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Bangkok bombings now believed to be internal conflict rather than international terrorism


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Prayuth has said... Even if the Uighurs claim responsibility, he wouldn't accept it because they waited three days... Much too long smile.png it's clearly the red shirts and Thaksin. smile.png ... It really is time for me to leave this terrible country after eight years. This place is tragic under this junta... So sad

>>terrible Country << ?....and yet you stayed 8 years .lol

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Huh? They said 10 minutes ago the suspect was a foreigner? Dear oh dear,. Thailand really has the govt it deserves now

Goodness me : what is wrong with you people ?.

Quite a few of the shooters in 2010 were foreigners as well.

Go look up "Mercenary' in the dictionary. To help a little : they are foreigner who will come and do the real dirty work you don't want to do yourself and have messy things like lackeys knowing what you did. It keeps the whole affair contained within your most trusted circle.

Please try to put some thought and intelligence into your comments : I'm having hard time holding any respect for people who support terrorism as it is.

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The government has no clue and just speculating.

It can still go either way, but I doubt an international terrorist will try to throw a bomb at a pier. It would be easier for them just to throw it at a populated area if they want to cause maximum damage. The first bombing is so unexpected and hard to tell, but the second bombing are similar to other political bombing where its not intend to cause maximum damage and are usually thrown from a place instead of placed.

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Huh? They said 10 minutes ago the suspect was a foreigner? Dear oh dear,. Thailand really has the govt it deserves now

Goodness me : what is wrong with you people ?.

Quite a few of the shooters in 2010 were foreigners as well.

Go look up "Mercenary' in the dictionary. To help a little : they are foreigner who will come and do the real dirty work you don't want to do yourself and have messy things like lackeys knowing what you did. It keeps the whole affair contained within your most trusted circle.

Please try to put some thought and intelligence into your comments : I'm having hard time holding any respect for people who support terrorism as it is.

Imagine anybody trying to exist without your respect. What a freaking ego.

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I cannot understand this practice of a running commentary and premature conclusions on behalf of the RTP and Thai government officials. Let the investigators do their job and when there is conclusive evidence, make it public. All these statements are distractions for the investigating officers and must be very distressing for the victims and their families.

One only has to look at past incidents or news stories. It seems that many local peacocks use them as an opportunity to display their plumage and announce their grandeur, wisdom and importance to the flock. In the end, much of it is noise and of little worthwhile substance.

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The Privy Council needs to get rid of this guy. He's an embarrassment to the country and it's people. Time for a countercoup

This is looking likely, as of today anyway.

Either the much marginalized Wong Thewan faction, and/or the growing "third" military faction, may be trying to make a subtle move (upcoming re-shuffles, new paint/tires on the cabinet, economic downturn, that big thing we can't speak of)?

This is just the reading of the tea leaves, only, and as of today, based on Field Marshall Prayut's most recent comments and demeanor.

The Red Shirts are wise to sit back and let the Military duke it out, then pick up the pieces.

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CNN said the bomber left on a motorcycle taxi, and while on the taxi spoke on his phone in a "foreign" language that was not English.

Well, Thailand, the English speaking hub of ASEAN. This taxi driver should know! cheesy.gif

I can't speak French or German but I can distinguish between the two. Why do you think the taxi driver wouldn't be able to distinguish between English and another language he didn't recognise???

I recently took a motorcycle taxi at Siriaj and the driver spoke perfect English. He happened to have a degree in engineering and owned a company that was having issues so he's using his motorbike to make money, and he said he makes good money.

Let's not dismiss all the taxi drivers as stupid or uneducated because you never know.

On another thought...

I don't understand how the guy in the picture is supposed to be considered Asian? He doesn't look anything Asian to me, not even in they eyes.

Yes he could be a foreigner that is causing internal issues, it's been done before. Let's not forget that some countries out there have made it

business as usual to overthrow governments usually by starting some internal conflict. Stay open people, the closed and cynical usually miss the obvious.

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"...bombing was well organized in order to discredit the government..."

"...The bombings were carried out by organized movement so as to intimidate foreign tourists, foreign investors not to come to Thailand..."

This is nothing more than being totally self-absorbed and 100% speculation as no one has been caught and interrogated. It's not very responsible or helpful to be putting out statements like this and yet they chastise the social media to not do the same thing they are doing.

It is all part of writing the script and laying it out for public consumption so the end they have in mind will be attained, e.g., never let a crisis go to waste.

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Some of the usual sycophants are so desperate for this to be red shirt connected.

They harp on about some idiots cheering on stage when a scumbag threw a grenade into the crowd and children were killed. Guess what, by now cheering on that you want this to be red shirts makes you hyporcirts. Point scoring of the deaths and horrific injuries of nearly 200 people.

Edited by lildragon
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Prayuth has said... Even if the Uighurs claim responsibility, he wouldn't accept it because they waited three days... Much too long smile.png it's clearly the red shirts and Thaksin. smile.png ... It really is time for me to leave this terrible country after eight years. This place is tragic under this junta... So sad

Stayed the same time and my observations are completely the opposite things improved after Thaksin and the puppets are gone.

About the Uighurs, its not uncommon for groups to claim responsibility for things they have not done. Especially if nobody else has done so. So Prayut has reason to be skeptical when all of a sudden claims like this surface.

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so let's go through the evidence (according to Thai sources) he (or maybe tomboy) is:

'Arab looking'

'a foreigner'

'part of a network'

'internal not international problem'

'with two others'

'spoke English'

'spoke in a language that was not English'

'took a motorbike taxi'

'went to airport'

'went to Lumpini'

'not Uighur'

'perpetrator might be silenced'

'aimed to deter in investors and tourists'

'discredit the government'

'had help, maybe Thais (gasp!)'

