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Prayut's brother to become permanent secretary for Defence: report

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Oh it's Ginjag-----ha ha, Would you care to tell me who was the defense minister in the PTP government ?????

Have you haters of Prayuth forgotten ?? egg on your faces.

With the super intellect of the last PM, and how well she couldn't manage, how the hell did she become -defense Minister ?? what long term qualifications did she have ?? about the same as she had to manage a country.

Here you all are trying to look good at Custers last stand, and your forgetting about this ??

Two wrongs not make one right, you know...

Kist to refresh my memory what exactly Prayouth did so far?

Bringin guns to arm a militia in the south? Check

Sent back to China Ouighour then asking to not think the bombing maybe a revenge? Check

Telling the forensic to get inspired by blue shirt tv show? Check

Appointing his brother, even if he is competent, to show this country is now under a rule of law and not a family business? Check

Let the trial in samui turning in a farce, worse, letting key defense being under a deffamation law which will forbid them to assist the samui trial further? Check

Send a big middle finger to freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of opinion? Check

Should i give you more?

Thaksin was a croon, her sister a proxy... prayouth is just an incompetent who works for above

I understand.

You are nit picking a few of a list without some of the reasons behind them, and totally ignoring some positives. Please do not ask me for a list--because if you can dig up this list of yours you could equally dig up a brighter list.

Not all is perfect, but give him the 3 years that other stupid crew had and then start to compare the two, this seems to be the argument.

My last post said some truths---did you see any replies from the PM bashers ?? not a word many of them were not posting then, they are followers of a dying tribe.

I wish for a brighter future, and have been a critic on several moves by the PM.......but going along with what we had left and trying to correct it is the way forward---NOT like the minority PM bashers every day relentlessly posting negative posts that are not helping Thailand. Why not constructive criticism ?? problem this crews agenda does not cater for that. I wonder why.

Mm... please let me know what he did exactly for the country? Eveb one big ecemple, not putting new mototaxi jackets..

Corruption maybe? Should start bybcleaning his own house.

About constructive aegument : the first thing would be to avoid appointing his brother, competent or not... this would have been a move to help put trust in doubting people.. now he jus gives more leverage to the reds.

About the fact that the guy on the top signed his position .. i think it is the same each time for each PM...so he should first be under the lese majesty law to overthrow a royal agreement, no?

I am just curious of why yoy xan t discuss the points I highligheted.. are they false?

If you re the only one who cant see that military shouldn t be in power?never, nowhere.

Am I wrong to say that the economy is crumbling? Am I wrong to say that he treat the fishing slavery completly wrong and even criticize international community?

Am i the only one who think that the samui trial is a joke and one more time Thailand will lose face big time?

This is a forum, so ae exchange opinion... i still wait for some of your arguments in favor of this dicta...self appointed government... your answer so far is just dull

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Ahh well, for all we know maybe his brother is actually the best man for the job

Very true and if you belive that you know 3/8 of 7/10 of 1/4 of sfa.

Oh it's Ginjag-----ha ha, Would you care to tell me who was the defense minister in the PTP government ?????

Have you haters of Prayuth forgotten ?? egg on your faces.

With the super intellect of the last PM, and how well she couldn't manage, how the hell did she become -defense Minister ?? what long term qualifications did she have ?? about the same as she had to manage a country.

Here you all are trying to look good at Custers last stand, and your forgetting about this ??

Well if I remember correctly, both of General Custer's brothers went down with him at Greasy Grass. We can only hope that history repeats itself.

Prayut's brother becoming Permanent Secretary for Defense is almost as fishy as Yingluck masquerading as Minister for Defense.

(note the word "permanent" in the title !) thumbsup.gif

Some posters have short memories.


Great to see.

Oh how I should have paid more attention and listened to all the Junta fanatics who so voiciferously cheered the coup as being just what Thailand needed to bring an end to the violence (Erawan bombing....), nepotism (Prayuth's little brother promotion....) and corruption (endless list....) .

Only democracy can cleanse this swamp and only the establishment (plutocrats, military, bureaucracy and am-mart) stand in the way of democracy.

Overturn the social order via one man one vote democracy and Thailand will start to be safer, more meritorious and less corrupt - the economic benefits will then follow.

For better or for worse, at this moment in time, Thaksin is the only man that can save this nation.

Thaksin and the junta are identical in that they both operate as a mafia clan solely focusing on maintaining their leverage over the population. What Thailand desperately needs is a benevolent leader working for the country as a whole rather than clan profits. The only Thai person I can think of that is working for true justice, acting with impartiality, and with a zero budget to boot is David over at CSI LA on facebook. Incredible that it takes someone living abroad to be able to distribute information(without being whacked in minutes).

Thaksin and the Junta are polar opposites!

Thaksin can only attain power (through the people) by winning elections and Thaksin can be removed (through the people) by losing elections.

The Junta always takes power (from the people) by force and cannot be got rid of (by the people) without serious bloodshed or the acceptance of gerrymandered constitutions that all but guarantee a repeat of the election - coup - election - coup cycle.

The facts are, that at this moment in time, a democratic Thailand is a Thailand that will elect a Thaksin proxy. For democracy to actually take hold there is going to have to be an acceptance of repeated PTP governments until such time as the Democrats get their act together and present themselves as a viable alternative for all Thais, not just the entrenched elites.

To repeat, Thaksin and the Junta are polar opposites!


Great to see.

Oh how I should have paid more attention and listened to all the Junta fanatics who so voiciferously cheered the coup as being just what Thailand needed to bring an end to the violence (Erawan bombing....), nepotism (Prayuth's little brother promotion....) and corruption (endless list....) .

Only democracy can cleanse this swamp and only the establishment (plutocrats, military, bureaucracy and am-mart) stand in the way of democracy.

Overturn the social order via one man one vote democracy and Thailand will start to be safer, more meritorious and less corrupt - the economic benefits will then follow.

For better or for worse, at this moment in time, Thaksin is the only man that can save this nation.

you were doing alright until you came to claim that Thaksin is the only man that can save this nation. He never was and never will be a true democrat.

Over-turn the social order - for sure.

Send the military packing - must happen.

Implement a fully enfranchised democracy - would love to see it happen.

But it won't be Thaksin leading the charge.

Thaksin has proven time and time again that he is in it only for himself, that he will "defend democracy" when it serves him, and that he will stand by quietly while others dismantle democracy when that is in his best interests. He said f-all about the coup when it happened. He told his followers to appease the junta. He may not be the last one to come to the defense of Thailand's democratic core, but he is certainly not at the top of the list either.

Thaksins fortunes are tied to democracy.

Without mass support he is nothing more than just another Thai billionaire (of which there are many).

What was he meant to do after the most recent coup?

Send his people out into the streets to once again get slaughtered by the military?

To be shot like dogs in the streets of their own capital by a military whose sole purpose for existence is meant to be to defend them?

Thaksin is head and shoulders above the buffoons opposed to him when it comes to playing politics.

He is clearly playing the long game here.

What use is another street mob followed by an another election under a rigged constitution followed by another coup?

The only thing that will see the end of Thaksin will be a legitimate election defeat.

The day that Thaksin's political party is removed from office solely through the will of the people expressed through the ballot box will be the day that Thailand can take its place amongst the free nations of the world - the only thing delaying this event is the repeated assaults on democracy by the Yellow/Elite/Military/Traditional powers.

Let democracy flourish and all will come up smelling of roses!

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