definitely

loved by majority of Thais.............Minority

voted in at every election..............Certainly, while he was running as a politician and not a fugitive.

vilified by the elite...........................And millions of ordinary Thais

unelected military junta stripped him of Police rank........Justifiably

And life goes on without him.

Voted in at every election as long as he was running as a candidate and also running the election (with the possible exception of his first major electoral victory, when he was NOT PM and able to manipulate the situation.

Well with this funds and full scale vote buying my dog would win the elections....

But would your dog then set out to strip as much money out of the system as possible while telling everyone what a great dog he was and only had the interests of Thailand as his goal -- wouldn't think so

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Even his son said something anout "just remove his rank." It carries no weight at all.

Having said that, let's just see how long it takes to remove his rank.

The case is not over. I am pretty sure of that.

Surely his Police rank is not worldwide anyway? He is a fugitive not a serving Police officer.
Fugitive conjures up a image of a haggard figure lurking in dark corners fearing discovery.. Thaksin is effectively standing up in public, showing two fingers to the Junta and shouting" yah boo sucks" to them. Not so much a fugitive as an exile perhaps? Edited by JAG
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Even his son said something anout "just remove his rank." It carries no weight at all.

Having said that, let's just see how long it takes to remove his rank.

The case is not over. I am pretty sure of that.

Surely his Police rank is not worldwide anyway? He is a fugitive not a serving Police officer.
Fugitive conjures up a image of a haggard figure lurking in dark corners fearing discovery.. Thaksin is effectively standing up in public, showing two fingers to the Junta and shouting" yah boo sucks" to them. Not so much a fugitive as an exile perhaps?

Nonsense. You don't get to make up your own definitions. "Fugitive" is already quite nicely defined, as is "Exiled". Thaksin IS a fugitive, he is NOT an exile and can return any time he likes (and as you no doubt well know they couldn't refuse him entry to the country if they wanted to). Thank-you for playing and nice try.

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Finally! Now revoke his passport.

They don't have the authority to do that, the best they can do is request the Montenegro authorities to revoke it but I don't see them complying.

I meant the Thai passport given back to him by the PTP. His Montenegrian, Nigerian and one from Nicaragua can not be revoced by the Thai government.

Edited by Skywalker69
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Even his son said something anout "just remove his rank." It carries no weight at all.

Having said that, let's just see how long it takes to remove his rank.

The case is not over. I am pretty sure of that.

Surely his Police rank is not worldwide anyway? He is a fugitive not a serving Police officer.
Fugitive conjures up a image of a haggard figure lurking in dark corners fearing discovery.. Thaksin is effectively standing up in public, showing two fingers to the Junta and shouting" yah boo sucks" to them. Not so much a fugitive as an exile perhaps?

Nonsense. You don't get to make up your own definitions. "Fugitive" is already quite nicely defined, as is "Exiled". Thaksin IS a fugitive, he is NOT an exile and can return any time he likes (and as you no doubt well know they couldn't refuse him entry to the country if they wanted to). Thank-you for playing and nice try.

"Fugitive" is indeed quite nicely defined. The Oxford Dictionary defines it as "a person who is fleeing of escaping". Thaksin is hardly doing either. Exile however is defined as "long absence from ones home or country". That is exactly what Thaksin is undergoing. That it is self imposed, and he could return if wished is immaterial. Of course, "exile doesn't have the dramatic undertones of "fugitive", however what Thaksin is doing is hardly dramatic!

Thank you anyway for congratulating me on "playing, and a nice try", whatever that may mean.

Edited by JAG
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Fugitive conjures up a image of a haggard figure lurking in dark corners fearing discovery.. Thaksin is effectively standing up in public, showing two fingers to the Junta and shouting" yah boo sucks" to them. Not so much a fugitive as an exile perhaps?

Nonsense. You don't get to make up your own definitions. "Fugitive" is already quite nicely defined, as is "Exiled". Thaksin IS a fugitive, he is NOT an exile and can return any time he likes (and as you no doubt well know they couldn't refuse him entry to the country if they wanted to). Thank-you for playing and nice try.

"Fugitive" is indeed quite nicely defined. The Oxford Dictionary defines it as "a person who is fleeing of escaping". Thaksin is hardly doing either. Exile however is defined as "long absence from ones home or country". That is exactly what Thaksin is undergoing. That it is self imposed, and he could return if wished is immaterial. Of course, "exile doesn't have the dramatic undertones of "fugitive", however what Thaksin is doing is hardly dramatic!

