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Nurse puts up banner shaming Ayutthaya Police after her home robbed 9 times in 3 months


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Mate of mine in London last year was so pissed off, 2 times a week he would get burgled, so he put an Iraqi flage up in his front garden on the left side and put an Iran flag up in the right side and a big IS flag up in the middle.

I went back this year and asked him has the burglers stopped. He said yes 2 days after he put the flags up he has never been burgled. I asked what do you put that down to. He said since I put the flags up my house has been under surveillance from The CIA, MI4, Isreal secret service and the SAS, AND NO <deleted> COMES ANY WHERE NEAR THE HOUSE.

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If she offers a reward, the police would have solved it yesterday and caught all 9 seperate burgarly teams and their associates.

There. The first post and condoning the corruption everyone rants against on this forum. In other news, a migrant worker has filmed a cop extorting money from other migrant workers on a train and taking him to task for it. Good on these brave people for taking a stand. And shame on you hypocritical 'just roll over' farang. I'm guessing I won't ever see your user names on yet another all-Thais-are-corrupt thread coffee1.gif

Move out & draw fire Sir!

It all sounds so good on paper.

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I can recommend a simple to make and cheap security system proven to work. Take a packet of old-fashioned safety razor blades and snap them in half. Glue the half blades, sharp side up, between 2 thin strips of wood with about 1cm of each blade protruding. Screw the wood strips to the sill, length to suit width, of your most easily accessible window, preferably inside the window. Paint strip and sill to same colour, preferably with gloss paint for easy blood removal.

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I knew a guy whose house had been robbed more than ten times. He put prison like bars on the place and still kept getting robbed.

He came home once and found the guy asleep. all his newly repurchased stuff was wrapped up in blankets. Ready to be loaded.

They assembeld the neighbors and village headman. Woke the guy......Caught red handed. The police and headman were still reluctant to arrest him and pleaded for the thief. The owner insisted he be arrested and charged. The burglar got a very light jail term.

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I knew a guy whose house had been robbed more than ten times. He put prison like bars on the place and still kept getting robbed.

He came home once and found the guy asleep. all his newly repurchased stuff was wrapped up in blankets. Ready to be loaded.

They assembeld the neighbors and village headman. Woke the guy......Caught red handed. The police and headman were still reluctant to arrest him and pleaded for the thief. The owner insisted he be arrested and charged. The burglar got a very light jail term.

My neighbour has a house like Fort Knox, which means there just HAS to be valuable stuff inside, so they climbed onto the roof, lifted a few tiles and dropped through the suspended ceiling. Problem was, every access was double deadlocked , and they were still trying to get back out when he came home. BIB thought it was hilarious.

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That's almost US$28k of goodies lifted in 2-3 months? Yeah right!

Burglaries are done by opportunists so we can discount a truckload of stuff being hauled out of the door while the owners are out. I mean how many 42" LCD TV's, i7 laptops, iPhones, iPads, Rolex's and other easily fenced items did they have?

Of course, she shouldn't be keeping gold shop pawn tickets in the nightstand drawer either.

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1 million baht stolen over 3 months. Unless that included high value items like jewelry/jewellery, that appears to be a lot of stuff. I don't know what the combined salary is of an Army person and a nurse, but I wouldn't have thought they had a high disposable income.

In any event, just shows the ineptitude of the local police.

An Army Person.... he will have high salary .... the generals are all multi millionaire..

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What the Dope?????? 9 times in 3 months!!!!!!!!! Did she try new locks.....higher security walls / fences....CCTV??....a large dog(s)....traps....staying home more often....neighborhood watch (maybe these are your criminals)

but just to sit back and be robbed 9 times....and now nothing in left??? Stupid. I hope they take the banner next...

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What the Dope?????? 9 times in 3 months!!!!!!!!! Did she try new locks.....higher security walls / fences....CCTV??....a large dog(s)....traps....staying home more often....neighborhood watch (maybe these are your criminals)

but just to sit back and be robbed 9 times....and now nothing in left??? Stupid. I hope they take the banner next...

All heart aren't you?


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Good for her having the courage to advertise not only the slackness of the police but the fact that she's an easy mark!

Did you even read the story? She's already been robbed NINE times. Believe way past worrying about being an 'easy mark'. Duh.

Actually, you missed my point!

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The little bandits are out busily robbing this nurse's home, while she is out busily saving lives and helping sick people, bringing comfort to the most in need. The crooks may be more wealthy thanks to these wretched crimes, but they are still not fit to shine her little nurse shoes. She may be a poorer angel, but she is still an angel, and that is something that these zeros can never steal from her.

I hope that the police will increase their presence in the area and catch these villains with all possible haste.

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This is the #1 reason I don't live in a house, especially in a thai neighborhood. I like my condo with very secure door/lock and no other way in. Never been burgled... yet...55555

Too bad for the general apathetic attitude of neighbors and useless BiB and even when they do catch the thief.... slap on the wrist, but nothing to repay what the nurse has lost.

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