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Bangkok blast: Police have DNA, other results


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People sweat especially when they are nervous and about to blow up lots of people, sweat can be transferred to bank notes and taxi seats and handles, sweat contains DNA. Not to difficult is it?

It's a rare day that anyone sweats from their finger tips.

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There is one thing i know for sure and that is that if it is the work of some kind of terrorist organization the first thing they do is admit it was them.

No one has admitted this and i believe the guy was Thai/Chinese who did it, and yes he was a youth and so as far as i am concerned this is the work of a small group of fanatical students rebelling against the suppression this junta have put on all academics and students freedom of speech since the takeover of Thailand by a military Junta. All other assumptions at this time do not merit the same consideration.

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If Thai currency gets around the same way as the rest of the worlds currency that DNA will be as good for this crime as any other.

5 years ago it was 12% or so had cocaine found on each bank note, every note these 10% came in contact with became contaminated.

It stands to reason that the nostrils those notes were inserted into may have had nothing to do with explosions. Though it could help Thaksin ( see that how I necly bring in the Thaksin theory) previous project of killing every fuker that takes drugs or is suspected of doing so.

In this case they might as well grab that DNA from currency and frame every other suspect in ongoing crimes in the country. The only reason I can see not to do this is none. TIT it does not matter what the world thinks when you control the legal system.

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Police must report something, so DNA is being brought into the picture as a natural progression to any investigation of such visibility. Later, it will be reported that sample quantity was insufficient ...

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Do the knockers never get tired of ....knocking ....or is it just a way of relieving inner frustrations they may be harbouring. Try going to visit a sick person in a hospital, you'd be surprised how different that will make you feel afterwards. Positive thinking and action produces positive results.....on the other hand ...negative etc., etc., etc., ...Or one could always go back home where the authorities just simply plant the evidence rather than bother looking for it.

It's hard to stay positive

When the police are watching US tv shows to get some pointers

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RTP are producing air in this case only. They don't seem to be bothered by their own incompetence at all.

Strange how the RTP are very shy of having international experts assisting them in recent cases.

After the Bali bombings, Indonesian and Australian Federal Police worked together for months, eventually tracking down suspects around the country.

A good deal of modern technology was used, and I can't help wondering if the RTP are up to scratch on such things. Or maybe they're afraid of losing face??

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There is no way in hell these pinheads are going to accurately pinpoint a suspect, based on DNA, on a banknote that has been mixed with other notes, in the pocket of a Bangkok tuk tuk driver. Any attempt to hang this on a patsy, a reasonable person would conclude, will bring about one serious negative and international backlash! Man up Thailand! Admit your failures!

F's Sake! angry.gif

Suspect uses a Tuk Tuk, gives money, then uses a Taxi, if DNA is found matching one individual on those locations then it can be determined that it comes from the suspect because it would be highly improvable that DNA from another single individual would be found there.

Is not that hard, Taxi has DNA and fingerprints from people belonging to Group A, Tuk Tuk contains DNA and fingerprints from Group B, the suspect used both vehicles therefore an intersection of Group A and Group B would be the DNA and/or fingerprints from the suspect.

Also iIf they have DNA and fingerprints that helps to verify the identity of the bomber if they find a suspect or use it to request assistance from Interpol to check DNA databases for a suspect.

Aaaaah...the DNA-expert from those other threads, where DNA was sooooo important and bullet- proof!

So enlighten me: now you have the DNA of ...approx. 100 people in the taxi and about 20.000 who touched the banknote (and honestly speaking: I doubt any of that!)...and now what?

Oh right...you just need the DNA of ONE SINGLE person to match that bunch of other DNA's and - voila- you have the bomber!

Great work!

F's sake!

Dream on!


Agree ... The Shills from Koh Toilet murders are showing their ugly faces again ... sick.gifsick.gifsick.gif

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There is one thing i know for sure and that is that if it is the work of some kind of terrorist organization the first thing they do is admit it was them.

No one has admitted this and i believe the guy was Thai/Chinese who did it, and yes he was a youth and so as far as i am concerned this is the work of a small group of fanatical students rebelling against the suppression this junta have put on all academics and students freedom of speech since the takeover of Thailand by a military Junta. All other assumptions at this time do not merit the same consideration.