Thank you anyway for congratulating me on "playing, and a nice try", whatever that may mean.

If Thaksin isn't fleeing or escaping from Thai justice what is he doing, holidaying, on study leave, sabbatical, research grant, maybe just simply having a long break from the rigours of corruption, or recouping after his long and fruitful political career - please let us know.

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He is as I said maintaining a high public and political profile outside Thailand. Avoiding what may be described as justice certainly. Not fleeing from it. My point is that the term fugitive carries all the connotations of desperado outlaws, every man's hands against them, hiding out. This simply isn't the case with Thaksin.

I do understand the desire to invest him with the mantle of fugitive, it fits well with the narrative of so many who detest him and everything about him. It just doesn't fit, that's all.

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Fugitive conjures up a image of a haggard figure lurking in dark corners fearing discovery.. Thaksin is effectively standing up in public, showing two fingers to the Junta and shouting" yah boo sucks" to them. Not so much a fugitive as an exile perhaps?

Nonsense. You don't get to make up your own definitions. "Fugitive" is already quite nicely defined, as is "Exiled". Thaksin IS a fugitive, he is NOT an exile and can return any time he likes (and as you no doubt well know they couldn't refuse him entry to the country if they wanted to). Thank-you for playing and nice try.

"Fugitive" is indeed quite nicely defined. The Oxford Dictionary defines it as "a person who is fleeing of escaping". Thaksin is hardly doing either. Exile however is defined as "long absence from ones home or country". That is exactly what Thaksin is undergoing. That it is self imposed, and he could return if wished is immaterial. Of course, "exile doesn't have the dramatic undertones of "fugitive", however what Thaksin is doing is hardly dramatic!

Thank you anyway for congratulating me on "playing, and a nice try", whatever that may mean.

Wow. The lengths to which Thaksin-lovers will go to sweeten the stink of this guy. Now he's not a "fugitive", but an "exile", 'cause it sounds better. ...Despite the fact that he obviously is in fact a fugitive, and not in fact an exile. I guess we can blame Clinton for silly word games like this: "it depends on what the meaning of is is ...".

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Fugitive conjures up a image of a haggard figure lurking in dark corners fearing discovery.. Thaksin is effectively standing up in public, showing two fingers to the Junta and shouting" yah boo sucks" to them. Not so much a fugitive as an exile perhaps?

Nonsense. You don't get to make up your own definitions. "Fugitive" is already quite nicely defined, as is "Exiled". Thaksin IS a fugitive, he is NOT an exile and can return any time he likes (and as you no doubt well know they couldn't refuse him entry to the country if they wanted to). Thank-you for playing and nice try.

"Fugitive" is indeed quite nicely defined. The Oxford Dictionary defines it as "a person who is fleeing of escaping". Thaksin is hardly doing either. Exile however is defined as "long absence from ones home or country". That is exactly what Thaksin is undergoing. That it is self imposed, and he could return if wished is immaterial. Of course, "exile doesn't have the dramatic undertones of "fugitive", however what Thaksin is doing is hardly dramatic!

Thank you anyway for congratulating me on "playing, and a nice try", whatever that may mean.

Wow. The lengths to which Thaksin-lovers will go to sweeten the stink of this guy. Now he's not a "fugitive", but an "exile", 'cause it sounds better. ...Despite the fact that he obviously is in fact a fugitive, and not in fact an exile. I guess we can blame Clinton for silly word games like this: "it depends on what the meaning of is is ...".

"Wow" indeed. I made a simple (if arguably pedantic) comment on what I saw as the inappropriate use of a term to describe Thaksin, and explained why I thought that was the case.. Now you are splashing around in the deep end, shouting about Thaksin lovers, (granted I don't share your view that he is the root of all evil in Thailand but that doesn't mean I love him), sweetening stinks and most bizarrely but revealingly blaming Clinton, (husband, wife or daughter - I don't know)!

Please understand that not everybody is obsessed with frothing hatred for Thaksin and the broader faction which he seems to lead in Thai society, and why not try and accept that they can express such a point of view without having to resort to wild accusations about sweetening stinks and impenetrable references to the Clintons!

Edited by JAG
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Nonsense. You don't get to make up your own definitions. "Fugitive" is already quite nicely defined, as is "Exiled". Thaksin IS a fugitive, he is NOT an exile and can return any time he likes (and as you no doubt well know they couldn't refuse him entry to the country if they wanted to). Thank-you for playing and nice try.

