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  1. Big storms all the way down the East coast yesterday, causing mostly minor damage according to the missus' FB feed. Returning from Ko Chang earlier this week, some parts of Chantaburi had deep flooding. (It rained non-stop on Ko Chang for the 4 days we spent there).
  2. Maybe the boy and his family are big fans of The Who? It could have been worse if they were Hendrix fans. -He used to set his on fire.
  3. I'm sure there are auspicious messages in those footprints.. Lucky lottery numbers even. Those footprints are the work of a particularly nasty ghost, the "Pee Kuan Teen", so best get some serious merit-making done at yer local temple, peasants!
  4. Yep, the Swiss Army sure have the weaponry to defend all that plundered WWII gold and cuckoo clocks. I'd love to see their military's weapons drill.
  5. Heinous and often overlooked crime indeed. Weightwatchers expected to file separate charges.
  6. Yep, its not "money" or personal wealth. It's a system to control your movements, spending habits and the like. You can be taxed at source and de-funded by just a few computer clicks from your bank.
  7. I've never stopped listening to, or liking music. It's always been important to me and I hope this continues. Gotten a lot more eclectic in my old age, and just listen to stuff that matches (or enhances) my mood of the hour.
  8. A single-mother black transgender special needs theatre group workshop.
  9. Does Samet have the requisite filth you are hoping for, Bob? Not been for a couple of years, but last time I went there wasn't much bargirl / LB activity. Seems more of a family-type place. You may have to rent in advance, or recruit from soi 6 or environs. Hope this is helpful. Have a great trip.
  10. They can go haywire if you don't look after them properly.
  11. Proton VPN does a decent free (sample) app. Or so I'm told by our iptv supplier. Proton Free VPN
  12. Same here, and never sick. Confirmed by a PCR test that isn't very accurate or even testing for a specific virus. Same with the ATK kits.
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