You definitely have a valid point. So, we must ask "Why has no one claimed responsibility?" The point of terrorism is to terrorize. An event like this is so significant that it cant be minimized, therefore you must wonder why wasn't it capitalized on? It could have been significantly magnified by the social media by claiming responsibility and perhaps adding more threats. It was not. Either cutouts were eliminated, a plan gone awry, or a network that is not yet sufficient to keep authorities away needs to remain quiet longer until a framework was in place to aid and abet. Lastly, I do not believe this was an inexperienced bomb maker. If this was a lone wolf or small cell bombmaker it is quite possible it would look like this.

Making bombs is a tool of terrorism, but rarely are they the visionaries. It is a very large leap to go public. This is what I think has happened here. SE Asia has a number of highly trained bomb makers from various jihad vacations.

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Lets fantasize and say they have DNA sample. Do the RTP have access to a DNA library? I dont think so, so how are they going to compare the DNA they have with anything? It sounds good but I think it is useless in real terms.

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People sweat especially when they are nervous and about to blow up lots of people, sweat can be transferred to bank notes and taxi seats and handles, sweat contains DNA. Not to difficult is it?

Not difficult, no. Now, please look through the banknotes in your pocket and identify the one given to you by the check-out girl at 7-11 five days ago - then we can identify her through DNA.

What is being suggested here is that BOTH the tuk tuk driver and taxi driver had not re-spent the banknotes given them by the bomber, and then the RTP had conducted analyses of all the banknotes in possession of both drivers, and the hundreds of DNA samples on each banknote, and found a match.

Now THAT is too difficult to imagine.

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So they got DNA from money and taxi. Probably 50+ people's DNA are in those results, and as taxi and tuktuk were driving in tourist area, you will probably get results that matches Asians, Caucasians, Indians. Middle East etc. Good for them and good luck with sorting out the fingerprints as well.

But what will they use these many DNA results for? They first need a suspect to use these DNA results as well as fingerprints to pin the suspect to have been in the area, otherwise these results are useless.

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There is one thing i know for sure and that is that if it is the work of some kind of terrorist organization the first thing they do is admit it was them.

No one has admitted this and i believe the guy was Thai/Chinese who did it, and yes he was a youth and so as far as i am concerned this is the work of a small group of fanatical students rebelling against the suppression this junta have put on all academics and students freedom of speech since the takeover of Thailand by a military Junta. All other assumptions at this time do not merit the same consideration.

You definitely have a valid point. So, we must ask "Why has no one claimed responsibility?" The point of terrorism is to terrorize. An event like this is so significant that it cant be minimized, therefore you must wonder why wasn't it capitalized on? It could have been significantly magnified by the social media by claiming responsibility and perhaps adding more threats. It was not. Either cutouts were eliminated, a plan gone awry, or a network that is not yet sufficient to keep authorities away needs to remain quiet longer until a framework was in place to aid and abet. Lastly, I do not believe this was an inexperienced bomb maker. If this was a lone wolf or small cell bombmaker it is quite possible it would look like this.

Making bombs is a tool of terrorism, but rarely are they the visionaries. It is a very large leap to go public. This is what I think has happened here. SE Asia has a number of highly trained bomb makers from various jihad vacations.

Because i think this is a message that has been sent to the relevant department IE the Junta. It is a stern warning that they can not silence the Thai people. They have no intentions in letting the general public know who they are because i think some of these people are very powerful pro democratic Thai's. I think this message is from Thai to Thai.

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If, and it is quite a big if, you were able to isolate the banknote, then DNA from that could be cross-referenced with DNA found in the taxi. To get a match on those two sources could provide a lead I suppose. If the police were able to do that it would be a major achievement. Lots of ifs so one would have to be very sceptical that this is merely bluster to show apparent progress.

It may produce a lead, but it's not provable in court. In some countries, it wouldn't be enough to obtain a search warrant.

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"We can't disclose details [of the test results] yet as it may affect ongoing investigations," assistant national police chief Lt-General Prawut Thavornsiri said yesterday."

HaHa Thats got to be a first!!!

As for the DNA from a well handled bank note that should go a long way to prove 0. They could match it up with all the other DNA that was hosed down immediately after the bang. Toy Town cops and robbers.

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There is one thing i know for sure and that is that if it is the work of some kind of terrorist organization the first thing they do is admit it was them.