"Fugitive" is indeed quite nicely defined. The Oxford Dictionary defines it as "a person who is fleeing of escaping". Thaksin is hardly doing either. Exile however is defined as "long absence from ones home or country". That is exactly what Thaksin is undergoing. That it is self imposed, and he could return if wished is immaterial. Of course, "exile doesn't have the dramatic undertones of "fugitive", however what Thaksin is doing is hardly dramatic!

Thank you anyway for congratulating me on "playing, and a nice try", whatever that may mean.

Wow. The lengths to which Thaksin-lovers will go to sweeten the stink of this guy. Now he's not a "fugitive", but an "exile", 'cause it sounds better. ...Despite the fact that he obviously is in fact a fugitive, and not in fact an exile. I guess we can blame Clinton for silly word games like this: "it depends on what the meaning of is is ...".

"Wow" indeed. I made a simple (if arguably pedantic) comment on what I saw as the inappropriate use of a term to describe Thaksin, and explained why I thought that was the case.. Now you are splashing around in the deep end, shouting about Thaksin lovers, (granted I don't share your view that he is the root of all evil in Thailand but that doesn't mean I love him), sweetening stinks and most bizarrely but revealingly blaming Clinton, (husband, wife or daughter - I don't know)!

Please understand that not everybody is obsessed with frothing hatred for Thaksin and the broader faction which he seems to lead in Thai society, and why not try and accept that they can express such a point of view without having to resort to wild accusations about sweetening stinks and impenetrable references to the Clintons!

He is a fugitive. He's not an exile. Simple. Deal with it. (Or not. Who cares whether you do or don't?)

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Poor T. Now he's got to print new business cards and stationery.

Thaksin Shinawatra's new business card-

no longer a top policeman

a fugitive in exile

a man that works hard to tear apart the fabric of his homeland

a desperado

a megalomaniac

and proud of it all

But he is still the most popular Thai PM ever, ask the millions of ordinary Thai voters. No one, not the present self appointed PM or anybody from the Dems will ever be able to say this. All you farang who support the Thai hi-so, goodness knows why, need to wake up and see the direction that Thailand has taken since Thaksin was illegally removed. Literally down the "gurgler" For all those who say that he will never be allowed back, do not be so sure! Many changes are about to happen in Thailand within the next few years. If i supported the present order, i would not be so smug. However thats only my gut feeling sitting here on the fence.

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Pol Lt-Gen Prawuth Thavornsiri, the assistant national police chief and spokesman of the RNPO, said the police office would have to check with the human resources department first about how to move next as the case was unprecedented.

Yes, let's now refer the case to the low ranking civil servants in the human resources dept...I'm sure those folks will quickly determine the next step to take in this high profile case.

Besides, what may be unprecedented is any police officer every being stripped of rank.

And more than a few more deserve the same treatment. Surely conviction of a crime (almost any crime, moderately serious) is enough, without resorting to the obvious fact that he was also a fugtive from Thai justice. And yes, all you red-shirt apologists, he was! Resoundingly so!

Not Thai justice i am afraid, but rather Democrat and Coup justice, the result of a Kangaroo court for their convience.

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“ My duty is to submit the case for Royal approval. For the time being, I am just waiting,” said the prime minister."

Just waiting....if that is the right thing to do? Just wait......

"Meanwhile, Deputy Prime Minister Visanu Kruea-ngam said Thaksin could sue the Royal National Police Office for stripping him of the police rank but could not take legal action against the Council of State because the council merely gave legal advice to the government."

If the PM want to do something different than waiting, why not change the law that way that criminals must come in person to file a case at court?

Typical Dem move, "change the law to suit your own case and stuff the rest" What a nice dictatorial character you must be !

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What is the point of this charade?

For the ultra-rightists (Suthep, PDRC), who sponsored the Coup, this was one of the key goals. They view this hugely symbolic gesture as defeating the politics of the masses and restoring the politics of the "few".

Now someone needs to forward it for Royal Endorsement and Gazetting.

As long as it is not viewed as "political", and can be couched as "legal", then it should be a done deal.

I don't think Suthep sponsored the coup. For me it looks like Suthep himself would have loved to be central secretary of his reform cabinet himself instead of going into the temple.