'hiding tattoos'

so there we are then a :

non-Uighur tattooed Arab speaking a foreign language sponsored by Thais to disrupt tourism at a Hindu Shrine that was taken to the airport via Lumpini to avoid those that wish to 'silence' him

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so let's go through the evidence (according to Thai sources) he (or maybe tomboy) is:

'Arab looking'

'a foreigner'

'part of a network'

'internal not international problem'

'with two others'

'spoke English'

'spoke in a language that was not English'

'took a motorbike taxi'

'went to airport'

'went to Lumpini'

'not Uighur'

'perpetrator might be silenced'

'aimed to deter in investors and tourists'

'discredit the government'

'had help, maybe Thais (gasp!)'

'hiding tattoos'

so there we are then a :

non-Uighur tattooed Arab speaking a foreign language sponsored by Thais to disrupt tourism at a Hindu Shrine that was taken to the airport via Lumpini to avoid those that wish to 'silence' him

In other news i read the guy spoke Thai too ? Was this not true ?

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so let's go through the evidence (according to Thai sources) he (or maybe tomboy) is:

'Arab looking'

'a foreigner'

'part of a network'

'internal not international problem'

'with two others'

'spoke English'

'spoke in a language that was not English'

'took a motorbike taxi'

'went to airport'

'went to Lumpini'

'not Uighur'

'perpetrator might be silenced'

'aimed to deter in investors and tourists'

'discredit the government'

'had help, maybe Thais (gasp!)'

'hiding tattoos'

so there we are then a :

non-Uighur tattooed Arab speaking a foreign language sponsored by Thais to disrupt tourism at a Hindu Shrine that was taken to the airport via Lumpini to avoid those that wish to 'silence' him

In other news i read the guy spoke Thai too ? Was this not true ?

Not sure but from the pronouncements they are pretty clueless and I see the Good General has now turned down expert help from Britain because it's a matter of 'sovereignty'.

Thais are so damn proud of themselves and too proud to except help from a country who has lost a citizen and has vast amounts of knowledge dealing with things like this bombing - when will they ever learn? (don't answer that)

Edited by LannaGuy
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so let's go through the evidence (according to Thai sources) he (or maybe tomboy) is:

'Arab looking'

'a foreigner'

'part of a network'

'internal not international problem'

'with two others'

'spoke English'

'spoke in a language that was not English'

'took a motorbike taxi'

'went to airport'

'went to Lumpini'

'not Uighur'

'perpetrator might be silenced'

'aimed to deter in investors and tourists'

'discredit the government'

'had help, maybe Thais (gasp!)'

'hiding tattoos'

so there we are then a :

non-Uighur tattooed Arab speaking a foreign language sponsored by Thais to disrupt tourism at a Hindu Shrine that was taken to the airport via Lumpini to avoid those that wish to 'silence' him

In other news i read the guy spoke Thai too ? Was this not true ?

Article on the Bangkok post has excripts from the motorcycle taxi guy that phoned in channel 3. The taxi said that the suspect handed him a piece of paper with lumphini park written on it. The suspect never spoke to the driver but was talking a foreign language (neither English or Thai) on a phone call.

I personally think it's Uighar related.

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so let's go through the evidence (according to Thai sources) he (or maybe tomboy) is:

'Arab looking'

'a foreigner'

'part of a network'

'internal not international problem'

'with two others'

'spoke English'

'spoke in a language that was not English'

'took a motorbike taxi'

'went to airport'

'went to Lumpini'

'not Uighur'

'perpetrator might be silenced'

'aimed to deter in investors and tourists'

'discredit the government'

'had help, maybe Thais (gasp!)'

'hiding tattoos'

so there we are then a :

non-Uighur tattooed Arab speaking a foreign language sponsored by Thais to disrupt tourism at a Hindu Shrine that was taken to the airport via Lumpini to avoid those that wish to 'silence' him

In other news i read the guy spoke Thai too ? Was this not true ?

Article on the Bangkok post has excripts from the motorcycle taxi guy that phoned in channel 3. The taxi said that the suspect handed him a piece of paper with lumphini park written on it. The suspect never spoke to the driver but was talking a foreign language (neither English or Thai) on a phone call.

I personally think it's Uighar related.

I keep all options open until proof surfaces either way, too much conflicting information to point somewhere not to mention that whoever did it would love to shift the blame. If i was a professional I would not speak and if I did I might speak to trow people off the track. Not that would be able to pull something like that off I stand out (besides the morals that prevent me from such)

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Many smart-ss comments as usual here on tvf. People don't realize that a foreigner could easily have been hired to do the dirty work in an internal conflict. Don't think just make a comment as quick as possible.

Edited by Nickymaster
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"Internal Conflict" ???

I thought the "sketch" of the suspect was a foreigner.

It seems the general is bent on putting the blame on red shirts and Thaksin....police and government are saying different things...is the general afraid to take the blame for deporting the Uighurs back to China....

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you never heard of someone being paid... Why couldnt it be a foreigner involved for money payments..

"Internal Conflict" ???

I thought the "sketch" of the suspect was a foreigner.

Internal conflict in the ARMY.....

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Our fearless leader brings to mind a lyric from someone called Bob Dylan:

"Idiot wind, blowing every time you move your mouth".

Why don't they simply pick up the phone and call one of 100 competent countries police forces to help.

Well, the UK (with very strong anti-terrorist skills thanks to the IRA bombing campaigns) has offered to help but of course it was turned down. They might come across something inconvenient and then there is the face issue of course.

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