No one has admitted this and i believe the guy was Thai/Chinese who did it, and yes he was a youth and so as far as i am concerned this is the work of a small group of fanatical students rebelling against the suppression this junta have put on all academics and students freedom of speech since the takeover of Thailand by a military Junta. All other assumptions at this time do not merit the same consideration.

You definitely have a valid point. So, we must ask "Why has no one claimed responsibility?" The point of terrorism is to terrorize. An event like this is so significant that it cant be minimized, therefore you must wonder why wasn't it capitalized on? It could have been significantly magnified by the social media by claiming responsibility and perhaps adding more threats. It was not. Either cutouts were eliminated, a plan gone awry, or a network that is not yet sufficient to keep authorities away needs to remain quiet longer until a framework was in place to aid and abet. Lastly, I do not believe this was an inexperienced bomb maker. If this was a lone wolf or small cell bombmaker it is quite possible it would look like this.

Making bombs is a tool of terrorism, but rarely are they the visionaries. It is a very large leap to go public. This is what I think has happened here. SE Asia has a number of highly trained bomb makers from various jihad vacations.

Because i think this is a message that has been sent to the relevant department IE the Junta. It is a stern warning that they can not silence the Thai people. They have no intentions in letting the general public know who they are because i think some of these people are very powerful pro democratic Thai's. I think this message is from Thai to Thai.

Yes, of course this is people's first glance fear, but I am not sure it is the general first choice. In other words, I was as equally stunned that public debate shifted to muslim terrorism as I was the relative silence about the possibility it was local, political. This was my third working diagnosis. If your theory is correct, it might very well explain the silence. After such a profound and overwhelming rejection of the event from the masses it would be madness to admit it. It would bring overwhelming circumspection.

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There is no way in hell these pinheads are going to accurately pinpoint a suspect, based on DNA, on a banknote that has been mixed with other notes, in the pocket of a Bangkok tuk tuk driver. Any attempt to hang this on a patsy, a reasonable person would conclude, will bring about one serious negative and international backlash! Man up Thailand! Admit your failures!

I am not an expert, but I did try to research detecting human DNA on bank notes on line and found no information.

Again, not an expert, but I do not see how you could leave DNA on a bank note by just handling the note.

If you were some how to leave bodily fluids like blood or seamen on a ban note, yes, I can believe that.

If you could transfer DNA to a bank note, wouldn't the DNA of everyone else who has touched that same bank note have left their DNA on it as well?

It's like finger prints in a taxi, wouldn't there be many prints from many different passengers?*

I would be very interested in an answer if there are any DNA experts here on TV who could provide one.

* footnote: reports I have read say he is known to have taken a motorcycle taxi and a tuk tuk, no mention of an actual "taxi".

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Do we actually pay these idiots or are they just employed on the basis that one can depend on torrents of bullshit at every turn.. Fingerprints in a taxi? DNA from banknotes handed in by taxi and motor bike man. Tomorrow it will be information given by little green men from Mars.

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People sweat especially when they are nervous and about to blow up lots of people, sweat can be transferred to bank notes and taxi seats and handles, sweat contains DNA. Not to difficult is it?

Not difficult, no. Now, please look through the banknotes in your pocket and identify the one given to you by the check-out girl at 7-11 five days ago - then we can identify her through DNA.

What is being suggested here is that BOTH the tuk tuk driver and taxi driver had not re-spent the banknotes given them by the bomber, and then the RTP had conducted analyses of all the banknotes in possession of both drivers, and the hundreds of DNA samples on each banknote, and found a match.

Now THAT is too difficult to imagine.

Then don't imagine things, they did not claim to have a match.

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Now all the BIB need to do is test 67,000,000 people currently in Thailand and the case should be solved straight after that.

Or just grab a couple Burmese and pin it on them. Seems to have always worked in the past.

Correction: A Thai would never commit such a crime so let's skip on the Thai. passifier.gif

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People sweat especially when they are nervous and about to blow up lots of people, sweat can be transferred to bank notes and taxi seats and handles, sweat contains DNA. Not to difficult is it?

Think you need Scotty to beam you up right now.

For <deleted> sake this is Thailand and everyone sweats and how many sweaty arse's have sat on the seat everyday in a taxi.

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