Suthep went into the temple rather than jail where he belonged , because the General "asked" him to. Many forget that Suthep admitted that he was daily in contact with the General and advising him throughout. Now that it has all blown over, he is out of the temple and will probably soon appear on the scene again to help and advise the now PM.

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Poor T. Now he's got to print new business cards and stationery.

Thaksin Shinawatra's new business card-

no longer a top policeman

a fugitive in exile

a man that works hard to tear apart the fabric of his homeland

a desperado

a megalomaniac

and proud of it all


ex PM

loved by majority of Thais

voted in at every election

vilified by the elite

unelected military junta stripped him of Police rank

so what??? he's not coming back and this obsession with Thaksin, who has not been in power since 2006, is just a great propaganda smokescreen for the real reason all this has happened.

But who cares about the truth eh?

You obviously don't.

He first election win was nearly cancelled due to the "honest mistake" of forgetting to declare billions of HIS money held in the names of his maids, security guards and drivers. Several years later at least 2 judges admitted that they did not follow the rule of law in acquitting him.

His second election was null and void due to the Democrats abstaining.

After that the third election was won by Samak Sunderavej using the PTP.

After Samak lost his court case Thaksins brother in law, Somchai Wongsawat was made PM even though lrgally Samak could have stayed as PM but was clearly NOT family.

Under Somchai the PPP was disbanded for election fraud and the Democrats took over

After them the PTP won and the new PM was surprise Thaksins sister who had zero political experience.

For the PPP and the PTP Thaksin was a criminal fugitive and thus legally barred from standing in ANY election.

Loved by many Thais but NEVER by the majority.

The legal government as approved by the Highest person in the land has effectively stripped an convicted criminal of his former police rank and you think this is wrong?

But quote "who cares about the truth eh?" LannaGuy, on 13 August 2015 - 10.32

Your main problem is that you cannot realise that all Thai politicians are just about the same. The main difference being that Thaksin really did something for the ordinary people as well as himself of course. Whereas the Dems just looked after themselves and their Hi-so cousins Suthep being an excellent example by giving land on Phuket to Hi-so friendly families which was intended for poor Thai farmers. For this he had to resign his position as Agricultural minister to avoid impeachment. Now we have this corrupt man about to come back from the temple, probably to 'once again' advise the self appointed PM

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"Surely his Police rank is not worldwide anyway?"

What is this, is there any Police ranks transferable or recognised in other countries?

Thaksin probably recognises the true value of any rank in the RTP ! and could not care less

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ex PM

loved by majority of Thais

voted in at every election

vilified by the elite

unelected military junta stripped him of Police rank

so what??? he's not coming back and this obsession with Thaksin, who has not been in power since 2006, is just a great propaganda smokescreen for the real reason all this has happened.

But who cares about the truth eh?

You obviously don't.

He first election win was nearly cancelled due to the "honest mistake" of forgetting to declare billions of HIS money held in the names of his maids, security guards and drivers. Several years later at least 2 judges admitted that they did not follow the rule of law in acquitting him.

His second election was null and void due to the Democrats abstaining.

After that the third election was won by Samak Sunderavej using the PTP.

After Samak lost his court case Thaksins brother in law, Somchai Wongsawat was made PM even though lrgally Samak could have stayed as PM but was clearly NOT family.

Under Somchai the PPP was disbanded for election fraud and the Democrats took over

After them the PTP won and the new PM was surprise Thaksins sister who had zero political experience.

For the PPP and the PTP Thaksin was a criminal fugitive and thus legally barred from standing in ANY election.

Loved by many Thais but NEVER by the majority.

The legal government as approved by the Highest person in the land has effectively stripped an convicted criminal of his former police rank and you think this is wrong?

But quote "who cares about the truth eh?" LannaGuy, on 13 August 2015 - 10.32

Your main problem is that you cannot realise that all Thai politicians are just about the same. The main difference being that Thaksin really did something for the ordinary people as well as himself of course. Whereas the Dems just looked after themselves and their Hi-so cousins Suthep being an excellent example by giving land on Phuket to Hi-so friendly families which was intended for poor Thai farmers. For this he had to resign his position as Agricultural minister to avoid impeachment. Now we have this corrupt man about to come back from the temple, probably to 'once again' advise the self appointed PM

I understand that. He was the first politician in this country to ever do anything for the common man. I get that. But that does not mean he is not a fugitive coward, who has been putting all of his energy into tearing his country apart for the past 9 years, for the sake of megalomania. I recognize a maniac when I see one.

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